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How to celebrate Christmas at home with small children - games, competitions, traditions. How to celebrate Christmas - interesting ideas for celebrating Christmas with children

For decades now, there has been debate about which calendar is more correct: the old Julian or the new Gregorian? Most European countries celebrate Christmas at the end of December, but in Russia we are used to celebrating Christmas on January 7th.

Regardless of what denomination you belong to and when you celebrate Christmas, it is always a family holiday that takes place in an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth. The women's website will tell you how to organize a Christmas family holiday, make it beautiful and memorable.

Holiday decoration

To make your family holiday soulful and cozy, try to approach everything creatively and do everything with your own hands. This way you will add your own unique “zest” to the holiday, which will distinguish it from family gatherings in a regular restaurant.

First you need to invite your closest relatives and friends. Prepare homemade invitations with your children in advance. You can decorate them like an ancient scroll with a wax seal or make them in a vintage style, framing thick colored cardboard with lace. On the eve of the holiday, give them to all invitees in beautiful envelopes.

The festive table requires special attention. This is the center of the entire celebration, so it is best to place it in the middle of the room and cover it with a snow-white tablecloth, which will emphasize the significance of the holiday.

When arranging dishes, do not forget about etiquette:

The main plate is placed on a substitution plate (under the second dish). To the right of the plate we place a knife for the main course, then a knife for the appetizer and a spoon for soup (if you are serving soup). Forks are located to the left of the plate: first for the main course (it is slightly larger and placed closer to the plate), then a fork for the salad. If there are pies on the menu, then you need to place another small plate to the left of the main set.

When arranging glasses, keep in mind that only white and red wines are served at a family celebration. In Russia, preference is given to fortified Cahors wine, which is used for Orthodox Sacraments.

When decorating the table, do not forget about Christmas paraphernalia: lighted candles in elegant candlesticks and small figurines of angels placed next to each guest will give it a special elegance. Napkins can be tied with red satin ribbons or easily tied with a Christmas tree branch.

Holiday menu

When setting the holiday table, don’t forget that the main thing for you and your family is to spend quality time together, and not to eat to your heart’s content and collapse in piles on the sofa! 🙂

Let there be one basic thing on your table, the most hearty dish: for example, poultry (roasted goose, duck or turkey) or soup. The rest of the dishes on the table should be a harmonious addition to the main course.

If you are serving poultry, the menu should include light vegetable salad. With it, poultry meat will be better digested and will not cause heaviness in the stomach. If you are serving soup, you can add a few meat appetizers to the table.

Wine is traditionally served with a plate of different varieties cheese and fruit. To add elegance to the table, you can do different types canapés: mini-sandwiches made of croutons and various snacks (pate, cheese, vegetables and fruits), placed on skewers. Children especially love canapés.

A large dish with fruits and nuts will represent prosperity in the house.

Fruits must be prepared in advance: divide grapes into separate branches (10-15 berries, depending on size), cut apples and pears into slices, but do not break them completely so that they do not darken, cut pineapple into round rings, place in a pyramid in center of the dish. Kiwis, tangerines and apricots can be added without cutting.

At the end festive dinner Homemade baked goods are always served: pie, pastries or cake. It's great if the same cake is served only once a year at Christmas - then it becomes an unshakable family tradition, and all family members look forward to it.

Gifts and entertainment

As with any other holiday, gifts for Christmas are welcome. If you are a believer, you can give your loved ones small church gifts: a new consecrated cross, a Bible or a prayer book.

You can also give gifts that are not related to church traditions, but simply symbolize family and home comfort: for example, a photo frame, a warm bathrobe, a craft kit or a set of handmade sweets.

When the house is full of children, you can't do without fun games!

After dinner, before tea, you can organize a short break with competitions and games that will be interesting for both kids and adults.

Pass the orange

In this fun game participants line up. It will be much more interesting if the players stand in different heights: adults will stand next to children. Players - from first to last - must pass an orange (or a tennis ball) down the chain. The essence of the game is that the orange can only be passed with your chin or shoulder! If an orange falls on the floor, everything starts all over again.

Guess what item

The player is blindfolded and thick mittens (sheep's wool or oven mitts) are put on his hands. Then he is given some unusual object: for example, an oddly shaped vase or a spool of thread, and his task is to guess what it is.


This game can be started at the very beginning of the break, when everyone is still sitting at the table. One leader is selected and the first player with whom the game begins. All players sit around the table, holding hands. The first player squeezes the hand of the neighbor on the right, who passes the impulse of the squeeze to the next player - and so on down the chain... At the “Stop” signal, the game stops. And then the presenter must guess who the squeeze landed on. If you guess right, then the person you guessed becomes the leader. And the game repeats itself again.

Well, after the holiday, you can go with the whole family for a walk to the city Christmas tree or to the park, so that the children can frolic, ride a slide and get some fresh air before bed.

We wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas!

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To understand the meaning of Christmas, the children will have to turn first into spectators, then into craftsmen and artists, actors and decorators. To make it more interesting, along with calm games, active competitions are held.

At the end of the event, children are invited to try a Christmas treat.

Target: introduce the holiday, help understand its meaning.

Decor: Decorated Christmas tree, tinsel, rain, Christmas wreaths, angel figures, illustrations from Christmas stories.

Required attributes:

  • Puppets and stage for staging a Christmas performance;
  • Bells for children;
  • Material for making crafts “Angel”;
  • Bird feeder and grain;
  • Snowman decorations;
  • Sleds for snow fun;
  • Material for making a Christmas card;
  • Identical sets of clothes for each child: T-shirt, pants, mittens, hat, socks and others required attributes;
  • Treats for children;
  • Wings;
  • Whatman paper, snowflakes, clouds, yellow circle and rays for the relay race;
  • Toy star.


  • Leading

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello, kids! Do you know what holiday today is? What joyful event do people celebrate on this day? Today ! Let's take a short trip to this wonderful holiday to understand why it is needed. And we will start with very interesting story. Now we are turning into spectators. Imagine that you are in a puppet theater. Watch the actors' performance carefully, and then tell us what exactly we are happy about on this day.

The presenter arranges a Christmas nativity scene for children in order to explain to the children the essence of the holiday in a playful and accessible way.

Leading: What happened on this day many, many years ago? That's right, baby Jesus was born, who saved all of humanity from death. In some countries, Christ was greeted cheerfully ringing bells. Now we will turn into bell ringers! Tell me what we need to do our job?

Children: Bells.

Leading: That's right. But since you are still small, your bells will be small (hands out bells). Let's rejoice together at the birth of Jesus.

Children ring bells.

Leading: Guys, remember who predicted the birth of the future savior?


Leading: Well done! Do you know that every person has a guardian angel?

And so as not to forget about this, let's make our own angel. To do this, we now need to turn into masters and go to the workshop.

They go to a table on which the necessary material for making angels is located (cardboard, scissors, thread, glue). The presenter conducts a master class on creating angels.

Leading: Guys, look how beautiful your angels are. Now you can hang them on the Christmas tree so everyone can see your work. Now you and I will become decorators who make decorations.

Children go to the Christmas tree and hang the resulting angel figures.

Leading: Guys, not only people rejoice that Christ has appeared. All living beings on this day try to share joy with each other. We must not forget about our smaller brothers - birds and dogs. They should also have a holiday today so that there is fun in the house. Do you remember what you need to feed the birds?

Children: Bread, wheat.

Leading: Let's prepare a rich table for our birds.

Children gradually pour grain into a pre-prepared feeder, get dressed, go outside, and help the leader set up the feeder.

Then the Christmas games are held

and competitions on the street:

  • "Making a Christmas Snowman" - children make a snowman, decorate it with tinsel, rain, and Christmas tree decorations.
  • "Sleigh in a Sleigh"— kids take turns sledding each other and avoiding obstacles.
  • "Angels"- children make figures of angels in the snow (lie down on the snow, wave their arms, thus “drawing” wings).
  • "Snow Salads" - to get salty, you need to hit your friend with a snowball.

After snow fun, the children come into the house.

Leading: Guys, do you know that you can congratulate others not only with words. How else do you think this can be done?

Children: Make a postcard!

Leading: That's right, and now we will be artists. We will make our own postcard. We need to go to the workshop again.

Children go to a table on which the necessary attributes are located: white cardboard and pencils or felt-tip pens, and a ready-made coloring card. First, a conversation is held on the topic of what can be drawn on a postcard, and then the children get to work.

Leading: Well, we did a great job beautiful cards. Now let's congratulate each other. Let's give memory cards to each other. Guys, who delivers postcards and letters to the right recipients?

Children: Postman!

Leading: Right. And now we will play postmen.

Children sit on chairs, forming a circle. One child is a driver. The driver names the two children. Those whom he named must quickly change places. The driver at this time tries to take the place of one of them. The child who did not have time to take a seat becomes the driver. After the game, the children exchange cards. The presenter must ensure that each child receives a postcard.

Leading: On Christmas evening, people dress up in different costumes and go caroling, wishing happiness and goodness. And in response, the owners who received congratulations give various gifts. Let's sing carols too. But first you need to change clothes.

For children, bright clothes of larger or smaller sizes are prepared in advance: T-shirts, hats, mittens, socks, and so on. Each child is given the same amount of clothing. On command, they must put on all their clothes - who will complete the task faster?

Leading: So we got dressed up! Now you can sing carols! Do you even know any carols? No? I'll have to unlearn it. So, now we will be actors. We will have to congratulate the owners in such a way that they will not doubt our sincerity!

The leader reads the carol line by line, and the children repeat the words and movements after him.

Leading: Now you can go caroling!

Children come up to their parents and sing them a carol. They get treats for this.

Leading: Well, now - a Christmas fairy tale. Guess what role you need to play now?

Children: The role of listeners.

Leading: That's right. A miracle can happen on Christmas. Even if it seems that there is nowhere to wait for help, it still comes from where you did not expect it at all. This is what the Christmas story tells about. Are you ready to listen? Then sit back and listen.

The presenter reads a Christmas story. Asks questions about the content and understanding of the work.

Leading: Guys, remember who we did today at the very beginning of the holiday?

Children: Angelochkov.

Leading: Do you want to become an angel for a while? What do you need for this?

Children: Wings!

The presenter distributes wings to the children and conducts a relay of angels:

  • "Fly" required distance.
  • Collect snowflakes fallen to the floor.
  • Light up everything around – glue as many rays as possible to the yellow circle to make a lush sun.
  • Remove all the clouds from the sky: The clouds and the sun made in the previous competition are attached to a piece of whatman paper; the children take turns running up and removing one cloud at a time.
  • Finish the picture – glue the beautiful snowflakes that you collected onto whatman paper.

Leading: All good things come to an end, and it's time for you to come to earth. Take off your wings and turn into children!

Children take off their wings. They sit down on the chairs.

Leading: Guys, do you remember who showed the wise men the way to baby Jesus?

Children: Star!

Leading: Right. And now we will try to find such a star in the room. Carefully and carefully examine the room and try to determine where it is!

The children look around the room and find a toy star.

Leading: Well done, you are very attentive. And as a reward for your quick search, I’ll introduce you to one more. Everyone usually waits for a dark-haired man with a fir branch in his hands to enter the house. He is the one who brings Christmas with him. He will need to be given a small souvenir as a sign of goodwill, and he will leave good luck and love in the house in gratitude.

The presenter hands out bells to the children and they ring. A man enters the door, passes by the children, the presenter gives him a star, he thanks him, wishes him Merry Christmas and leaves through another door.

Leading: Well, our journey to Christmas has ended. Let's remember who we were today and what we did?

Children talk.

Leading: Well, finally, I suggest you try a Christmas treat.

The children go to the table. After eating, you can offer them Christmas coloring books or read a book.


The homely smell of pine needles and festive dishes, colorful garlands, carols: all this action takes place on a magical holiday called Christmas , which believers all over the world are looking forward to with great impatience.

About Christmas world traditions, about how to spend Christmas, what signs should be observed to attract wealth and happiness to the house, we'll talk Further.

Holiday Christmas

This holiday, on the eve of which is celebrated Christmas Eve, people in almost 200 countries around the world are waiting with great anticipation. And this is not surprising, because Nativity- one of the biggest holidays in Christianity.

The holiday originates from pagan times According to tradition, on Christmas Eve you cannot eat food until the first star.

Catholics celebrate Christmas Eve on December 24, while Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve on 6th January. The word Christmas Eve comes from “sochevo” (meaning grains of wheat that are soaked with juice from the seeds).

The celebration begins with the rising of the evening dawn, which, according to legend, announces to the world the birth of the Son of God.

In modern times, the original meaning of Christmas is gradually being lost, but the main thing remains: the holiday is celebrated Houses, and at the same time the family gathers for festive table, celebrating Christmas in peace and love for each other.

Christmas Traditions

According to legend, Christmas is based on the birth of the Son God's Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary.

This holiday is the most solemn, accompanied by three services for believers - at midnight, at dawn and during the day. By Christian tradition, the birth of Christ was able to save human souls and give eternal life to every believer.

This is one of the few holidays that closely interweaves folk and church traditions. There is still an interesting tradition caroling

In the evening of January 6 and in the morning of January 7 children go home, covering the floor with grains of barley and wheat. Children also sing carols, wishing their owners prosperity and peace. The owners, in turn, give the children coins and sweets, which, according to legend, bring good luck for the whole year.

The tradition of the Christmas table has not been lost, where it should be twelve dishes- according to the number of disciples of Jesus.

In Russian-speaking countries it is brewed uzvar- a drink made from dried fruits and berries, symbolizing a happy and prosperous life. In addition, at Christmas it is customary to bake pies (or pie), in one of which a coin is placed. Anyone who finds it will have good luck throughout the coming year.

Christmas in the Czech Republic

Baked carp, tsukrovi sugar cookies and potato salad are mandatory dishes on the Christmas table for conservative Czechs. Czechs never invite guests to the Christmas table, because for them it is a purely family holiday.

Under the Czech holiday table there should be a head of garlic. Christmas fortune-telling is also a mandatory activity for them.

Christmas in Poland

Lenten dishes are always prepared for Christmas dinner in Poland. Before the festive dinner, Poles break round flatbreads called “oblatni” and wish each other good luck, happiness and health.

Christmas in Germany

In Germany, they give each other the so-called Christmas star - this is a spurge plant, which in its shape resembles a star. The Germans traditionally give a gift of clover in a pot to invite good luck into the house, and serve a gingerbread pig or chimney sweeps (squid in their own ink) at the Christmas table.

Christmas in Croatia

Croatians traditionally place candles in the center of the Christmas table, which they decorate with garlands. And on the table there must be small cookies in powdered sugar in the shape of red hearts.

Christmas in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian tradition is to sculpt bread crumb scenes of the birth of Christ.

Christmas in Sweden

In Sweden, Christmas is called Yule, and they prepare for it 2-3 weeks in advance: they traditionally bake cookies, bread and brew beer. The Swedes believe in the healing properties of these products on Christmas Eve.

Christmas in Finland

Finns always cover the floor with straw, and unmarried girls They sleep on this straw on Christmas night so that they can dream about their future betrothed.

Christmas in the Baltic countries

In the Baltic countries, many old rituals and traditions have been preserved.

IN Estonia, for example, according to a centuries-old tradition, citizens wear wreaths at this time.

Lithuanian Christmas dinner traditionally consists of fish dishes. Wherein the best place remains at the table for a possible unexpected guest.

People have always been engaged in fortune telling at Christmas time. Christmastide is a holiday from December 24 to January 6, which is considered a time for fortune telling. And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in fortune telling or not, but this is a tradition among many Christians.

Regardless of what traditions You will celebrate the bright holiday of Christmas, know that it brings peace and love. On this day you need to think about your place in life and how to become better.

Signs for Christmas

From time immemorial, the celebration of Christmas has been inseparable from various beliefs and signs, by which one could predict the weather, attract good luck, prosperity and prosperity to the house. Basic omens for Christmas Let's look at it below.

  • Our ancestors believed that a snowstorm on Christmas Eve would bring an early spring.
  • Warm and clear weather at Christmas means cold spring.
  • The new month at Christmas brings bad luck financially.
  • Frost-covered trees at Christmas indicate good harvest grains, while the starry sky is a sign that there will be a rich harvest of legumes.
  • Celebrating Christmas in casual wear brings misfortune.
  • New acquisitions for the Christmas holidays are a sign of prosperity.
  • A family dance around the New Year tree, which is traditionally removed on January 19 (that is, on Epiphany), will bring family happiness and health.
  • Accepted in New Year's Eve To attract joy and wealth, open the window exactly at midnight and light candles, and this should be done by the head of the family.
  • Well-fed pets at Christmas are good luck.

But! There are signs that promise trouble and evil in the new year.

  • Hunting for Christmas is unlucky.
  • Sewing for Christmas means someone in the family will become blind.
  • Doing household chores means illness.

To believe or not to believe in omens for Christmas– this is a purely personal matter, but in any case, on this bright holiday you need to be open, kind, responsive, and then luck will definitely look into your home.

Children's Christmas

As for the Christmas holiday, it must be said that this tradition is just taking shape, so there can be no strict recommendations. It all depends on your taste and capabilities. But maybe you will be interested in the material offered below. We hope that it will help you make the holiday spiritually fulfilling and broaden your children's horizons.

Nowadays it is customary to talk a lot about the revival of spirituality. Childhood- this is the most fertile time for the formation of moral character little man. High spirituality, kindness, selflessness, sown in a pure child’s soul, give wonderful shoots, serve as a guiding star for a young person, and do not allow him to go astray in the future.

Age 5-10 years- age junior schoolchildren, when the perception of reality is still very figurative, but it is already possible to comprehend the symbols that abound in the celebration of Christmas. Therefore, brightness in holiday decoration is necessary. You can organize competitions, for example, reading poetry, or performing a simple, simple play. It’s good if there is a possibility of musical arrangement, and then we can offer the plays of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Christmastide”, V. Rebikov’s “Christmas Tree”. It is necessary to awaken in children a conscious motivation to preserve the cultural heritage of their people.

Now many people strive to follow the morals of “deep antiquity”, the customs developed over centuries, but not everyone knows how to celebrate this or that holiday in accordance with these customs. In the past, not so distant, times, what we now have to remember was natural and even obligatory for a Russian person, who was introduced to national traditions as a child. Only relatively recently, since the 90s. XX century, the Christmas holiday was also revived. But many people have a very rough idea of ​​how to celebrate it. What, perhaps, was remembered by our great-grandmothers, was gradually erased from their memory, replaced by new holidays, the conditions of life itself. Meanwhile, the culture of celebrating this holiday has evolved over centuries. Where can we get practical material to recreate the atmosphere of joy, reverent triumph, a bright, sublime state of mind that this holiday brings? After all, in Rus' it was one of the most revered and beloved holidays. And this is no coincidence, since from this night the Savior’s earthly journey begins, his earthly life, given to them to atone for human sins. Our chronology itself is dated from the Nativity of Christ.

Only by carefully reading Russian classics can one recreate bit by bit how Christmas was celebrated by various social strata of Russian Orthodox Christians.

In preparation for the holiday, it is good to read chapters from the Children's Bible to children, where all the events of the Old and New Testaments are presented in a specially adapted form. One cannot do without secular, literary sources. Much can be learned from books such as “Nikita’s Childhood” by A. N. Tolstoy, “Childhood” by L. N. Tolstoy, “The Summer of the Lord” by I. S. Shmelev, stories by A. P. Chekhov, poems by V. A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana", the novel "Eugene Onegin" by A. S. Pushkin. They are alive, bright and beautiful literary language describes some events associated with the celebration of Christmas.

An indispensable attribute of Christmas is the Christmas tree (as well as the greenery of juniper, laurel, and mistletoe). Its eternal greenery symbolizes the infinity of life.

The Christmas tree was decorated on the eve of the holiday. In advance, parents and their children made some of the decorations with their own hands. They glued chains from colored paper, gilded nuts, and tied silver ropes to gingerbread cookies, candies and apples to make it easier to hang them on the Christmas tree. The craft consisted of gifts for children. (Joint creativity is conscious participation in the holiday.)

Source: "The Big Book of Holidays for Kids" N.V. Grishechkina

Hello, dear friends. I’m with you again - Irina Gavrilik, I hope you are happy to communicate

Christmas and New Year- this is a time of miracles and magic, a time of holidays and surprises, a time of anticipation and fun.

Everyone wants to spend Christmas and New Year fun, joyful and interesting. Children are especially looking forward to the New Year holidays. And it is for and for the sake of children that I want to do new year holidays unforgettable. How do we celebrate New Year and Christmas with children?

We are preparing New Year's and Christmas menus, inviting you to visit. Are our children taking part in this New Year's boom?

Of course, you need to do everything and not forget anything, but for whose sake? If mom walks around irritated because she doesn’t have time to cook something, and dad is angry because of all this New Year’s fuss, then what is it like for the child? You need to understand that in order for the holidays themselves to go well, you need to start preparing for them in advance, delegate responsibilities, and involve children in the preparation. This way your family will become more united and friendly. After all, preparing for the holidays is also something unusual and interesting. Waiting for the holiday can also be fun and interesting.

Gifts can be selected and purchased in advance, the New Year's menu can be compiled by the whole family, taking into account wishes and suggestions, and the Christmas tree and the house must be decorated with the children.

How to properly celebrate the New Year, should you invite?

So, depending on how old your child is, you should choose how and with whom to celebrate the New Year holidays and whether to invite Grandfather Frost home.

  • Children under 2.5 years old. They don’t remember last year’s holidays; they were still very small. Children still speak poorly and are afraid of strangers, noisy performances and big events. Often parents look forward to meeting their 2-3 year old child with Santa Claus, but in the end they end up with a frightened baby. For children under three years of age, it is important that the pace of their life is understandable and predictable; too strong or unexpected impressions can lead to disruptions in behavior.

If you want to invite Grandfather Frost, remember that the baby needs to get used to an unfamiliar and unusual character. And it is important that this Frost does not touch the child, this can only scare the child even more. Children react strongly to tactile contacts, and then there is the mysterious Santa Claus.

  • Children from 3 to 6 years old. These kids are already looking forward to New Year's guest and prepare for his arrival. However, children of this age often, in the presence of a grandfather in a red suit and with a snow-white beard, lose the desire to recite rhymes and sing songs. There is no need to put pressure on the child or beg. Don’t worry, the time will come and Grandfather Frost will not be able to quickly “get rid of” a child who wants to show off all his skills. Even if the child didn’t say anything, he will still be delighted with what is happening.
  • Children over 6 years old. Such children are already beginning to logical thinking dominate the magical. Santa Claus at home can cause mistrust and denial of magic ahead of time.

For older children, you can explain that there is only one real Santa Claus, but he is everywhere and does not have time to do everything. Therefore, he has many assistants who help him fulfill his New Year's duties.

Let's take a closer look at the very time before the holidays or the time of preparation and anticipation of the holiday.

Time to prepare for Christmas and New Year. Holiday waiting time.

So, in order to make the preparation time unforgettable and become a holiday for the child, you can do the following:

  • Do holiday calendar(7-10 days before the holiday) or buy a factory one. This way you will help your child (the baby must be over 2.5 years old) understand how much time is left before the holiday. If the calendar is homemade, you can tear off a piece of paper every day. On these leaves you can decorate a Christmas tree, decorate it with balls, cut out windows and draw snowflakes and garlands. If the calendar is a factory one, then every day you need to open a window behind which there is a chocolate bar.
  • Together with your child, prepare and wrap gifts for relatives and friends. Make Christmas and New Year cards.
  • Together, decorate the house with toys, lanterns and garlands, draw and cut out snowflakes.
  • Read Christmas and New Year's tales with your child. With the help of such fairy tales, you prepare your child for the upcoming holidays.
  • Write letters to Grandfather Frost with your children. This way you will understand what your child wants (just don’t pretend that you know it).

Of course, with children of different ages, you need to do different activities. But it is important for children of any age to take part in preparing for the holidays. For them this is already a holiday.

What to do for the New Year?

  • You can prepare carnival costumes and act out a fairy tale.
  • Remember that watching TV in large quantities is harmful for children. Think about New Year's games in advance, go for a night walk and play in the snow, ride down the slide and dance in circles.
  • Let everyone at the table say a toast, children are no exception. It will be fun and interesting! (but don't force it).
  • Don't force your child to sleep; he's unlikely to fall asleep because he's in a festive mood.
  • Fireworks are also fun and interesting. You just need to buy proven fireworks and remember to use them safely.

When it comes to New Year's parties, Christmas trees, performances and gifts, it is important not to overdo it. After all, the more trees there are, the worse they are perceived, and the atmosphere of magic is lost. Fatigue and disinterest in what is happening sets in. The more gifts, the less interest and joy there is in them. Remember that an overabundance of impressions and events is much more dangerous than their lack. Everything should be in moderation. You also need to remember this rule: the younger the child is, the calmer the event should be and the smaller the scale.

If you want to Christmas and New Year were perceived by the child in the same way, then gifts should be given of equal value. Children often consider the holiday that comes first to be the most important. In Catholicism, Christmas is celebrated first and then New Year. There are no problems here. In Orthodoxy, after the transition to the Julian calendar, the New Year is celebrated first, and then Christmas. IN in this case It’s worth planning the New Year’s scenario correctly, hanging candies and cookies on the Christmas tree before Christmas, so that this holiday will also remain in the child’s memory.

After the New Year holidays, there are a lot of videos, photos, postcards, drawings left. From these materials you can make a wonderful New Year's album, which you can then look through with your child throughout the year.

Let the New Year holidays be interesting, fun and magical for your whole family!

How is your family preparing for these wonderful holidays? Share your ideas in the comments to the article. Let magic visit every home. Let every baby be happy!

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