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What are the states of water? Physical state of water

Snow, ice, hail, dew, frost fog... all this, well known to us from early childhood, is different state of aggregation of water.

We encounter different physical states of water every day in our lives; they are an important factor influencing all human life.

Conditions of water

In nature in natural conditions water can exist in three main aggregate states:

  • Solid state - ice, snow, hail, frost...;
  • Liquid – water, rain, fog, dew, rainbow, clouds...;
  • Gaseous - steam...

Unique propertywater- the opportunity to be in natural conditions in three different basic aggregate states, provides our planet with a vital process - the hydrological cycle or circulationwaterin nature, which consists, briefly, of precipitation, evaporation and condensation. The water cycle in nature ensures its presence in almost all corners of our planet, and water, as we know, is the source of life.

Changes in the aggregative states of water

Transition processes water from one aggregate state to another are defined as follows:

  • Boiling and vaporization - transition water from liquid state in steam;
  • Condensation is the process of transition of vapor into liquid water condition;
  • Crystallization - the transition of liquid into ice;
  • Melting is the transition of ice into liquid;
  • Sublimation is the transition of ice directly into a vapor state;
  • Desublimation is the transition of steam directly into ice; an example is frost.

Transition boundary points water in states ice/water and water/steam were defined as 0 and 100 degrees Celsius respectively, assuming an atmospheric pressure of 760 mmHg. Art. or 101,325 Pa. Well known to everyone since childhood simple sign, the temperature outside has dropped below zero, expect snow :)

It is important to know

It is necessary to note such an important fact for humans - as atmospheric pressure decreases, the boiling point drops. This must be taken into account, for example, in high altitude conditions. Let us also note one more phenomenon that is useful for a person to know in Everyday life- the volume of water in the solid state is greater than in the liquid state. This fact is illustrated by a well-known example - a bottle of water left in the cold will be torn apart by the ice formed in it.

Obviously, in their different states of aggregation Water has different basic physical properties such as fluidity, hardness, volatility.

It should be noted that steam determines such an important parameter for humans and other living organisms as “air humidity”. Air humidity directly depends on the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere; more steam, higher humidity. There are places on earth with both very high and low atmospheric humidity. One of the most wet places The planet is considered to be the Indian city of Cherrapunji, and one of the driest Dry Valleys in Antarctica.

Experience shows that when heating some solids they are capable of melting, that is, turning into liquid and then evaporating. Reducing the temperature of a substance leads to the reverse process. It is possible to transform a crystalline substance into a gas without passing through the liquid phase (sublimation process).

Aggregate states

The state of aggregation depends on the temperature and pressure above the surface of the substance. Transitions from one state of aggregation to another, which are accompanied by a change in the nature of the packing of particles (short-range, long-range order, disorder), are called first-order phase transitions.

In nature, water (the only substance on Earth) can have three states of aggregation: solid (this is matter or snow); liquid and gaseous (steam).

Ice has a crystal lattice, meaning its atoms are clearly arranged. It retains its shape, has volume and retains it, the atoms are tightly packed.

Water is a fluid substance. It retains volume, but does not retain shape, taking the shape of the vessel in which it is located. It has an unclear arrangement of particles and their greater mobility compared to ice.

Water vapor fills all the space provided to it, has a loose packing of particles, and can be easily compressed.

In the liquid state, water can exist at normal atmospheric pressure at temperatures from 0 o C to 100 o C. Water is a solvent that is necessary for the flow of biochemical reactions. It possesses the properties of a solvent due to the polarity of its molecules. The mass composition of water contains 88.81% oxygen and 11.19% hydrogen. If water changes from ice to liquid, its density increases. As the temperature of water increases in the range from 0 o C to +4 o C, its density increases. With further increase in temperature, the density of water decreases. At +4 o C the density of water is higher than the density of ice. Water has a high heat capacity (c-specific heat): therefore it is a good heat transfer agent. Water is the thermal regulator on Earth. In addition, water has a high surface tension (only mercury has a higher surface tension).

At a pressure of one atmosphere and a temperature of 0 o C and below, water turns into ice. While all bodies reduce their volume when the temperature decreases, water expands by about 9% when it freezes. The anomalous properties of water are explained by the peculiarity of its molecular structure. Although it has one crystalline structure, ice comes in many different forms. These are snowflakes, icicles, ice floes, etc. Ice has a high specific heat of fusion ( (at normal atmospheric pressure). Ice in nature may have mechanical impurities such as solid particles, drops of solutions or gas bubbles.

The transition of water into a gaseous state can be observed by heating at normal atmospheric pressure to a temperature of 100 o C. Gaseous water can occur, for example, in the form of fog and clouds.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Describe the features of phase transitions of water.
Solution In nature, there are the following thermal processes that occur (including) with water: heating (cooling); evaporation (condensation); melting (hardening).

We assume that all phase transitions occur at normal atmospheric pressure. Then the water crystallizes and becomes ice. When water boils and turns into steam. If the pressure is reduced, the melting point of water will slowly increase and the boiling point will decrease. With increasing pressure, the boiling point of water increases, the vapor density during boiling increases, and the density of the liquid decreases. At a pressure of about atm. The boiling and melting points become almost equal. This pressure and temperature are called the triple point of water. If the pressure becomes equal to atm., and the temperature , then the density and other properties of water and its steam become the same. This point is called critical. IN critical condition liquid has maximum volume, and saturated vapor has maximum pressure.

As the pressure decreases further, water cannot exist as a liquid and the ice turns directly into steam. The temperature at which ice turns into steam decreases as pressure decreases.

If the pressure is high, then there is no difference between steam and water, and there is no boiling or evaporation. The existence of metastable states (supersaturated steam or superheated liquid) is possible. These conditions can be observed long time, however, they are not sustainable.

The state diagram is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of three regions that correspond to the crystalline (solid) state of matter, liquid and gaseous state. These areas are separated by curves that indicate the boundaries of mutually inverse processes:

Water is the basis of life and in nature it can exist in three main states: solid, liquid and gas. However, it is possible to artificially create conditions under which water turns into a plasma state.

In this article we will look at why water can be in liquid, solid and gaseous states, and under what conditions its state of aggregation changes.

The liquid state of water predominates in the natural conditions of planet Earth.

Solid state of water

Solid water is ice and snow. Some people do not understand what state of aggregation of water frost belongs to. Of course, to the hard stuff! These are small ice chips, frozen dew drops.

Solid is frozen water. When it freezes, its molecules move further apart, making ice less dense than liquid, i.e. Water in the solid state takes up more volume than in the liquid state.

Most substances contract when the temperature decreases, but water expands, and this is its unique feature.

Freezes - this means that at 0 degrees Celsius, water crystallizes and passes from a liquid to a solid state. The presence of salts in water lowers the freezing point.

On school competitions An interesting question arises: what metal, being in a molten state, can freeze water? The answer is mercury, which begins to melt at -39 degrees Celsius. It is clear that liquid mercury at a temperature from -38 to 0 is capable of freezing water, taking away its heat.

Despite the fact that the most common state of water on our planet is the liquid state, a significant part of it (2/3 of all freshwater reserves) is frozen. The area of ​​glaciers is about 11% of the entire landmass of the Earth.

If the liquid state of fresh water turns into a solid at 0 degrees Celsius, then sea ​​water medium salinity freezes at about -1.8 degrees Celsius.

Liquid state of water

Liquid water is found on our planet not only in rivers and oceans. Clouds are made of tiny water droplets and ice crystals, and rain is also liquid water.

Also, water in a liquid state seeps through the soil and forms underground water horizons, from which the bulk of drinking water is drawn.

Water in its liquid state is highly adhesive to various solids. It is not "wet" per se, but will easily make most solid materials wet.

Liquid water easily transforms into solid and gaseous states. Mainly it depends on the temperature. But pressure also plays a role.

The physical transition of water from a liquid to a gaseous state is called evaporation, because the gaseous state of water is called steam.

How does the liquid state of water turn into a gaseous state? When we boil water, it turns from a liquid into a gas, or water vapor. When part of it cools down, we see a small cloud, which is called steam. Although, if we see it, then this is already the liquid state of water, i.e. an accumulation of its microscopic droplets.

Steam is water in a gaseous state that is created when water boils or evaporates. Real steam is invisible; however, the word "steam" is often mistakenly attributed to moist vapor, a visible mist like an aerosol of water droplets formed by the condensation of water vapor.

And here such a concept as “dew point” comes up. This is the air temperature, which varies depending on pressure and humidity, below which water vapor begins to condense into water droplets and dew is formed. Those. The state of aggregation of water changes from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

Liquid boils fresh water at 100°C (degrees Celsius) or 212°F (degrees Fahrenheit), under normal atmospheric pressure. The lower the pressure (for example, in the mountains), the higher the boiling point.

Gas condition

So, water in a gaseous state is steam. The statement that most of the water in the hydrosphere is in a gaseous state is not true.

Not everyone has a good idea of ​​the state in which water can evaporate. It turns out that solid water evaporates in the same way as liquid water, only slower! The rate of evaporation depends on temperature. Those. Water can pass into the gaseous state directly from the solid, bypassing the liquid.

Water evaporated from the Earth's surface in a gaseous state forms clouds and clouds

Fourth state of aggregation: plasma

Everyone knows in what three states water is found in the surrounding nature. However, scientists also know the fourth state of water - plasma, which is called hydroplasma.

Water vapor can be heated to such a temperature (2,200 - 13,900°C, or 4,000 - 25,000°F) that the water molecules break apart and the result is simply a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the form of a plasma. A certain number of water molecules may be dynamically present there, but still this mixture of ions and molecules will be a hydrogen-oxygen plasma.

In general, plasma is a state of matter that is so saturated with energy that electrons fly away from atoms. Not to mention the destruction of molecular structures and crystal lattices.

The plasma state of water does not occur in nature, but scientists are increasingly interested in it in terms of renewable energy sources. A very tempting idea is to obtain fuel from water in the form of flammable hydrogen, which reacts with oxygen and again forms water...

How states of aggregation change

In principle, the aggregate (physical) state of water, like any other substance, depends on temperature and pressure. Under the natural conditions of the Earth, only three states of matter are possible: solid, liquid and gaseous. This is the answer to the question “in what three states does water exist in nature?”

Also now you know the answers to many other interesting questions like “what metal, when in a molten state, i.e. liquid state, can freeze water, i.e. turn it into ice”, etc.

And you have an idea of ​​what state of aggregation water can be in in nature and in artificial conditions.

Peptides, or short proteins, are found in many foods - meat, fish, and some plants. When we eat a piece of meat, the protein is broken down into short peptides during digestion; they are absorbed into the stomach, small intestine, enter the blood, the cell, then into the DNA and regulate the activity of genes.

It is advisable to periodically use the listed drugs for all people after 40 years of age for prophylaxis 1-2 times a year, after 50 years of age - 2-3 times a year. Other medications are as needed.

How to take peptides

Since the restoration of the functional ability of cells occurs gradually and depends on the level of their existing damage, the effect can occur either 1-2 weeks after the start of taking peptides, or after 1-2 months. It is recommended to carry out the course for 1-3 months. It is important to consider that a three-month intake of natural peptide bioregulators has a prolonged effect, i.e. It works in the body for about 2-3 months. The resulting effect lasts for six months, and each subsequent course of administration has a potentiation effect, i.e. the effect of enhancing what has already been received.

Since each peptide bioregulator is aimed at a specific organ and does not affect other organs and tissues, simultaneous use of drugs different actions Not only is it not contraindicated, but it is often recommended (up to 6-7 drugs at a time).
Peptides are compatible with any medications and biological additives. While taking peptides, doses taken simultaneously medicines It is advisable to gradually reduce it, which will have a positive effect on the patient’s body.

Short regulatory peptides do not undergo transformation in the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be safely, easily and simply used in encapsulated form by almost everyone.

Peptides in the gastrointestinal tract break down into di- and tri-peptides. Further breakdown to amino acids occurs in the intestines. This means that the peptides can be taken even without a capsule. This is very important when a person for some reason cannot swallow capsules. The same applies to severely weakened people or children, when the dosage needs to be reduced.
Peptide bioregulators can be taken for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.

  • For prevention dysfunction various organs and systems, it is usually recommended to take 2 capsules 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 days, 2 times a year.
  • For medicinal purposes, to correct disorders functions of various organs and systems, in order to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment of diseases, it is recommended to take 2 capsules 2-3 times a day for 30 days.
  • Peptide bioregulators are presented in capsulated form (natural Cytomax peptides and synthesized Cytogen peptides) and in liquid form.

    Efficiency natural(PC) is 2-2.5 times lower than encapsulated. Therefore, their use for medicinal purposes should be longer (up to six months). Liquid peptide complexes are applied to the inner surface of the forearm in the projection of the veins or on the wrist and rub until completely absorbed. After 7-15 minutes, the peptides bind to dendritic cells, which carry out their further transport to the lymph nodes, where the peptides undergo a “transplant” and are sent through the bloodstream to the desired organs and tissues. Although peptides are proteins, they are molecular mass much less than proteins, so they easily penetrate the skin. The penetration of peptide preparations is further improved by their lipophilization, that is, their connection with a fatty base, which is why almost all peptide complexes for external use contain fatty acids.

    Not long ago, the world's first series of peptide drugs appeared for sublingual use

    Fundamentally new way The use and presence of a number of peptides in each of the drugs provide them with the fastest and most effective action. This drug, entering the sublingual space with a dense network of capillaries, is able to penetrate directly into the bloodstream, bypassing absorption through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and primary metabolic decontamination of the liver. Taking into account direct entry into the systemic bloodstream, the rate of onset of the effect is several times higher than the rate when taking the drug orally.

    Revilab SL line- these are complex synthesized drugs containing 3-4 components of very short chains (2-3 amino acids each). The concentration of peptides is the average between encapsulated peptides and PC in solution. In terms of speed of action, it occupies a leading position, because is absorbed and hits the target very quickly.
    It makes sense to introduce this line of peptides into the course initial stage, and then switch to natural peptides.

    Another innovative series is a line of multicomponent peptide drugs. The line includes 9 drugs, each of which contains a number of short peptides, as well as antioxidants and construction material for cells. Perfect option for those who do not like to take many medications, but prefer to get everything in one capsule.

    The action of these new generation bioregulators is aimed at slowing down the aging process, maintaining normal level metabolic processes, prevention and correction various conditions; rehabilitation after serious illnesses, injuries and operations.

    Peptides in cosmetology

    Peptides can be included not only in medicines, but also in other products. For example, Russian scientists have developed excellent cellular cosmetics with natural and synthesized peptides, which have an effect on the deep layers of the skin.

    External skin aging depends on many factors: lifestyle, stress, sunlight, mechanical irritants, climatic fluctuations, fad diets, etc. With age, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses elasticity, becomes rough, and a network of wrinkles and deep furrows appears on it. We all know that the process of natural aging is natural and irreversible. It is impossible to resist it, but it can be slowed down thanks to revolutionary cosmetology ingredients - low molecular weight peptides.

    The uniqueness of peptides is that they freely pass through the stratum corneum into the dermis to the level of living cells and capillaries. Skin restoration occurs deep from within and, as a result, skin for a long time retains its freshness. There is no addiction to peptide cosmetics - even if you stop using it, the skin will simply age physiologically.

    Cosmetic giants are creating more and more “miracle” products. We trustingly buy and use, but no miracle happens. We blindly believe the labels on the cans, not realizing that this is often just a marketing technique.

    For example, most cosmetic companies are busy producing and advertising anti-wrinkle creams with collagen as the main ingredient. Meanwhile, scientists have concluded that collagen molecules are so large that they simply cannot penetrate the skin. They settle on the surface of the epidermis and are then washed off with water. That is, when buying creams with collagen, we are literally throwing money down the drain.

    Another popular active ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics is resveratrol. It really is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant, but only in the form of microinjections. If you rub it into the skin, a miracle will not happen. It has been experimentally proven that creams with resveratrol have virtually no effect on collagen production.

    NPCRIZ (now Peptides), in collaboration with scientists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, has developed a unique peptide series of cellular cosmetics (based on natural peptides) and a series (based on synthesized peptides).

    They are based on a group of peptide complexes with different application points that have a powerful and visible rejuvenating effect on the skin. As a result of application, skin cell regeneration, blood circulation and microcirculation are stimulated, as well as the synthesis of the collagen-elastin framework of the skin. All this manifests itself in lifting, as well as improving the texture, color and moisture of the skin.

    Currently, 16 types of creams have been developed, incl. anti-aging and for problematic skin (with thymus peptides), for the face against wrinkles and for the body against stretch marks and scars (with peptides of bone-cartilaginous tissue), against spider veins (with vascular peptides), anti-cellulite (with liver peptides), for eyelids from swelling and dark circles (with peptides of the pancreas, blood vessels, osteochondral tissue and thymus), against varicose veins (with peptides of blood vessels and osteochondral tissue), etc. All creams, in addition to peptide complexes, contain other powerful active ingredients. It is important that the creams do not contain chemical components (preservatives, etc.).

    The effectiveness of peptides has been proven in numerous experimental and clinical studies. Of course, to look great, creams alone are not enough. You need to rejuvenate your body from the inside, using from time to time various complexes of peptide bioregulators and micronutrients.

    Ruler cosmetics with peptides, in addition to creams, also includes shampoo, mask and hair conditioner, decorative cosmetics, tonics, serums for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, etc.

    It should also be taken into account that appearance Consumed sugar has a significant impact.
    Due to a process called glycation, sugar has a damaging effect on the skin. Excess sugar increases the rate of collagen degradation, which leads to wrinkles.

    Glycation belong to the main theories of aging, along with oxidative and photoaging.
    Glycation - the interaction of sugars with proteins, primarily collagen, with the formation of cross-links - is a natural for our body, a constant irreversible process in our body and skin, leading to hardening of the connective tissue.
    Glycation products – A.G.E particles. (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) - settle in cells, accumulate in our body and lead to many negative effects.
    As a result of glycation, the skin loses its tone and becomes dull, it sags and looks old. This is directly related to lifestyle: reduce your consumption of sugar and flour (which is also good for normal weight) and take care of your skin every day!

    To counteract glycation, inhibit protein degradation and age-related changes skin company has developed an anti-aging drug with a powerful deglycating and antioxidant effect. The action of this product is based on stimulating the deglycation process, which affects the deep processes of skin aging and helps smooth out wrinkles and increase its elasticity. The drug includes a powerful anti-glycation complex - rosemary extract, carnosine, taurine, astaxanthin and alpha-lipoic acid.

    Are peptides a panacea for old age?

    According to the creator of peptide drugs V. Khavinson, aging largely depends on lifestyle: “No drugs can save you if a person does not have the knowledge and correct behavior - this means observing biorhythms, proper nutrition, physical education and taking certain bioregulators.” As for the genetic predisposition to aging, according to him, we depend on genes for only 25 percent.

    The scientist claims that peptide complexes have enormous restorative potential. But elevating them to the rank of a panacea and attributing non-existent properties to peptides (most likely for commercial reasons) is categorically wrong!

    Taking care of your health today means giving yourself a chance to live tomorrow. We ourselves must improve our lifestyle - play sports, give up bad habits, eat better. And of course, whenever possible, use peptide bioregulators that help maintain health and increase life expectancy.

    Peptide bioregulators, developed by Russian scientists several decades ago, became available to the general consumer only in 2010. Gradually everyone will know about them more people worldwide. The secret of maintaining the health and youthfulness of many famous politicians, artists, and scientists lies in the use of peptides. Here are just a few of them:
    UAE Minister of Energy Sheikh Saeed,
    President of Belarus Lukashenko,
    Former President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev,
    King of Thailand
    pilot-cosmonaut G.M. Grechko and his wife L.K. Grechko,
    artists: V. Leontyev, E. Stepanenko and E. Petrosyan, L. Izmailov, T. Povaliy, I. Kornelyuk, I. Wiener (rhythmic gymnastics coach) and many, many others...
    Peptide bioregulators are used by athletes of 2 Russian Olympic teams - in rhythmic gymnastics and rowing. The use of drugs allows us to increase the stress resistance of our gymnasts and contributes to the success of the team at international championships.

    If in our youth we can afford to do health prevention periodically, whenever we want, then with age, unfortunately, we do not have such luxury. And if you don’t want to be in such a state tomorrow that your loved ones will be exhausted with you and will wait impatiently for your death, if you don’t want to die among strangers, because you don’t remember anything and everyone around you seems strangers to you in reality, you must with today take action and take care not so much of yourself as of your loved ones.

    The Bible says, “Seek and you will find.” Perhaps you have found your own way of healing and rejuvenation.

    Everything is in our hands, and only we can take care of ourselves. No one will do this for us!

    From school we know that water can exist in liquid, solid and gaseous forms. This is mistake. Scientists are wrong. I myself, three days ago, observed water in five different substances, all in one place. It was at Huaquita Hot Spring. How did this become possible? - I arrived there with three analysts - specialists in liquids based on H 2 O. In the evening we simply swam in the hot lake, then sat at the table in the hut, and went to bed. And early in the morning, as soon as I went out barefoot and with a camera in my hands, I was stuck on the street for two hours, because the beauty is indescribable. Water with colored algae, clouds of steam walking like ghosts, frost on the grass, snow, ice... And all this at the same time! This is where it dawned on me, I discovered four states of H 2 O:

    Water is a liquid state;
    - Steam - gaseous state;
    - Ice - solid state
    - Snow is a loose (or soft) state.
    Well, the fifth state is “plasma” - fiery water. IN natural form There is no such liquid at the source, but usually there is a lot of it in the hut - they always bring it with them.

    I didn’t take pictures of the fire water, but look at everything else.

    It's algae, I think it's blue-green even though it's yellow-orange

    We once again took hydrogen sulfide baths together...

    And this is our company in the interior of a hut - a hotel.

    April 9
    Hot - Bagdarin - Chita .
    All-terrain vehicle - goodCruiser is good, but UAZ is better

    ... And then we got ready and set off on the way back at 11 o’clock, having previously taken a group photo near the hottest puddle in which you could easily boil eggs.

    The tripod came in handy

    One place, a small ford across a stream, became a small obstacle, but easily overcome.

    The pyromania of forest defenders has reached its climax. Let's go, breathe fresh smoke, admire real plasma...

    We will deal with unreal (liquid) “plasma” soon, when we reach Shurinda’s winter quarters. I didn’t find out exactly where the name came from, it’s probably the name of the stream - a tributary of the Tsipa, where there is a forest road for heavy Urals transporting cargo to prospectors. But it's not very interesting. What’s interesting is that on the stream there is a talik with warm water (about +40 degrees), where you can also swim, but you’ll have to dig a hole for a bath.

    Shurinda. You can swim here too

    At Shurinda we stopped to have lunch. It turned out to be fun! Time 13 o'clock.

    As you can see, everything goes into fun: tea, mustard in a jar, Rolton noodles, and 40-degree water. The result is obvious - everyone’s faces are cheerful:

    Lyosha "Mad"

    Mikhalych "Stubborn"




    And this is me

    17:15. Between Tsipikan and Bagdarino, a little before reaching the pass Burkhan, the second shock absorber came off on the Leshin Cruiser. Now you need to look for a service station in Bagdarin. But the UAZ rushes like a tank.

    Every time I pass Burkhan, I take a photo of it.

    The nature and composition of offerings to local spirits, by the way, changes over time. Now jade is in price. I don’t know how local perfumers value it, but in China this stone is very expensive, and for the sake of export to the Celestial Empire in Transbaikalia and Buryatia recent years 10-20 very serious money is being made by very serious people with very solid equipment, security guards armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. One river boulder weighing 3-4 kg can cost 10-20 thousand dollars or even more. And another sample may not cost a penny - it all depends on the quality of the stone. It is clear that good jade will not be placed on a burkhan; no god in the world is worthy of such a gift.
    Lots of jade according to Tsipa. Because of this, the river, once very popular among rafting tourists, has turned into a haven for all sorts of individuals who have filled all the spits and banks. These individuals can often be called “suspicious” or even simply “rabble.” Therefore, tourists began to be afraid to go rafting on Tsipa.
    But I digress. We are moving further to Bagdarin, and we need welding.

    It took two hours or more to find a service station and repair it. The auto repair shop was closed, but Mikhalych knew the owner, and they let us in for repairs.

    When everyone finished with the repairs, it was already dark outside.
    Around midnight we had dinner in Romanovka, in the dining room, which, to my surprise, was open.

    And we got to Chita only at 5 am (already our local time). ... And I immediately went to bed, and thought that I would need three days... Well, yes, that’s where I started my story, so I don’t have to repeat myself.

    What important thing did I forget to say, how to end?... Well, you can do this: “We brought home a lot of impressions, fatigue and a certain amount of unused “fiery liquid” - water in the fifth physical state.

    p.s. Request to the raid participants and to all readers: If you notice spelling, geographical, technical, political, moral, ethical or other errors, please point them out to me directly and honestly.

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