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The most famous drugs for rejuvenating the body. Scheme for taking dietary supplements for health, beauty and youth Dietary supplements for youth in recent days

In Russia, people still perceive dietary supplements with caution and do not have much confidence in such products. But in the West everything is different: dietary supplements are used even more often than medications. But to get the most out of them, you need to find real, genuine supplements. Today, German, American and Swiss dietary supplements are considered the best on the market.

Coenzyme: energy tonic

Coenzyme is simply indispensable for our body. It fills us with strength, which it converts from food into energy. In addition, it has antioxidant properties: it protects our cells from damage and helps with metabolism. Therefore, this substance is often included in weight loss products. Thanks to coenzyme, our cells are restored faster, and our skin looks young.

Where can I find coezim? It cannot be found in food products. It is produced by our liver from related coenzymes found in animal proteins: beef heart, meat, liver and green vegetables. But there are cases when severe protein food contraindicated. Then it is better to obtain this substance in a synthesized form. It can be purchased as a stand-alone dietary supplement. Take coenzyme 1 capsule twice a day with meals.

DHEA: balancer

This abbreviation hides the hormone-like substance dehydroepiandrosterone. This substance is produced by the ovaries and is the progenitor of all hormones: it is processed into progesterone, estrogen, cortisol and testosterone. When our hormonal balance is in harmony, our body looks great. Experiments conducted in the USA have proven that DHEA can prolong our life, while making us more energetic and youthful, and also protect us from excess weight. With age, the amount of this substance decreases in our body. By the age of 40, it becomes half as much, and by 60, it almost stops being produced altogether.

Where to find DHEA? It is produced by our body from the chemical squalene. This substance is found in avocados, olives, cheese, eggplant, and tuna. It is very useful to use all these products in a salad seasoned with olive oil. DHEA is not sold separately in pharmacies. It can only be found as part of anti-aging complexes. DHEA is taken once a day, one tablet for a month.

Dong Quai: Ladies' Man

This plant helps regulate menstrual cycle. And during menopause, it reduces vaginal dryness, hot flashes and palpitations. Dong Quai is rich in vitamin E, iron and has antioxidant properties. It helps prevent one of the main factors of aging - lipid oxidation, helps the skin retain moisture and protects it from exposure to sunlight.

Where to find? In rejuvenating complexes. Take one tablet once a day for a month.

Gingko Biloba: stimulant

This plant looks like a plum. It is considered the best brain stimulant. In cosmetology, gingko biloba is used to influence blood vessels: a unique cocktail bioactive components strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation and cells are enriched with nutrients. As a result, we look younger.

Where to look? In the composition of various complexes, as well as as an independent dietary supplement. Used for two months twice a day, one tablet at a time.

Ginseng: source of vitality

Ginseng is known for its anti-aging properties. It is rich in antioxidants, fatty and essential oils, starch, sugar, vitamins and microelements that have tonic and stimulating properties. Ginseng extract fights swelling, accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells, strengthens elastin and collagen fibers.

Where to look? It is produced as an independent biological supplement. Take one capsule per day for two months.

Glutamic acid: flavor enhancer

This amino acid gives muscles and bones strength, prevents aging, and helps the skin retain moisture. It is also able to stimulate mental activity, reduce the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine, medications and drugs.

Where to look? As part of complex dietary supplements or as an independent supplement. Take 1 teaspoon once a day, dissolving in a glass of water.

Glutathione: an aging fighter

Glutathione is considered a powerful antioxidant that is synthesized by our body from three other acids. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that fights aging. After all, it is aging that provokes inflammatory reactions in the cells of our body.

Where to look? This substance is found in watermelons, raw carrots, and citrus fruits. In the pharmacy it is sold in combination with Brussels sprout extract. Take one capsule three times a day for two months.

Selenium: germ killer

Able to suppress the activity of free radicals, helps cope with viruses and bacteria, promotes cell regeneration and prevents the formation of blood clots and blood thickening.

Where to look? In complex dietary supplements containing vitamin E and glutathione. Take one tablet twice daily with meals.

Melatonin: rejuvenator

Melatonin is a hormone produced by our bodies. It is located in the pineal gland in the brain and helps us look and feel young. Melatonin is a natural sleeping pill, and sleep is the key to health and beauty. As we age, this hormone is produced in smaller quantities, and taking it can prolong our life by 20%.

Where to look? Peanuts, cheese, beef fillet, eggs, and milk contribute to the production of melatonin. It can also be purchased as an independent dietary supplement. Take one tablet half an hour before bedtime for a month.

Green tea: a shield against diseases

Is a powerful antioxidant. It weakens the carcinogenic effects of cigarette smoke, toxic emissions from transport and enterprises. Atanines, which are contained in tea, strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling and improve appearance skin.

Where to look? Sold in any store in the form of tea, as well as as a stand-alone supplement. Drink green tea possible several times a day. It is recommended to use the tablets once a day for two months.

Do I need to take dietary supplements? You decide. But it must be taken into account that to modern man lacks useful substances and vitamins. We cannot get the required amount from food, since many foods are processed and improperly prepared.

Even if you don't trust pharmaceutical drugs, this is not a reason to refuse dietary supplements. Many of them, as you can see from the article, have beneficial properties for our body. Thanks to them, we can prolong our youth, improve our health and look our best. Isn't this what each of us dreams of? Therefore, if you are a supporter of dietary supplements, we advise you to reconsider your views on some of them.

Japanese dietary supplements are among the most popular in the world. They contain the most valuable substances synthesized from the organisms of rare plants and animals.

In Asian countries and the USA, these complexes have already become firmly established daily life of people. Women take them to prolong their youth and always look great. Men - to increase vitality and improve performance. Elderly people simply need these products and they are widely prescribed in hospitals. 90% of Japanese residents use dietary supplements to lead an active lifestyle.

In Russia Japanese dietary supplements They began to be popularized quite recently, but have already conquered the pharmaceutical and cosmetology markets. Today we will look at the best Japanese supplements that will help you maintain youth and improve your health.

Alpha lipoic acid - the elixir of eternal youth

The most powerful antioxidant of all dietary supplements. Our body independently synthesizes this substance, but in small quantities. With food we also get only small crumbs of this most valuable product. But a lack of antioxidants leads to early aging and poor health. Therefore, to maintain youth and longevity, this remedy must be taken additionally in the form of a dietary supplement.

It is recommended to take the drug during a diet, as the acid converts subcutaneous fat into energy. In addition, alpha lipoic acid has many more useful properties, confirmed by science. It has been successfully used in medicine for 30 years, and has recently found a niche in cosmetology. Scientists are already predicting that lipoic acid will become the elixir of eternal youth.

The dietary supplement has a very wide spectrum of action:

Removes toxins and promotes weight loss

Rejuvenates skin cells, slows down age-related changes

Normalizes sugar levels, helps in the treatment of diabetes

Prevents liver damage by protecting it from the effects of toxins and alcohol

Increases brain activity, improves memory, helps fight dementia

Reduces the risk of oncology and cancer

Helps the body produce additional energy

Strengthens the immune system and nervous system

Order Alpha lipoic acid you can on the website

Collagen is the secret of Japanese women

By the age of 25, the first age-related changes begin to appear. This happens because the natural collagen contained in the skin cells ceases to be produced in the required quantity. The skin loses elasticity, sags and fades. Collagen is also found in connective tissues, joints and cartilage, internal organs, hair, nails, which also become thinner with age.

Additional intake of collagen in the form of a dietary supplement will help restore youth and elasticity to the skin and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body. It allows the active production of interarticular fluid, which is a lubricant for joints.

Japanese collagen is recognized as the best in the world; it is extracted from rare species of sea fish. It is also called amino collagen and its composition is as similar as possible to human collagen. Japanese women regularly use cosmetics containing collagen and also take it orally, so looking at them you can say that they have learned to stop the passage of time.

The effect of Japanese collagen on the body:

Has an anti-aging and lifting effect, smooths out wrinkles, gives tone to sagging skin and delays the aging process for a long time

Improves joint mobility and spine flexibility

Reanimates hair, makes it elastic, strong, shiny, prevents splitting and fragility

Improves the appearance of nails, eliminates splitting, accelerates growth

Promotes regeneration of damaged tissues, rapid healing of wounds

Cures dermatitis and inflammation of the skin

Retains calcium in bones and nails, making them stronger

Increases blood circulation in blood vessels, prevents the formation of varicose veins

Order Collagen you can on the website

Hyaluronic acid – beauty from within

This is the natural “lubricant” of our body. It is present in almost all structures of our body, mainly in the skin. It retains moisture in the cells, maintaining the elasticity of the skin, muscles, connective and soft tissues. As we age, acid production slows down, so to continue to nourish your skin and keep your body toned, you need to take hyaluronic acid as a dietary supplement.

Hyaluronic acid is classified as a “nutricosmetics” drug. That is, it acts from the inside, giving beauty and youth from the outside.

The Japanese method of producing hyaluronic acid has no equal in the world. The product has highest degree cleaning and is unique in that it is maximally absorbed by the body.

Regular intake of dietary supplements:

Helps with the natural production of natural collagen and hyaluronic acid

Maintains skin elasticity, smoothes facial wrinkles and scars, tightens facial contours, eliminates dryness and

Peeling, preserves youth

Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes, relieves eyes from fatigue and inflammation, makes it easier to wear contact lenses

Improves joint mobility, the product is indispensable for symptoms of arthritis and rheumatitis

Improves the functions of the musculoskeletal system

Accelerates healing after bone fractures and sprains, surgery

Is the strongest antioxidant and immunomodulator

Relieves symptoms of menopause in women

Order Hyaluronic acid you can on the website

Squalene – oxygen vitamin

This miracle drug is extracted from the liver of a deep-sea shark. It is vital for the inhabitants of the deep sea to produce oxygen, which squalene helps them with. Synthesized shark squalene, entering the human body, also begins to saturate cells with oxygen.

After 20 years, it’s time to think about feeding your body with oxygen. Lack of oxygen affects the appearance and internal state of a person. Irreversible early aging processes occur, tumors develop, immunity declines, and the nervous system collapses. And such a “vitamin” as squalene, when taken regularly, will more than cover this deficiency. Tissues constantly supplied with oxygen begin to renew themselves. The body becomes younger and healthier!

The effect of squalene on the body is difficult to overestimate:

Removes toxins and waste from the intestines, cleanses blood and lymph

Helps to resist viral infections, fungi and bacteria

Normalizes hormonal levels

Stimulates the growth of new healthy cells

Has a visible rejuvenating effect

Prevents the formation of cancer cells and inhibits their development

Improves memory and concentration

Increases libido in men and women

Order Shark squalene you can on the website

Coenzyme Q10 is your dear friend

In Japan, this drug has long been prescribed to patients with heart failure. Also, almost all residents of this country take coenzyme to increase vitality and prolong youth.

Coenzyme is vital for humans, but despite the fact that it is produced by the body and comes from outside with food and vitamins, most people are deficient in this substance, especially in adulthood. Symptoms of Q10 deficiency are a feeling of apathy, deterioration of heart function, gum inflammation, and hypertension.

Taking coenzyme in the form of a dietary supplement reduces the likelihood of cardiac ailments and inhibits age-related processes: memory loss, joint pain, diabetes, neurosis, Alzheimer's disease and others.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole:

Slows down the appearance of signs of premature aging on the skin

Generates energy, increases vitality, fights depression

Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Prevents heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases

Acts as a powerful antioxidant

Reduces the risk of tumors

Accelerates the process of losing weight, burns fat deposits

Strengthens the immune system, helps withstand unfavorable environments

Order Coenzyme Q10 you can on the website

The listed Japanese-made dietary supplements are recognized as the world's best means for health and rejuvenation. Each product is developed by leading Japanese specialists. Natural biologically active additives have a broadly targeted preventive and therapeutic effect.

The human body gradually wears out and in order to live fully it is necessary to constantly replenish it. Today's scientific progress gives us such an opportunity. The leaders of the Japanese cosmetology and medicine market are available to you right now. Choose a suitable preparation in the form of tablets, powder or oil and then beauty, youth and vigor will become your companions!

Rejuvenation pills are in extraordinary demand today. Particularly popular are products made from plants, which have been used for this purpose in oriental medicine for thousands of years. The pharmaceutical industry has managed to create a number of fairly effective medications and biologically active food additives (dietary supplements) to prolong youth.

Why does cell renewal slow down?

Aging is associated with slower cell turnover. Why this happens is not precisely established. But science already knows many of the causes and mechanisms of aging. One of the main reasons for this irreversible process is that cells are programmed to undergo a certain number of divisions.

As you know, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, which are twisted in the form of spirals. At the ends of the spirals there are protective tips - telomeres. Until relatively recently, it was believed that telomeres performed only a protective function. As it turned out, this is not entirely true: telomeres are the biological clock of our body, as they shorten with each division. The length of telomeres can be used to determine a person's biological age.

The rate of telomere shortening depends on heredity and external influences. Therefore, some people age quickly, while others slowly, living to a ripe old age. External influences (radiation, prolonged stress, prolonged heavy loads, etc.) and the addition of age-related diseases accelerate the shortening of telomeres.

This theory would be considered completely proven, but there is one exception that does not fit into it. In an adult, the telomeres of nerve and muscle cells do not shorten, and the cells still die, being replaced through certain period new. This mystery remains unsolved to this day. There is an assumption that with each cell division certain changes (mutations) occur in it. The accumulation of mutations in new generations of cells leads to a decrease in their regenerative abilities. The skin cells of the female body are the first to react to this.

It was also found that the human body has an enzyme that can stop the shortening of telomeres. This enzyme (telomerase) is called the immortality enzyme.

What the pharmaceutical industry has to offer

The pharmaceutical industry offers a number of vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements for rejuvenation. Some time ago, scientists tried to create a drug based on telomerase that would restore youth and beauty, but nothing came of it. So what will rejuvenate the body?

A large number of dietary supplements for rejuvenation are produced, which do not undergo such strict control as medications. They take dietary supplements without a doctor’s prescription, sometimes several at a time, which leads to various disorders.

High-quality medications with vitamins and dietary supplements can slow down the aging process if taken correctly, after consulting with your doctor first. It should be remembered that some dietary supplements are incompatible with certain medications and even foods.

Vitamins for rejuvenation

Vitamins and minerals take part in the biochemical reactions of cellular metabolism. Therefore, they are vitally necessary for the body both during the period of growth and during the aging period to prolong life. Activation of metabolic processes contributes to the return of youth. The female body especially flourishes.

It is also known that many vitamins have an antioxidant effect, that is, they neutralize toxic free radicals formed during redox reactions. But don’t think that free radicals only cause harm. In fact, only their excess is dangerous; moderate formation of free radicals is beneficial: they are capable of destroying the cell membranes of infectious agents.

The most effective drugs for rejuvenation are:

  • fat-soluble vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol) - they prevent cell aging, maintain youth and beauty; tocopherol is also an excellent antioxidant and has a positive effect on the reproductive system of women;
  • water-soluble vitamins C (ascorbic acid), B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine);
  • Recently, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) has been actively used for rejuvenation.

Of the mineral substances, zinc, selenium and manganese take an active part in the rejuvenation of the body.

High-quality drugs for rejuvenating the body are:

  • Supradin (Bayer, Switzerland);
  • Perfectil (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • special dragee Merz (Merz Pharma, Germany);
  • Russian complexes Complivit and Alphabet.

The best anti-aging dietary supplements (Top 8)

The best means for rejuvenation are:

No. 1 - Imedin (Ferrosan, Denmark)

These are several anti-aging supplements:

  • Imedin Classic - beauty pills that prevent aging in those over 30; contain Biomarine Complex from natural seafood proteins, vitamins, minerals; promote the formation of collagen in the skin, attract water to the skin cells of the female body, improve skin elasticity, prevent its aging, which is especially important for women;
  • Imedin Time of Perfection – tablets; active antioxidant, protects skin from ultraviolet radiation, delaying the aging process;
  • Imedeen Flawless Renewal – tablets; prevents skin aging, promotes skin renewal in women over 50, protects from ultraviolet radiation; contains soy extract with phytoestrogens;

All Imedin supplements are taken 1-2 tablets with meals for 8 weeks to six months.

No. 2 - Flavoprimum (Group Michel Idern, France)

Antioxidant, has a rejuvenating effect, activates blood circulation and metabolism. Contains extracts of dry red wine and green tea. Take 2 – 3 capsules per day with meals for a week; a week break and the cycle is repeated twice more.

No. 3 - LivLon (Švenčeniu Vaistajoles, Lithuania)

Release form: capsules, 60 pcs. packaged.

LiveLon’ contains 10 natural antioxidants that have a positive effect on cellular metabolism and improve the functions of organs and body systems. Take 2 capsules before meals for a month.

LivLon ingredients (video):

No. 4 - Antiox (Nutripharma, Ireland)

Release form: capsules, 30 pcs. packaged.

Contains extracts of grape pomace, ginkgo dicotyledonous leaves, vitamins E, C, β-carotene (provitamin A), yeast with selenium, zinc. Has a rejuvenating effect. Take 2 capsules daily with meals for two to four weeks.

No. 5 - Vision Mega (Mega Pharm, Russia, manufacturer – Akropharma, France)

Release form: capsules, 60 pcs. packaged.

Complex fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. Activate blood circulation and metabolism, which promotes rejuvenation of the body. Take a capsule twice a day with meals, course – 30 days.

No. 6 - Dienai karma (Siberian Center of Pharmacology and Biotechnology, Russian Federation)

Release form: capsules, 10 pcs. packaged.

It contains two biomodules, one of which contains salmon milk extract, and the other a protein complex from natural sources. Actively affects all organs and systems, increasing energy potential, restoring damaged cells and rejuvenating the body. Take 1 capsule every 3-4 days, an hour after meals. One package is required per course.

No. 7 - Secretagogue Gold (MPR, USA)

Release form: sachets of powder, 60 pcs. packaged.

Secretagogue gold contains a complex of vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances that normalize the functions of all organs and systems. It has a significant healing and rejuvenating effect. Take 1 powder per day in a glass of water or juice between meals. Course – 60 days.

No. 8 - Transfer factor (4 Life Research LC, USA)

Release form: capsules of 60, 90 and 120 pcs. packaged.

Contains a concentrate from cow colostrum, which has a stimulating effect on immune system. Restoring immunity prevents the development of age-related diseases and has a rejuvenating effect. For rejuvenation, it is taken in an individually selected dosage for from 10 days to several months.

Everyone wants to look young. Any medications and dietary supplements are of auxiliary value in rejuvenation. There is no hope that after the course the body will be perfectly rejuvenated. But if you add high-quality dietary supplements to a healthy active lifestyle and proper nutrition, then there will be some sense.

Components that affect the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Delving more and more into the topic, I identified for myself the main components that affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

These are selenium, zinc, sulfur, group B, iodine, a complex of antioxidants, a complex of amino acids, omegas. They stand out on my list of must-have dietary supplements:

: hyaluronic acid, collagen and keratin. Most of my main jars are shown in the photo

at the very beginning of this material.

Selenium Let's now talk briefly about each.

As you understand, each vitamin or microelement plays a huge role in the life of the body as a whole. But I want to touch only on the topic of beauty and youth! Selenium. This microelement triggers the body's antioxidant defense process. That is, it makes free radicals inactive, which stimulate and accelerate the process of aging of the skin and the body as a whole. Selenium also has anti-acne properties. Another important quality

selenium - anti-cancer effect. Selenium is involved in protecting the body from malignant processes.


You often find this microelement in various shampoos and facial products. In shampoos it fights seborrhea, and in lotions and facial gels it fights acne. Zinc contained in bran and sprouted grains of wheat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds , mushrooms, meat, in smaller quantities in whole grain bread

, legumes, yolks, nuts, onions and garlic. Zinc helps improve complexion, hair and nails

, since it actively affects tissue renewal processes, which means it slows down skin aging. Since zinc is involved in the formation of collagen fibers, skin elasticity increases. I take selenium along with zinc

in the Czech drug "Selzinc", available without a prescription in Russian pharmacies. It also contains Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Beta-carotene. This drug is often prescribed by dermatologists

to combat acne. The problem of acne is not acute for me, so I take the drug for preventive purposes once every six months (that is, twice a year). The most striking effect of the drug

- change in color and general condition of the skin. It becomes dense, smooth, monochromatic. Capillaries become less visible. The drug is ideal for those with thin and sensitive skin, because after use you will feel that your skin has become a little thicker. Price of the complex

on the website of the Zhivika pharmacy about 300 rubles.

MSM (sulfur) MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)

- an organosulfur compound, a source of food sulfur. I only recently learned about the benefits of this mineral. new complex beauty. And, poking around on the website, where I often buy dietary supplements (more about it below), I accidentally came across a complex, one of the main components of which is sulfur. Then I started studying this component and learned about it benefits for joints, skin and hair.

Sulfur is involved in the synthesis of the main components of the skin(collagen), hair and nails (keratin)

Sulfur is contained V various types cabbage, onions, horseradish, legumes, also in meat, fish, eggs, milk, some fruits and vegetables.

Often used by athletes as a joint remedy and forms the basis of many sports supplements.

Solgar dietary supplements

My reviews of this brand have been extremely positive. I chose for myself and have already taken several times a very cool complex from the American brand Solgar, which I bought on iHerb. Solgar is a premium brand, reliable, the supplements are of very high quality, with a good composition, but quite expensive. I buy exclusively from, it turns out to be about half cheaper than in Russian pharmacies.

So the additive is called"Solgar, Skin, Nails and Hair, Improved Formula with Methylsulfonylmethane". The composition also includes vitamin C, zinc, copper, silicone, as well as two amino acids - L-proline and L-lysine. The drug promises to maintain normal levels of collagen, the main component of skin, nails and hair, since its production decreases with age.

I liked my course of two jars of Solgar. I did not observe any side effects, the skin is velvety and smooth. I did not notice any changes in my hair and nails.

- change in color and general condition of the skin. It becomes dense, smooth, monochromatic. Capillaries become less visible. The drug is ideal for those with thin and sensitive skin, because after use you will feel that your skin has become a little thicker. on the website - 715 rubles, on the website of the Zhivika pharmacy - 1400 rubles.

B vitamins

B vitamins(thiamine - B1, riboflavin - B2, niacin or nicotinic acid - B3, pantothenic acid - B5, pyridoxine - B6, biotin - B7, folic acid- B9, cyanocobalamin - B12). These vitamins play a significant role in cellular metabolism

B vitamins are contained in cereals, nuts, fruits, vegetables, herbs, soy, yeast, as well as in animal products (meat, eggs, fish, milk).

Vitamins of this group are very important for our hair! With their deficiency, shine is lost, fragility and dryness appear, and growth slows down. By the way, 5 - 7 years ago I was very fascinated by the topic of growing hair. Back then I was taking B vitamins in the form of nutritional yeast and it was disgusting! They always made my stomach ache and had an unpleasant aftertaste. Therefore, choose complexes for yourself, according to your feelings, and if possible, consult a doctor!

Since B vitamins are water soluble, they exist in both tablet and ampoules form. I often read the opinion that B vitamins introduced into the body through injections are better absorbed. But since I take them as a preventive measure, and not for the purpose of treating certain diseases, I am quite happy with the pills.

I take B vitamins in the Pentovit complex. It has a very good composition and, until recently, an inexpensive drug. Recently, prices for medicines and dietary supplements have increased quite significantly, and now at the Zhivika pharmacy this drug costs 110 rubles. The price does not seem high, but the pack is small and runs out very quickly.

I go through the complex about 2 - 3 times a year as a preventive measure and together with other means, so I did not notice a pronounced effect. I drink because I know that I don’t always get the required daily dose of these vitamins in foods.


Iodine- a trace element involved in the formation of thyroid hormones, which affect the growth, development and metabolism of the body. It is found in the body in very small quantities (about 20 g).

Many Russians, especially in the northern regions, have the problem of iodine deficiency. This is due to a lack of iodine in the soil, water and food we eat. Therefore, for prevention, iodine is often added to foods, for example, salt and water. But, as a rule, this is not enough for our body.

Iodine is mostly contained in seafood, sea ​​fish, oysters, seaweed, feijoa. Not the cheapest, and therefore not consumed by the majority of the Russian population.

It has long been established that iodine deficiency also affects our appearance., which is not surprising, because the outside is always an indicator of the inside. Hair loss, pale and dry skin, peeling nails - if you suddenly find these symptoms, get tested and check if everything is okay with iodine in your body.

My “friendship” with iodine preparations began trivially, with its deficiency in the body. The therapist prescribed me the drug Iodomarin 200 and told me to take it until my tests were perfect. Of course, when I came home with a pack of new pills, I immediately began studying them.

Price for Iodine

As I wrote above, I take iodine in the form of the drug Yodomarin. After treatment, my tests returned to normal, and now, as prescribed by the doctor, I take it for preventive purposes - a course twice a year.

Drug price at the Zhivika pharmacy - 180 rubles.


Antioxidants are the main friends of eternal youth, substances that try their best to slow down the aging process of our cells. Antioxidants protect cells from the oxidative effects caused by so-called free radicals. Free radicals (sounds like we'll talk about a political party) are active molecules that have free space for electrons, and they seek to fill this space by taking away an electron from other molecules. In other words, damaging them.

The most famous and popular antioxidants- vitamin C, vitamin E, ß-carotene (provitamin A), lycopene. These also include polyphenols: flavin and flavonoids (found in vegetables), tannins (in cocoa, coffee, tea), anthocyanins (in red berries).

Selenium is sometimes classified as an antioxidant, which in itself is not one, but has a pronounced antioxidant effect. We have already talked about it above.

Antioxidant Rich Foods, - beans, currants, cranberries, artichokes, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, rowan berries, some varieties of apples, nuts and dried fruits, cherries, plums, grain sprouts, pomegranates, oranges, cabbage, carrots, beets, garlic, onions, eggplants, spinach , parsley, celery, olive oil, red wine, green tea.

Antioxidants price

It is believed that antioxidants are best taken in their natural form., that is, to draw from food. But even I am with mine healthy eating I feel a lack of them, so I use supplements.

Solgar Antioxidant Complex

Solgar Essential Amino Acid Complex

Amino acids

Important! It is better to take hyaluronic acid on an empty stomach. in the morning, or after a collagen cocktail with vitamin C, which I will write about below. You also need to drink a lot of water so that there are the very molecules that the hyaluronic acid needs to bind (read the hardware above).

Unlike injections, the result will not be immediate. This is due to the fact that when you do “beauty injections”, the hyaluronic acid goes straight to where it is needed, that is, into the skin of the face. And when we take it in tablets, it enters the body as a whole. Therefore, it takes more time for the effect to be visible on the face! It took me a little less than a month!

Hyaluronic acid from Solgar. My favorit.

Hyaluronic Acid from NOW Foods. I took it to try for a change.


Collagen- a protein that forms the basis of the body’s connective tissue and ensures its elasticity, strength, hydration and elasticity.

Collagen is found mainly in meat and fish.

Collagen synthesis requires many vitamins and microelements, among the main ones are vitamin C, as well as amino acids, which we discussed above. Therefore, if you eat right, you will produce collagen on your own. Another question is in what quantity and whether your body has enough of it.

When choosing products with collagen, I decided to try several (of course, in courses at different times).

First -Neocell, Super Collagen, Type 1 & 3. It should be taken with natural lemon or orange juice, or by diluting effervescent ascorbic acid in water. Actually, you pour the powder into this liquid, mix it and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach! An hour or two hours after this, a hyaluronic acid tablet (I wrote about it above).

Cost of collagen on iherb

Cost of a jar of collagen on - 700 rubles. I have not seen it in Russian pharmacies. Designed for 1 - 1.5 months of use.

The second option is Natural Factors, BioSil, ch-OSA Advanced Collagen Generator. Contains silicone and choline. The main effect that I noticed was that my nails grew faster. Since I wear exclusively short nails (up to 3 mm), growing them is not my thing and the length does not bother me at all. But after this complex the growth was kind of crazy. I didn’t notice any special effect on my hair or facial skin. Perhaps this is due to the fact that immediately after the first complex I switched to this one. Therefore, there was still a cumulative effect from Neocell jars.

Packaging cost on - 3,200 rubles. I haven’t seen it in Russian pharmacies either. Designed for 2 months of use.

Supplements that can improve skin condition seem unrealistic only at first glance. Several nutrients have been tested in laboratory conditions and have been shown to be effective in preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles, age spots, and brain decline. And researchers aren't the only ones paying attention to these supplements. They are becoming increasingly popular among consumers and doctors. So it makes sense to supplement your anti-aging skin care routine with the following supplements to ensure you're doing everything possible to maintain your youth and beauty.

1. Polypodium Leucotomos Extract (PLE)

Protects against sun exposure, discoloration and sagging skin.

According to research, this extract (it is extracted from a fern growing in the area Central America) helps preserve skin fibroblasts, which build and repair collagen. This helps smooth out wrinkles and makes sagging skin firmer. Also, a recent study published in the International Journal of Dermatology suggests that this extract prevents sun damage to the skin caused by excess exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Many scientists hope that this could reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Also, these tablets can maintain your skin tone. Before going out into the sun, it is recommended to take 500 mg.

2. Vitamin C

Protects against wrinkles and memory problems.

Clinical studies have shown that the familiar vitamin C, when taken in tablet form, can reduce oxidative stress in cells, which helps them grow normally. It also leads to cell regeneration in healthy skin, slows down the formation of wrinkles and makes the complexion healthier. Experts recommend taking 100 mg of the vitamin per day.

3. Vitamin E

Protects against skin damage caused by poor ecology, as well as mental degradation.

Research shows that vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Both factors are important for skin regeneration and cell renewal. This is a process by which dead cells are sloughed off and healthy cells take their place. This vitamin also protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, and from damage caused environment. The recommended dose is 200 IU of vitamin per day.

4. Glucosamine

Protects against visible wrinkles and sagging skin.

While there are many studies on amino acids as topical treatments, one published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found a 34% reduction in visible wrinkles and fine lines in participants who took glucosamine orally. It can speed up wound healing, improve skin hydration, and reduce visible wrinkles. Why is this happening? The fact is that glucosamine acts as a building protein for hyaluronic acid, which thickens the skin. The recommended dose is 1500 mg per day.

5. Coenzyme Q10

Protects skin from wrinkle formation.

Like vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 is nutrient, which contributes to general state health and appearance of your skin. As with other antioxidants, this coenzyme action helps reduce cell damage and promote cell renewal. But they also pin hopes on him as a very effective remedy to prolong youth. In a trial conducted in Japan, adults who took CoQ10 tablets reported a reduction in the number, depth, and volume of wrinkles after just 2 weeks of use. The recommended dose is 200 mg per day.

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