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Willow products. Types of willow

Willow is one of the most common trees both in Russia and in other countries. The plant is unusually good-looking: a strong trunk, long hanging branches, leaves of all shades of green and flowers, like fluffy earrings, fascinate with their beauty and beckon to the world of nature and harmony. Many people grow willow on garden plots or at home.

The tree has been an inspiration for many writers, poets and artists for a long time. A. Fet, A. Akhmatova, S. Yesenin, F. Tyutchev and others wrote about him. The famous storyteller H.H. Andersen, who owns the fairy tale “Under the Willow,” did not stand aside. The painting “The Weeping Willow” by C. Monet is also known.

The tree is widely used in manufacturing, industry, agriculture and medicine.

The bark and leaves of this plant in Greece and Ancient Egypt treated fever, and in the United States of America, broom infusions were used as a pain reliever. Later, scientists found that the tree has many useful substances, including salidroside, tannin, flavonoids, salicin and salicylic acid.

Flexible thin branches have long been used for weaving furniture, fences and enclosures, and fish traps. Today, chairs, baskets, boxes and cradles are made from willow twigs. In agriculture it is an excellent honey plant, valuable because of its early flowering and a protector against erosion, easily coping with it thanks to its long and twisting roots.

Most species of the “willow” family are a separate ornamental crop that can decorate a park area or personal plot. Many designers include plants in their compositions and create gardens in an original style.

Popularly, this tree has several names: willow, willow, willow, vine, lozinka, etc. Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus: willow is a tree or shrub. After all, the “willow” family has about 600 species, differing in size and external characteristics. Experienced gardeners know that it is a shrub and deciduous tree, but for amateurs it is not always clear where the willow grows, why it is called a weeping willow and what the willow looks like.

The willow root system is just as varied as the willow species. It may be:

  • formed compact vertical main root system;
  • tiered, prostrate main root system;
  • system formed due to existing adventitious roots or vegetative propagation cuttings.

In general, the root system of this tree is deep and powerful, but it is a little picky about the condition of the soil: the roots do not like too much moisture, despite the fact that the tree grows mainly on the banks of lakes, rivers, ponds and streams. Willows often form large “willow” groves that can stretch along the shore for a long time - the seeds are carried by the wind and when they fall into silt or water, they for a long time retain viability.

Gallery: willow tree (25 photos)

Tree species diversity

Trees of the willow family are distinguished by a transparent, see-through crown, thin and flexible shoots and narrow, pointed, oblong leaves. Willow fruits are small flowers. There are dwarf and shrub willows, many species reach up to 15 m in height, and the tallest - up to 40 m.

The diversity of species of this plant is the result of mutations occurring in nature, as well as human activity. During the study of the tree, a large number of hybrids were bred, even botanists found it difficult to classify. And today, thanks to their work, we can distinguish the most common types of willow, various shapes, varieties and varieties, including decorative ones:

  • silver;
  • rod-shaped;
  • crying.

Silver or white willow

Silver or white willow is a large tree up to 30 m high, with a spreading openwork crown and thick bark. Popular in Russia, China, Asia Minor and Western Europe. Found on the banks of rivers and reservoirs, in favorable conditions grows very quickly and can occupy vast territories; The tree is durable, not picky about soil, and can grow up to 100 years.

Distinctive features:

  • thin branches of a silver-gray color (over the years they become brown);
  • smooth, bright green, lanceolate-shaped leaves with finely serrated silvery edges on the reverse side;
  • round inflorescences.

Silver willow is grown for landscaping in urban areas and is also used for vines. Her wide application caused the emergence different varieties, shapes and varieties.

Varieties of silver willow:

  • yellow (with a large rounded crown and red or golden yellow shoots);
  • shiny (medium-sized tree with emerald-gray leaves);
  • glaucous (the branches of the tree are directed upward at a slight angle, the leaves are bluish-gray in color).

The forms include:

  • silver (a young tree with silver-gray leaves on both sides, later one side of the leaf changes color and becomes rich green);
  • yellow weeping (distinguished by very long shoots all the way to the ground);
  • oval (has elliptical leaves).

Among the varieties of white willow, the most popular are:

Weeping, or Babylonian

Babylonian, or weeping, willow is a tree with low, to the ground, green branches and a yellowish tint, and is brittle. It grows mainly in the subtropical zone: on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Central Asia and the southern coast of Crimea. However, China is considered to be its homeland; it was from there that willow was transported to other regions. The height of the tree reaches 12 m, and the crown diameter is about 6 m; It is considered an ornamental plant, because it has a short leafless period and is without leaves for only a couple of winter months. At the same time, the weeping ornamental willow is afraid of frost and will not be able to grow in cold conditions.

Of the varieties, the most popular is the Beijing one (common in Korea, China and Eastern Siberia).

There are many more known varieties:

  • "Tortuosa" or Tortuosa (a tree with strongly curved twisted branches of a green-brown hue and bright foliage);
  • "Crispa" or Crispa (a variety with interesting twisted shoots and leaves that form curls on long branches);
  • "Tortuosa Aurea" or Tortuosa Aurea (plant with twisted red-orange stems).

Rod-shaped, or rod-shaped

The twig or twig willow is primarily grown for its vines, but decorative forms also exist. This is a shrub or tree up to 10 m, which has long flexible shoots and straight young branches covered with short silvery hair, which disappears over time and reappears after a while. The main difference of this plant is considered to be the many branched stems with a pile and unusual leaves of an elliptical shape, with different surfaces: dark green glossy on top and gray pubescent on the bottom.

This species is one of the most widespread in France; the plant is protected in almost all regions of the country. In Russia it grows in Western Siberia and Altai. The shrub does not like swampy places and is beautifully located on the banks of rivers along a living riverbed, it is light-loving, its stem cuttings take root well, it grows quickly and has excellent sprouting ability; resistant to spring frosts, considered a classic basket willow.

The most popular variety of shrub is creeping silver willow; the French consider it a valuable, highly ornamental plant with densely pubescent gray leaves and purple shoots. The plant blooms from March to May.

The weeping willow is a large tree that can often be found near rivers and ponds in temperate climates. Judging by the fact that the plant feels great in wildlife and tolerates heat and frost, it will not be difficult to care for it at home. Willow looks great in parks, recreation areas or even in the front yard.

The tree can grow up to 25 meters and live 100 years.

What types of willow are there?

Weeping willow in landscape design- this is an unusual solution. Among the varieties of willows you can find both full-fledged trees with a powerful trunk and ornamental shrubs. The varieties differ because they are adapted to live in different climatic conditions:

  1. White willow is a tree whose height can reach 25 m. The lifespan of the variety is about 100 years. The willow is called white because its leaves are colored on the underside. light color. The plant feels good on the banks of rivers and reservoirs; it can also be planted near an artificial pond.
  2. Weeping white willow also has an unusual color, but differs in the shape of its crown. Its branches are long, flexible, lowered to the ground. The tree bark has a rich yellow tint.
  3. Babylonian willow also has a weeping crown. It can reach a height of 15 m or more, and its lifespan is about 100 years. The leaves are light, but without a silvery tint. The tree grows quickly and reaches its peak. The most comfortable conditions for his life are well-lit shores of reservoirs.
  4. Shaggy dwarf willow is a shrub that does not grow higher than 2 meters. Its leaves are different from those that grow on the usual weeping willow - rounded and covered with light down. This plant can form a crown of an unusual shape, since the shoots are strong and grow upward. The shrub easily tolerates winter frosts and prefers to grow in moist soil.
  5. Goat willow is a distinctive tree that is often planted in parks and recreation areas. The shoots are directed downwards, and small round leaves grow on them. Flowering occurs in spring, during which time the tree emits a sweet honey aroma.

There are other varieties of trees such as weeping willow. They can be completely different appearance, but all belong to the willow family. These are not only large trees with branches falling to the ground, but also small bushes with unusual leaf shapes. With proper care and watering, willow grows quickly, and by pruning you can form a crown of the desired shape on it.

Rules for planting and care

Caring for decorative weeping willow is easy. The only thing worth paying attention to is the composition of the soil and its moisture content. Under natural conditions, the tree grows on sandy or loamy soils and constantly receives the required amount of water from the reservoir. If you plant a willow far from natural sources of moisture (a pond or river), it will have to be constantly watered. On dry, hot days summer days It will be useful to spray the leaves.

The plant does not need additional feeding. It adapts well to temperature changes and tolerates both heat and frost. However, you can periodically fertilize the soil with humus or compost.

It is most comfortable for weeping willow to grow on constantly moist soil. It will grow faster if the groundwater level in the area is high.

Willow propagation

Under natural conditions, the tree propagates by seeds; at home, cuttings or seedlings are used. Cuttings are harvested in spring or autumn; the middle sections of young branches that are no more than 2 years old are suitable for them. Next, they need to be prepared for planting:

  • the optimal cutting length is from 20 to 30 cm;
  • planted in the ground in a greenhouse or any other warm room;
  • until the seedlings get stronger and are ready for transplanting, they need to be watered frequently, fertilized and the soil around them loosened;
  • young trees are not planted outside in the first year; they must spend the first winter in a warm place.

Weeping willow is planted in open ground in the spring, when the snow has completely melted. By this time, the young tree should already have a fully formed root system. You can also plant it in the fall, when the period of sap movement has already ended. In this case, the soil will need to be covered with leaves or straw, and the tree itself with spruce branches.

It is necessary to dig a shallow hole in the ground (up to 60 cm in depth). During planting, the tree should be fertilized so that it takes root faster. The lower third of the hole is filled with a mixture of soil, peat and humus, and the remaining volume is filled with earth. The soil is raked up to the seedling in such a way that it forms a mound, around which there will be a depression for watering. After planting, pour 2 buckets of water under the plant. The dwarf weeping willow is no less resistant to changing weather conditions than a full-fledged tree.

If the seedling is tall and unstable, it will need additional support. A peg is placed next to it, and the young tree is loosely fixed with a rope.

Growing on a trunk

A weeping willow on a trunk will decorate any garden. Stamped trees are those in which a decorative crown, either its own or grafted, extends from a straight trunk without branches (the trunk itself). For these purposes, a variety such as goat willow is suitable. It can be grafted onto a standard, but there is another way to grow it original:

  • after planting, choose a strong and powerful shoot and firmly fix it to the support;
  • as it grows, the trunk is tied higher so that it grows straight and does not branch;
  • side shoots in summer need to be shortened by a third so that nutrients entered the main trunk, and it grew stronger;
  • in the fall, the remaining parts of the shoots are completely removed, leaving stumps 0.5 cm long.

When the stem reaches the desired height, the support is removed. The next step is to form a uniform, thick crown that will fall down. To do this, it is enough to trim it in such a way that all the branches grow downwards. Their ends are pinched off, and the shoots begin to produce new branches.

In the photo, a weeping willow grown on a trunk looks original. Other upright trees can be used as a headquarters, and goat willow can be grafted in as a decorative crown. First, you need to plant a trunk so that by the time of grafting it has time to get stronger and take root. The procedure is best carried out in late spring or early summer. When it is ready for grafting, a split is made at its top, into which a willow rootstock is planted. They usually take root well if grafted in the spring. As a result, the tree grows even and tall from below, and at its top there is a weeping crown.

Before planting a new tree in your garden, you should read the description of the weeping willow and make sure that the climatic conditions are suitable for it. It should not be planted in areas where the groundwater level is low, since it will have to be watered daily. If possible, you should choose places near natural or artificial reservoirs. Planting young trees is not difficult even for a novice gardener, but preparing cuttings can be lengthy. The best solution would be to purchase a young seedling ready for planting at the age of 1 or 2 years, which has already developed a root system. With proper care and suitable conditions, the tree will live for at least 100 years.

Weeping willow in landscape design - video

General information

Willow (Willow, Salix)- a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the willow family. The height of the trees is 10-40 m. The flowers are white, grayish or yellow, collected in earrings; They bloom mostly before the leaves bloom. The fruit is a capsule with many seeds, which, falling into the soil, under favorable conditions, begin to germinate on the very first day. Willows are propagated by seeds or by rooting branches, or in cultivation by cuttings. Willow is photophilous and frost-resistant. Prefers soils with excess moisture. Lives about 30 years, sometimes up to 100-150.

The genus includes 300-400 species, distributed mainly in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 120 species in Russia (the popular names willow, willow, bredina, vine, broom and others can refer to one or several types of willows at the same time). Willows grow mainly along the banks of water bodies, often forming thickets, and tolerate prolonged flooding.

In the coastal landscapes of Russia, tree-like willows play a significant role:

White willow (Salix alba)

White willow, or willow, is a large tree with thin hanging branches, height up to 20-30 m, trunk diameter up to 1.5 m. The trunk is powerful, covered with gray bark with cracks. The leaves are up to 15 cm long, dark green above, glabrous, silvery and silky below. The wood of this type of willow is used in the manufacture of dishes and very rarely as a building material.

Norway willow (Salix acutifolia)

Norway willow, or red willow, is a tree, often a shrub up to 10 m high, with a crown of medium density. The leaves are pointed at the tops, 6-15 cm long, 0.7-1.2 cm wide, bare and shiny above, greenish below. Branches of this particular type are used in Christian rituals Palm Sunday. Holly willow is used to anchor sands.

Dew willow (Salix rorida)

Dewy willow is a tall shrub up to 10-12 m, there are specimens up to 20 m high with a diameter of 40-50 cm. The leaves are lanceolate up to 12 cm, dark green above, bluish below. Bark with cracks.

Three-stamen willow (Salix triandra)

Three-stamen willow is a shrub 6-7 m high. The trunks are smooth, straight, thin with greenish-gray bark that peels off in thin layers. The leaves are elliptical, pointed, dark green matte above, whitish or bluish below. The most common purpose of three-stamen willow branches is the production of high-quality wicker furniture. The bark is used to produce the yellow color.

Shrub species include:

Willow (Salix viminalis)

The twig willow grows as a shrub or small multi-stemmed tree up to 8-10 m tall with a wide crown. Linear-lanceolate leaves up to 20 cm long, yellowish-green above, glabrous or pubescent, pubescent below silvery-silky. This type is most suitable for basket weaving.

Goat willow (Salix caprea)

Goat willow, or bredina, is a small tree up to 10 m, with a dense crown. The leaves are broadly oval to lanceolate, dark green above, bluish below. Wood goat willow used for making small crafts. Black dye is obtained from the bark.

Brittle willow (Salix fragilis)

Brittle willow or willow is a tree 18-20 m tall with a spherical crown and brown-gray bark with deep cracks. The leaves are narrow, up to 1.5 cm wide, glabrous, with a glossy sheen. Wood is used for fuel and is used as an ornamental and building material.

Plantations formed by tree-like willows are called willow forests or willow forests. They are common in the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. Thickets of shrubs are called willows or willows.


Willow is one of the most valuable tree and shrub species with a variety of uses. Willow wood is light, soft, and the best arches and runners for sleds are made from it. From flexible annual branches different types they weave baskets and make wicker furniture. Willow is used in the pulp and paper industry and in the production of matches. The bark of many species, containing up to 20% tannins, is used to obtain high-quality tanned leathers. Willow bark decoctions are used in folk medicine. A powerful root system with numerous adventitious roots makes it possible to use willow to secure sand, the banks of reservoirs, slopes, and to create roadside and shelterbelt forest belts. A number of willow species (especially weeping forms) are bred as ornamental ones. All willows are excellent early honey plants.

In many respects, willow wood is close to poplar and linden. The texture of the wood is not clearly expressed. It has a straight-layered structure, mainly with straight annual layers in a radial section. The density of willow wood is 0.46 kg/m3.

Willow wood is soft, flexible, difficult to split and splinter, can be easily cut with various tools, can be glued, sanded, and painted well. After lying in water, the wood acquires a rich red-brown or red-brown hue due to the tannins contained in the tree sap.

Among deciduous trees in our latitudes, one of the most common is willow. Willow wood is soft, easy to work with and is often used for carpentry, turning and carving.

Willow: general characteristics

Willow is a tree or tall shrub up to 10-30 meters high (depending on the species). The crown of this plant is weeping, wide-rounded, the trunk is powerful, with a diameter of 0.6-0.7 meters. The trunk is covered with dark gray bark with rough vertical cracks. Grows in the temperate climate of Central Asia, Europe, and the Caucasus.

Willow grows on river banks, forest edges, and mixed forests.

Willow wood: physical and mechanical properties, texture

Refers to sound breeds. The core is brown-red, the sapwood is narrow, light with a brown tint. The color of the kernel is uneven: a longitudinal section reveals light and dark stripes running along the fibers. There is no contrasting border between the heartwood and sapwood. On all sections, the annual layers of willow wood are clearly visible due to the dark narrow strip that runs along their border. Extremely fine core rays, indistinguishable to the human eye.

The density of willow wood is 400-450 kg/cubic meter, which is comparable to poplar or linden wood. The properties of willow wood to bend well, be soft and elastic are used in weaving furniture from wicker, making and crafts.

Characterized by medium resistance to splitting. This material is susceptible to biological influences. In particular, willow wood, especially old trees, turns out to be rotten inside. However, she is able to take antiseptics well.

But it holds the fasteners weakly - about the same as or.

Willow wood is not accompanied by cracking, but it may warp. Willow wood is a species with an average drying rate. Products made from dried willow retain their shape and size well and almost do not warp over time.

Willow wood: processing features

This softness characteristic of willow wood requires the use of a sharp tool. It is easy to cut – even across the grain, or along it. Willow wood accepts mordants and varnishes well; sands and glues well.

Processing willow wood for weaving involves preliminary steaming. It has been noticed that if willow wood is in water for a long time - either cut down or a living tree - then over time it acquires a red-violet or gray-violet hue. This is due to the fact that willow juice contains tannins.

Willow wood: application

The use of willow wood is due to its flexibility: it is largely a material for wicker furniture, fences and interior items. This is a hot topic, since the rustic eco-style appeals to everyone more townspeople But furniture is not often made from processed willow wood.

The use of willow wood is associated with the manufacture of light, warm hives for bees, boats, household dishes and utensils, exclusive horse hoops, harnesses, as well as ordinary wallets and baskets.

Slats made from willow wood are used to make tennis rackets, bent handles, hoops and other bent products.

Soft willow wood Suitable for turning products: toys, boxes, flat-relief carvings, cutting boards.

Craftsmen make wooden sculptures from willow logs.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

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