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Recipe. Dymlyama: cooking instructions

Domlama or Dumlama is a popular dish of Uzbek, Uyghur and Tajik cuisine. A great alternative for outdoor cooking over a campfire or open fire to satisfy a large crowd without getting bogged down in the cooking routine.

The secret of cooking is hidden in the very name of the dish: dum ( Uzbek), house ( Taj.) - simmer. Traditionally, Domlama is cooked in a large cauldron, which makes it an excellent option for both a festive homemade dish and a suitable treat for a picnic.

Ingredients needed for cooking

The fundamental principle of preparing domlam is the same - it is meat stewed with vegetables, which does not take up time and does not require mastery of complex culinary techniques.

Variations with vegetables and their quantity are quite acceptable; here you can focus on personal taste and preferences.

Below is an approximate ratio of products to prepare 4 servings, which is adjusted depending on the expected number of people in the company.

  1. Meat - a real oriental recipe involves lamb, but beef or lean pork is quite acceptable - 0.6 kg.
  2. Fat tail fat (optional)
  3. Onions – 2 large onions.
  4. Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  5. Tomato – 2 pcs.
  6. Bell pepper (preferably red fleshy one) – 2 pcs.
  7. Eggplant – 2 pcs.
  8. Potatoes – 1 kg.
  9. White cabbage – 1 pc.
  10. Greens (cilantro, dill, parsley, celery) - 4 bunches.
  11. Spices: garlic, chili pepper, cumin, dried paprika, black peas, salt.
  12. Quince - optional.
  13. Vegetable oil for frying.

Note! The original recipe contains some fat tail fat. But due to the fact that this product is not loved by everyone, the adapted version allows for its absence. The main thing is that if you decide to use it, do not leave the cracklings in the cauldron, this will spoil the taste of the finished product.

Cooking steps

No haute cuisine skills are required to prepare this treat. The methods for cutting food are quite simple - as large as possible, so that the taste of each piece absorbs the bouquet of all the ingredients, but also preserves the beauty of the form.

The upcoming long process of extinguishing should not turn ready dish into a mess. Below is a step-by-step and detailed description of how to prepare delicious Domlyama in a cauldron - use our tips and your treat will exceed all expectations.

Stage No. 1 – frying

A good domlyama is prepared with semi-fat meat; excess fat or dry meat will not give an ideal result. The recipe shows an approximate amount for four people. But ordinary cooking in a cauldron involves large quantity portions, so there should be enough meat to evenly cover the bottom.

  • The cauldron needs to be heated well over open, high heat.
  • If it is decided to use fat tail fat, then first render it, and the cracklings must be removed.
  • Add vegetable oil generously.
  • Cut the meat into fairly large pieces - the size of a fist, and fry in hot oil. It is necessary that the meat quickly sets into a crust, so it will retain its taste and aroma, only complementing the overall bouquet of the dish.

Advice! Don't try to overcook the meat pieces. They still have a lot of time ahead of them to prepare. The main task of frying is to quickly “seal” the meat juice inside.

Stage No. 2 – sautéing

Carrots for domlama in different versions are suggested to be cut into rings or large strips.

  • We start by cutting carrots. Large straws are preferable, then they give off their color, and the domlama, in addition to being tasty, will also turn out to be surprisingly beautiful in color.
  • The onion is cut into large rings.
  • While the meat is frying, you need to gradually reduce the heat. So that the remaining heat will help the next stage - sautéing, but will weaken by the time we start stewing.
  • The meat is covered with an even layer of carrots and they are given time to release their juice. At this moment, the carrots will give their beautiful color to the future dish.
  • Then add the onion and sauté it all together a little more.
  • At the end of sauteing, everything is generously sprinkled with a mixture of cumin, paprika, salt and black pepper.

Important! Try to only slightly simmer the carrots and onions; they should not be too fried. The onion should impart its flavor to the meat, and the carrots should add color to the future dish.

Stage No. 3 – laying vegetable layers

Be sure to pay attention to this stage. The final aroma and taste of the dish largely depend on how correctly you add the vegetables before stewing.

Domlama is a dish that takes a long time to stew, simmering together for some time, all layers must reach the correct condition, while coming together in a common taste ensemble and not disturbing the visual aesthetics.

When arranging layers of ingredients in a cauldron, they try to follow a simple rule - those products that require more time to cook are placed lower.

  1. Potatoes - whole or in halves, if the potatoes are too large, place on top of the sauteed meat with onions and carrots, sprinkling with a mixture of dried paprika, cumin, black pepper and salt.
  2. Cabbage - remove the top large leaves, we will need them for the very top layer, and the rest is cut into large squares, placed on top of the potatoes and also sprinkled with a mixture of spices.
  3. Eggplants are cut into rings and placed on top of the cabbage layer. To remove the bitterness characteristic of this vegetable, it is better to remove the skin.
  4. The bell pepper is cut into large pieces - this is the next layer on top of the eggplants.
  5. At this stage, the spice mixture is once again generously sprinkled, but chopped garlic and chilli are added.
  6. To achieve the deepest aroma of the dish, you can peel 1–2 heads of garlic from excess peels, rinse them in water and, without disassembling them into slices, deepen them whole into the middle of the vegetable layers.
  7. The same is done with quince - it is placed whole deep into the entire composition.
  8. Tomatoes, previously peeled and cut into large pieces, are placed in the next layer.
  9. Then everything is covered with chopped herbs that were prepared for this. However, this layer can be excluded. Many fans of oriental cuisine prefer to cook domlama without greens, and generously sprinkle the finished dish with it just before serving.

The remaining cabbage leaves are used to cover all the laid layers to create a simmering effect during cooking. The aroma of all the components of the dish will mix inside, creating a unique combination of meat aroma with vegetable juices and the spiciness of spices.

Advice! Do not add water. All vegetables contain their own juice, which will provide the necessary juiciness to the dish. As a last resort, it is allowed to add tomato juice or tomato paste diluted to its consistency.

Stage No. 4 – extinguishing

The created composition of the future dish is covered with a cauldron lid and left on minimal heat. Extinguishing time is from 1.5 to 2 hours.

  • Try to keep an eye on the smoldering embers of the fire to prevent it from getting too hot.
  • At this stage, it is important to maintain a constant temperature that will allow the dish to cook perfectly without the fear of it burning.
  • It is better not to disturb the lid of the cauldron; the necessary pressure is created under it, which will ensure an excellent final result.

Under no circumstances should you stir a dish that is not yet ready. Take your time, let him reach the desired condition.

Stage No. 5 – submission

Now comes the most important and long-awaited stage, which everyone was looking forward to - serving.

  • Pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables are laid out on a huge common plate.
  • The excellent gravy formed during cooking must also be present when serving and should not be ignored.
  • The cabbage leaves that covered the simmering dish are also used in food, because they are saturated with all the splendor of the aromas of food and fire.
  • Before serving, do not forget to sprinkle the dish with fresh chopped herbs so that they impart their aromas and flavors to the still hot dish. essential oils, diluting the overall composition of taste with its unique bouquet.

Dymlyama - an Uzbek vegetable stew - is usually cooked over an open fire and always in a large cauldron.

The smoke gives the dish a special aroma, but that is not why the dish gets its name. To be fair, it must be said that all eastern peoples have this dish, and as soon as they don’t call it - dimlyama, domlama, dumlama... And this is all the same thing))) They say that in translation "dymlash" means " soar". Therefore, all vegetables, along with meat, are steamed in their juice under a closed lid for at least two hours, and maybe more.

Here we will consider the option of preparing Uzbek-style smoke in a cauldron at home and in the amount of a couple of servings. The principle remains the same. For a large family, the number of components should be increased.

To prepare smokeyma in Uzbek style, we will take all the products on the list.

The best way to prepare smoke in a cauldron is young lamb on the bone and fat tail fat, which is needed to prevent the dish from burning. I don’t really like fat tail fat, so I decided to add a couple of spoons to the bottom of the pan vegetable oil. But if there is fat tail fat, then it needs to be chopped very finely and placed on the bottom of the dish.

Then add the meat. Of course, the more meat, the tastier the smoke. It’s also good to combine the pulp and bones. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices.

The next layer is carrots and onions (the third part). Carrots can be cut into large rings, just like onions. If Uzbek style smoke is prepared in a large bowl, then the vegetables are added in even larger pieces. Each layer is sprinkled with salt and spices. You can put half of the total amount of garlic here.

Then coarsely chopped greens and thick eggplant rings are laid out. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.

Cut sweet tomatoes into large rings. If the vessel is large, then the tomatoes can be cut in half. Salt, pepper and add another layer of herbs and onions. Press down all the vegetables, tamping them lightly.

Then comes a layer of coarsely chopped potatoes along with spices and salt. It is advised not to peel the garlic completely, but I added it in its peeled form - in cloves.

And the last layer is cabbage. Its quantity is optional. The cabbage is cut very large and divided into fragments. It is laid as if covering all the vegetables with a lid of cabbage leaves.

Vegetables should be tightly covered. Wrap a wet towel over the top to prevent the liquid from escaping as steam. Everything is brought to a boil, and the fire is reduced to a minimum. In such closed The dish should be stewed for about 2.5 hours. Therefore, all vegetables are put in large cuts. My version took about 1.5 hours to cook, and everything was cooked well. The smaller the dishes, the faster the smoke is cooked.

After the allotted time, we open the lid and see that the vegetables have sagged during cooking, this is normal. And the smell is mind-blowing. We put the vegetables on the dish in reverse order, first the cabbage, then the potatoes, and everything else. There should be liquid left at the bottom.

Serve Uzbek-style smokeyma cooked in a cauldron, sprinkled with fresh herbs. Bon appetit!

This dish combines meat and vegetables very well, it is easy to prepare and you can be sure that the family dinner will be very tasty. We suggest preparing Domlama in Uzbek, and our step by step recipe with photos will tell you in detail how to make a delicious dish at home. And don't let it scare you impressive list ingredients, because it is thanks to the harmonious combination of products that this dish is so popular.

Domlama - a traditional dish Uzbek cuisine, according to classic recipe Be sure to cook in a cauldron and over a fire. The very name of smoke, as this dish is also commonly called, suggests that it must be cooked in smoke. At home, preparing Domlama in Uzbek style is somewhat easier. We will need a cauldron and a fairly large list of ingredients that will need to be prepared before starting. Don’t let this scare you, it’s actually very easy to prepare lamb domlama.

How to cook Domlama in Uzbek style in a cauldron

In fact, Domlama cooked in Uzbek style is very similar to a stew with vegetables, and if you want to diversify it with eggplants or zucchini, then this is not forbidden. As they say “taste and color...”. It is important that we will cook the domlama in a cauldron, and it is this thick-walled utensil that will make our dish so tasty. The dish is Uzbek, but it can be prepared anywhere, not just in Uzbekistan, it is important to have suitable utensils.


  • Lamb ribs - 1 kg.
  • Young cabbage - 1 head
  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Sunflower oil - 1/2 cup
  • Zira - 1 dessert spoon
  • Coriander - 1 pinch
  • Pepper

Step 1.

You need to go to the market or to the farmers and buy good lamb from them - this is a must to prepare delicious Uzbek domlama. Rinse the meat well and cut into pieces the same way we cut meat into pilaf. If we have lamb ribs, then we separate them.

Step 2.

Place the cauldron on the fire and pour oil into it, lower the meat into the cauldron and place it in one row. The meat should be fried over medium heat.

Step 3.

At this time, we will peel the potatoes and onions, and remove the seeds from the sweet peppers.

We cut the onion and potatoes into rings, only the potato rings should be thicker than the onions. Cut the tomatoes into rings and Bell pepper can be cut into strips.

The meat or ribs should be fried by this time, and we turn the meat over to the other side.

You need to put several layers of vegetables that we have prepared on top of the meat. Lay out the onions as the first layer.

Step 4.

Then comes the potatoes, and then lay out the pepper.

Step 5.

After the peppers you need to add the tomatoes.

Step 6.

The cabbage needs to be disassembled and each leaf cut into several pieces and placed on top of the tomatoes.

Step 7

At the end, add all the spices and pour half a glass of water from the kettle into the cauldron.

Step 8

We take a plate that can cover a layer of cabbage and place a liter jar of water on it. (It will serve as cargo). Turn up the heat and wait until the water boils.

Step 9

The vegetables will accordingly begin to intensively produce juice, and as soon as the vegetables release a sufficient amount of juice, the load can be removed. Cover the cauldron with a lid, turn the heat to minimum and leave for another 1.5 hours.

We take a dish and try to place the prepared Uzbek-style domlama on it layer by layer. The lamb should be on top. Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

Domlama is meat in own juice, the dish is very simple and you don’t need to be a chef or a great cook to cook it. Wash your hands, put on an apron and start cooking! First, prepare the vegetables. Peel the onions, carrots, potatoes and garlic, rinse along with all other vegetables under running water and dry with paper kitchen towels. Cut off the stems with a knife bell pepper and eggplants, peel the peppers from seeds and veins. For tomatoes, cut off the area where the stem was attached. Then cut into rings one by one. Place the chopped ingredients on separate deep plates. Thickness of rings of chopped vegetables: onion thickness up to 7 millimeters, carrots up 5 millimeters, potatoes up 1 centimeter, tomatoes up and eggplants, peel the peppers from seeds and veins. For tomatoes, cut off the area where the stem was attached. 1 centimeter eggplants up, bell pepper to 1 centimeter. Place potatoes in a bowl of water, garlic cloves, cabbage leaves and hot peppers into a separate plate. Rinse the dill and cilantro under running water, shake over the sink to remove excess liquid, break the bunches into 2 – 3 parts hands and place in a separate plate. Take a board and a knife designed for slicing meat and, using them, cut the fat tail and meat into small pieces. Approximate size of pieces

6 by 6 centimeters

, you can do less or 1 centimeter more, the main thing is that the meat is stewed well and fully cooked. Leave the chopped meat and fat on the cutting board. Step 2: put the ingredients in the cauldron. Now take a large cast iron cauldron, wash it under running water and dry it with paper kitchen towels. Place chopped beef tail fat on the bottom of a cold cauldron. Sprinkle it with a small layer of onion. Place the chopped meat on top of the onion. Sprinkle this layer with salt and season with spices such as suneli hops, cumin, coriander, and two types of ground pepper, black and allspice. Add spices and salt to taste. And add a layer of onions again. In principle, in this recipe, the more onions, the better, since during cooking the onions produce a large amount of spicy juice, which permeates the meat and vegetables, making it very tasty and aromatic. Then place a layer of carrots on top of the onions. After the carrots comes a layer of bell peppers. Place tomatoes on top of the peppers. And put potatoes on top of them. Cabbage leaves perfectly isolate the potatoes from the tomatoes, which can become hard and tough when in contact with the tomatoes during cooking. Place prepared cilantro and dill, garlic and a couple of hot peppers on a layer of potatoes. Again add salt and spices to taste. And lay the last layer - cabbage leaves.

Step 3: prepare the houseplant.

Cover the cauldron with domlamai with a lid and place it on the stove turned on at a high level. Place a weight in the form of a pan of water on top of the lid of the cauldron or place something heavy. During cooking, the steam circulating below pushes all the ingredients upward, so a load in this case is simply necessary, this will contribute to better steaming of all layers of the house. When the meat and vegetables release their juices and it begins to boil, and you will hear this from the characteristic gurgling sound, let the vegetables boil in the broth 30 minutes. Then screw the stove to the lowest level and simmer the fire for 1.5 hours. Under no circumstances remove the lid from the cauldron! According to tradition, the finished domlyama is transferred to a large deep dish, turning the cauldron over with one deft movement. But since you and I are not particularly professionals, just take a slotted spoon and, so as not to damage the layers too much, place the stewed vegetables in deep dishes and place pieces of meat on top of them. Pour the broth into deep bowls and serve separately.

Step 4: serve the domlyama.

The domlama is ready and the mind-blowing aroma of spices, vegetables and meat wafts through the kitchen. It's amazingly simple, but at the same time delicious dish served hot in deep dishes. Bowls with the remaining broth from vegetables and meat are placed next to the house. This dish does not require a side dish; it will be enough to serve it with lavash and good Georgian red wine.

Bon appetit!

- − You can also add kohlrabi, apples, cherries, quince, zucchini, zucchini or any other vegetables to the domlama, it all depends on your taste.

- − If you don’t have fat tail, you can use any other fat instead, such as pork lard or any vegetable oil.

- − If you bought meat on ribs, do not trim them, bone broth is very tasty and healthy! When you place such meat in a cauldron, place the pieces with the bone down and the flesh up.

- − If you don’t like any of the spices written in this recipe, you can replace them with your favorite ones.

- − If you use non-juicy vegetables to prepare domlama, then before putting the cauldron on the stove you should add a small amount of water to it, just enough to completely cover the meat.

- − If you don’t have a large cauldron, you can use a deep saucepan with a thick bottom, a duck pot, a deep frying pan with a lid, or a pressure cooker to prepare domlyama. But remember that domlama will cook faster in a pressure cooker than in a cauldron, and in a frying pan this dish will be less similar to real domlama.


Domlama in Uzbek- a special dish. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is traditionally cooked in a cauldron, which gives the meat and vegetables it contains a unique taste and aroma.

As you probably guessed from the name, the birthplace of domlama is Uzbekistan. There this dish is also called dymdyama, dimlyama, and also dumlyama. However, whatever the name, the recipe of the dish remains unchanged.

In general, the Uzbek domlama in our understanding it is a stew of vegetables and lamb. It’s very easy to prepare, and even more so using this photo recipe.

We invite you to implement the classic version of the house in your kitchen. Although, of course, we won’t use a cauldron, but will make do with the kitchen utensils that every housewife has!

So let's get started!


  • (400 g)

  • (1 kg)

  • (500 g)

  • (1.5 kg)

  • (4 things.)

  • (500 g)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (pinch)

  • (1/3 cup)

Cooking steps

    First of all, let's deal with the lamb ribs. They need to be washed and then cleaned of all excess (films and fat). Once you have completed this task, cut the ribs into portions.

    Now let's get down to fat tail fat. We will cut it into small slices, no more than 1 cm wide. Then we place the lard on the bottom of a deep saucepan or cast iron cauldron, if available. Place the lamb ribs on top of the lard and add a little salt to them.

    Let's start with vegetables: carrots and potatoes. We will clean and wash them. Then chop it coarsely.

    Peel the onion and chop it into half rings, but small ones.

    * Cut medium-sized potatoes into halves, and large ones into quarters.

    Now let's put our vegetables in a saucepan. Let's add the onion first, distributing it evenly over the meat. Then comes the carrots, and then the potatoes. We also add vegetables on top and sprinkle with coriander.

    Now let's take care of the cabbage. We will cut the pumpkin into four parts and disassemble it into leaves. Further from them we will form a kind of lid, under which the Uzbek-style domlyama will be stewed.

    At the same stage, we will pour a third of a glass of water into the cauldron.

    Now close the saucepan with a lid and send it to the fire. As soon as you hear the grating of lard, you will need to turn down the heat.

    We will keep the domlama on the stove for at least an hour.

    After an hour, the dish is ready! Give it ten minutes to brew, and then serve, placing all its ingredients in the reverse order.

    Bon appetit!

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