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My heel is cracked and it hurts. Treatment of cracked heels - what to do with dry, cracking skin of the feet, folk remedies and drug treatment

Hello readers. Today we'll talk about heels. The problem of cracked heels is familiar to many. If you start taking action right away, your heels will heal quickly. But, I would like to immediately note that the answer must be sought within. There are many reasons why heels can crack. You should not self-medicate; only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis based on the results of the examination. Today I want to tell you about the possible reasons why your heels may crack. Also, I want to tell you what to do with cracks to prevent inflammation and infection from getting into the cracks.

You need to constantly monitor your heels and skin of your feet, wash your feet, use a pumice stone, and use creams to moisturize the skin of your feet. So that later you don’t have to ask yourself questions about what to do. But, if such a problem has happened, then there is a solution for everything and you can get rid of cracked heels at home.

The cracks may be whitish in winter, but darker and more noticeable in summer when dust gets into them. But the problem will not go away unless measures are taken.

Why do heels crack? Causes.

There are quite a few reasons why heels crack, often it is a lack of time to care for the heels and feet, which leads first to small cuts and then to deeper cracks. And also, these are health problems.

  • The first thing I would like to note is the lack of vitamins in the body, especially vitamin A. A lack of vitamin A can lead to dry skin, not only on the heels, but also on the arms, face and body.
  • Heels are injured due to uncomfortable shoes. Due to incorrectly chosen shoes, corns form, heels can crack, and even the foot can become deformed.
  • Cracks can be the cause of fungal diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, as one of the main causes of cracked heels, is very important to donate blood for sugar to know your blood sugar level.
  • Heels can crack due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as when there is a malfunction internal organs.
  • Heels can crack due to lack of proper heel care. After all, most people remember about leaving closer to summer, when it’s time to switch to open shoes.
  • The problem of cracked heels can be observed in people who stand a lot, these are sellers, hairdressers, cooks, etc.
  • If the skin on your feet and heels is dry, pay attention to your kidney function.
  • Not balanced diet, may be the cause of cracks.
  • Heels can dry out and crack if you are overweight, as the load is placed on your legs.

Cracks in the heels may be small, but if no action is taken, dust can get into them, and the cracks become larger over time, which can be aggravated by inflammation. Thus creating inconvenience, pain and discomfort when walking. What to do? Of course, take action.

If there are no problems with internal organs or serious health problems, timely treatment will bring results. But it happens that there are serious health problems and they require treatment, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

What to do if your heels dry out and crack?

What can you do at home? Heel care. These are everyday procedures. Baths, scrubs, masks, creams, homemade ointments. If you pay attention to your heels every evening, then within a week the condition of your heels will improve significantly.

Pay attention to your nutrition, include it in your diet fresh vegetables, fruits, vegetable, fruit juices. You can also take a vitamin complex. What vitamins are good for the skin and what products contain them can be read in the article ““.

To cure cracks, you need to be patient; the wounds heal faster if no hoops or dirt get into them. Each time, layer by layer, you need to remove dead cells using pumice. Moisturize the skin with creams and healing ointments.

It is very useful to make homemade foot masks from natural ingredients. Steam your legs in a basin and apply a homemade mask for 20 minutes. Recipes for masks can be found in the article "". In the article you will find recipes for homemade foot masks.

Foot baths. Before cleaning your heels with pumice, your feet should be steamed in a basin with hot water, you can add a little soda to the water or use a decoction of herbs. Suitable herbs include chamomile, calendula, and sage. I really like the soda bath, it perfectly softens the skin, which helps better removal stratum corneum. For two liters of warm water you need to take two tablespoons of soda, stir and pour everything into the bath. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil.

Keep your feet in the bath for about 20 minutes, then you need to use pumice, remove the stratum corneum gradually so as not to injure your heels. Iron “graters” are not suitable for removing the stratum corneum, as they injure the heels. After the heels have been cleaned with pumice, your feet should be rinsed with warm water and dried with a towel. You should have a separate towel for your feet.

Then apply a nourishing cream with vitamins or homemade ointment to the skin of the feet and heels. You can lubricate your feet with oil. Perfect for: cocoa butter, shea butter, almond oil, peach kernel oil, olive oil, etc. After the procedure, it is advisable to wear cotton socks.

For cracked heels, I offer you a recipe for a homemade ointment based on wax and propolis. Tested several times by my grandmother. This is her recipe that helped her get rid of cracks. Since my grandfather had an apiary, they had no problems with natural honey, wax and propolis. Therefore, instead of creams and oils, you can apply homemade ointment to your heels.

Wax based ointment. To prepare the ointment we will need: a glass vegetable oil on which you need to fry one onion, remove the onion, add one hundred grams of wax to the oil (the wax must first be grated), as well as a piece of propolis (the size of a pea). Melt everything and let it boil for a couple of minutes. Pour the ointment into a jar. The ointment is ready. Apply the ointment to the heels after the bath.

The ointment really helps heal cracks very quickly. Thus, beeswax and propolis have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and bactericidal properties.

Oil-based ointment. I have improved this ointment a little; I prepare it from oils and wax. This ointment heals cracks on the lips and cracks in the heels, and is suitable for lubricating elbows and knees. To prepare an ointment from oils, you need to melt a couple of tablespoons of wax in a water bath, add cocoa butter and shea butter, a teaspoon each. When the oils have melted, set everything aside from the heat and add a couple of teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil, or calendula oil, or wheat germ oil. Pour the ointment into a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Calendula oils and ointment can be purchased at the pharmacy, and wax and propolis can be purchased from beekeepers at the market.

Calendula ointment.

For deeper cracks, you can use ointments containing an antibiotic. But if you have tried many folk remedies to treat cracked heels, but the cracks do not heal, or you have very deep cracks in your heels, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Beautiful heels are not only an indicator of excellent hygiene, but also human health. Cracks in the heels give the feet an unkempt appearance, and in advanced cases lead to painful symptoms when walking. Moreover, you won’t be able to get rid of them by simply steaming and cleaning with pumice.

The causes that lead to cracked heels can be divided into: relatively harmless and pathological. Accordingly, with different diagnoses, treatment for cracked heels will be different. Therefore, before running to the pharmacy and starting self-medication, we recommend:

  • visit a dermatologist
  • find out the cause of heel cracks
  • get treatment recommendations
  • strictly follow the suggested recommendations

To know how to deal with a particular condition, in our case, the appearance of cracks in the heels, you need to know why they arise and try to eliminate the cause.

Why does dry skin appear on feet?

Initially, a patch of hard and dry skin appears on the foot, which over time becomes covered with cracks and peels off, and since the heels are subject to constant stress, even minor damage gradually deepens and becomes larger, and every movement causes stabbing and cutting pains. Moreover, damaged skin can become infected and inflamed.

In the summer (and not only), under the influence of external and internal factors, the skin dries out, which leads to a loss of its elasticity and strength; under the influence of load, the stratum corneum cracks (see).

In addition to external factors such as:

  • chlorinated water
  • dry and polluted air
  • exposure to wind and cold, sunlight, temperature changes
  • work in hazardous industries (for example, in hot shops)
  • walking on hot sand barefoot
  • wearing open, tight, uncomfortable shoes
  • the use of alkaline soap and other household chemicals (after washing, socks, for example, contain chemical compounds from washing powders and fabric softeners that have a negative effect on the skin, see)

The internal state of the body also affects human skin, that is, the presence of certain diseases, especially the endocrine and nervous systems, leads to dry skin not only of the feet, but also of the face, hands, and body:

  • metabolic disorders, diabetes
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • disruption of the digestive system
  • chronic infectious diseases (tuberculosis, etc.)
  • vitamin deficiency -
  • helminthic infestations (see)
  • fungal skin lesions (see)
  • psoriasis (see)
  • various types of dermatitis, ichthyosis
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy and)

In addition, provoking factors are:

  • insufficient intake from food - nutrients, vitamins A, E, C, minerals, water (fasting, diets, drinking a small amount of fluid)
  • lack or vice versa, excessive skin care
  • alcohol abuse and smoking

What happens in the body to keep the skin hydrated? Maintaining normal moisture exchange with environment is provided in the body by two regulatory mechanisms: the amount of sebum and the condition of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Fat and horny cells of the epidermis form a kind of lipid layer, which is designed to protect the skin from moisture loss (dehydration), it ensures the preservation of moisture in the skin and prevents the penetration of infection, allergens, toxins that cause skin hypersensitivity and inflammation.

If the lipid film is poorly formed, then the path to moisture evaporation and the penetration of foreign agents is open, so dry skin is more susceptible to immune reactions and inflammatory processes.

Causes of cracked heels and their treatment

Lack of proper hygiene

  • Wash your feet daily with cool water (morning and evening).
  • Weekly foot baths with sea salt and subsequent peeling of dead skin: soft pumice, scrub, natural washcloth.
  • Various moisturizing and nourishing creams, of which there are now a huge variety, should be applied to dry and clean skin.

Accelerated keratinization of the skin of the feet

If there is such an individual feature of the body, then you should:
  • If possible, carry out monthly hygiene procedures in the pedicure room
  • Wearing comfortable shoes that prevent excessive compression of the foot and maceration of the heel area
  • Regular (daily, at night) use of special creams that soften and soften the skin, as well as prevent hyperkeratosis.

Excessive hygiene procedures to remove the stratum corneum from the heels

  • Daily use of scrubs, pumice
  • Using a regular razor for a pedicure
  • Daily steaming

You should use only soft peelings to treat the skin of the feet, baths with sea salt, and a natural non-abrasive washcloth, no more than once a week.

Wearing the wrong shoes

That is, disproportionate, with inappropriate lifting, made from low-quality materials, etc., it follows:
  • purchase high-quality shoes made from natural materials that are well ventilated (exclude sneakers)
  • selection of shoes strictly according to size
  • do not abuse high-heeled shoes, the heel should not be more than 4-5 cm.
Working in a standing position, constant movement on your feet leads to increased stress on the feet, you should:
  • Daily foot care
  • Wearing comfortable shoes made from natural materials with orthopedic insoles
  • Brief rest of the lower extremities during the day: while sitting, place your legs in an elevated position, for example, on a chair, remove your shoes and give a light massage.

Dry skin

It is caused by wearing open shoes, frequent walking barefoot, dry indoor air during the heating period, etc., you should:
  • seeks to eliminate the causes that lead to dry skin
  • make daily foot baths with sea salt and essential oils (mint, orange).


Errors in nutrition, diets, fasting lead to a deficiency of vitamins (see), microelements, you should:
  • Nourish the skin of the feet with special creams
  • Complete nutrition rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
  • It is especially important to consume foods rich in calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A, E and omega-3 fatty acids (seafood, beef, vegetables (especially carrots), fruits, greens, whole grains, dairy products, liver)
  • Taking multivitamins and mineral complexes course (Supradin, Centrum, Alphabet) or special complexes that have a positive effect on skin health (Vitrum Beauty, Alerana, Lady's formula, Merz dragee).

So, taking into account the above, treatment should begin with a simple elimination of possible external factors:

  • Tight, uncomfortable shoes with open heels - change them and use silicone heel pads
  • Eliminate dry skin with moisturizing, wound-healing, softening creams
  • If the problem is caused by frequent peeling, make a schedule for procedures and use creams that accelerate tissue regeneration
  • Include vitamin-rich foods in your diet
  • Normalize drinking regime- at least 2 liters per day (see how to properly cleanse the body of toxins)
  • If possible, limit the load on your legs and do the work while sitting

Algorithm of actions for rapid healing of a crack

Cream “Zorka” with Floralizin (veterinary) or “Forest Power”

One of the cheapest, most effective and simple remedies for the care of heels with cracks is:

  • Cream "Zorka" with floralizin (price 60-70 rubles), composition: floralizin, vaseline, aviation kerosene, pentol, sorbic acid. Sold at any veterinary pharmacy.
  • Cream “Forest Power” with Floralizin (about 500 rubles), composition: Floralizin, Vaseline, pentol, fragrance, sorbic acid

The use of veterinary cream as a foot cream is known thanks to popular rumor; it is quite greasy and has a specific smell, but it is indispensable in the treatment of cracked heels because it gives an amazing effect. Floralizin is a complex of substances with high biological activity that promotes the healing of the udder of dairy animals with cracks and wounds. This remedy has the same effect on sore heels.

The substance "Floralizin" contains an extract from the mycelium of mushrooms, i.e. phospholipids, enzymes with collage activity, oleic, linoleic fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins A, E, K, and other biologically active substances.

Floralizin is used as cosmetic product to eliminate cracks in the arms, legs, with, heals any wounds, improves the condition of the skin with dermatitis, psoriasis. Zorka cream was awarded the Gold and Platinum quality mark of the 21st century.
How to use: Apply to clean skin of feet every day, at night.

Moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic creams

Scholl nourishing cream for feet and nails, price 260 rub. Healing and moisturizing foot cream La Roche-Posay price 800 rub. Cream with golden mustache for the prevention of cracked heels Home Doctor, price 40 rub. Cream “Plantain”
from Nevskaya cosmetics price 40 rub.
Moisturizing or nourishing foot cream from Scholl, price 350 rub. Moisturizing foot cream with oil grape seed 5 days, price 60 rub.

Wound-healing pharmaceutical foot creams and ointments

Ointment Radevit
from JSC "Retinoids", these are vitamins A, D, E, price 350-400 rubles.
D-panthenol, Bepanten, Pantoderm, Panthenol, Dexpanthenol - vitamin B5, healing damaged skin, price 180-300 rubles. Sea buckthorn healing cream for cracks ELF/ELFA (green pharmacy), price 100 rub. Cream 5 days with tea tree oil, price 60 rub. 5-day cream for feet from cracks with, price 60 rub.

Softening creams

Cream with urea from “Lekar”, price 150 rubles. Foot cream with urea eliminates calluses, corns, for dry, cracked skin, price 90 rub. SESDERMA cream, composition uremolpumza, urea, bisabolol, oat extract, shea butter, ceramides. Softening cream “Juniper” from Nevskaya cosmetics, price 40-50 rubles. Foot cream for cracks with oil walnut and urea (Green Pharmacy), price 60 rubles.

Preventative agents for cracks with a tendency to hyperkeratosis

Special shock-absorbing shoe inserts, especially effective when wearing heels.

Ultra Thin Gel Pads, Pain Relieving Gel Pads from Scholl Silicone inserts, insoles, heel pads FRESCO LEDA Shock-absorbing silicone heel pad for dress shoes Plasters and instep supports from GEHWOL

Treatment with folk remedies

Aspirin and vodka

You will need: vodka 250g and 10 tablets. aspirin. Grind the tablets into powder, then pour in vodka, leave for 1-2 days. dark place. At night, soak gauze in the infusion and apply to the heels, put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, remove, wash your feet, dry and apply cream.

A mass of raw onion, apple (for small cracks) or tomato (for deep cracks)

Onions or apples are effective at the beginning of the formation of cracks, tomatoes - during a long and deep process. Grate the vegetable or fruit on a fine grater or in a blender to a puree consistency, apply it to a clean thick cloth and apply it to the heels. The top is secured with a bandage.

Apple mixture in milk

Grate the apple, pour in a little milk, bring to a boil, but do not boil. At night, cover your foot with this mixture, put on a bag and socks on top.

Milk and infusion of mother and mother

To do this, add 2 tbsp to a glass of hot milk. spoons of coltsfoot leaves, then leave in a water bath for an hour, cool the pulp, apply to gauze or thick cloth, and apply to damaged heels.

Vaseline after a bath with Aevit and boric acid

Use regular Vaseline, without perfume composition. Before applying Vaseline, the legs are steamed in warm water, adding 1 capsule of Aevita (vitamins A+E) and boric acid(a teaspoon of acid is dissolved in a glass of water). Apply a layer of Vaseline to dry heels and seal it with a band-aid, leaving it overnight. The procedure is repeated daily.

Solid oil (fatty)

You can buy this substance at a pharmacy or hardware store. It is important not to confuse it with synthetic grease, which is hazardous to health. Apply a thick layer to clean skin of the heels, wrap it with cellophane on top and put on socks. The procedure is carried out overnight.

Olive oil, sea buckthorn, peach, apricot, flaxseed

Rub heated olive (sea buckthorn or other) oil into the skin of the feet after water procedures, wrap in cling film and bandage, leave overnight, and in the morning make a bath and treat your feet with pumice.

Oatmeal and vegetable oil compress

A compress is made from freshly prepared warm oatmeal and vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons of olive, linseed or sea buckthorn oil per liter of porridge). The oatmeal is transferred to a plastic bag, a leg is placed in it, the bag is secured and covered with a towel on top. Leave for at least 2 hours, then wash off and apply moisturizer. The procedure is repeated daily for 3-5 days.

Lemon-egg mask

To obtain a mask, mix 1 egg yolk, tbsp. starch and tsp. lemon juice. The resulting mass is applied to the steamed heels and left until completely dry. Afterwards, the mask is washed off, and the heels are carefully treated with soft pumice and moisturized with cream. You can use another method - ointment from 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, beat the ingredients and after the bath, spread on your feet, wrap in cellophane and leave overnight, wearing socks on top.

Wax and mustard oil

The wax is melted to a liquid state and a couple of drops of mustard oil are dripped into it. The mixture is applied to clean skin of the heels at night. The procedure is repeated for 10-15 days in a row.

Potato gruel or baths with potato starch

Potato juice has good wound-healing properties - grate the potatoes, place the paste on a cloth and apply to the heels, put a plastic bag on top, then socks, you can leave it overnight, you can remove it after 0.5 - 1 hour. You can make baths with starch - 2 tbsp. spoons of starch per 1 liter of water, in this warm bath you should steam your feet, then dry with a towel and apply a rich cream at night.

Cabbage and honey

Cabbage juice also heals; you can simply apply a cabbage leaf to your heels or make a paste of cabbage using a blender (later used as potatoes). You can combine cabbage and honey, after a bath in the evening, rub honey into your feet and apply a cabbage leaf, bandage and put on socks, leave the compress until the morning.

Elecampane decoction or nettle infusions

Make a decoction of elecampane, 1 liter of water + 2 tbsp. spoons of elecampane roots, bring to a boil and leave in a thermos overnight. Compresses or lotions are made with the decoction every day. Make the nettle infusion faster - pour 1 liter of boiling water over 2 tbsp. spoons of nettle, after 1 hour the infusion is used for 20 minute baths, after which you can apply an ointment with salicylic acid.

Essential oils and baby cream

You can make homemade ointment for heels by adding baby cream or Vaseline (1 tablespoon) essential oils lavender and chamomile, 2 drops each, mix thoroughly and apply 3 times a day, store the ointment in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Butter and curdled milk

Beat softened butter, add yogurt, mix thoroughly, after the bath, apply the mixture to your steamed feet, use this mixture 1-2 times a day until the cracks heal/

Pathological causes of cracked heels and their treatment

If the heels suffer from internal causes, then treatment of such cracks only with creams and ointments will not save. In some cases, it is impossible to achieve a complete cure, as, for example, with diabetes. However, such patients should be warned about possible problems with the skin of the feet in order to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.

Excess body weight(obesity, pregnancy)

Infection of cracks (entry of an infectious agent into the bloodstream through damaged skin)


Psoriasis (see)

  • Plaques Brown on the skin of the foot
  • Hyperkeratosis
  • Damage to the nail plates (brittleness, cracks)
  • Lamellar peeling, falling skin is white
  • Cracks are a consequence of infection of plaques and cause significant pain when walking
  • Diet (strict exclusion of spices, hot, salty, smoked foods, fatty meats, nuts, alcohol)
  • Phototherapy of psoriatic plaques
  • Local treatment: emollient creams, ointments based on zinc and salicylic acid (Salicylic-zinc paste, Zinocap), ointments with vitamin D (Davonex and Psorkutan), ointments based on grease (Cytospor, Magnispor, Antipsoriasis)
  • The use of Methotrexate is indicated - a drug from the group of cytostatics, an antimetabolite and immunosuppressant
  • Acitretin, a retinoid for systemic treatment, has a good effect.
  • Using a special hydrocolloid coating on the foot, which accelerates the healing and regeneration processes; Wearing comfortable and high-quality shoes

Dry eczema (see)

  • Dense subcutaneous nodules, rashes with watery contents on the lateral surfaces of the foot
  • Chronitization of the process: skin and appearance of cracks
  • Severe pain when walking
  • Hypoallergenic diet
  • Strict hygiene, baths with potassium permanganate
  • Local treatment:
    • Zinc ointment – ​​antiseptic, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effect;
    • Reparef cream – bactericidal, stimulating tissue regeneration;
    • Triderm ointment is an antimycotic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug
  • Antihistamines during an exacerbation that reduce itching: Suparastin, Fenkarol, Cetrin (see.

Fungal infections of the foot (not the cause of cracks, but often occur simultaneously, see)

  • Initially, nails and interdigital folds are affected: itching, peeling and redness of the skin
  • Gradually, the skin of the entire foot becomes rough with spreading itching.
  • Horny skin leads to the appearance of cracks and microcracks on the heels
  • Cracks in the heels due to fungal infection indicate a long-standing disease
  • Isolated form: treatment of cracked heels with ointments is long-term; after establishing a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe:
    • Exoderil cream (based on naftifine), which has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects;
    • Lamisil, Binafin, Terbizil, Myconorm, Exifin (based on terbinafine), which have a pronounced antifungal effect
    • Nizoral cream, Mycozoral ointment (based on ketoconazole), which have mycostatic and fungicidal effects
  • If there is a generalized form of mycosis, then drug treatment includes oral antifungal drugs, a course of 7-14 days, based on:
    • ketoconazole: Mycozoral, Oronazole, Nizoral, Vetozoral, Fungavis;
    • terbinafine: Terbizil, Exiter, Bramisil, Atifin, Lamisil, Binafin, Exifin;
    • fluconazole: Diflucan, Fluzol, Medoflucon, Forkan, Diflazon, Mikomax, Mikoflucan, Mikosist, Flucostat
  • Treatment for any form of fungus: changing or disinfecting indoor and outdoor shoes, changing bed linen, regularly changing socks and tights.
  • According to indications, the doctor may prescribe a course of immunostimulating therapy in order to exclude relapse: Immunal, Imunorm, Timalin, Imunofan, Galavit

Cracked heels are not always just an aesthetic problem. The reasons for their appearance may be more serious than poor quality care: lack of vitamins, fungus, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Why heels crack and what to do about it - in the BeautyHack material.

The cause of cracked heels is loss of moisture. When there is insufficient moisture, the epidermal cells shrink and empty space is formed between them. If you ignore this problem, over time the cracks begin to bleed. Pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious diseases of the feet can penetrate through them.

In summer, due to hot air and open shoes, the skin on the heels hardens even faster. Cracks also appear due to excess weight - in obese people, the pressure on the feet increases (as well as mechanical stress). There are few pleasant things to come from such “companions”: at least painful sensations when walking and an unpleasant smell. Who is to blame and what to do?

"Wrong" shoes

You need to choose the “right” shoes - both surgeons and orthopedists regularly talk about this. The health of the spine and posture depend on the position of the feet. Cracks most often occur in those who wear narrow shoes, high-heeled shoes and flat sandals. As soon as the skin changes color (becomes yellowish or white), this is a reason to sound the alarm! Heels lack moisture - they need a good scrub or acid peeling, nourishing, rich cream and additional care.

Synthetic socks

Socks made of synthetic materials are the enemy of “baby” heels. Unnatural fabrics disrupt air exchange - the feet stop “breathing” normally. If you wear stockings and nylon tights every day, there is a high probability of cracks and so-called “corns” forming. Give preference to cotton and fine wool - these fabrics are more hygienic.

Lack of vitamins

A common cause of dry skin (including on the heels) is a lack of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Deficiency of retinol and tocopherol is accompanied by peeling, the formation of wounds in the corners of the lips and other unpleasant symptoms. Include carrots, rice, pumpkin, and liver in your diet. Be sure to get tested and consult with a specialist - he will select medications to correct the deficiency condition.

The fungus can affect not only nails, but also heels. Having “settled” on the feet, it destroys upper layer skin, penetrating deeper. Because of this, the skin may turn yellow and even green. In this case, you need to consult a doctor - do not self-medicate.

Varicose veins Constant cracks in the heels are a reason to visit a phlebologist! They may indicate hidden varicose veins. The affected vessels located deep under the skin are not externally visible. But due to disruption of metabolic processes due to blockage of veins, the heels will begin to crack. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

If you constantly suffer from heartburn, dry mouth, cracks in the corners of your lips and heels, run to a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the reason for all this “splendor” is gastritis.

Kidney failure

It would seem that the cause-and-effect relationships in in this case none. But they exist. In kidney failure, there is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. Because of this, the speed of its movement along the vascular bed slows down. As in the case of varicose veins, tissue trophism is disrupted - the skin becomes drier and rougher.

Skin diseases

Cracks are one of the possible manifestations of skin diseases such as psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema and neurodermatitis. In this case we're talking about only about complex treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

A decrease in thyroid function can lead to a decrease in the secretion of sebum (sebum), more active work of the sweat glands, and a decrease in metabolism. Because of this, cracks may appear: in this case, the lesser of two evils.

In fact, if your heels pop, your body is signaling changes in your body that can be serious. Cracked heels are a pressing problem for many, but not everyone takes the right measures to eliminate it, and often simply ignores this phenomenon. What should I do to fix this problem? Sometimes, to eliminate such skin changes, only cosmetic procedures are sufficient, for example, making compresses or applying special creams. There are often cases involving serious treatment, involving a complex medical actions, taking antibiotics, physiotherapy.

Why the skin loses its elasticity, cracks form, the heels become rough, and this is noticeable not only when touched, but also visually - this is a question that arises periodically for most people. The reasons for this may be different, although those who have not studied this problem thoroughly believe that it is only a matter of insufficient hygiene.

If your heels burst, the following factors can provoke this process:

  1. Shoes. It is important to choose the right shoes, based not only on fashion trends, but also on convenience and quality of material. Artificial material, inappropriate size, lack of insoles or untimely cleaning, staying in shoes for a long time - all this will lead to the need to treat heels, and possibly a number of other diseases;
  2. Use of synthetic hosiery. Socks, tights and other similar attributes should not disrupt natural blood circulation and metabolic processes. Staying for a long time in exclusively synthetic clothing can worsen the condition of the skin of the legs, which causes individual areas on the foot to burst, blood stagnation occurs, and regeneration slows down;
  3. Insufficient or excessive hygiene. If you do not take care of your heels and do not maintain daily hygiene, problems may arise. At the same time, if you do this intensively, for example, often use abrasive products, then the skin will not have time to renew itself, which also provokes the appearance of cracks. Treatment in this case will be aimed at restoring the skin, selecting means to stimulate the process of cell regeneration;
  4. Vitamin deficiency. Poor nutrition, deficiency of vitamins in particular, A, E leads to various problems in the body, including that unprotected areas of the skin burst and become dry;
  5. Age-related changes. Over time, a number of reactions in the body change, processes occur that are also externally reflected on the skin. However, it is quite possible to treat emerging defects on the heels, regardless of age;
  6. Infectious diseases, chronic ailments, fungi. Weakening of the immune system, contact with bacteria on the skin, and the spread of infections within the body are possible reasons formation of skin problems. Intestinal dysfunction, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, endocrine system disorders, as well as some other diseases, manifest themselves in the form of defects on the skin;
  7. Impact of external factors. Dry air, heat, insufficient hydration of the skin, heels in particular, will certainly lead to the need to carry out special procedures, compresses, baths to restore the smoothness of the heels;

The above reasons fully answer the question of why there are restrictions on wearing open shoes, discomfort and even pain when walking, as well as other related problems when several areas on the foot burst at once.

How to treat heels

First of all, you need to eliminate the main factor that provokes the formation of cracks and dry skin. To do this, you can analyze what kind of foot care is provided, the type of shoes, lifestyle, and quality of nutrition. Based on the main causes of defects, conclusions should be drawn, influencing factors should be eliminated and foot health should be maintained.

A good option would be to visit a dermatologist who can help you find out why the problem arose. The main thing is that the specialist will recommend the optimal course of treatment, select effective means, procedures, may prescribe vitamin complexes, certain physiotherapeutic procedures. In some cases, treatment using recipes from traditional medicine , which are advisable to use for preventive care of heels and during the period when they burst.

It is important to understand that if problem areas are not treated and the causes are not identified, then cracks can become the cause of more serious diseases. These can be infectious infections caused by infection through the skin of the foot, suppuration, up to inflammation, blood poisoning and gangrene. Therefore, at the first sign, when the skin bursts on small area, appropriate measures must be taken.

What could be the treatment?

Repair cracks on initial stage much easier than getting rid of similar problems, but at advanced stages. It is also important to choose the right treatment method, the effectiveness of which will depend on why cracks appeared and the structure of the skin on the heels deteriorated. A specialist will be able to answer this question, since the reasons may be different, including fungal diseases, dysfunction of internal organs and so on.

If the provoking factors are identified, methods to combat them are determined. For example, when infected with a fungus, special ointments are recommended; the cause of cracks is the use of synthetic shoes, hosiery - a more careful selection of attributes, and so on. In any case, you need to fight the root cause and at the same time treat, properly care for and restore the skin.

The following treatment methods are considered effective when you can get rid of the fact that individual areas in the heel area are bursting:

  • Regular hygiene, using special pumice, to improve cell regeneration. It is important not to overdo it, since intensive cleansing of the skin with coarse abrasive devices is not advisable. This can be done together with a special cleaning solution and it is better if it is enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • Daily use of nourishing creams and ointments. You can choose a suitable remedy under the guidance of a specialist or prepare it yourself. Sometimes it is enough to rub in Vaseline or liquid vitamin E. Naturally, an excellent option is special cosmetic substances rich in nutritional compounds. A specialist or retail outlet consultant can recommend them;
  • Baths. You can do these procedures at home, and you will need available ingredients for preparation. These can be infusions of herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula or sea ​​salt. There are many recipes, it all depends on the desired effect. To clean the heels more effectively, the legs are lowered into hot water with salt, and to reduce inflammation, better healing in a decoction of herbs and so on;
  • Compresses. Compresses are made from vegetables, in particular cabbage, grated onions, potatoes and honey, carrots and sour cream. There are recipes using simple laundry soap and even lightly salted lard;
  • Reception vitamin complexes, minerals, pay attention to vitamin E, A. This will not only be beneficial for the skin, but also for the whole body.

It is important to properly treat any disease, including when heels burst, so you should not rush with folk remedies, it is better to visit a specialist first. He will help you find out the cause and determine the optimal course of treatment. There is no point in masking, not paying attention to the situation and not finding out why it arose, as the consequences can be serious. This is not only suppuration of the heel, spread of infection to other areas, but also infection of the entire body.

Preventing cracked heels

It is quite possible to prevent the formation of cracks, the main thing is to comply with certain conditions, especially if there is a predisposition to dry skin, or after 45 years of age. The main preventive measures include:

The health of the legs, heels, feet and the whole body depends not only on heredity, external factors, but also how attentive a person is to himself.

The problem of cracked heels is known to many. Mostly it concerns female representatives, but it can also worry men. This condition is very unpleasant, the damaged areas hurt, become dry and look unsightly. To get rid of discomfort and aesthetic problems, it is important to know how to treat cracked heels at home.

First aid for cracked heels

The process of cracking heels can occur as a result of a variety of reasons. These could be pathological conditions of an endocrine, digestive, nervous nature, or everyday problems, for example, uncomfortable tight shoes.

The appearance of rough skin and cracks on the heels can be a complete surprise and can occur at any time, although the peak of activation occurs during the period of acute vitamin deficiency. Therefore, everyone should know how and with what to treat cracked heels so that the process is quick and effective.

To begin with, it is worth determining the range of factors that provoke this process:

  • overweight;
  • elderly age;
  • work that requires prolonged standing or sitting in one place;
  • avitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • constant wearing of high shoes;
  • uncomfortable narrow shoes;
  • low sole.

Interesting fact:

Cracks can also occur without obvious reasons, due to the characteristics of the skin, for example, in people with dry skin this problem occurs much more often.

Cracked heels in most cases are accompanied by pain and discomfort. To relieve these symptoms, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you plan to walk a lot during the day, you can cover the affected area with a bactericidal bandage. The patch will protect against bacteria and prevent injury to the painful area of ​​the skin.
  2. To reduce pain, you can immerse your feet in cool water and hold it there for 10-15 minutes. This procedure relaxes and soothes the skin of the feet.
  3. The same effect can be created by rubbing the foot with a piece of ice.
  4. Before going to bed, apply sea buckthorn oil to the injured area and wrap the foot with cling film.
  5. If the pain is severe, you can apply anti-inflammatory ointment topically or take painkillers.

How to treat cracked heels if we are talking about pathological factors? In this case, it is worth starting therapy for the primary disease. The process can be chronic, and the heels will crack constantly.

Video “How to get rid of cracked heels at home in 3 days?”

An indicative video that will help eliminate cracked heels at home in a few days.

Treating cracked heels at home

Cracked heels, even the largest ones, are not considered a separate disease. Most often they occur against the background of household factors, so hospitalization is not required. Treatment for cracked heels at home includes the use of a variety of folk remedies. Therapy in this case is local in nature: ointments, creams, baths, decoctions and other means are used for rapid healing and regeneration of the skin in damaged areas.

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal many recipes that can quickly get rid of this problem. The following methods are very popular.

Hydrogen peroxide - a simple but effective method

Many people know how to treat cracked heels with hydrogen peroxide. This is one of the most effective and popular folk remedies. This substance is used for cleaning and disinfection. First, you need to wash your feet, then soak a cotton swab in peroxide and apply it to the crack. You can even pour it onto the crack from a bottle. If foam appears after this, then the disinfection process is taking place.

To clean the skin of the heels, which has become dry and lifeless, you can take baths.

To prepare, you need to take warm water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 6:1. Additionally, you can add sea or table salt (1 tablespoon per liter of solution). The water should be warm, but not hot, up to 30 degrees. Do the procedure for 10-15 minutes, after which the skin becomes soft and rough parts can be easily removed with a pumice stone. You can use the baths every day until the cracks disappear.


This remedy is used when deep, painful cracks form on the heels. It is painless and significantly speeds up the healing process. It is necessary to make from paraffin medicinal mixture, to do this, take dry paraffin and Coconut oil(if you don’t have it, you can replace it with sea buckthorn). Melt paraffin in oil and cool. Then spread on the heels, cover with film and leave overnight.

Paraffin tends to harden, this is what happens during the treatment process. It penetrates into cracks together with oil, the oil plays a regenerating role.

Badger fat ointment

The fat of this animal is actively used to treat various wounds, burns, injuries, including the healing of heels. It is very important to prepare this medicine correctly. The recipe includes fat as a base, as well as calendula and celandine. You need to take 5 grams of herbs and pour boiling water over them, leave for a few minutes. Place the badger fat on the fire and boil in a water bath for about 10 minutes.

When the fat becomes completely liquid, you need to add the herbs. Until this time, they should be soft, and the water in which they are soaked should turn yellow. Mix everything and continue cooking for another 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then strain the mixture, the herb should remain in the gauze. The ointment must be kept in the refrigerator. It is better to use at night so that the product can be absorbed freely. Before use, warm up the ointment a little so that it has a semi-liquid structure.

Honey is a universal product

Everyone knows medicinal properties this product. It is used for internal use and for local compresses. To make honey last, it is used to make cakes by mixing it with flour. It is best to use cornmeal if possible. The cakes should be applied to steamed feet before bed, secured to the heel and put on socks made of natural fabric. In the morning, remove and refrigerate; the same tortillas can be used 3 times.

Vegetable compresses

Some raw vegetables have wound-healing properties, so they are used in the treatment of heels. You can apply a paste of potatoes, onions or apples to the painful point. To do this, grate the vegetables on a fine grater and squeeze lightly. Potatoes retain their properties even when boiled. Therefore, you can boil it, make a liquid puree and soak your heels for 10 minutes.

A decoction of milk and coltsfoot

A bunch of leaves of this plant must be finely chopped and poured with a glass of milk. Cook in a water bath for about an hour, but do not let it boil too much. Then strain, collect the leaves in a bandage and apply to the crack. You can make a compress several times a day for 20-30 minutes.

Egg yolk ointment

You need to take 2-3 fresh eggs and separate the yolk from the white. Add 1 tsp to the yolk. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. There is no need to cook, just mix thoroughly until smooth. Before going to bed, you need to steam and dry your heels, apply a thick layer of ointment, secure with film and put on thin socks on top. The ointment can be warming, so you will feel a warm feeling in your legs at night. In the morning, remove the compress and wipe off any remaining product. This procedure can be done daily until the skin is completely restored.

Nettle bath

An effective and affordable product, easy to prepare. 2 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. During this time, the water should acquire a greenish-yellow color. Then immerse your feet in the water for 15 minutes. After this, wipe your feet dry and apply any emollient. You can do such baths systematically, then the skin on your heels will be soft and silky.

Pharmacy products for treating cracked heels

Pharmacy products are a great option for those who don’t have time but have a problem. Today on pharmacy shelves you can see many different ointments for cracked heels. Most of them are of homeopathic origin.

The most popular pharmaceutical products that are famous for their effectiveness:

  • Sea buckthorn cream "Green Pharmacy". A product of natural origin with a healing effect. Quickly relieves pain, softens the skin, eliminates calluses and cracks.
  • Panthenol. The cream contains dexapanthenol; this substance, when it enters the skin cells, turns into the form of panthenolic acid and promotes rapid skin regeneration.
  • Radevit is a topical ointment with vitamin A, based on petroleum jelly. Creates an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • AlgaSan. This is a modern complex preparation, created on the basis of pine oil, chamomile and turpentine. It is used to heal wounds, including cracks on the feet and heels.
  • Zazhivin 911 is a product designed to eliminate cracks. It contains vitamin F, milk thistle, sage, tea tree. Thanks to this composition, the ointment disinfects cracks, makes the skin softer, heals wounds and deodorizes the feet.

There are many pharmaceutical products and traditional medicine methods, everyone can choose what they like. The main thing is not to start this process and not wait for cracks to form. Treatment should begin when the skin on the feet becomes dry and the first discomfort occurs.

Video “How to make cream for cracked heels at home?”

Demonstrative video with a recipe for making homemade cream for cracked heels, which is natural and has an excellent effect.

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