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A sedentary lifestyle affects... Sedentary lifestyle: consequences, dangers, diagnosis of physical inactivity, diet, movement and prevention


For many people office work involves sitting at a desk for long periods of time, sometimes even throughout the day.

Of course, today you can find various ergonomic products that make office work more comfortable.

In addition, some companies offer their employees free hours, for example, gym or swimming pool.

Don't forget about those who work remotely - a sedentary lifestyle also affects those who work from home.

Yet scientists believe that many of those who often have to sit at a desk have already damaged your body, and fixing these problems will take more than one day.

Here's what Dr. Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PhD, thinks about it:

“Even those people who lead an active lifestyle have a high risk of harming their body. Sitting for long periods of time cannot simply be compensated for by physical activity.”

Seated position

It's hard to imagine that an activity like sitting can be so harmful to our health.

In fact, sitting for long periods of time can have many adverse effects.

Why sitting is harmful

Here is a list of 12 side effects long stay in a sitting position:

1. Slow metabolism

Prolonged inactivity reduces the rate at which fat is burned, which slows blood flow, and reduces the effectiveness of insulin.

2. Incorrect posture

Sitting creates pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs.

In this position, the head is tilted forward, forcing the shoulders to compensate for the weight transfer.

3. Back and spine injuries

Sitting for long periods of time creates constant pressure on the lower back, including the muscles and ligaments.

4. Reduced social skills

In addition, sitting for a long time at the computer means less access to fresh air, and the disadvantage sunlight leads to a lack of vitamin D. According to scientists, a lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of diabetes or cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Sitting for a long time leads to an increase in visceral fat mass, the tissues become resistant to insulin. This in turn leads to hormonal and clinical disturbances, and ultimately to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Chronic pain

Poor sitting position at a desk over a long period of time leads to increased pressure on the lower back. The pain that eventually occurs can become a symptom of chronic diseases.

8. Obesity

Due to the fact that during sedentary work the main muscle groups of a person work less, calories are burned more slowly. Over time, this can lead to excess weight or even obesity.

9. Diabetes

Inactivity reduces the body's ability to maintain normal level blood sugar, which reduces insulin sensitivity.

10. Cancer

Decreased activity increases your chances of developing cancer. According to one study, sedentary work has a negative impact on women, which contributes to development of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.

11. Heart failure

Sitting at a desk, driving and/or watching TV for long periods of time is also harmful to men. According to research, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases and sometimes death. The risk of developing such diseases, according to scientists, increases by 64%.

12. Death

After several studies, scientists found that a prolonged sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overall mortality among men and women by 6.9%

Overall mortality is the ratio of the number of people who died from any disease and/or injury to the number of people with this disease, expressed as a percentage, over a certain period of time.

Simply put, if you have health problems, being sedentary can make those problems worse.

Useful tips for those who cannot avoid a sedentary lifestyle

These tips come from James A. Levine, MD, PhD, of the Mayo Clinic, one of the largest private medical centers in the world.

Move/move around in your seat periodically

Stand up when talking on the phone or having a snack

Use a desk (standing desk)

Take regular breaks while working

To talk with colleagues, do not arrange a conference, but walk with them a little; Simply put, make circles while talking.

The more humanity develops, the less the need for physical labor. Overwhelmingly modern people Those engaged in intellectual work are constantly at the computer, and when they come home, they sit down at the TV or again at the computer. It seems that everything is logical, a comfortable life is ensured, but why does sitting have a negative impact on health? Less and less less people can boast of unlimited energy, no headaches, no back pain.

In fact, the human body is designed to withstand static and even long-term loads. If they are not there, and the body is in a constant sitting position, problems begin. Muscles lose their elasticity, atrophy, blood circulation slows down, and weight only increases. This is a natural reaction of a living organism to the lack of opportunity to burn calories.

How to determine if you are at risk?

It is enough to simply determine whether you will have problems with a sedentary lifestyle in the near future. If these statements are true for you, then you are at risk:

  • Spend about 6-7 hours in a sitting position at your workplace;
  • take breaks very rarely;
  • you practically don’t move on foot;
  • You get to work and home on your own vehicle or in convenient public transport;
  • do not walk up the stairs, move only by elevator;
  • you prefer passive rest: going to the movies, watching TV shows, and so on;
  • additional activities or hobbies also involve sitting;
  • you don't play any sports.

And the easiest way to check is to observe yourself for one day, and if you spend 7 or more hours sitting, you automatically fall into the risk group.

Negative consequences

It can cause the development of all kinds of diseases. And it can aggravate the situation with an existing pathology and accelerate its development.

In addition, most of the population of large cities eats the “wrong” foods, preferring fast food and convenience foods. And this is another important provoking factor in the development of dangerous pathologies. And all this happens against the backdrop of dirty air, both on the street and in the office.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The most common consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is problems with the spine. These are pain in the lower back, cervical spine, scoliosis and curvature. Over time, osteochondrosis develops, limited motor function, and pain in the lower and upper extremities appear. Sprains, dislocations, and even fractures often occur.

This problem arises against the background of leaching of calcium from the bones. The muscles weaken and decrease in volume, and the condition of the ligamentous apparatus worsens.

Changes definitely occur in the joints; they become inflamed because they do not perform their intended function. Today, problems with joints no longer occur in old age, but also appear in young people.

Problems with blood vessels and heart

What are the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle? It can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle weakens so much that even a short run to the same tram causes the heart to work at its limit.

Rapid heartbeat occurs and tachycardia develops, which can cause arrhythmia. And all this can end in myocardial infarction.

Constant sitting causes pressure surges, and when stable high blood pressure there is a huge risk of developing a stroke.

Excess weight

Another problem that inevitably arises with a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Excess fat layer is essentially a “freeloader” for the body. Fat takes oxygen away from the body nutrients from food without giving anything in return.

Another consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is belly fat. The abdomen appears especially in men, but fat in this area is quite difficult to remove. In men, fat lies deep inside the body, mainly around the intestines, so getting rid of such a belly is quite difficult. As a result, heart problems and shortness of breath appear.

Changes in psychological state and headaches

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to? There are problems with mental state. It means that without physical activity, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is reduced. And this inevitably leads to a depressive state, people constantly feel moral and physical fatigue, and are in a bad mood. Some people even have suicidal thoughts and have no sense of fulfillment. After all, there can be no question of any social activity if a person is in a depressed state and is only capable of solving his current everyday problems.

Often modern man Nervous disorders are observed, in particular chronic fatigue syndrome, which is accompanied by insomnia.

And, of course, if physical activity is reduced, then why not have headaches? After all, blood circulation is impaired, an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the brain, hence the migraine and bad mood. Where will it come from? good mood if you have a headache.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that a person moves little, he experiences stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. And this is a direct path to the development of hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins are another scourge of modern man. If earlier it was believed that this disease was more characteristic of the female half of humanity, now it is often found in men. the formation of blood clots, which at any time can block blood vessels leading to the lungs, heart muscle or brain.

The risk of developing varicose veins increases if a person has a genetic predisposition to this disease. A sitting position is especially harmful when the legs are stacked on top of each other, then the blood vessels are additionally compressed.

Genital area

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men are a huge risk of developing impotence and prostatitis. Lack of physical activity leads to congestion in the pelvic area, and this is a huge risk for both men and women.

Respiratory problems

Doctors have long noticed that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are frequent colds. And everything is connected with the fact that if physical activity is reduced, then the functional capacity of the lungs also decreases. During the respiratory act, special cells called “macrophages” are produced, which protect the alveoli from microbes. Their life cycle is short. Their number decreases sharply if a person moves little and for a long time is in a contaminated area. Hence the conclusion that in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, there is a huge risk for respiratory system carries polluted office air. After all, macrophages quickly die from inhaled dust. In addition to dirty office air, the risk increases with smoking and constant inhalation of exhaust fumes from vehicles.

A person who moves little breathes shallowly, that is, all the alveoli of the lungs do not participate in the process. As a result, dead microphages are poorly removed and blood flow weakens. This creates unprotected areas of the alveoli, into which germs and viruses penetrate without any problems. Hence colds and lung diseases.

What other problems might arise?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in women are stagnant processes in the pelvis, and these are problems with the uterus, appendages and other organs. In addition, both men and women may experience problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a huge risk of developing diabetes mellitus and hypertrophy of connective tissues.

Recent studies conducted by specialists from the University of California (USA) have proven that a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to the thinning of the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory.

What to do?

The easiest and best way is to change your lifestyle. Although this is not always possible.

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? You should follow some rules that will reduce the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

Throughout your workday, try to take every opportunity to move. Set an alarm to remind you to stretch every 30 minutes.

For lunch, go to the farthest establishment Catering. If possible, play active games during breaks or do some exercise with your employees.

Don't deny yourself a visit to the gym or swimming pool. It is best to devote time to sports activities at least 2-3 times a week. If the office has an elevator, then refuse it, go down and up the stairs. Walk to and from work, at least a few stops. When you get home, don’t immediately sit down at the computer or TV. If you have children, go for a walk with them, or take the dog and go for a walk with it.

Yoga can help solve back problems. Sign up for a course of classes and don't miss them.

Don't be lazy, do gymnastic exercises for at least 10 minutes in the morning. Keep yourself busy on the weekend too active recreation. A trip to nature is a great opportunity to combine relaxation and a game of badminton or ball.

If there are problems with the veins, then compression hosiery can act as a preventative measure. It is suitable for both healthy people, and for those with varicose veins at the initial stage.

Constantly follow the path of reducing the amount of food you consume. Every year you grow older it will be harder and harder to get rid of the fat layer. Although you can fight obesity not only with the help of the gym, but also with healthy and passionate sex.


To reduce and get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to eat meals on a schedule. No need to snack on chips and chocolates. Snacks good products meals should be every 2-3 hours. Portions should be small. Look at your lunch taken from home - don’t be afraid, divide it into two, or better yet, three meals.

Avoid any foods that may cause excess weight or cellulite. These products include: smoked meats, fried poultry with skin, sweets and baked goods, full-fat sour cream, coffee, carbonated drinks and bananas. TO useful products include: vegetables, fresh and steamed, fruits, crumbly cereals, dried fruits, dairy products.

An ordinary person to whom a doctor at a clinic writes during a medical examination that he “leads a sedentary lifestyle” usually does not understand what exactly stands behind this phrase.

It is clear that this is the cause of excess weight, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and other health problems. But where is the line between active and sedentary lifestyles?

What is an active lifestyle?

Even older people need to walk five to six kilometers a day, says nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. Optimal activity is walking, swimming and dancing. Instead of walking, any other exercise is suitable, says cardiologist Eteri Tomaeva. The main thing is that a person exercises regularly.

But cleaning the house and other household chores are not considered a good activity. In this case, the person is most often in the wrong position (with a bent back, for example). Some muscles work, while others remain motionless and become numb.

Slim people shouldn't feel like they don't have to exercise much. Without movement, their muscles gradually lose tone, blood vessels lose elasticity, and organs and brains receive less oxygen.

An active lifestyle is an hour and a half of walking or swimming or aerobics for half an hour five times a week. It’s good to go for a half-hour jog or play tennis three times a week.

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to?

Weight. The average Muscovite, who leads a sedentary lifestyle, spends 600 kilocalories less than he consumes. Excess calories are stored like this: in 10 days the body accumulates 100 grams of fat - that’s almost a kilogram in three months and almost four kilograms a year.

2 KILOMETERS PER DAY the average office employee passes.

7 KILOMETERS PER DAY - you have to go through so much to maintain normal shape.

10-12 KILOMETERS PER DAY should be passed by an overweight person.

Metabolism. The less active your lifestyle, the slower the blood moves through the arteries and the worse the cells of the whole body are supplied with oxygen and other useful substances. Poor metabolism negatively affects all organs.

Muscles. Without movement, they lose tone and gradually atrophy. Tone is the minimum tension in the muscles, which persists even in a state of complete relaxation. The higher the tone, the easier the muscles do their work and the less stress the bones and joints receive.

Heart. This is also a muscle that, with a sedentary lifestyle, slows down the frequency and strength of contractions, gas exchange in the respiratory organs decreases, cells are less saturated with oxygen, and all processes slow down. Because of this, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases.

Spine. The load on it in a sitting position (even if a person sits correctly) is 40 percent higher than in a standing position. This leads to scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases. There is a particularly large load on the lumbar and cervical regions. Because of the latter, the blood supply to the head and brain deteriorates, so as much free time as possible should be devoted to physical activity.

Brain. Poor blood circulation gradually leads to irreversible changes. For example, scientists at Wayne State University in the USA recently found that because of this, the medulla oblongata cells responsible for regulating breathing and heartbeat work worse.

Vessels. With a slow speed of blood flow, the blood stagnates, thickens, and blood clots form in it, which lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Pelvic organs. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood and lymph in the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines. Stagnation is the most common reason inflammation of these organs: prostatitis, nephritis, hemorrhoids and so on.

How many hours do you sit?

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Number of people engaged in office work in last years increased noticeably: in major cities In Russia, white collar workers make up approximately 50% of all working men and women. Office work is considered attractive due to comfortable working conditions, and prestigious, as it gives a certain status and weight in society.

Meanwhile, the sedentary lifestyle that white-collar workers lead does not have the best effect on health. In recent years, doctors have even coined a new term: “occupational diseases of office workers.” According to statistics, about 35% of all knowledge workers suffer from them.

Here are the most common diseases that beset office workers:

1. Dry eye syndrome

Ophthalmologists also call this syndrome “office syndrome.” Its symptoms are redness, dryness and a feeling of sand in the eyes. It occurs due to constant wearing of contact lenses, long stay in a room where there are many computers and air conditioners. In addition, as studies have shown, when working on a computer, as well as when reading, a person blinks three times less often than usual. As a result, the tear film dries out and does not have time to recover. This is what causes dry eye syndrome. If you start this disease, there is a risk of ending up on the operating table.

How to avoid:

You can protect yourself from this disease by limiting the duration of wearing contact lenses. While working at the computer (as well as when reading and watching TV), you should try to blink more often. You should not rub your eyes so as not to increase irritation. It helps to drink enough fluid (up to 8-10 glasses a day), but dehydration should not be allowed even to a slight degree. Regular use of artificial tear drops is recommended to relieve dry eye symptoms.

2. Computer varicose veins

This is also a new term that was introduced to define specific diseases of office workers. The disease affects 10% of men and 25% of women. With a sedentary lifestyle, varicose veins occur due to pinched veins, especially from the habit of sitting cross-legged.

How to avoid:

To avoid varicose veins, you need to move more. Swimming, running, and cycling help. During the working day, you need to take regular breaks, stretch your legs, and use the stairs instead of the elevator. You should also drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day so that the blood does not become viscous and moves easily through the veins.

3. Scoliosis and osteochondrosis

It is known that in a sitting position the load on the spine increases significantly, and with an incorrect posture it increases threefold. You can imagine the stress on the spine of an office worker who spends 8 hours a day in a sitting position! It is not surprising that the result is curvature of the spine and salt deposits. According to doctors, most people over 30 years old experience cracked intervertebral discs. A huge number of hours spent at the computer can provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis. While sitting, the cervical vertebrae bend, the shoulders and head retract.

How to avoid:

You should keep your back correct and control the position of your head. You should not freeze for a long time in an unnatural position - for example, with your head lowered or thrown back, the muscles become stiff and squeeze the blood vessels and nerve endings. Get up from your desk often to do some warm-up movements. Walk around while rotating your shoulders. Gently tilt your head to the sides. While working, try to change your position more often. It is important that your shoulders are in a natural position and not raised. It is useful to perform special ones.

4. Paruresis

This is the fear of urinating in public. It is more common in men who simply cannot use urinals. Although many women also suffer: visiting a public toilet is real torture for them. In especially severe cases, those suffering from paruresis can only urinate at home, completely alone. If this disease occurs, the help of a psychotherapist is required.

5. Thrombosis

This is another dangerous disease that threatens office workers. The formation of blood clots is provoked by sitting for many hours. Employees are more likely to suffer from it information centers who have to work “without raising their heads” for 4 hours. Thrombosis of the deep vessels of the legs is dangerous because clots can migrate to any organ of the body: heart, lungs, brain. such migration usually ends in heart attack, stroke or sudden death.

How to avoid:

Move more, give up fatty and sweet foods, avoid stress.

6. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Today, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is reaching epidemic proportions. And office workers are the leaders in terms of CFS. Two thirds of patients are women who complain of exhaustion after minimal effort, constant pain in joints and muscles, and severe weakness.

How to avoid:

Doctors believe that this is a disease of the immune and nervous system. To prevent chronic fatigue syndrome, it is recommended to get enough sleep: for this you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It is also important to distinguish between time for work and rest. Physical activity that is tonic in nature is recommended - running, swimming or aerobics. the main task- give your brain a rest. A radical change of environment for at least a month also helps.

7. Neophobia

This is the fear of any innovation. Those suffering from this illness are afraid of the slightest deviation from the established scheme and routine tasks. One of the varieties of neophobia is ergasophobia, fear of starting any action, horror of a new project, physiological inability to work. Fear is often accompanied by nausea, rapid heartbeat, and profuse sweating. Those suffering from such phobias require the help of a psychotherapist.

8. Hemorrhoids

According to proctologists, 70% of people sooner or later face this problem. And office workers who are forced to sit for a long time suffer from this disease especially often.

How to avoid:

During the working day, you should get up from time to time, walk around the room, if conditions permit, and do a few exercises. Monitor the regularity of bowel movements (at least once a day), avoid constipation. To do this, drink enough water (about 1.5 liters per day), you can use mineral water- for example, Essentuki No. 7, 14. For constipation, it is also recommended to drink 1 glass of cool water in the morning on an empty stomach (this technique “starts” bowel function and promotes bowel movements in the morning). Get enough fiber from vegetables and fruits. Excellent mild laxatives are: beets, pumpkin, rhubarb jelly, prunes, one-day kefir or yogurt (older ones, they tend to have the opposite effect).

9. Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is a typical disease of office workers, otherwise this disease is also called “tunnel syndrome”. Signs: numbness of one of the fingers, cramps. Arises due to prolonged use of a computer mouse, which causes greater stress on the median nerve. 80% of patients get rid of the syndrome only after surgery to cut the transverse carpal ligament.

How to avoid:

Take regular breaks from work, even if you are not sick yet. Painful sensations are a sign that it is too late to take preventive measures and it’s time to go to the doctor.

10. Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields

This is the name of an acute reaction to electromagnetic radiation from monitors, phones and other equipment. Patients experience skin irritation, fatigue, and migraines. The impact of electrical appliances on health is not a hypothesis, but a scientifically proven fact.

For allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitivity to EMF, it is necessary to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Nature created man capable of performing many tasks. But in most cases, modern people limit themselves to one activity, completely ignoring the other capabilities of the body. And such a practice is fraught with the emergence of a variety of violations. If you give up physical activity in favor of mental activity, over time the body's functioning may be at risk. Physical inactivity is a serious problem of our time. Let's talk about what are known problems and diseases of a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle problems

Excess weight

A sedentary lifestyle usually leads to obesity. Lack of physical activity causes a slowdown in metabolic processes and blood circulation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the number of calories burned. Excess calories quickly begin to be stored as fat.

Obesity significantly increases the likelihood of developing various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, high level blood cholesterol, diabetes, certain types of cancer, arthritis and gallbladder diseases. In addition, concerns about excess weight can cause psychological disorders such as depression and low self-esteem.


A sedentary lifestyle most often negatively affects the activity of the cardiovascular system, increasing the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease or arterial hypertension. Typically, such ailments occur due to the lack of any sports activities, due to which the heart faces a lack of blood supply.

In addition, with a sedentary lifestyle, there is no activity of fat-burning enzymes, which are responsible for the destruction of triglycerides in the blood. This leads to the formation of plaque on the surface of the walls of blood vessels, and it impedes blood circulation by an order of magnitude. Over time, plaque can lead to atherosclerosis, and in especially severe cases, to the development of a heart attack.

Chronic lack of oxygen

As you know, oxygen is extremely important for the activity of all cells of our body. If a person does not perform any physical activity, his body receives much less oxygen. Because of this, toxins begin to accumulate in the brain, as well as in the liver, kidneys and muscles. This negatively affects performance, well-being and health.

Muscles and bones

Lack of exercise makes a person's muscles weak, so their ability to perform everyday tasks is reduced. A sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on posture and can significantly impair general state back, as the muscles that support the spine weaken by an order of magnitude.

One of the diseases that can develop as a result of a sedentary lifestyle is osteoporosis. When a person sits, his bones do not participate at all in supporting the body - they are not subject to stress and become more brittle. Accordingly, their strength is lost and fragility increases. In addition, the likelihood of developing arthritis increases by an order of magnitude.


Exercise allows the body to control the amount of sugar in the blood. With insufficient physical activity, the volume of glucose increases by an order of magnitude, since with physical inactivity the cells require much less energy. Excessive amounts of sugar in the blood negatively affect the pancreas, increasing the likelihood of diabetes.

Doctors say that the likelihood of developing colon and breast cancer increases by an order of magnitude if a person leads a constantly sedentary lifestyle.

Aging processes

At the ends of chromosomes there are telomeres, which protect chromosomes from various damage. As they age, they become shorter, and doctors have come to the conclusion that shortening occurs much faster if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. Accordingly, the aging process accelerates, and signs of age appear much earlier.

Mental disorders

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, this also negatively affects his mental health. Lack of physical activity leads to depression and anxiety. Doctors say that regular muscle activity helps reduce stress and reduce the incidence of many mental disorders. During exercise, the body produces endorphins, which improve your mood and help you relax. Exercising also affects the synthesis of serotonin, and disturbances in its production are fraught with depression and can negatively affect memory and appetite.


A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the quality of sleep. Lack of physical activity can lead to insomnia, frequent waking up and a feeling of exhaustion.

Diseases of the pelvic organs

Constant sedentary work disrupts the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, which is fraught with the development of prostatitis, decreased potency, hemorrhoids, decreased intestinal tone (and, as a consequence, constipation).

Physical activity plays a very important role for a person’s normal well-being. Therefore, people who are forced to constantly work while sitting need to pay attention additional classes physical education.

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