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Presentation of indoor plants in the senior group. Presentation "Indoor plants" in kindergarten

Project objectives: Educational To contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about indoor plants; Contribute to the formation of ideas about the importance of indoor flowers; Developing To develop practical skills in caring for indoor plants; Enrich children's vocabulary; Develop coherent speech of children; Educational Education of love for nature Education of observation and respect for plants; Contribute to the development of environmental culture education; Involve parents in this issue.

Project type: practice-oriented, group Participants: educators, children, parents. Duration of the project: , short-term Expected result: to form a system of knowledge about indoor plants in children of the older group through the implementation of the project. To increase interest in the peculiarities of life and development of plants, the desire to independently carry out instructions for caring for plants, the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.

Entertaining experiments: "With and without water" "Can a plant breathe?" What do plants need to feed? Conversations: Are houseplants friends or foes? “houseplant care” “Medicinal houseplants” “What do plants need to live? “How children and parents take care of houseplants at home” Viewing ready-made presentations about houseplants GCD: “Learning how to care for houseplants” “A flower for mom”

Memorizing and reading poems about plants; Discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; Artistic creativity Making flowers from paper; Drawing with paints, pencils, crayons of indoor plants; Application “I will give a flower to Mom” Designing flowers from a mosaic Outdoor games “Collect a flower from petals” “Decorate a carpet with flowers” ​​Labor Considering illustrations depicting indoor plants. Work in the "Corner of Nature" for the care of indoor plants

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Prepared by the educator of MDOU No. 15 Borisenko L.T. Municipal preschool educational institution "Miner's nursery-garden No. 15" HOUSE PLANTS IN THE SENIOR GROUP. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

“The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an unlimited wealth of phenomena with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind. V. Sukhomlinsky Indoor plants are rightly called "green friends". Some we appreciate for beautiful and evergreen leaves, others for magnificent flowers. The main content of observations of indoor plants is their growth and development. In the older group, 8-10 species of plants are placed in a corner of nature: ficus Uzumbar violet Begonia Balsam Geranium Coleus Tradescantia sansiviera © Biolessons: playing to teach and learn.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

FICUS Temperature: preferably moderate, not below 18 °C. Lighting: All varieties of rubber ficus prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sunlight Watering: Moderate, does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, well settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks. Humidity: Leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge. Transplantation: It is carried out in the spring, when the roots will braid the entire earthen ball, young plants in a year or two, old ones in a few years. Reproduction: Apical cuttings © Biolessons: playing to teach and learn.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Violet Temperature: Moderate, optimally 21-22 °C, without sharp fluctuations. Winter not below 16 °C. Lighting: Bright light, shaded from direct sunlight during the hottest hours. Watering: the earth should always be moist, but not flooded. Water for irrigation should be warm, soft, separated for at least 12 hours. Air humidity: they like moist air (about 50%). But it is not advisable to spray - only during flowering with a very fine spray. Transplanting: The best pot for Saintpaulias is one whose height matches the width, since the roots of these plants do not grow deep. Propagation: Leaf cuttings, part of a leaf, seeds and daughter rosettes. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Begonia Temperature: Moderate Lighting: Bright light, with mandatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day. Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because begonias do not like stagnant water Air humidity: Begonias like high humidity, but do not tolerate spraying Transplant: In early spring, the tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped. Propagation: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, the sections on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur © Biolessons: playing to teach and learn.

6 slide

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Balsam Temperature: Balsam is quite thermophilic, prefers temperatures of 15-20°C in winter, -13°C in winter Lighting: light-requiring, preferably a certain amount of direct sunlight in winter and shading from the hot sun in summer Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn - the soil should be all wet time, moderate watering in winter - the soil should be slightly moist. Air humidity: Leaves are periodically sprayed. Balsam does not like dry air, Transplantation: It is better to transplant balsam annually in the spring, while it is not necessary to take a larger pot, as it does not like too spacious dishes Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring, summer or autumn, they take root well in water for a week or two . As well as seeds in the spring. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Geranium Lighting: Light-requiring, love direct sunlight. Temperature: Moderate, in winter 10-15°С. will endure a little more cold, but will be better preserved at the recommended temperature. Humidity: Resistant to dry air. Substrate: Soddy and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions. Transfer: As needed in the spring. Watering: Moderate, all year round. Plants easily tolerate a slight drought, but react poorly to waterlogging, in summer it requires more water than other species. Propagation: Cuttings in spring and late summer. Some varieties can be seeds. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Coleus Lighting: Light-requiring, withstand bright sunlight, but not direct exposure to sunlight. Temperature: Winter minimum 15°C. Humidity: Requires high humidity. Spray the leaves frequently. Transfer: At the end of winter, when the roots begin to protrude beyond the edge of the pot. Watering: Water generously from spring to autumn, keep roots moist in winter, and use soft, non-alkaline water. Nutrition: Feeding the plant at the beginning of winter helps to revive the color of the foliage. Propagation: Seeds in spring, stem cuttings in spring or summer. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Tradescantia Lighting: Intense, some direct sun is acceptable. In low light, the picture fades. Temperature: In winter, keep at a temperature not lower than 10°C. Moisture: Spray occasionally. Transfer: As required. Watering: Regular and plentiful all year round. Nutrition: Once a month with any fertilizer. Reproduction: Cuttings. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Sansevera Lighting: Bright, indirect light works best, but will tolerate direct sun and some shade. Temperature: Winter minimum 14°C. Humidity: Resistant to dry air. Transplantation: Frequent transplantation is not required, transplanted as needed. It is advisable to transplant into a shallow container with good drainage. Watering: Water moderately from spring to autumn, very moderately in winter (once a month or less). Always let the soil dry out a little before watering. Nutrition: Feed regularly in the summer. Reproduction: By division; leafy cuttings (but varieties with a yellow border will turn into a green form). Seeds are rare. © Bio-tutorials: playing to teach and learn.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Symbols Air humidity Relation to light Endurance Watering Hardy Capricious Normal temperature Regular spraying Good drying of the earth Light drying of the earth Constantly moist earth Water level in the pan Direct rays Diffused light Penumbra Shade © Bio-lessons: playing to teach and learn.

12 slide

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13 slide

Daria Churakova
Presentation "Indoor plants" in kindergarten

Target: the formation of children's knowledge about indoor plants.


1) Educational: teach children names indoor plants;

2) Developing: to develop the ability to properly care for indoor plants;

3) Educational: cultivate respect for indoor plants.

Clivia settled in my house.

I will try to let

she will be happy!

I won't put it on the windowsill.

She's afraid of the sun

I pour warm water,

She doesn't need much water.

Spring came.

And here is the Clivia blooming,

Orange bright color

Like Lily.

Aloe (agave)

Eat plant - aloe.

It is so healing!

It is worth dripping juice on the wound -

And will heal in the shortest possible time.

sansevier (pike tail)

Here is a flower - pike tail

My flower has grown.

Vera boasted loudly.

Plant without a stem

This is Sansevier.

Sheet growing oblique,

Not washed with dew;

On his back

white patches,

And flowers - handfuls,

Red brushes.


With its narrow sheets

I will green your house

And all separate bushes

I will reward later.

I love my children very much

I will keep them with me.

Even though we are small in stature

The guys love us very much.

We bloom all year round.

Water us in the pan.


Tradescantia weaves

The stem is thin

Hanging down.

Greenery and beauty

All kids are surprised.

I'll hang it up

patterned curtain:

Not woven - woven -

Live and green.

At the window this early

The geranium has blossomed.

round leaves,

lush flowers

Even very good

So the kids decided.

zygocactus (Decembrist)

Winter. December.

Sleeping nature.

And the more rewarding

see on the window

flower fountain,

known as "Decembrist"

Like a challenge

abandoned winter.

A bush grew in a tub -

Both wide and thick:

Leaf like leather

tightly folded,

elderberry trunk,

Like rubber.


Kalanchoe doctor and friend,

Heal us from disease

You can breed everywhere

for measures are easy.

He lives, poor

even in partial shade.

Water diligently

but not on winter days.

It blooms more

if the leaves are clean.


A lush bush has grown,

It's redundant on the window.

He is afraid of the sun

Where would he hide.

Leaves are invisible

And fruits are forbidden.

Balsam (Roly wet)

There are many flowers on the window

Just one like this:

It gives off droplets

The well-known balsam.

Grows profusely, does not tolerate cold,

Light-loving, believe in a word,

Egg-shaped leaves

The leaf is shiny, the edge is in teeth.

Moisture is very, very fond of -

So remember, water!

Look! Look!

primrose blooms.

And with its beauty

Brings joy to us!

Rough, round leaves!

Bright, beautiful flowers!

What a funny hedgehog -

He has no arms and no legs.

He always lived in the desert

Where there is no water.

And now he lives in a pot.

This Cactus is my flower.

Doesn't bloom for a year

So slow grows.

Related publications:

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Presentation "Indoor plants at a younger preschool age" Ficus Temperature: preferably moderate, not below 18 °C. They like to "keep their feet warm" - do not put a pot of ficus on a cold windowsill.

Presentation "Indoor plants" First slide What is Monstera? Monstera is a very beautiful ornamental liana plant. Monstera is native to the humid tropics.

Consultation "Indoor plants in kindergarten!" Indoor plants in kindergarten. In the corner of nature in the preparatory group there are different plants - Begonia, Violet, Geranium, Chlorophytum,.

What should children do to care for plants. water the plants under the guidance of a teacher; be able to properly hold the watering can; pour water carefully and carefully; wipe the dense wide leaves with a damp cloth. All work is organized under the guidance of a teacher.

Middle group: they must know the names of 4-5 plants, name their parts (stem or trunk, branches, leaves, flowers). With plants of the same species as in the younger group, the cream of this - with plants similar to a bush (geranium, balsam). During the year, new, preferably flowering plants are introduced into the group.

What should children do to care for plants. continue to water the plants with water at room temperature; know which plant needs watering, which does not (one has a light, dry to the touch, it needs to be watered, the other is dark, damp to the touch, it does not need to be watered).

Senior group: they must know the name of 6-7 plants of their group, their parts: buds, roots, etc. Older children are introduced to plants that do not have pronounced signs of difference and similarity: for example, two types of geraniums, begonias, as well as with plants that have a different shape, size and color of leaves and flowers: coleus, ivy, indoor grapes, etc.

What plants are recommended to introduce children to. more whimsical, requiring more complex care (begonia Rex, uzambar violet); Medicinal (aloe, thuja, geranium); interesting for its vegetative propagation (chlorophytum, saxifrage); easily propagating cuttings (tradescantia, secretions); with different underground parts - bulbs, tubers (krinum, sansevier).

What should children do to care for plants. all current care is carried out independently: they determine the need for watering, loosening, spraying. help the educator during transplantation: they determine the plant that needs to be transplanted, select a pot of the right size, prepare sand and earth, and help transplant. cuttings plants and growing cuttings.

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