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How they become obsessed. Signs of a possessed person

On this page of the site you can ask any question related to Orthodoxy or the Kazan diocese. We draw your attention to the fact that the editors of the site do not consider it obligatory to give answers to questions of a provocative nature. It must also be remembered that issues of a personal, spiritual nature are best resolved in direct communication with the priest.

The questions are answered by the clergy of the Tatarstan Metropolis. As soon as the answer is prepared, your question and answer will be published on the site. Questions may take up to seven days to process. Please remember the date of submission of your letter for the convenience of subsequent retrieval. If your question is urgent, mark it as "URGENT", we will try to answer it as quickly as possible.

Date: 12/15/2014 12:40:10 PM

What causes a person to become possessed by a demon?

Asks: Maria, Nab. Chelny

Answer: Archpriest Valery Karanaev

Hello! What causes a person to become possessed by a demon? Who can determine it? How can this manifest itself? What demons inhabit a person and why it is no longer possible to get rid of them, even leading a church life. Why aren't priests allowed to cast out demons? And how can such a person live, does he pose some kind of threat to himself, his family, and other people? Please answer, I'm confused.

Hello Maria!

“... For whoever is conquered by whom, that one is also a slave” (2 Pet. 2:19) “Do you not know that to whom you give yourself as a slave for obedience, you are the servants whom you obey ... » (Rom. 6:16)

About how a demon can gain access to a person’s soul, we can find indications in the Holy Scriptures, in the writings of the holy fathers of the Church and the great Christian ascetics of piety. Every forgetfulness of God, no matter how it manifests itself, every arbitrary violation of the commandments of God, no matter how unimportant it may seem, every transgression against conscience, this voice of God in a person’s soul, already opens access to the devil’s soul. The sinful passions are especially kind to the devil, that is, the often-repeated falls that have become a habit with a person, have become, as it were, his second nature.

“Pride is a demon,” says our great righteous Saint John of Kronstadt: “malice is the same demon; envy is the same demon; abomination prodigal - the same demon; violent hula - the same demon; violent doubt in the truth - the same demon; despondency is a demon; passions are different, but Satan acts in all; passions are different, and together - the barking of Satan in different ways, and a person is one - one spirit with Satan ”(My Life in Christ, vol. 2, p. 6).

After all, what is the essence of demon possession if not in opposition to God and His Divine Law? And the types and external forms of possession can be different: from the most terrible and violent - to the most inconspicuous and skillfully hiding, sometimes even with various plausibility, from an inattentive gaze.

“Demons possessing a person,” says St. Theophan Vyshensky, mentor of spiritual life, “do not always reveal their presence, but lurk, stealthily teaching their master every evil and rejecting every good: so that he is sure that he does everything himself, meanwhile, he only fulfills the will of his enemy.

Hegumen Nikon Vorobyov expresses the thought: “Do not be afraid. The devil does not do what he would like, but only what the Lord allows him to do. By force, against the will of man, the devil cannot harm anyone. Only he falls under the power of the devil, who himself consciously gives him a hand. And whoever resists him, who calls on the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is safe, the temptations of demons can even benefit him ... "

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) instructs in one of his letters: “Remember in your prayers the ailing D., who is betrayed by the fate of God to Satan, may her spirit be saved ... many great saints of God were subjected... We remember that the apostle Paul testified: "And so that I would not be exalted by the extravagance of revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to afflict me, so that I would not be exalted" (2 Cor. 12:7) . Possession is much less important (less dangerous) than the acceptance of any enemy thought that can forever destroy the soul.

St. John Chrysostom said: “Meanwhile, the burden of a demon is not at all cruel, because a demon cannot at all plunge into hell, but if we are awake, then this temptation will bring us brilliant and glorious crowns when we endure such attacks with gratitude.”

Very instructive in this regard is the conversation of the novice with the famous elder, Archpriest Alexy Zaraisky, about his possessed maid. “I asked about. Alexy, why doesn’t he cast the demon out of her, and he answered me: why can he know that this is the will of God? She partakes of the Holy Mysteries, and if necessary, then Christ, who is received by her, is Himself powerful to expel him; and if this serves her as a cleansing cross, then why cast him out?

A person possessed by a demon needs to lead a full-fledged Christian life, pray at home, attend divine services, regularly confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Also, with the blessing of the confessor, it would not be superfluous to visit various kinds of holy places. Thus, to exclude the possibility of a demon to have a place in the human soul.

And not only where there is a shrine, but also in any place a piously living person, humbly conscious of his weakness, living a Christian life, will receive healing at the right time if he is possessed by demons. He will receive it, because there is no limit to God's mercy, and if it is useful for a person's soul to be healed of possession, then this healing will occur. If a person does not benefit from this, if a person’s lifestyle is fatal, or, as it happens, a person, being possessed, lives a Christian life for a long time, and after healing forgets about it, then the Lord tells about such a case: when a demon comes out of a person and , returning again, he sees this man empty, then he, having taken other demons more evil than himself, again settles in this man and, as the Lord says, the last is worse for this man than the first ”(Matthew 12:43 -45).

Obsession with passions is demonic possession. To eradicate passion is what it means to cast out a tormenting demon. Those who want to work for our Lord Jesus Christ and only Him alone need to arm themselves with patience, remembering His admonition: “In your patience acquire your souls!” (Luke 21:19) and another: “The one who endures to the end, he will be saved” (Mark 13:13). According to hegumen Nikon Vorobyov: “Earthly life is given to man so that he freely chooses either God or the devil here. The future life therefore depends on the life here, because those who have worked all their lives for sin and the devil will be with him even after death forever. And those who have longed for the Lord all their lives, although at times they have fallen, after death will be with the Lord in eternal bliss.

The answer to the question why priests are not allowed to cast out a demon can be found on our website (). Your question as a whole is multifaceted, here we have considered in part some of them. You can find more detailed information by clicking on the following link: .

I congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and the New Year of the goodness of God!

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In the Orthodox tradition, Jesus Christ is considered the first person to cast out demons from the possessed. Today, the holy father receives such a verbal "appointment" from a more senior priest, his teacher or an experienced, but already aged exorcist. The latter, as it were, transfers this responsibility to his follower.

How to become obsessed

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that a person can become possessed by evil spirits - turn into a kind of "vessel" for one or even several champions of the devil - due to some unseemly deeds. These include fortune-telling, communication with fortune-tellers, psychics and any other people who offer to establish a connection with otherworldly forces. By opening invisible doors to another world, a person thereby makes his soul defenseless against the machinations of demons and their supreme patron, the Prince of Darkness.

It is possible to notice obsession in ordinary life only in the case of some extreme manifestations. Usually it is revealed when a person comes to the temple of God. This can happen right during the service. The demon inside a person begins to react to the sprinkling of holy water, the words of prayers and hymns, the overshadowing of the cross and other moments of the service. At the same time, the demoniac behaves inappropriately and inconsistently with the place in which he is. He starts cursing the church, swearing, growling, howling, shaking, rolling on the floor, etc.

Exorcism Procedure

After demon possession has manifested itself, it is necessary to perform an exorcism ritual. It is believed that only a priest who is at the upper levels of perfection and asceticism can conduct it. The ritual consists in carrying out certain actions and reading prayers over the demoniac, who himself is not capable of pronouncing the words of Holy Scripture (this is actively opposed by the spirit that has inhabited him). The very procedure of exorcism in Orthodoxy is called the “rite of reprimand” from the word “read” a prayer.

A person suffering from demons must be brought to the reprimand with a pectoral cross put on him. The day before the service he should fast. Unbaptized people are not allowed to reprimand. During the service of the possessed, the priest abundantly sprinkles holy water and fumigates with incense. After that, he carefully recites certain prayers over it. This must be done with extreme concentration, calling on God with all your heart and believing in his blessing. Every word spoken during this procedure is very important. And the exorcism itself in any religion is considered a special mission, a kind of obedience.

Throughout the reprimand, the priest reads Bible texts and prayers, baptizes and sprinkles the possessed with holy water until he gets better. The list of prayers is extensive. These are “Our Father”, “Prayer against demonic machinations”, “Prayer to the Holy Spirit”, Psalm 90, Psalm 50, etc. There are about several dozen such saving prayers in total. The reprimand can last quite a long time, sometimes a couple of hours, until the demon finally leaves the body of the sufferer.

Many are respected for what they do. Some are even considered masters of their craft. However, even among them there are those who are considered absolutely obsessed with their work.

Such people exist in their own world. They compete with no one but themselves. You never know what they will do - you will only be forced to react to it. Even though they don't compete with you, they make you compete with them. Yes, these are the same "obsessed". Few are ready to be like that, but here's what you need to do to become one of the...

Don't hesitate, if you know, then act

“Don't hesitate. You already know what you have to do and you know how to do it. What's stopping you?"

Instead of analyzing and thinking, act. Listen to your feelings, trust yourself, and do what your instincts tell you to do. All the right decisions I've ever made have come from within. All my wrong decisions were the result of not listening to my inner voice.

The moment you have to act and you start thinking, you have already lost. Thinking distracts from work.

Always be ready to act instinctively

“Just as the yin-yang symbol contains a light core in the dark half and a dark core in the light half, creative insights are based on technical knowledge”

Become the master of your ship. While everyone else is resting, practice and improve. Learn the rules with the left hemisphere of the brain - so that your right hemisphere has unlimited freedom to break them and create your own.

Thanks to a trained mind, your time can slow down. You will be able to look at things from different points of view. While everyone is trying to react to the situation, you will be able to manipulate it and adjust the situation to suit you.

Don't be motivated by money or anything external

Having good things is good. But you are not money, prestige, or anything else outside of you. Remove all this and nothing will change in you. Overcome your limitations and surrender to it completely. Make sure things don't destroy you like they do with most people.

Never stop there

"Striving to bridge the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between greatness and obsession"

Even after you reach your goal, don't be complacent. This is not for business, but for yourself. It's about climbing, you have to see how far you can go.

Does this mean that you are ungrateful? Absolutely not. This speaks of your dissatisfaction, although you are grateful for everything in your life. Thanks to this, you will never become complacent and lazy.

Always manage yourself

“If the soul yields to the body, it becomes corrupted; but if the body yields to the soul, it becomes pure and holy.”

Unlike most people who depend on things or other external factors, you must manage your body, your time, and how much of it to devote to your business.

Rely on instincts, not impulses. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. And if you do something, it is because you want to, and not because you have to.

Be true to yourself

"You can have everything you love in life as long as you give up what you hate"

While most of my readers hate their job, few are truly happy. Obsessed people get rid of everything in their lives that they hate.

Have self-respect and self-confidence in order to live life on your own terms. When something is wrong in your life, change...

Do not under any circumstances reduce pressure.

"Pressure can break pipes, but it also creates diamonds"

Most people can handle the pressure. But when they can turn it off, they switch off and relax.

But not obsessed. The obsessed never let down. Instead, he constantly amplifies it. This is what gives vigor and activity.

Don't be afraid of the consequences of failure

Most people stay where it's safe. And if they fall, it won't hurt them much. But when you decide to fly high, the fall can kill you. And for that it's okay. But for the possessed there is neither ceiling nor floor. All this is in your head. If something goes wrong, it's just a "failure", everything can be repaired and move on.

Compete not with others, but with yourself

"Innovation is cheaper than competition"

People compete with each other. They constantly check in with what their competitors are doing. As a result, they imitate and copy what "works".

On the other hand, it may turn out that you leave all competitors behind. There is no point in competing with others for the possessed. It distracts from the true purpose. Get rid of outside interference and work under your own pressure instead.

Never stop learning

Ordinary people are looking for entertainment. Unusual people seek knowledge. If you want to be the best, never stop learning. Never stop improving and hone your skills and knowledge.

Your unparalleled preparation is what gives you strength.

Success is not a reason to stop, it's a reason to increase your efforts.

For most, it is enough to become “successful”. But, if you are one of the obsessed, success is just an excuse to increase your efforts. Once you reach your goal, you focus on your next task.

Don't let success crush you

"Success can be a catalyst for failure"

Most people can't handle the pressure of success, authority, or privilege. It destroys them. This makes them lazy. When they get what they want, they stop doing the things that got them. External influence becomes too intense.

But, in relation to you, no external influences can push you more than your own inner desire. We are not talking about one achievement, after it there should be more and more. Endpoint does not exist. It will appear when you are done.

Control yourself in an emergency

“The ability to control yourself in an extreme situation is a test of your ego and requires a lot of work on your own humility. Make mistakes, take responsibility, and developing a plan to overcome problems is an integral part of the work of any successful person.

There is simply no one to blame. There is no deceit or illusion. Just harsh reality. When you are confused, you see it in its purest form. And as obsessed with your life, you have to deal with it when your life goes out of whack. Only by owning yourself, you can have complete freedom and control the situation.

Let your work speak for itself

There are big differences between "deep" and "surface" work.

"Deep" work is distinguished by:

great value
Uniqueness (that is, no one can do the same)

Signs of "surface" work:

Reproducibility (that is, many people can do it)

Let's talk about "surface" work. Any person can do it. It is easy to replicate. She has a low value. Conversely, "deep" work is rare. It is made by people who focus on it and work while everyone else is talking or relaxing. "Deep" work is so good that it cannot be ignored. She doesn't need words. She speaks for herself.

Always work on your willpower

The better you feel in a tense environment, the further you can get ahead of others. Because others will break.

The most useful training that you should go through is mental training.

Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. Where your thoughts go determines where your life goes.

The stronger your mind, the longer and harder you will train.

Confidence is your biggest asset

“Life is a game of confidence. Whoever has it wins. Whoever doesn't have it loses."

You've heard it before: to run a marathon, mental preparation is much more important than physical condition. A person's ability to run a marathon - or do anything difficult - depends more on confidence than on actual ability.

Your confidence determines:
The size of the problems and goals you take on
Probability of achieving these goals
Your ability to bounce back from setbacks

If you are not confident in yourself, you will never be the first. When you're confident, you don't care how many times you fail, you're going to succeed anyway. And it doesn't matter that all the odds seem to be against you.

Surround yourself with people who make you think about the future, not the past.

When you surround yourself with people who remind you of your past, it's hard for you to progress. Because of them, we get stuck in certain roles that we can’t free ourselves from (for example: a caring husband and father when you are already divorced).

Surround yourself with people you want to be like, it will give you fresh energy. You will no longer live in your past, you will begin to create your future.

Everything passes, nothing is forgotten

Possession requires getting rid of all excess mental or emotional baggage. Therefore, you need to immediately and completely forgive those who offended you. However, forgiveness does not mean that you have forgotten. And this does not mean that you should continue to deal with those who offended you.

Have clear goals

While fixation on results is certainly unhealthy, short-term goals can be useful tools for development if they are balanced with a long-term philosophical approach to life.

According to psychological research, the most motivating goals are those that are clearly defined and have specific deadlines. Your goals can be either your behavior or the results you are striving for.

For most, behavioral goals are the best and more motivating option. But when you crave to achieve such significant results that the effort expended does not matter, your goal may be the immediate final result. However, it's best to focus on specific short-term goals that fit into your long-term philosophy. When you clearly understand “what” you need to get, it is easier for you to understand “how” to do it.

React immediately, without analysis and stop

"The anticipation of an event is always more extreme than the event itself" - this is true for both positive and negative events.

Just do it. Train yourself to respond immediately when you feel like you have to do something. Stop asking yourself. Don't analyze. Don't wonder if your impulse comes from God or from you. Just act.

You will know what to do once you start taking action. Until you take action, it will all be hypothetical. But once you start taking action, everything becomes practical.

Prefer simple over complex

“If you can’t explain something simply, then you don’t understand it well enough”

It's easy to be complicated. Most research and specialty words in academia and business are overly complex. It's hard to focus on the main thing and put it simply. As Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is the pinnacle of complexity."

Wisdom is eternal and simple. Learn wisdom and choose it.

Never be jealous or envy other people's successes

Being obsessed means that you want to benefit everyone, even those you consider your competitors. Jealousy and envy are signs of selfishness, they are generated by fear.

The reason you are happy with the success of others is that their success has nothing to do with you.

The obsessed with life controls himself and is different from any other person. There is no one who can do what you can do. You have your own superpowers and your own unique abilities that allow you to make your own contribution. And that's what you're going to do.

Make an attempt at every opportunity

If you don't try, you are always a loser. Most people don't try to do anything. Fear of failure paralyzes them.

Just keep trying. Don't try to do it only when it's convenient for you or when you feel you're ready. Just go ahead and correct the result.

Don't get caught up in the results of your past success. Always stay focused on what made you achieve these results - at work.

When you get to work on something special, you have achievements that can distract you. You can relax because of the success of your previous job.

Professional athletes are notorious for skipping workouts to meet supermodels or star in TV commercials. But there are those who just train, day after day. They don't "play games" that everyone else plays. They simply improve their skills, never forgetting how they got it.

Set goals that far exceed your current capabilities.

If your goals are reasonable, you will not experience failure. Being purposeful means that your purpose is calling you to become something more than you are at present. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better.

Take time to recuperate and recuperate
When you focus on results and not how busy you are, you are 100 percent on while you work and 100 percent off the rest of the time. This not only allows you to feel the present moment, but also gives you the right time to rest and recover.

If you do not take breaks between sets, you will not be able to gain strength and endurance. However, not everything is equally good for relaxation. Some things are more soothing than others.

Start Before You're Ready

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now" - Chinese proverb.

Most people are waiting. They believe that they can start when they have enough time, money, connections and references. They wait until they feel “insured.”

People obsessed with life started last year. They started five years ago, before they even knew what they were going to do. They started before they had any money. They started before they had all their questions answered. They started when no one believed in them. The only permission they needed was their inner voice demanding to move forward. And they moved.

If you need permission, you probably shouldn't.

"Those who are going to succeed will do it no matter what I say"

A lot of people work exclusively for others. They could never really decide what they wanted to do and ended up jumping from one to the other - trying to get rich quick. And time after time they stopped digging, before reaching only a few meters from the target.

No one will give you permission to live according to your dreams.

When you strive for your goal, you yourself must be sure that you will get what you want. Everything you need to know is already within you. All you have to do is believe in yourself and take action.

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Throughout the history of mankind, many cases have been recorded when people behaved strangely, spoke in a voice that was not their own, convulsed, and so on. It is believed that such behavior indicates that a demon has moved into a person.

What is an obsession?

When a devil or demon enters a person, they speak of possession. The resettlement can occur intentionally, and in this case they speak of one of the types of damage. Another obsession is the result of an incorrectly performed ritual. The resettlement can occur if an energetically weakened person gets into cursed places. The peak of the spread of demonic possession falls on the Middle Ages. There are three groups of obsessed people:

  1. The first are ruled by violent or aggressive demons.
  2. The second live together with the demon of contradiction or the evil one.
  3. Still others have an unbalanced character and can be either a “sheep” or a “wolf”.

Obsession in psychology

Official science completely denies the possibility of various demons sharing with a person. Possession is a mental illness called cacodemonomania. People who have addictions, are passive, open or impressionable are more likely to have seizures. In most cases, they are easily influenced by other people. A well-known psychologist called kakodemomania a neurosis in which a person invents demons for himself, and they are the result of suppression of desires.

Obsession - a disease or a curse?

Scientists who believe that there are no demons explain the numerous symptoms of possession with specific diseases. At the same time, it is worth noting that often doctors cannot help people with similar problems with medical methods.

  1. Possession, from a scientific point of view, is a manifestation of epilepsy, in which convulsions occur, loss of creation and a person feels contact with intangible things.
  2. Such a symptom as sharp mood swings from euphoria to depression is characteristic of bipolar affective disorder.
  3. Another disease that can be confused with obsession is Tourette's syndrome. As a result of disorders of the nervous system, multiple motor tics are observed.
  4. It is known in psychology that such a disease as split personality is when there are several personalities in one body that show themselves in different periods. As a result, one person appears as different people with their own tastes, habits and character.
  5. Another comparison is obsession or, since the disease causes hallucinations, delusions and problems with speech.

Signs of a person's obsession

If there was a subsistence of the essence, then the life of a person begins to change. At first, the symptoms are rare and not so severe, but over time, everything gets worse. The main signs of demon possession are:

  1. Demons can speak through the mouth of a person, cursing those around them or calling them to renounce the Lord, and not only known languages, but also animal roars can be used.
  2. Possessed people can practice prophecy, fly, see spirits, and so on.
  3. Demons give a person tremendous strength, and he can break iron chains, move heavy objects, and push even strong men away.
  4. The possessed can either degrade, or vice versa, show an increased level of intelligence.
  5. Sleep disturbances occur, the person often has nightmares and feels as if someone is watching or even walking on the body.

What does a possessed person look like?

If some entity lives in the human body, then this is directly reflected in its appearance.

  1. There is a kind of drying up of the body as a result of complete exhaustion.
  2. Weight is quickly lost and dystrophy is observed, and this happens due to the fact that a person either eats little or completely refuses to eat. This is accompanied by other consequences: fatigue, weakness, headaches, and so on.
  3. If you are interested in how to understand that a person is possessed by demons, then you should know that one of the obvious signs is a change in the eyes, which become cloudy, although the vision remains the same.
  4. The color of the skin also changes, becoming darker. This symptom is very scary.

Signs of demon possession in Orthodoxy

The clergy point out that the main sign of the presence of demons in a person is intolerance towards everything that has to do with the Lord. Even talking about faith will cause unpleasant feelings in him. The possessed are afraid of priests, consecrated objects, various shrines, and so on. Believers claim that the signs of demon possession appear in different ways, as demons damage a person's mind. They are capable of inflicting many known and unknown diseases on their victims.

What feelings does a person experience when possessed?

Since the possibility of demons being inhabited has not been scientifically proven, it remains to rely on the testimonies of people who claim that demons lived in them.

  1. There is a constant presence of some entity inside, which is constantly trying to suppress thoughts and words.
  2. People possessed by demons hear a voice that makes them do unacceptable things and subjugates them in every possible way.
  3. There is evidence that the victims either felt a surge of strength and wanted to move mountains, or vice versa, their decline and it seemed as if death was approaching.

Real cases of possession

There is a huge amount of evidence about people who were attacked by dark forces. Some of them are just a fantasy, but there are stories that have documentary or photo evidence.

  1. Clara Herman Celje. In South America lived Clara, who was 16 years old. In 1906, in confession, she said that she felt a demon inside. At first they did not believe her, but the girl's condition worsened every day. The testimonies of people who heard that she spoke in a voice that was not her own and behaved inappropriately were documented. The exorcism ritual is performed over two days.
  2. Roland Doe. The list of people who were possessed by demons includes this boy, whose story took place in 1949. He played with the Ouija board, and a few days later his aunt died. Trying to connect with her, Roland replaced that strange things were happening around: the icon of Jesus was shaking, various screams were heard, objects were flying, and so on. A priest was invited to the house, and he saw objects flying and falling, the boy's body was covered with various symbols, and so on. 30 exorcisms were performed to achieve recovery. There is over 14 documented evidence of the boy's bed floating in the air.
  3. Anneliese Michel. The obsession of this girl began to manifest itself when she was 16 years old. She was diagnosed with epilepsy, but the treatment was useless. The girl's condition worsened and in 1975, the first exorcism ritual was performed. 70 rituals were performed and 42 of them were recorded on a dictaphone. Anneliese could not be saved.

How to help an obsessed person?

If suddenly a person began to behave strangely and possessedness manifests in him, it is important not to get confused and create all possible conditions so that the possessed person does not harm himself and others. Here are some tips on how to deal with obsessed people:

  1. There is no need to provoke a possessed person and cause aggression in him, since he is not responsible for his actions. It is better to agree with everything that he says, controlling the situation.
  2. It is best to lay the possessed on a bed or sit on a sofa. It is necessary to limit his movements around the rooms to the maximum so that he does not harm himself.
  3. Try to calm the person so that he returns to normal consciousness as soon as possible. If an attack was provoked by some object, for example, an icon, then remove it away.

How to get rid of obsession?

Since ancient times, the main fighters with evil spirits are the clergy who perform exorcism rites. Not everyone can fulfill this mission and there are special church schools where they teach the sacraments of rituals to remove possession. There are magical rituals that you can perform on your own, without any preparation, the main thing is to follow all the rules and believe in their power. Possessed people should ask that the rite be performed by close people who have a close relationship with each other.

  1. For the ritual, water should be prepared, which should be drawn from a clean reservoir during the morning dawn. Arriving home, put it on a flat surface, light a candle next to it, bought in the church. Read over the water seven times conspiracy number 1.
  2. After that, you need to yawn strongly and say plot number 2 three times to remove the obsession.
  3. When the last words are spoken, turn over your left shoulder, blow, spit and sprinkle the possessed with the charmed water. The rest of the liquid should be given to him to drink. You can perform this ritual on yourself.

Prayer for obsession

There is a special prayer text that can be used to exorcise the demon. It must be read in complete solitude, otherwise the demon may pass to another person. It is important to wear a pectoral cross, no matter how the demon inside does not resist. Prayer from possession should be repeated at the moments when evil spirits appear. The text must be repeated until the condition improves. It is important not to succumb to the influence of the demon and continue to read the prayer text. When demons are expelled, it is imperative to put yourself in Orthodox protection.

Books about demon possession

The topic is popular, so you can find several decent books on this topic in bookstores.

  1. "The Exorcist" W.P. Blatty. The story follows the life of a film actress who notices that her daughter's behavior has changed and she ends up seeing her as signs of a demonic possession.
  2. "Encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology" R.Kh. Robbins. In this work, a lot of information related to demons and the Devil is collected and systematized.

On this page of the site you can ask any question related to Orthodoxy or the Kazan diocese. We draw your attention to the fact that the editors of the site do not consider it obligatory to give answers to questions of a provocative nature. It must also be remembered that issues of a personal, spiritual nature are best resolved in direct communication with the priest.

The questions are answered by the clergy of the Tatarstan Metropolis. As soon as the answer is prepared, your question and answer will be published on the site. Questions may take up to seven days to process. Please remember the date of submission of your letter for the convenience of subsequent retrieval. If your question is urgent, mark it as "URGENT", we will try to answer it as quickly as possible.

Date: 12/15/2014 12:40:10 PM

What causes a person to become possessed by a demon?

Asks: Maria, Nab. Chelny

Answer: Archpriest Valery Karanaev

Hello! What causes a person to become possessed by a demon? Who can determine it? How can this manifest itself? What demons inhabit a person and why it is no longer possible to get rid of them, even leading a church life. Why aren't priests allowed to cast out demons? And how can such a person live, does he pose some kind of threat to himself, his family, and other people? Please answer, I'm confused.

Hello Maria!

“... For whoever is conquered by whom, that one is also a slave” (2 Pet. 2:19) “Do you not know that to whom you give yourself as a slave for obedience, you are the servants whom you obey ... » (Rom. 6:16)

About how a demon can gain access to a person’s soul, we can find indications in the Holy Scriptures, in the writings of the holy fathers of the Church and the great Christian ascetics of piety. Every forgetfulness of God, no matter how it manifests itself, every arbitrary violation of the commandments of God, no matter how unimportant it may seem, every transgression against conscience, this voice of God in a person’s soul, already opens access to the devil’s soul. The sinful passions are especially kind to the devil, that is, the often-repeated falls that have become a habit with a person, have become, as it were, his second nature.

“Pride is a demon,” says our great righteous Saint John of Kronstadt: “malice is the same demon; envy is the same demon; abomination prodigal - the same demon; violent hula - the same demon; violent doubt in the truth - the same demon; despondency is a demon; passions are different, but Satan acts in all; passions are different, and together - the barking of Satan in different ways, and a person is one - one spirit with Satan ”(My Life in Christ, vol. 2, p. 6).

After all, what is the essence of demon possession if not in opposition to God and His Divine Law? And the types and external forms of possession can be different: from the most terrible and violent - to the most inconspicuous and skillfully hiding, sometimes even with various plausibility, from an inattentive gaze.

“Demons possessing a person,” says St. Theophan Vyshensky, mentor of spiritual life, “do not always reveal their presence, but lurk, stealthily teaching their master every evil and rejecting every good: so that he is sure that he does everything himself, meanwhile, he only fulfills the will of his enemy.

Hegumen Nikon Vorobyov expresses the thought: “Do not be afraid. The devil does not do what he would like, but only what the Lord allows him to do. By force, against the will of man, the devil cannot harm anyone. Only he falls under the power of the devil, who himself consciously gives him a hand. And whoever resists him, who calls on the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is safe, the temptations of demons can even benefit him ... "

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) instructs in one of his letters: “Remember in your prayers the ailing D., who is betrayed by the fate of God to Satan, may her spirit be saved ... many great saints of God were subjected... We remember that the apostle Paul testified: "And so that I would not be exalted by the extravagance of revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to afflict me, so that I would not be exalted" (2 Cor. 12:7) . Possession is much less important (less dangerous) than the acceptance of any enemy thought that can forever destroy the soul.

St. John Chrysostom said: “Meanwhile, the burden of a demon is not at all cruel, because a demon cannot at all plunge into hell, but if we are awake, then this temptation will bring us brilliant and glorious crowns when we endure such attacks with gratitude.”

Very instructive in this regard is the conversation of the novice with the famous elder, Archpriest Alexy Zaraisky, about his possessed maid. “I asked about. Alexy, why doesn’t he cast the demon out of her, and he answered me: why can he know that this is the will of God? She partakes of the Holy Mysteries, and if necessary, then Christ, who is received by her, is Himself powerful to expel him; and if this serves her as a cleansing cross, then why cast him out?

A person possessed by a demon needs to lead a full-fledged Christian life, pray at home, attend divine services, regularly confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Also, with the blessing of the confessor, it would not be superfluous to visit various kinds of holy places. Thus, to exclude the possibility of a demon to have a place in the human soul.

And not only where there is a shrine, but also in any place a piously living person, humbly conscious of his weakness, living a Christian life, will receive healing at the right time if he is possessed by demons. He will receive it, because there is no limit to God's mercy, and if it is useful for a person's soul to be healed of possession, then this healing will occur. If a person does not benefit from this, if a person’s lifestyle is fatal, or, as it happens, a person, being possessed, lives a Christian life for a long time, and after healing forgets about it, then the Lord tells about such a case: when a demon comes out of a person and , returning again, he sees this man empty, then he, having taken other demons more evil than himself, again settles in this man and, as the Lord says, the last is worse for this man than the first ”(Matthew 12:43 -45).

Obsession with passions is demonic possession. To eradicate passion is what it means to cast out a tormenting demon. Those who want to work for our Lord Jesus Christ and only Him alone need to arm themselves with patience, remembering His admonition: “In your patience acquire your souls!” (Luke 21:19) and another: “The one who endures to the end, he will be saved” (Mark 13:13). According to hegumen Nikon Vorobyov: “Earthly life is given to man so that he freely chooses either God or the devil here. The future life therefore depends on the life here, because those who have worked all their lives for sin and the devil will be with him even after death forever. And those who have longed for the Lord all their lives, although at times they have fallen, after death will be with the Lord in eternal bliss.

The answer to the question why priests are not allowed to cast out a demon can be found on our website (). Your question as a whole is multifaceted, here we have considered in part some of them. You can find more detailed information by clicking on the following link: .

I congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and the New Year of the goodness of God!

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