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Speech development in a child aged 1–5 years. How to stimulate a child's speech

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about the speech development of children 1.5 - 2 years old. The article was prepared by speech therapist Elena Barysheva.

Speech development of children from 1.5 to 2 years old

The age from one and a half to two years is marked by relative calm, the crisis has passed, the child becomes older, more understanding and obedient. The level of development of a 2-year-old child often fluctuates depending on his personal characteristics. Try not to compare your child with other children, accept him for who he is. At this age, the child already understands a lot and it is important that he hears positive statements about himself. When a mother says that her child is lazy, cowardly or stupid, she forms a certain image of the personality and these, far from flattering definitions, become part of the child’s ideas about himself.

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of adult speech and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, and on upbringing and training.

  1. Children from disadvantaged families speak poorly
  2. “Mowgli’s children” - they are outside the speech environment, no one educates them, if they do not find themselves in a prosperous environment before the age of 3-5, they will never be able to fully master literate speech. This does not mean that they will not learn to speak, but the speech will be significantly different from the speech to which we are accustomed.

At one and a half years, the child’s speech undergoes a transition from one period - the accumulation of vocabulary, to another - the mastery of active speech. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the development of a child’s speech at this age. It is important to remember that the development of speech of a one and a half year old child cannot occur independently, autonomously, but only together with knowledge of the world around him, with the development of sensory abilities.

Sound pronunciation

The development and formation of pronunciation in all children occurs in different terms. Some children pronounce a greater number of sounds and more clearly, while others pronounce fewer and less clearly. The quality of pronunciation depends on the condition and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, which is just beginning to actively function,

at 1 year 8 months. the child already pronounces vowels very well - a, u, o, and; consonants - p, b, m, k, g, n, t, d, l, s. The baby either does not pronounce most consonants at all, or pronounces them incorrectly, replacing them with sounds that are simpler in terms of articulation.

at 1 year 10 months. Hey, hey, hey. Often the initial sound in a word or the final consonant is omitted. A cluster of consonants appears in the middle of individual words LK, SK

at 1 year 10 months. - 2 years old, hard consonants T, D, N appear, most consonant clusters are replaced by one sound.

A number of hard consonants are replaced by soft ones.

The sound Y - its pronunciation requires very complex work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus; it is not without reason that few foreigners can pronounce this sound (they replace it with the sound I).


With the appearance of the child’s first words, the stage of development of active speech begins. At this time the child appears Special attention to the articulation of those around. He very much and willingly repeats after the speaker and pronounces the words himself. At the same time, the baby confuses sounds, rearranges them, distorts them, and omits them.

The child’s first words are of a generalized semantic nature. With the same word or sound combination it can denote an object, a request, or feelings. For example, the word porridge can mean at different times here's the porridge; give me some porridge; hot porridge. Or a word dad - dad came; no dad; dad, come here and so on. You can understand a child only in a situation in which or about which his communication with an adult takes place. Therefore, such speech is called situational. The child accompanies situational speech with gestures and facial expressions.

From the age of one and a half years, the word acquires a generalized character. It becomes possible to understand the adult’s verbal explanation, assimilate knowledge, and accumulate new words.

Here is the data on the development of children's vocabulary in the preschool period:

  • by 1 year 6 months - 10-15 words;
  • by 1 year 8 months - about 30 words;
  • by 1 year 10 months - about 90 words;
  • by the end of the 2nd year - 300 words (in 6 months about 300 words!).

Volume vocabulary depends both on the conditions of the child’s upbringing, on the frequency of explanations with adults, and quality- on what words adults use more often in their speech, how they clearly indicate to the baby what actions can be performed with toys, objects, how the child himself acts, point out the signs of surrounding objects (a large, white cup).

Grammatical structure of speech

At approximately 1 year 10 months. The child develops phrasal speech: two amorphous words are combined in one sentence. Two-syllable words are reproduced, and one syllable is omitted in three-syllable words.

By the age of 2, children practically master the skills of using singular and singular forms. plural nouns, tense and person of verbs, some case endings are used. At this time, understanding an adult’s speech significantly exceeds pronunciation capabilities.

Speech understanding:

at 1 year and 3 months, the baby understands simple instructions with one action, for example: “Bring the ball”;

by 2 years of age, a child can follow instructions with 2 actions, for example: “Please find a ball and bring it to me,” is able to follow verbal instructions that are not supported by the actions of adults;

After 1.5 years, the child can listen if the parent says: “Not now. Maybe later".

By the way, at one and a half to two years the speech of boys and girls is most often noticeably different: almost all girls are ahead of their peers - boys in speech development. But this difference will disappear in a short time, so there is no need to compare your son’s first attempts to speak coherently with the lively speech of a neighbor’s or friend’s daughter. Very little time will pass and the children will be equal in their successes.


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Speech development of children 1.5-2 years old

Hello, friends! Today we will talk about the speech development of children 1.5 - 2 years old. The article was prepared by speech therapist Elena Barysheva.

Speech development of children from 1.5 to 2 years old

The age from one and a half to two years is marked by relative calm, the crisis has passed, the child becomes older, more understanding and obedient. The level of development of a 2-year-old child often fluctuates depending on his personal characteristics. Try not to compare your child with other children, accept him for who he is. At this age, the child already understands a lot and it is important that he hears positive statements about himself. When a mother says that her child is lazy, cowardly or stupid, she forms a certain image of the personality and these, far from flattering definitions, become part of the child’s ideas about himself.

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of adult speech and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, and on upbringing and training.

Children from disadvantaged families speak poorly

“Mowgli’s children” - they are outside the speech environment, no one educates them, if they do not find themselves in a prosperous environment before the age of 3-5, they will never be able to fully master literate speech. This does not mean that they will not learn to speak, but the speech will be significantly different from the speech to which we are accustomed.

At one and a half years, the child’s speech undergoes a transition from one period - the accumulation of vocabulary, to another - the mastery of active speech. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the development of a child’s speech at this age. It is important to remember that the speech development of a one-and-a-half-year-old child cannot occur independently, autonomously, but only together with knowledge of the world around him, with the development of sensory abilities.

Sound pronunciation

The development and formation of pronunciation in all children occurs at different times. Some children pronounce more sounds and more clearly, while others pronounce fewer and less clearly. The quality of pronunciation depends on the condition and mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, which is just beginning to actively function,
but still there is a so-called norm of speech development:

At 1 year 8 months. the child already pronounces vowels very well - a, u, o, and; consonants - p, b, m, k, g, n, t, d, l, s. The baby either does not pronounce most consonants at all, or pronounces them incorrectly, replacing them with sounds that are simpler in terms of articulation.

At 1 year 10 months. Hey, hey, hey. Often the initial sound in a word or the final consonant is omitted. A cluster of consonants appears in the middle of individual words LK, SK

At 1 year 10 months. – 2 years old, hard consonants T, D, N appear, most consonant clusters are replaced by one sound.

A number of hard consonants are replaced by soft ones.

The sound Y - its pronunciation requires very complex work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, it is not without reason that few foreigners can pronounce this sound (they replace it with the sound I).


With the appearance of the child’s first words, the stage of development of active speech begins. At this time, the child develops special attention to the articulation of those around him. He very much and willingly repeats after the speaker and pronounces the words himself. At the same time, the baby confuses sounds, rearranges them, distorts them, and omits them.

The child’s first words are of a generalized semantic nature. With the same word or sound combination it can denote an object, a request, or feelings. For example, the word porridge can mean at different moments this is porridge; give me some porridge; hot porridge. Or the word dad - dad came; no dad; dad, come over, etc. You can understand a child only in a situation in which or about which his communication with an adult takes place. Therefore, such speech is called situational. The child accompanies situational speech with gestures and facial expressions.

From the age of one and a half years, the word acquires a generalized character. It becomes possible to understand an adult’s verbal explanation, assimilate knowledge, and accumulate new words.

Here is data on the development of children's vocabulary in the preschool period:

By 1 year 6 months - 10-15 words;

By 1 year 8 months – about 30 words;

By 1 year 10 months – about 90 words;

By the end of the 2nd year - 300 words (in 6 months about 300 words!).

The volume of the dictionary depends both on the conditions of the child’s upbringing, on the frequency of its explanation with adults, and the quality - on what words adults use more often in their speech, how they clearly indicate to the child what actions can be performed with toys, objects, and how he himself acts child, point to signs of surrounding objects (large, white cup).

Grammatical structure of speech

At approximately 1 year 10 months. The child develops phrasal speech: two amorphous words are combined in one sentence. Two-syllable words are reproduced, and one syllable is omitted in three-syllable words.

By the age of 2, children practically master the skills of using singular and plural forms of nouns, tense and person of verbs, and use some case endings. At this time, understanding an adult’s speech significantly exceeds pronunciation capabilities.

Speech understanding:

At 1 year and 3 months, the baby understands simple instructions with one action, for example: “Get the ball”;

By the age of 2, a child can follow instructions with 2 actions, for example: “Please find a ball and bring it to me,” and is able to follow verbal instructions that are not supported by the actions of adults;

After 1.5 years, the child can listen if the parent says: “Not now. Maybe later".

By the way, at one and a half to two years the speech of boys and girls is most often noticeably different: almost all girls are ahead of their peers - boys in speech development. But this difference will disappear in a short time, so there is no need to compare your son’s first attempts to speak coherently with the lively speech of a neighbor’s or friend’s daughter. Very little time will pass and the children will be equal in their successes.

When a child appeared in our house, everyone, without exception, couldn’t wait for him to start talking. But the first year passed, the second was coming to an end, and the baby continued to remain silent, uttering only the semblance of words. My husband and I, fueled by the instructions of our grandparents, whose children “read poetry at one and a half years old,” began to look for deviations, illnesses of the child and mistakes in upbringing. When should you start sounding the alarm? To answer this question, you should listen to your child and your own heart.

How does speech develop in children under 2 years of age?

Speech development occurs in stages, and each stage is present in any case , regardless of the nationality and language spoken by others. My child was no exception and went through all stages of speech development. Some stages lasted longer, some shorter, but in the end the child spoke fully.

  1. Scream. With my first child, I had a hard time understanding why my daughter was screaming, but with my second baby, I unmistakably learned to recognize when he was screaming from hunger or when he was just bored. From the moment of birth, the only way for a child to communicate with mom and dad is to cry. With it, he expresses feelings of hunger and thirst, physical discomfort, draws attention to himself if he is hot or cold, clothes are tight or uncomfortable, and also if the baby is in pain. Attentive parents can also quickly learn to distinguish different types scream.
  2. Booming. From about 3 months, newborns begin to hum: most often this happens when the baby is happy and thus expresses a feeling of satisfaction. However, this period does not have to coincide with the beginning of the party. My first daughter began to walk only at 4.5 months, being completely healthy and without any deviations, but my son was already walking and singing in every way at 2 months. The child learns to move his tongue to pronounce sounds and trains the speech apparatus in every possible way. The buzz is usually reproduced in the form of the words “Agu”, “Ua”, “Gaaa”, “Guuu”.

INTERESTING! All nations of the world have children who walk in exactly the same way.

  1. Pronunciation of syllables and babbling. By about 7-8 months, children can pronounce different syllables, and they are not yet associated with certain images and words. The baby may say “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma” without meaning his mother at all. However, this important stage, in which the child masters the main part of sounds.
  2. First words. At the age of one, my first child could only say so much: “baba”, “dad”, “yum-yum” and a couple more phrases from his personal repertoire that cannot be translated into human language. By the age of one year, a baby can know and pronounce up to 10 words. Moreover, these may not always be full words. For example, instead of the word “dog,” a child may still say “Woof-woof,” which in his mind is associated with a specific image. It is also acceptable to pronounce truncated words, for example, “kava” instead of “cow”.
  3. Conscious speech. By the age of two, a child usually has a certain set of words that, at the very least, he can communicate with adults. Usually this vocabulary is enough to call mom and ask for a toy. It is considered normal if a child speaks about himself in the third person: “Masha is playing” instead of “I am playing.” It is from this stage that speech will rapidly develop every day, and the vocabulary will fill up.

Speech norms for a 2 year old child

Since all children are individual in their development, there are no clear standards. However, there is a generalized idea of ​​what kind of progress occurs in speech development. I put together all the information related to speech development.

Here's what a 2-year-old child can do, according to pediatricians, psychologists and neurologists:

  • have an active vocabulary of 100-300 words;
  • use prepositions (usually “in” and “on”) and conjunctions in speech;
  • intonation may appear in speech, especially when asking a question;
  • has an idea of ​​a certain category of objects (body parts, animals, fruits and vegetables) and can partially name them;
  • correctly points to the picture when adults ask: “Show me...”;
  • builds short sentences of 2-3 words;
  • uses pronouns “I”, “You”, “We”;
  • may ask the question “What is this?”

These standards do not mean that by the age of 2, every child must be able to do everything on this list. For example, many of my friends’ children at two years old have a fairly good understanding of the world around them, but do not actively use vocabulary.

The best games for developing a child's speech at 2 years old

  • Cards. Classic game for the all-round development of the baby. For my daughter, this game was the main activity of the day for a long time. The bulk of our vocabulary was formed by words from the cards. The essence of the game is that you need to take out a card at random, show it to the child and ask him to name the object depicted. It is best to start with pictures of a certain category, the most familiar, for example, animals or transport. When asking a question, you need to pause for a few seconds: the child needs time to identify the object and remember its name. If the baby is confused and doesn’t know what to answer, then after 10-15 seconds you need to name the word.
  • Ladushki and other poems and jokes. The game, familiar to everyone, allows you not only to have fun, but also to contribute to the development of speech. For my daughter, this game became interesting only at 1.5 years old, and before that age it did not arouse any interest in her. Touching the baby's palms and fingertips will activate the work of the speech center receptors, and the child can finish each line from a familiar poem after an adult. This game can be played with any children's poems, asking the child to complete a familiar phrase.

  • Who says what? A most exciting game that almost all kids adore. Even at 3.5 years old, my child remembers with pleasure how pussies and dogs speak. Pointing to the picture, you need to ask the child to reproduce animal sounds: “What does the dog say?” - "Bow-wow". A more difficult option is to deliberately make a mistake so that the child can correct the adult: “What does the cat say? Kwa-kwa?” - “No, meow-meow!” The child will find it funny that an adult says something wrong, and he, the kid, corrects him.
  • Stupid adult. If a child asks for some interesting thing, the adult must deliberately offer something else, pretending that he does not understand the child, and forcing him to explain and name the thing on his own. For example, a child asks for an apple, and an adult asks: “Do you want a spatula? No? Or maybe a bear?” But in this situation, the main thing is not to go too far and not bring the child to the point of fatigue and resentment. For my daughter, the limit was 2-3 “wrong” answers, after which she would get upset and could cry.
  • Who hid in the bag? You can put several animal toys in a small bag and take them out one at a time, showing only the head, asking the child to name the animal. You can also invite him to put his hand into the bag and pull out the toy - thus, in addition to the play moment, the child will additionally receive a finger massage and develop fine motor skills.
  • How does it sound and speak? For two years old, it is absolutely normal to call objects not by their names, but by the sounds they make. This applies not only to the onomatopoeia of animals, but also to the bulk of surrounding objects. For a very long time we called the car “beep-beep”, the food “yum-yum”, and our favorite horse “yoke-go”. If a child speaks very poorly, then you can constantly encourage him to vocalize the world around him: “How is it raining? - “Drip-drip”, “How do the feet stomp?” - “Top-top”, “How does the bell ring?” - “Ding-ding.” You can choose your own sound for almost any object or action.

  • It is known that articulatory gymnastics promotes speech development. My attempt to explain small child that it was necessary to do an exercise to develop speech, was not crowned with success. So I suggested just making faces and making faces in front of the mirror. You can also blow soap bubbles or balloons, blow on a feather or candle flame, actively grimace: show your tongue, teeth, puff out your cheeks and stretch out your lips with a tube, for example, depicting a lion or monkey.
  • Development of fine motor skills. There are receptors on the fingers that activate the motor center in the brain, located next to the speech center. That is why they say that a child’s speech is located at the tips of his fingers. Any games are suitable for the development of fine motor skills: pouring and rearranging small objects or cereals, finger drawing and plasticine, playing magpie and finger massage.

What to do if the child has not started speaking?

At the age of 2, my daughter stubbornly refused to speak, despite all my attempts to use a comprehensive and varied approach to the development of the speech apparatus. This was felt especially acutely when I saw the disapproving glances of my relatives, who believed that I was simply not working with my daughter.

Any parent will be concerned about the silence of a child at two years old. How can we determine whether this is a consequence of an illness, some kind of developmental disorder, or is it an individual characteristic of the child? There are several reasons for “silence” and ways to resolve them.

Cause Solution
1. Heredity If one of the child’s parents began to speak late, then this feature can be inherited. In this situation, you just need to bide your time.
2. Features of character and temperament Some children can be shy and timid even at 2 years old. If the baby is not very willing to play with other children, prefers loneliness and is generally quite calm emotionally, then perhaps his speech development will not be as stormy as other peers.
3. No need for speech If, at each child’s request, the mother immediately gives him the right thing or performs a certain action, then the baby does not need to develop speech. The child should be given the opportunity to show his need in every possible way, playing at the “stupid adult”.
4. ENT diseases and neurological defects It happens that the cause of speech delay is disorders of the ENT organs (defects, diseases) or various neurological abnormalities. In this case, consultation with an otolaryngologist and neurologist is necessary. It would also be a good idea to show the baby to a psychologist and speech therapist. It is recommended to contact several specialists to get different opinions. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment and give recommendations.
5. Excessive parental pressure Parents who want their children to start speaking as early as possible sometimes go too far and literally force the child to speak. At such a tender age, the baby’s psyche is very vulnerable and under the pressure of his parents he can become completely silent. You should reconsider your methods of speech development and, perhaps, give your child a break.
6. Lack of interest The baby may simply not like the developmental games that his mother plays with him, considering this or that game the most effective. You need to take a close look at the child’s interests and offer him activities that will bring him pleasure.
7. Lack of society If all the child’s communication occurs only with mom or dad, then speech development can proceed quite slowly. Communication with peers will give him a lot of pleasure and arouse interest in communicating with them. If the baby does not go to kindergarten, then you can attend developmental clubs, where age-appropriate group classes are held, or simply communicate with other children on the playground.

My experience of speech development in a child

When my daughter turned 1.5 years old, I heard a lot of indignation from relatives about why my child spoke only a few words, and not whole sentences, and especially did not recite poetry. Like all caring parents, I was very worried, played all sorts of games, massaged my fingers and took me to the most fashionable clubs, but there was no result. When Polina turned 1 year and 8 months old, our family had the opportunity to send our daughter to kindergarten. At an appointment with a psychologist before entering kindergarten, I was told a terrible diagnosis - delayed speech development. They prescribed the “smart” medicine “Pantogam”. After thinking about it, I did not give it to the child, but calmly sent it to the kindergarten.

After 2 months of visiting, the child learned many new things: eat with a spoon on his own, ask to go to the potty in a timely manner. But she still said very little. A month after we celebrated her second birthday, the child literally “burst”: words and entire sentences poured out of her in an endless stream. At 2.5 years old she recited short quatrains. Today my child is 3.5 years old. Her mouth doesn’t close for a minute, she tells fairy tales, asks a billion questions, and a 24-hour “children’s radio” has started working in our house, which makes our ears hurt in the evening.

Therefore, all parents who are concerned about their child’s speech development can be given universal advice: take a closer look at your children, watch them and listen to your own heart. If the baby does not have any physiological or neurological abnormalities, then just be loving and attentive parents, and after a while the baby will start talking in such a way that it simply cannot be stopped.

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Speech of a child at 1.5 years old

Your child has already passed the age mark of 1.5 years and has become more independent. He can walk, run, dance, tries to eat himself and, most likely, is already saying something.

In this regard, many mothers have questions: “What should a child say at 1.5 years old?”, “Is my baby falling behind the norm?” and “How can I help my son/daughter speak faster?”. I will answer all these questions in this article.

What should a 1.5 year old child say?

So, at 1.5 years old, the child already pronounces almost all vowel sounds and some “light” consonants. Consonant sounds are not always pronounced clearly and distinctly. In some words he softens the consonants. For example, instead of “give” he says “dyay”, instead of “na” he says “nya”. Children aged 1.5-2 years often say abbreviated versions of them instead of full words (doll - ku, sleep - pa) or onomatopoeia (dog - woof-woof, cat - meow, and so on). It is worth noting that the same syllable can mean several words, depending on the situation (for example, “pa” is sleep, drink, tomato, and so on). This is normal; over time, such shortened words will be replaced by full ones if you unobtrusively correct the child (For example, “woof-woof” - Yes, the dog ran, the dog says “woof-woof!”)

In some words, the child may skip syllables or replace sounds (car - “maina”, dog - “baka”). Intonations are already appearing in the baby’s speech. He may say something with great enthusiasm or as if he is asking you something. During this period, it is very fun to talk with children, but it is still better not to repeat the wrong words after the child. Because what’s the point of learning to speak correctly if your mother already understands you and speaks “your” language? (but do not use the “misunderstanding” technique to stimulate the child’s active speech - it is better to create situations that will encourage the child to address you with speech; see how to do this at the end of the article).

From about 1.5 years old, children begin to connect words into phrases and sentences. The beginning of phrasal speech is a characteristic feature of this period. The child can say “Dai ku” (“give me a doll”) or “Lala pa” (“the baby is sleeping”), and run errands (turn off the light, bring a toy).

Also from this period the baby begins to comprehend grammar native language- for example, begins to change words in accordance with the sentence (“uitsa” - street, “posi na uitsa” - let’s go to the street).

Speech development of children 1.5 - 2 years old (normal)

As for the norms of speech development for children 1.5-2 years old, the indicators are approximately the following:

1.5 years - the child speaks 15-20 words (including shortened and onomatopoeic words), phrasal speech begins.

2 years - the child speaks from 40 to 300 words, constructs phrases and sentences from 3-4 words

I would like to note that all children develop differently. By the age of 2, some are already constructing sentences with all their might and talking with adults, while some at 2 years only utter phrases and a few words that are understandable to their mother.

For that, to determine which aspects of speech development are worth paying attention to, observe the child and answer the questions:

  1. Does the child answer simple questions (What is this? Who is this?).
  2. Can he carry out an assignment (bring a book, turn off the light).
  3. Does he repeat words and phrases after adults?
  4. How many and what sounds does the child pronounce clearly?
  5. How many words does the baby use to build a sentence?
  6. How often does a child independently start conversations with adults and other children?

Whatever stage of development the child is at, our task as parents is to help the child master and enrich active speech. And to help unobtrusively, harmoniously - in a word, by playing.

Developing the speech of a child 1.5 - 2 years old (recommendations)

    Still very important point which many parents miss: create situations in which the child is forced to speak to you. For example, a baby comes to the table and wants to take a cookie. Mom silently gives the cookies, the baby also silently leaves. In this situation, the mother has created conditions when the child does not need to say anything; it would be more correct to ask: "What to give you?". If the baby does not respond yet, you can clarify: “ Cookies (point to cookies)? Okay, have the cookie. Eat! Tasty?"

    Read poems, nursery rhymes. Listening and singing sounds and syllables perfectly develops correct sound pronunciation.

    In the period from 1.5 to 2 years, adults should develop the child’s understanding of speech, the ability to repeat sounds, syllables and words. Tell your baby about surrounding objects while walking or at home. For example, show your child a car on the street. Tell "This is a car. The car is big, white. But you have a toy - a car (we show the toy), it is small, red. Here’s a car driving down the road, and this car is standing still.” and so on. Tell your child about the size (large, small, medium), shape, colors, what this object can do (drive, stand, sit, sleep, etc.), do not forget to introduce prepositions into speech (a car is driving along the road, standing on the grass) . It is very important that the baby is interested in listening to you at this time; the object must be in the field of view and attract attention. If a child runs to ride a hill, then your story about the car will safely fall on deaf ears. After your story, ask your child open-ended questions: “What kind of car is this?”, “What color?”, “What does the car do?”. And be sure to pause after the question so that the child has time to think and answer. Of course, first you will answer your questions, but then the baby will join the conversation.

All parents wait for their baby to speak. It’s a shame for young mothers to compare the successes of neighbors’ kids, friends’ children and their own failures. Instead of helping, the competitive effect can cause harm little man, discouraging the desire to master speech. At this time, a one and a half year old child begins to crave new knowledge. Therefore, the main task of parents is to help the child learn to talk. In this article, readers will learn what a child’s speech development should be like at 1.5 years old and how to improve these indicators.

Speech development norms at 1.5 years

Despite the individual development of each child, pediatricians have established a norm of 30–40 words that a baby should know at 1.5 years of age. A child's vocabulary can be divided into active and passive. The active type includes words that the child uses independently. The vocabulary of the passive type includes those words that the child knows and can show, but does not speak. For example, colors, shapes, animals, body parts.

Speech development of a child at 1.5 years old, what are the norms? It is absolutely normal that at this age a child can perform the following manipulations with words:

  • Distort (car - “bibi”, “Bibika”, “Apina”)
  • Generalize (eat, food, delicious - “yum”),
  • Compose (quickly – “bylga”),
  • Abbreviate or skip letters, words (shop - “maga”, violin - “skipka”, toys - “igoo”),
  • Call by a certain characteristic (dog - “woof”, “ava”, “av”).

Factors influencing the formation of speech in a child aged one and a half years:

  1. Gender of the baby. Speech development in girls is ahead of boys, so at the age of 1.5 many babies know and recite poems by heart and sing songs. Pediatricians say that boys can remain silent for up to 3 years, as they accumulate the acquired knowledge within themselves.
  2. Child's temperament. They make contact easily and try to learn how to interact quickly. Parents of such children get tired of endless chatter. An introverted child is reluctant to play with other kids on the playground, and even prefers to go for walks only with his mother. With such children, parents will have to make more efforts for comprehensive development, but this will give results.
  3. Presence of older brothers or sisters in the family. Speech development in such children occurs earlier than in their peers, because kids strive to be like their brothers or sisters. The older children in the family are also more willing to play with the little ones.
  4. Genetic predisposition. The child's mother should ask her mother-in-law and parents about developmental characteristics in families.
  5. Family situation, parents' habits. Screams and scandals cause a delay in the development of speech in a child. Therefore even healthy child may get scared and withdraw into himself. Divorce, war, death in the family are factors that slow down. If parents do not engage in the development of the child or talk to him little, then such children have problems with vocabulary. Parents who overprotect their child also face problems with speech development due to the child’s lack of motivation to explore the world.

Parents should pay attention if the child does not respond to the name, does not make contact with others, or does not want to answer a simple question. If after two years the situation does not change, be sure to show the baby to a neurologist and child psychologist to rule out pathologies in speech development.

How to develop speech in a child

Don't despair if beloved child lags behind in speech development. Systematic exercises will help achieve the desired effect. It is advisable for parents to conduct learning in a playful way, because this way it is easier for the child to get acquainted with the world around him and replenish his vocabulary.

In this case, it is advisable to do up to 1 hour a day. Pediatricians recommend no more than 15 minutes a day, but this rule is ignored by parents. Perfect option– together with a parent who will comment on the actions of the heroes. It is advisable not to show modern gadgets, otherwise the child will not be motivated to communicate.

Basic games that will help you learn speech skills:

  1. Finger games. The well-known “ladushki”, “magpie-crow” and other jokes in poetic form help children remember small poems. Children's massage therapists claim that babies have special points on their fingertips. When you press them correctly, a mechanism is activated that allows the baby to improve his speech skills. This theory did not receive scientific justification, but in practice the method works in the absence of developmental deviations.
  2. Games on . Any child will enjoy drawing with semolina, buckwheat, millet, rice, beans, peas, and vermicelli. There are a lot of variations of games with cereals. Playing with pouring food from one container to another using a spoon and hands will help develop coordination of movements. Parents are strictly forbidden to leave their baby alone with food so that he does not put objects in his nose or ear. Another type of game can be the creation of a sensory box in which the baby can develop tactile sensations.
  3. Games with pictures. Doman cards are an excellent option not only for learning to read from the cradle, but also for memorizing new words. It is useful to look at special books with your child and ask him to show or name the objects depicted. During classes, you should pay special attention to the concept of “identical” pictures.
  4. Subject-role. For example, ride a stuffed animal in a truck while making “bibee” sounds. Girls will be interested in games with a doll, in which they will have to teach their pet to talk, sing a song, and put her to sleep.
  5. Creative games. Finger painting and learning about modeling dough will help develop the aesthetic side of a child’s personality.
  6. Games on the street. Mothers should comment on everything that happens during a walk and teach their child how to socialize with other children. After all, communication with peers can give a child more than classes with parents.
  7. Reading books and poems, fairy tales. Even if the cult of books is not accepted in the house, the mother is sure to listen to him at night so that he can hear correct, beautiful speech.

Early development

Additionally, subject to availability Money, mothers should take their children to school early development. Qualified teachers will tell you in what way you need to work with your child.

It is normal for a child to begin speech development at 1.5 years of age. From the age of one and a half, a child develops the ability to learn and understand the world. Loving parents must devote themselves completely to the little person. Because none educational institutions cannot replace love and support for a child with early stage personality development. Correct games will make this process easier.

An 18-month-old child becomes more and more independent and communicative. He is already able to connect words into short phrases. Walking skills are also improved, thanks to which the baby explores with great speed and great curiosity. the world. Let's find out in more detail what else has changed as the toddler grows up, what skills a 1.5-year-old child pleases parents with, how to assess the baby's development and how to stimulate it.

First of all, the child needs the care of mom and dad

Features of age

  • An 18-month-old baby has already stopped waddling on straight legs, with his arms out to the sides to maintain balance. Now the baby takes small steps, does not spread his elbows and practically does not fall. He has also already learned to turn while walking and avoid obstacles. As coordination of movements improves, the baby begins to try to run.
  • A child aged 1.5 years is very sociable. He wants to take part in all the events that he sees, and is also keenly interested in other people. The baby enjoys playing with other children, copying their actions.
  • The intellectual development of an 18-month-old child is also progressing at a high pace. The kid became smarter, learned to lay out molds and build towers. The child is able to set goals for himself and think about a plan for their implementation. For example, when getting ready to get an apple from a shelf, a child will put a chair next to the sideboard.
  • The vocabulary question of a child of this age increases daily. The baby speaks not only understandable to parents simple words, but also babbles a lot in his own language.
  • At 1.5 years old, a child feels like an individual. After realizing that the baby can perform many actions without help, his independence increases. The baby tries to eat, undress, wash, and push the stroller on his own.

The child actively explores the world and develops

Height and weight

Compared to indicators at 1 year, a child of 18 months gains about 1300 grams and approximately 6-7 centimeters of height. During this period, the chest circumference increases by 1.5-2 cm, and the head circumference - by 1-1.5 cm.

We presented the average indicators of physical development, as well as the normal limits of these indicators, in the table:

Diversify your day with a lesson using the “Little Leonardo” method by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.

Calculate your vaccination schedule

Enter the child's date of birth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Daily regime

For an 18-month-old child, having a daily routine is very important, as it allows you to properly organize the baby’s periods of wakefulness, provide the baby with adequate sleep and a proper diet. Children of this age sleep approximately 14 hours a day. Most of this time is spent sleeping at night (it lasts 10-11 hours), and the child sleeps the rest of the time during the day.

Many 1.5-year-old babies still sleep twice during the day, with the first nap lasting about 2 hours, and the second (afternoon) nap being shorter. It is at 18 months that some babies transition to one nap during the day lasting 2.5-3 hours.

It is recommended to go for walks with a 1.5-year-old child twice a day. If the weather is good, then it is worth organizing a walk so that it includes a nap (then the baby will sleep in the fresh air). Depending on the weather, the duration of daily walks can be 2-6 hours. It is not recommended to go for a walk if the air temperature is below -10o, there is a very strong wind or there is heavy rain.

A baby at the age of 1.5 years remains fed five times a day with intervals between feedings of up to 4 hours. Offer your baby food at the same time every day and do not allow very long breaks between meals. On average, 18-month-old babies eat from 1000 to 1300 ml of food per day (a more accurate daily volume can be found by dividing the baby’s weight by 9). At one meal, the child eats approximately 200-260 ml of food.

Many children who were breastfed until 1.5 years of age begin the weaning process. Doctors advise making it gradual, then both the mother’s breasts and the baby’s psyche will not suffer. If mom still continues breast-feeding, she will note that during the daytime the baby less often remembers the breast (mainly before bedtime, after eating, after a fall and in similar situations), but at night (mainly in the morning) she sucks very actively.

If possible, continue breastfeeding until 2-2.5 years

The food of a one and a half year old baby is becoming more and more varied. It already contains sweets, salt, fresh herbs, and some spices. However, nutrition remains for children and differs significantly from that for adults. The baby still cannot eat fried foods, sausages, smoked meats, sausages, fatty meats, mushrooms, chocolate, Exotic fruits and some other products.

It is very difficult to be with a child around the clock for 1.5 years, so many mothers are upset about the baby. To learn how not to yell at a child, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

What should a baby be able to do?

Most children at 1.5 years old can:

  • Walk without support. Some kids can already run and jump.
  • Climb onto the sofa.
  • Pronounce up to 20-40 facilitated words.
  • Eat with a spoon.
  • Understand much of what an adult says (answer requests and questions).
  • Bend over when he wants to pick up a toy.
  • Pull a toy tied to a string.
  • Point to an item that interests him.
  • Turning cardboard pages of children's books. Show familiar images in books.
  • Go up and down stairs.
  • Build a tower using 2-4 cubes
  • Throw the ball and push it with your foot.
  • Drink from a cup.
  • Show body parts.
  • Remove shoes and coats yourself.
  • Draw with crayons and pencils.
  • Some children ask to use the potty.

Summer after 18 months is considered perfect time for adaptation to the potty, according to Komarovsky

To learn how to teach a baby to ask to go to the potty, and whether you should worry if a child of 18 months does not go to it yet, see the following video by Dr. Komarovsky.


  1. To develop logic, invite your child to collect from many different objects only those that the mother asks for (for example, only red or only balls).
  2. Teach your child to sort toys by color and size, as well as shape.
  3. Invite your little one to assemble puzzles from 2 parts, and also to make simple figures from 2-3 parts (mushroom, house).
  4. Give your child frames and sorters to play with. In addition, play with clothespins, locks, and knockers.
  5. Teach your baby to build a pyramid from cubes of different sizes, and also to build a tower from stacking cups.
  6. To develop attention, invite your baby to find a pair using lotto cards, socks or mittens for this game.
  7. Offer to find an object in the room by name or by its characteristics (find soft, find blue).
  8. Play hide and seek with your baby so that it is easy for your child to find you.
  9. Teach your child the properties of objects through play. Let the baby learn to distinguish them by size, temperature, quantity, geometric shape, color, height, softness, dryness, cleanliness and other characteristics.
  10. Chat with your baby about home, transport, vegetation, animals, food, furniture, body parts, natural phenomena and many others.
  11. In addition to drawing with crayons and felt-tip pens, offer your little one paint. You can draw with your fingers, a sponge, or a brush.
  12. Start mastering coloring (paints are best for this).
  13. Model from dough or plasticine, making flat cakes and sausages. Also make appliqués with crumbs using torn paper or cereal.
  14. Invite the baby to string not only pyramid rings, but also large beads.
  15. When playing with water, show your baby how to collect the water with a sponge and then squeeze the sponge out.

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