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Is there a name Jaromir? Jaromir (male name)

The owner of the name Jaromir has a calm and cheerful disposition from birth. The meaning of the name allows us to talk about this child’s need for attention, constant care, and the warmth of loved ones. Given male name endows its owner with increased curiosity and emotionality.

The meaning of the name Jaromir for a boy says that such a child, even with all his curiosity, does not cause much trouble to his parents. They do not have to blush for their child in front of neighbors, teachers or parents of other children. The interpretation of the name indicates the baby’s craving for everything new. He reacts enthusiastically and violently to any unusual things.

The meaning of the name Jaromir for a child suggests the presence in the character of such a negative trait as laziness. Laziness often affects mobility. Compared to his peers, a boy may start walking much later. You should carefully monitor emotional state child. Overexcited standing has a negative impact on sleep, making it anxious and restless.

Finds with children mutual language easy enough. Contact and friendly. Not inclined to show anger towards the offender. Jaromir will never fight over a destroyed “Kulichik”. He will most likely just make a new one. Loneliness is easy to bear. Independent games give such a child no less pleasure than group games. Does not require constant attention from the mother during childhood. Maybe for a long time draw alone or sculpt various figures from plasticine.


Very attentive and helpful towards women. When in a relationship with a representative of the fair sex, he always remains faithful to her. This means that it gives great importance morality. Capable of platonic feelings that can last for a long period of time. Does not require intimacy from a partner. She prefers that she herself be the first to take such an important step.

The chosen ones of men named by this name are often experienced and self-confident women. He attaches great importance to the presence of a hot sexual temperament in his partner. In most cases, such an affair ends with the formalization of the relationship.


Before marriage, as a rule, these representatives of the stronger sex date a girl for a long time. This fact means that marriage is of serious importance to Yaro. He chooses his wife carefully and leisurely. He tries to get to know his chosen one very well before registering the relationship. The courtship period can last for several years.

It takes a long time to “gather the courage” to propose. IN family life brings lightness, love, care. A spouse rarely regrets an accepted marriage proposal. Jaromir always tries to diversify family everyday life. Interesting leisure time is not the least important for him. She loves children and tries to have as many as possible. In the event of a divorce, which happens extremely rarely, the children stay with their father because they love him dearly. He maintains a friendly relationship with his wife, even if she is to blame for the breakup.

Business and career

He is able to find himself in a variety of professions, which means that the direction does not matter much. He joins the team quickly. Often finds true friends among his colleagues long years. He brings all the money he earns to the family. He often works for pleasure and, in most cases, where he likes. Does not tolerate routine and diligently avoids even minor conflicts in the service. Able to work for decades in one company.

Origin of the name Jaromir

The secret of the name says that the origin of the name Jaromir is ancient Slavic. According to history, the etymology of this adverb is “sunny world”. The man whose name Jaromir gives others joy and love. Where the adverb came from allows us to talk about its Russian roots.

Characteristics of the name Jaromir

Such a man has a friendly, calm disposition. He smiles often and easily makes contact even with strangers. The characteristics of the name Jaromir indicate the presence of a well-developed imagination and excellent intelligence. Despite the ease with which he gets along with people, he himself rarely becomes seriously attached to anyone. In order to bring a person closer to himself, he conducts a real “test” on him.

Jaromirchik loves to joke and prank his friends. This person does not know despondency, and if he is sad, it will not be for long. Attaches great importance to coziness and comfort. Capable of defusing almost any negative situation. He has a useful skill in solving even quite complex issues. He never refuses to help even strangers. He always tries to do his best.

The pros and cons of his character allow us to talk about him as a loyal, balanced, serious person. Despite the apparent superficiality, he takes life very seriously. Responsible, honest. He is not prone to lies and cunning for the sake of obtaining his own material gain. Attaches great importance to the well-being of loved ones. She tries to do everything to make the life of her mother, father, and wife much easier. For dear people can make almost any sacrifice.

Jaromir, born in December, can be a little hot-tempered, unbalanced and impulsive. But, at the same time, such individuals are richly endowed by nature with all kinds of talents. “December” Jaromir can easily laugh at any awkward situations he finds himself in and at his own clumsiness.

The unshakable self-confidence this man has helps even insecure and indecisive people to feel calm and confident in his company. In the house owned by Jaromir, laughter never stops. Treats everyday situations easily. He will not make a noisy scandal with his wife because a plate or pan was not washed.

The mystery of the name

  • Aquamarine, topaz stone.
  • Name day May 28th.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Sagittarius, Pisces.

Famous people

  • Jaromir Jagr (born 1972) is an outstanding Czech hockey player, right winger. Considered one of the best Europeans in NHL history and one of the greatest players of all time.
  • Jaromir Funke (born 1945) is a famous Czech photographer.
  • Jaromir Ganzlik (born 1948) – actor. He starred in such feature films as “Peace in the Soul” and “Pearl Girl”.

Different languages

Translation of the adverb from the ancient Slavic language is “sunny world”. Listed below is how the adverb is translated and how it is written in several foreign languages:

In Chinese – 亞羅米爾 In Japanese – ジャロミール In English – Jaromir In French – Jaromir.

Name forms

  • Full name: Jaromir.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Jaromirchik, Yarik, Yaro.
  • Declension of the name - Jaromir - Jaromir - Jaromir.
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy.

The male name Jaromir has Slavic roots and means “sunny world”, “bright world”. It is associated with the name of the ancient deity Yaril, although some researchers of names believe that it is related to ancient Germanic names with the endings “-mer”, “-mar”. The name Jaromir is quite common in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, less so in Serbia. You don’t see it often in our country, although in last years interest in this name has increased.

Characteristics of the name Jaromir

Jaromir's character is calm and balanced. This is a person who can quickly change from cheerful and friendly to serious and demanding, which allows him to be a complete mystery to people. Nevertheless, Jaromir most often creates a pleasant impression on those around him, since he takes his business seriously and is a kind, cheerful, and sociable man. IN childhood a boy with this name will be impulsive and very active. There is not even a shadow of evil in him, so his family and friends are patient with his jokes and antics. Jaromir does not really like to study, but more due to laziness than due to lack of curiosity. However, in matters of interest to him, the owner of this name shows great assertiveness and ingenuity, always finding a way out of difficult situations. Adult Jaromir is already more restrained and less active. He always takes life lightly and believes that there are no situations that cannot be solved. In society, he demonstrates his openness and at the same time his reluctance to get too close to anyone. It costs him nothing to change from a light conversation to a serious one, and along with the topic of conversation, he changes his tone and manner, turning into a cold block.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Jaromir is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Capricorn, that is, December 22 to January 20. This sign will preserve his discipline, high efficiency, ease of communication, erudition, while making him less impulsive, unrestrained, and cold.

Pros and cons of the name Jaromir

What are the pros and cons of the name Jaromir? It is worth saying that this name has many positive qualities, since it belongs to the category of currently fashionable Slavic names that are regaining popularity, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Yarik, Yarchik , Bright, Yasha, Mirchik. And if you consider that the character of most Jaromirs is very good, it turns out that this name has quite good characteristics.


Jaromir’s health is also excellent. He may often get sick in childhood, but most often because he is stubborn and does not take care of himself. As an adult, the owner of this name is much stronger. He rarely complains of illnesses, although he may have problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Jaromir performs very well. He is an excellent husband: attentive, responsible, non-conflict, loving children. Living with him is easy and comfortable, so his wife most often feels quite happy, and his children grow up in a prosperous and friendly atmosphere.

Professional area

IN professional field Creative, active work is suitable for Jaromir. For example, he can be an actor, musician, director, journalist, artist, translator, circus performer, sailor, restaurateur, photographer.

Name day

Jaromir does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not in the calendar.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The beautiful Slavic male name Jaromir is formed from two words: “ardent” and “peace”. The first means “bright”, “strong”, “powerful”, “sunny”, “passionate”. The second word, in addition to directly meaning “peace”, is also interpreted as “tranquility”, “lack of hostility”, “community”, “universe”, etc. Most often the name is translated as “sunny world”.

One should not ignore the version about the original sound of the name Jaromir as Jaromar and the interpretation of “glorious”, “famous”. Its original bearers were northern Slavic princes living on an island in the Baltic Sea, the territory of modern Germany.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Neptune
  • Talisman stone: aquamarine
  • Color: blue-green
  • Plant: weeping willow
  • Animal: dolphin
  • Favorable day: Thursday, Friday

Character traits

The secret of the name Jaromir hides a man with enormous potential for activity, a bright personality, and a subtle sense of humor. It contains creativity, insight, external charm, energy and imagination. Such a person can be called unpredictable. He is respected and hated, admired and disappointed. He easily unbalances enemies and envious people with his inexplicable vitality, talented perception and commentary on reality, and subtle irony of judgment.

The owner of the name Jaromir does not need advice, does not ask for help, does not hide from responsibility. He knows how to enjoy life, makes others respect him, without violence, humiliation or restriction of freedom. Such a person resembles fire: it warms you, brings you closer, calms you, but can suddenly burn you.

Jaromir as a child is especially interesting. This is an unbridled dreamer, inventor, clown, storyteller. You cannot force anything on such a child. He finds things to do on his own and comes up with games. He studies well, but if he dislikes a teacher, then he is not interested in his subject.

Interests and hobbies

He is interested in philosophy, history, diplomacy. Can predict the development of events at the social level. Reads a lot. While resting, he tries to get away from monotony and boredom. Likes to visit fitness clubs. His friends are people who share not only Jaromir's views, but also their hobbies.

Profession and business

Education and energy contribute to creating a career. A man with this name is an excellent manager. A directive style of work is unacceptable for him. But rarely does anyone dare to disobey such a boss. He is unpredictable in his behavior towards those who violate their word, discipline, and moral standards. It is these character traits that prevent Jaromir from achieving a leading position in politics.

The professions of journalist, director, manager, official in the field of science and culture, literary critic, political observer, auditor and political scientist are considered successful. A diplomatic career can be successful. Material prosperity and even wealth are brought to Jaromir by working in the field of new technologies and scientific discoveries.


He does not complain about his health. He likes to joke that people are afraid of him. Frequent headaches are associated with overwork.

Sex and love

Jaromir perceives sex as a necessary element of male health and internal balance. Women like him, so he has many fans. But he avoids “fleeting” connections. Prefers to have one experienced partner. Knows how to look after beautifully. He's a connoisseur female beauty. Likes to joke about the peculiarities of a lady's character. He is interested in kind and sincere girls.

Family and marriage

Jaromir always gets married late. It seems to him that it is difficult to combine family responsibilities with creativity and an understanding of personal freedom. However, the family reveals to the man a previously unknown feeling of love for children. Cheerful and cheerful, he finds true pleasure in communicating with them. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is in his family that the representative of this name serves as the center of coziness and spiritual comfort.

Short form of the name Jaromir. Jarosz, Jarik, Jarek, Yara, Yarda, Jarechek, Jarko, Mirek, Mira, Jaroushek, Jaromirek.
Synonyms for the name Jaromir. Jaromar, Jaromerz.
Origin of the name Jaromir. The name Jaromir is Slavic.

The name Jaromir is of Slavic origin, formed from two semantic parts “ardent” and “peace”.

The first part of the name “ardent” can be interpreted in various semantic shades: it is “strong, powerful”, and “indomitable, frantic”, and “passionately devoted to something”, “zealous”, “enthusiastic”. And also the second connotation of this word “ardent”, used by the Slavs, means “white, i.e. light" or "sparkling, bright", "sunny". IN in this case the word “ardent” refers to the main deity of the Slavs - the sun god Yaril.

The second semantic part “world” also has various options interpretations. This is also the generally accepted concept of “peace”, i.e. “harmony, a state of non-war”, “peace”, “calmness”; and “peace” in the meaning of “a community of large numbers of people”, “community”; and “world” - “that is, what was created by God”, a modern synonym for this meaning is “universe”, “terrestrial and outer space”.

Therefore, depending on the original meaning invested in the name of the newborn, the name Jaromir can have completely different meanings. “Bright to the world”, “devoted to God”, “loving his home, patriot”, “strength of the community”, “bright world”, “sunny world” and many others - all these are options for interpreting the name Jaromir.

There is also a version that the name Jaromir has Germanic roots and initially the second part of the name “peace” sounded like “mar”, which is translated from German language has the meaning “glorious”, “famous”. The name Jaromar was borne by the princes of Rügen (otherwise the principality of Rugia), the rulers of the Slavic tribe of Ruyans who inhabited the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea, now territorially belonging to Germany.

The stress in a name can be on either the first or third syllables. The name Jaromir is widely used in Poland, the Czech Republic, and less commonly in Slovakia, Russia and Serbia. From the male name a female pair name was formed - Jaromira. These names are not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar.

The diminutives Yara and Mir can also be affectionate addresses for other names. For example, Yara is Yaroslav, Yarina, but Mira is Radomir, Ratmir. Mira is also an independent name.

Jaromir comes across as a charming and friendly man who is cheerful and active. He is distinguished by his insight and intelligent appearance, but he always looks tense due to his acute sensitivity. He may look cold and uncommunicative, but he is a resilient man who knows how to solve complex issues and find compromises where it seems that no solution can be found.

A man with this name has brilliant abilities. First of all, creativity: Jaromir is an artist at heart and is especially receptive to others, which makes him somewhat suggestible and impressionable. He has a passionate soul, for whom it is very important to feel motivated to move forward. He hates monotony, he is a very energetic, resourceful, courageous man with great potential for action, although his efforts can be quite inconsistent. Jaromir is a very bright and great dreamer, and all his fantasies, just invented, at the moment really matter to him.

Jaromir rarely falls into melancholy, he always finds the right words to lighten the mood for himself and others. His sense of humor is undoubtedly one of his best qualities, however, his impatience can cause him to go to extremes, and he can suddenly become angry, even at times when you least expect it.

As a child, Jaromir loves to behave spontaneously; one of his favorite games is transformation games: either he is a small monkey, or he is a big elephant. Such games are very captivating for the boy and distract him from basic norms of behavior, so parents should limit excessive games of this genre. His imaginary world seems real to the boy; it is completely natural for him to be a bird, a bunny, a pirate, which may not at all correspond to a specific place (public transport, apartment, visiting, store, etc.) or time of day.

Jaromir's upbringing must be based on certain principles, which must be clearly explained to him. Even at this age he is incredibly creative person, so it would be helpful to encourage him to take up artistic, creative hobbies such as painting, singing, performing arts, modeling.

For Jaromir it is very important to be appreciated and recognized; it is difficult for him to do without a company of friends in which it would be fun, where they sang and laughed, because happiness for the owner of this name is the most important priority in life. Creating, imagining, observing and inventing are some of his favorite activities.

In matters of the heart, he usually charms and seduces girls with his demeanor, relaxedness, and ability to conduct a conversation. It also happens that Jaromir gets carried away, but he should be surrounded by people who love and admire him. This is a rather sensual man, he appreciates the pleasures that this world can offer him, and may have weaknesses and various temptations. Jaromir can be called jealous, but he is an excellent family man who loves his wife and children.

In the professional field, Jaromir will prefer a creative or artistic specialty or one where oral or written expression is an important factor (actor, writer, lawyer). It is also possible that the owner of this name will choose a profession related to movement, action, sports or travel. Jaromir will also be able to build a career in areas where intuition, psychology, diplomacy and careful listening are used.

Jaromir's name day

Jaromir does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Jaromir

  • Jaromir Golan (skater, represented Czechoslovakia at sports competitions, became the bronze winner of the 1966 European Championship in the discipline of figure skating - ice dancing)
  • Jaromir Jagr ((born 1972) an outstanding Czech hockey player, played as a right winger. He is considered one of the best forwards in world hockey. Winner of numerous awards, cups, multiple world championship medalist, twice Olympic winner (gold, bronze).)
  • Jaromir Přemyslid ((c.1040-1090) name after ordination as bishop - Gebhard; Czech bishop of Prague (1067-1090), originally from the Přemyslid dynasty, was the fourth son of Prince Břetislav I of the Czech Republic. He became the head of the Czech diocese, which through his efforts appeared after unification of the Prague diocese and the Olomouc bishopric.)
  • Jaromir Sofr ((born 1939) Czech cinematographer, is one of the founders of the Association of Czech Cinematographers. He was awarded the Czech Lion and the Golden Camera in 2007.)
  • Jaromir Blazek ((born 1972) Czech football player, member of the Czech national team, role - goalkeeper. Participant in the European and World Championships, multiple champion of the Czech Republic, won bronze in 2004 at the European Championship.)
  • Jaromir Nogavica, Jarek Nogavica ((born 1953) Czech poet and composer, can play various musical instruments(guitar, flute, violin, accordion), performer of his own songs. His first studio album in 1993 was named one of the greatest albums in the Czech Republic, his other album “Songs of Jaromir Nogavica from A to Z” is intended for children, and the next album brought the author a Czech Academy of Popular Music award, and the album itself became double platinum in Czech Republic. In 2002, he starred in the film “Year of the Devil,” which was awarded the main prize of the same year at the international film festival in Karlovy Vary, as well as prizes from other festivals, dedicated to cinema. In 2008, Jaromir Nogavica was awarded literary prize named after Bozena Nemcova, which is awarded by the Academy of Czech Literature. His latest albums have repeatedly won “Angel” awards as the best-selling albums in the Czech Republic.)
  • Jaromir ((d.1035) Prince of the Czech Republic, ruled the country three times in different time, constantly competed for the throne with Boleslav the Red)
  • Jaromar or Jaromar of Rügen ((c.1267-1294) Prince of Rügen, Bishop of Kammin since 1289)

Meaning of the name Jaromir

Sunny world, God's world. “Sunny World” (slav.) In infancy, the child is calm, friendly and welcoming. He goes into everyone's arms, smiling. He is often overcome by a cold; The baby's upper respiratory tract should be protected. He develops normally, but begins to walk later than his peers because he is lazy. Reacts emotionally to everything new, is curious and inquisitive. Moderately mobile, not noisy in nature, but when supporting someone’s initiative, it can make some noise. After which he sleeps poorly: too excited. Capable of various childish pranks, but he does it not out of malice and too unexpectedly. Relationships with peers are easy, he is sociable, although he does not seek communication himself: he can play alone for hours. Adults love Jaromir for his calm and cheerful disposition. Even if someone prevented him from playing, tore him away from his favorite activity, he will only smile at this person and get back to his work. Adult Jaromir easily gets along with people, but does not become very attached to anyone. He is witty, a lover of life, an inventor. Loves pranks and jokes. A cheerful, cheerful person. Despite all this, he is quite serious when necessary. He adapts quickly and is able to solve complex issues. It’s easy and reliable to work with him, he relieves a tense situation, brings a feeling of comfort and coziness to the team. He enjoys increased attention from women and has many fans. But he is not a fan of promiscuity and has one proven sexual partner, although the attention of the fairer sex cannot help but flatter him. He often has many affairs, but he never dates several women at the same time. He tries not to fall in love, believing that this complicates life: he has big plans for the future, and first he needs to implement them all, or at least lay a reliable foundation. Sex is of great importance to him, so he chooses an experienced and temperamental woman as his permanent partner, who often later becomes his wife. He takes his family seriously and responsibly. Marries late and carefully. “December” Jaromir is a man with a cheerful character, a little unbalanced, quick-tempered, and impulsive. Very talented, creatively gifted. Monotonous work is not for him; he can become an actor, musician, comedian, comedian. He easily tolerates failures, turns troubles into jokes, and can laugh at his own sluggishness or inability. This makes communication with him and life next to him easy, relationships - relaxed. Jaromir is confident in himself and instills this faith and hope into the souls of those around him. Able to practically help friends and family. His family, as a rule, is strong and friendly. The children adore their father, the laughter in the house never stops when everyone gets together. Jaromir’s son is growing up to be a real man, and his daughter can always count on her father’s help, support and understanding. It is often difficult for a daughter to get married in the future; she compares all applicants for her hand with her father, and the comparison, as a rule, is not in favor of the applicants. Jaromir's wife considers herself a happy woman; this is another character trait of Jaromir - the ability to make everyone around him happy. For him, there are no unsolvable problems - there is always a way out of a difficult situation. He always acts confidently and decisively. Jaromir's divorces are very rare and happen through no fault of his own. If this happens, then the children remain with their father - they cannot bear separation from him.

Numerology of the name Jaromir

Soul Number: 9.
Those with the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make broad gestures, they love to help people. However, “Nines” are prone to inflated conceit and often flirt and turn into arrogant egocentrics. “Nines” are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are not always constant, which is often expressed in “frivolity” in personal life. Nines are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a “nine”.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 5


Planet Neptune.
Element: Water, cold-humidity.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Aquamarine, sea green.
Day: Thursday, Friday.
Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, seagull, albatross, dolphin.

The name Jaromir as a phrase

I (YA = A) Az

Oh He (Oh, Oh)
M Think
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Jaromir

I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

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