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What does kira mean in Japanese? Kira - the meaning of the name

Meaning of the name Kira: This name for a girl means “lady”, “like the sun”. This is the feminine form of the masculine Greek word Cyrus - lit. “lord”, “like the sun”.

Origin of the name Kira: Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Kirk, Kirusya, Kiryusha.

What does the name Kira mean? Intelligence and talent. She often conflicts with employees and superiors, which is why she is not promoted. The girl is kind and affectionate with her family, but at the same time the family lives by her rules.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Cyrus: Kira celebrates her name day twice a year:

  • March 13 (February 28) – St. Kira lived for more than fifty years in a Syrian cave in fasting and prayer.
  • June 22 (9) – memory of St. Kira, who performed miracles with her prayers.

Signs: On Kira, June 22, the end of spring, the beginning of summer. On this day, the sun gives all its strength to the earth.

Meaning of a girl's name

What character traits does the meaning of the name Kira determine? It’s as if Kirochka was born within the walls of the library and doesn’t want to leave it all her life. No matter what her peers are doing, she will leaf through the book - at lunch, on a trolleybus, at a friendly party. A learned lady named Kira is a walking encyclopedia. Kirka is slightly arrogant, a little cold, Kirochka loves to give good advice, correct the mistakes of others, fight for justice.

Character of the name Kira

Positive features: The name Kira gives a serious attitude towards life. Attaches great importance to perseverance and willpower. This is the main thing that distinguishes Kirochka. She respects herself, but her pride is not painful and is not associated with a desire for superiority over anyone. The girl Kira is responsive to the misfortune of others, impressionable, and behind her external severity usually hides a vulnerable and sympathetic soul. She is Kira, as a rule, well educated, knows how to concentrate in matters and be quite demanding of herself and the people around her.

Negative features: Most often, a child with this name is completely devoid of diplomacy. Which makes it difficult not only for her career, but can also destroy family happiness. This is all the more unpleasant because the compassion once shown can subsequently cause the girl to have terrible and even destructive pangs of conscience and repentance for mistakes.

Name Kira in love and marriage

Kira is interested in intelligent and wealthy men. attaches great importance to strong-willed qualities. Strong men are openly afraid of Kirochka, but a skinny poet and a candidate of science who is not too confident in himself have a great chance of melting her icy heart.

Compatibility with male names

An alliance with Askold, Bulat, Demid, Eugene, Zenon, Karp, Kim, Konon, Korney, Labuta, Laurus, Nile is favorable. Kira is also combined with Firs, Cheslav. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Augustus, Agathon, Androp, Arkhip, Valentin, Vilen, Vseslav, Innocent, Maximilian, Mina, Nestor, Polycarp, Protas, Timofey, Khotislav, Erast.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The Kira woman can prove herself in organizing her own business in the service sector. The qualities of a girl named Kirana will be used in legislation, jurisprudence, medicine, and the development of the latest computer programs and technology. The sphere of art, literature and history rarely brings fame or high financial position to a girl.

Business and career: Sober calculation and pronounced intuition provide Kirochka with financial success in any business. She Kirana will go on an adventure and will not take on a project in which she is not entirely confident or incompetent.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named after Kira: Surprisingly at Kirochka's good health. The danger for her lies in exhausting work and nervous overload.

Talismans of Kira

  • Zodiac – Cancer
  • Planet – Uranus
  • Kira's color is light brown
  • Auspicious tree - honeysuckle
  • Kira's treasured plant is clover.
  • Patron - lobster
  • Talisman stone – topaz

The fate of the name Kira

  1. Kira Georgievna Muratova is a Russian film director. She has made films: “Brief Encounters”, “Long Farewell”, “Among Gray Stones”, “Sensitive Policeman”, etc.
  2. Kira Zvorykina (born 1919) - Soviet chess player, USSR champion.
  3. Keira Knightley (born 1985) is an English actress.
  4. Kira Plastinina (born 1992) is a Russian fashion designer.
  5. Kira Izotova (born 1931) is a Russian singer (soprano) and music teacher.
  6. Kira Mozgalova (born 1982) - Russian athlete (shooting), participant of the London Olympics in 2012.
  7. Kira Gorbacheva - Soviet volleyball player, USSR national team player (1956), World Champion 1960, USSR champion 1959, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1964).
  8. Kyra Minturn Sedgwick is an American actress, Golden Globe Award (2007) and Emmy Award (2010).
  9. Kira Golovko (born 1919) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, winner of the Stalin Prize (1947), People's Artist RSFSR (1957).
  10. Kira Linda Katriina Korpi is a Finnish singles figure skater.
  11. Kira Kreylis-Petrova (born 1931) - Russian, Soviet theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1993).
  12. Kira Ivanova ((1963 - 2001) international master of sports, Soviet figure skater. Bronze medalist of the 1984 Olympic Games in single skating, silver medalist of the World Championship, 4-time silver medalist of the European Championships, USSR champion in 1978. Kira Ivanova became the first Soviet figure skater who won a medal at Olympic Games in women's single skating.)

Name translation

Translation of name to different languages has a similar meaning and sound. On English language translated as Kira, on Spanish: Kira, in Danish: Kira, in Polish language: Kira, in Magyar language: Kira.

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Kira
  • Genitive case: Kira
  • Dative case: Kire
  • Accusative case: Kiru
  • Instrumental case: Kiroi
  • Prepositional case: Kire

Kira - beautiful name for girls, paired with male Kir. There are several legends about its origin. According to the first, the name has ancient Greek roots and was formed from the name Kyria (the female form of Kiros), which means “mistress”, “mistress”, “lord” or from “kyros, kiros” - “power”, “strength”, “right” . The second version of the origin is from the ancient Persian word “khur”, which translates as “sun”. In Russia, the name is gaining popularity, especially among young parents.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: amber
  • Orange color
  • Plant: lemon balm, orchid
  • Animal: cat, doe
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

Kira begins to demonstrate her difficult character at an early age. She makes many decisions on her own and tries not to depend on the opinions of her parents. At school she shows a thirst for knowledge and is considered a good student. When communicating with her peers, she is a leader. It stands out for its inconsistency.

Having matured, he becomes a rather complex and multifaceted personality. She is well educated and has an analytical mind. The secret of the name lies in the clarity, severity and perseverance of the woman who bears it. Kira makes high demands not only on her environment, but also on herself.

The positive qualities of her character are prudence and determination. The peculiarity is that she does not know how to take offense and is not prone to vindictiveness. Kira has few friends, but she can safely be called a devoted and reliable friend. She loves to be the center of attention and loves to surprise and shock everyone with something. He deeply experiences life's adversities and difficulties. She has many male friends.

Negative traits: lust for power, severity, vanity, isolation and conflict. A girl with this name never compromises and always defends what is right. Loves flattering words addressed to him and praise.

Interests and hobbies

Kira has loved sports since childhood, so she shows interest in active recreation. Her hobbies include skiing, horse riding, volleyball and rock climbing. Loves to learn something new and reads a lot for this.

Profession and business

IN professional activity Kira demonstrates all her perseverance, thanks to which she achieves excellent results in her career. She can occupy leadership positions, where she becomes a demanding and fair boss. She often opens her own business and is successful in it. She may be interested in a profession related to the sciences, especially mathematics and physics. She can achieve great heights in activities where she needs to travel and communicate a lot. Among the owners of the name Kira you can find diplomats, journalists and business women.


The girl pays great attention to her health, playing sports and following a diet. The weak point is the nervous system. She should avoid stress and breakdowns.

Sex and love

Kira is the owner of an excellent figure and external data. She does not seek to get married, but prefers to protect her freedom. At the same time, she avoids promiscuity. In sexual relationships, this is a very sensitive nature. Shows delicacy even in a situation where the partner is not able to give her pleasure. For her, love play and foreplay are important. The girl prefers to occupy a dominant position in intimate relationships. She is an experienced temptress and knows how to please a man. Never forgives betrayal, deceit and betrayal.

Family and marriage

IN family life Kira is very demanding, although she herself is not very fond of leading household and cooking. She treats her husband and children with love, but at the same time never forgets about her personal space. She chooses a man who is quiet and somewhat weak in character as her husband. She needs serious relationships and feelings.

The female name Kira is a form of the ancient Greek male name Cyrus, which comes from the word “kyros” - “lord”. It is not widespread in European countries, but Russia accepted and fell in love with this name, calling a large number of newborn girls by it for many years.

Characteristics of the name Kira

Phonosemantically, the name Kira gives the impression of something clear, strict, quiet, and in many ways the character of the owner of this name is similar to its phonosemantics. Kira is a complex and multifaceted person. She is very strong spiritually, hardy, smart, self-aware, domineering, stern and stubborn. Some of these traits have been inherent in her since childhood, because Kira has been intractable since kindergarten, enters into conflicts with peers, argues with educators, and then with teachers. At the same time, she studies well, quickly grasps knowledge and can become the leader of despot girls who terrorize the entire class. Adult Kira also does not like to stand on ceremony with people, often considering them second class and directly expressing her contempt for them. She has an amazingly developed sense of purpose; she goes ahead to fulfill her desires, paying absolutely no attention to others. Despite this, to strong people Kira has respect, and always shows affection and kindness towards her family. Most of all, the owner of this name is hurt by lack of appreciation, because often due to her difficult character and inability to work in a team, she simply cannot achieve career heights.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Kira is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Aries or Capricorn. The explosive and unrestrained Aries (March 21-April 20) is similar to Kira in many ways, for example, they both work only to satisfy their own needs and pay little attention to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that under the influence of Aries, Kira will remain just as intolerant, impulsive, sometimes aggressive and enterprising. Capricorn (December 22-January 20) is a calmer sign; it will endow Kira with perseverance, modesty, great efficiency, conservatism, and a desire to always move forward.

Pros and cons of the name Kira

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Kira? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, bright and quite familiar name that sounds good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several diminutive variants, for example, Kirochka, Kiryusha, Kirusya. However, Kira’s character cancels everything out positive sides this name, since raising a girl with this name is very difficult.


Kira's health is usually very good. She takes care of her body, goes in for sports or moderate exercise, but is susceptible to stress and nervous breakdowns due to an unstable nervous system.

Love and family relationships

For family life, the usually very demanding Kira chooses a calm and weak man - one who will be so phlegmatic about her icy disposition that one day he will simply melt him. The owner of this name will never become a good housewife, cook or nanny, but she treats her family with trepidation, tries to give her the best, protect and provide financially.

Professional area

IN professional field Suitable for Kira scientific activity and work in business.

Name day

Career, business and money

Kira is an unusually purposeful, efficient woman with a highly developed intellect and the ability to think outside the box. These qualities of a girl guarantee her success in almost any type of activity.

The owner of this name becomes a true professional in her chosen field of activity. Managers fully trust her professionalism, and Kira’s authority among her subordinates is unshakable. The rationality of decision-making, discipline, and the responsibility with which Kira approaches the task assigned to her make her an indispensable worker.

But not everything is so smooth. Insufficiently developed diplomacy in relationships and excessive straightforwardness can become an obstacle when moving up the career ladder. A woman becomes an excellent economist, accountant, banker, lawyer, and researcher. And yet, preference when choosing a profession should be given to those that are associated with an active pastime.

Business for Kira is one of the most favorable areas for applying her own efforts. Often the owner of this name becomes a wonderful and successful businesswoman.

Marriage and family

Kira is characterized by a distrustful attitude towards people of the opposite sex. For this reason, it is very difficult to win her sympathy. She is looking for a man who will be patient, responsive, affectionate and gentle - someone whom she can trust endlessly. If you manage to meet such a person, then Kira will completely give herself to him, surround him with love, care, and affection. Kira is a demanding woman, and therefore her marriage will be happy and long if her partner turns out to be a reasonable, balanced and calm man, but ready to submit completely to her influence.

In the family, Kirochka always remains an excellent housewife, not particularly striving for the title of ideal. Her passion is coziness and comfort in the home, and she knows how to create such conditions. She loves her children and her husband very much, takes care of them with pleasure, but she is jealous, and she will be much calmer if her husband does not give her a reason for jealousy - she does not allow betrayal.

With age, a woman becomes more and more a homebody who values ​​and understands family values. She loves to create coziness, cook and receive guests - she cannot stand loneliness, and therefore believes that the house should always be crowded and noisy.

If necessary, if the spouse turns out to be a strong and strong-willed person, Kira can fade into the background in the relationship. After all, the most important thing for her is a cloudless family life.

Sex and love

In relationships with men, Kira shows restraint and coldness, but somewhat artificial - after all, by nature she is gentle and sincere, and her heart is always open to herself. Great love. But due to her excessive restraint personal life It’s not always bright and rosy. A woman is not very good at expressing her feelings, and sometimes she simply does not dare to do so, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for men to understand her.

The time is coming when Kira is ready to completely open up to a man, at the same time overcoming her reluctance to part with her freedom. But for this, the partner must completely win her trust. After all, Kirochka experiences failures on this front very strongly - they cause the girl significant pain.

Intimate life for her is wonderful new world, which she is excited to discover and explore. But only if there is a gentle and affectionate partner nearby. Then she will intimacy unusually filled and spiritualized.


The owners of this name are characterized by activity. They regularly play sports and lead an active lifestyle. And therefore, most often they are distinguished by excellent health.

But her nervous system is a bit of a problem. Thus, it makes sense for Kira to devote more time to her moral and psychological state.

Interests and hobbies

Most of all, Kira likes active types of recreation. She enjoys visiting fitness clubs, going in for skiing, spending time walking in the forest, running in the park in the morning with equally enthusiastic people. in a healthy way people's lives.

But she won’t refuse to sit with a romantic book in a warm and cozy home environment. The main thing is that the activity should bring satisfaction and food for the mind.

Knowing the world begins with knowing ourselves. You can recognize yourself only by learning the secret of your name. Kira is a special name, quite rare, so its owners are also unique in their own way.

Meaning and origin of the name

There are quite a few versions of the origin of this name. Firstly, the name Kira is a shortened form of many foreign names. There are ancient, albeit very rare, spellings with two letters “R”. This name was popular among both Catholics and Orthodoxy, but today in Russia it is considered rare and quite exotic.

Scientists say the following about the origins of the name: the ancient Greeks held it in high esteem male name Kiros, so Kira may be a variant derived from "Kyria", the female counterpart of the name Kiros. Both of these names are translated as “Madam” and “Mr.”

There is also another version, which says that Kira comes from the more “eastern” Persian name Kurush, associated with the image of the Sun. If this theory is correct, Kira means "sunny" or "light."

The fate and character of Kira

There is a lot of individualism in Kira's character: she is often almost devoid of the ability to put herself in the place of another person. At first glance, this may even repel fans or acquaintances from Kira: it seems as if by nature there is nothing inherent in her that would help her understand the feelings of others. But this is not so: the owner of this name will simply demonstrate all her participation in deeds, and not in words, promises or intentions.

Girls and women named by this name are very demanding in adulthood. They have no exceptions in their attitude towards people, so their fate often does not develop as smoothly as they expect.

On the other hand, Kira is strict with herself - this proves that she is not hypocritical. Such self-discipline helps her achieve great success in work, hobbies, business and other important matters. Kira's character traits are a good help in building a career as a person dealing with numbers and calculations, be it an accountant or a mathematician.

Kira's destiny in love is a happy family life. Despite the peculiarities of their character, girls and women who own this name successfully get married and are quite happy in their family life. They do not tolerate betrayal, so they need a faithful and discreet man.

Kira is characterized by directness, fairly developed willpower and endurance. All this allows her to become wiser with every step. As a result, when the age exceeds 30, Kira has answers to almost all life’s questions, so they often turn to her for advice.

The meaning of the name Kira for a child: choosing a name for children

Even as a child, Kira was quite strict with herself. If something doesn’t work out for her, the child is very worried. Because of this, the girl runs the risk of growing up a little nervous and unrestrained. It is important for parents to explain to Kira that mistakes happen to everyone, and not to put pressure on their daughter. At school, notes in the diary about bad behavior- a rarity, but if you get her angry, it will be almost impossible to stop.

Kira already shows interest in mathematics in elementary school and is not afraid of exact sciences. Already at a young age, Kira lacks friends, but this is not a burden to her. For her, the main priority in life is well-being. True friends always appear in Kira's life on their own. Kira's best friend almost always remains by her side - not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. You cannot be overly strict with this child, because the girl can withdraw into herself. You need to communicate with Kira as an equal, as if she were already an adult. Then she will love you with all her soul and respect you. She dreams of a faithful friend, so you can always give her friendly sympathy, and it will make Kira softer with others.

Kira is an unpretentious child. She doesn't demand from her parents special attention, gifts and encouragement. She needs to be treated like an adult, then she will be a truly happy girl. Life path Kira's life largely depends on how she starts it. Childhood for her is the basis of happiness.

Characteristics of the name Kira

Name energy: Kira’s energy grows in proportion to her age, so it’s impossible to say how strong a particular child will be. As a child, a girl is vulnerable, but by the age of 20, you simply cannot break the energy barrier of many Cyrus. She is amazingly strong and independent, and her energy helps her with this.

To which patronymic The name Kira is suitable: Matveevna, Mikhailovna, Vladimirovna, Vladislavovna, Denisovna, Konstantinovna.

Patron animal: whale, elephant, lobster and turtle. Interesting fact, all these animals age very slowly, so Kira’s totem promises her longevity.

Name element: Earth. She gives Kira wisdom and helps to accumulate life experience, analyze it and use it in achieving her goals.

Zodiac sign: Kira is a typical Cancer and Capricorn, so the name Kira is suitable for those born under this Zodiac Sign.

Stone-amulet: amber. This is the stone that can give Kira unprecedented endurance, not only physical, but also psychological. Amber gives Kira the very missing element of strength that she sometimes needs in difficult situations.

Metal: iron.

Color: the most favorable color for Kira is yellow and orange. Yellow helps quickly replenish Kira’s vitality, and orange softens her character a little.

Planet: wise and unlike everyone else, Uranus.

Favorable day of the week: Friday.

Plant: symbol of fulfilled wishes - clover; It’s especially good if it’s a talisman with four leaves.

Lucky number: 5.

Famous representatives: Kira Muratova (film director), Kira Golovko (actress), Keira Knightley (American Hollywood actress).

Of course, Kira is a shining example of the strength of female character and shows the whole world that women are capable of achieving success in the intellectual sphere of life. These are great mothers, wonderful friends and simply amazing personalities.

Numerology of the female name Kira

Five is the number under the sign of which the name Kira passes. Five are not only privileges, but also obligations. Intelligence, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, she is also distinguished by high moral qualities, which few can boast of. At the same time, Kira is not arrogant and can soberly assess her merits... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

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