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Class hour Palm Sunday presentation. Waiting for the holiday

Municipal educational institution "Avchurinskaya secondary school"

Extracurricular activity

according to defense industrial complex and ORKSE

"Palm Sunday"

Prepared by: Gurova G.N.

teacher primary classes

Avchurino 2014

Topic: Palm Sunday.

Target: introducing schoolchildren to spiritual and moral values ​​based on the study of national traditions.


To acquaint students with the customs and traditions of the Russian people, the Orthodox holiday of Palm Sunday;

To instill interest in the spiritual heritage of the Russian land through poetry;

To develop moral feelings and ethical consciousness.

Equipment: multimedia projector, PC, video, handouts (Appendix 1).


l. Organizing time.

Emotional mood.

ll. Introductory conversation.

Spring has come.

Which tree is the first to bud in the spring? Will help answer

(Slide 2)

Mystery: Early spring

Gray mice in a row

They are sitting on a branch.

(Willow) (Slide 3)

That's right, it's a willow.

These are the branches.

In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially precious. In the spring we celebrate with you the great religious holiday- Holy Resurrection of Christ, Easter of the Lord. And seven days before Easter we celebrate Palm Resurrection. (Slide 4)

Who knows about this holiday?

How do you know about this holiday?

Today we will talk about the holiday “Palm Sunday” (Slide 5)

You will find out why it is celebrated at the end of the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson will be to learn the history of this holiday.

III. Work on the topic:

The history of this holiday is inextricably linked with the words Jerusalem, Savior, willow. (Slide 6)

How can they be related?

Jerusalem is ancient city, capital of the Kingdom of Judah (slide 7)

The Savior is Jesus Christ. (slide 8)

When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, the whole city began to stir, and those who did not know Him asked: “Who is this?”

And that’s why the word WILLOW is here, we’ll figure it out now (slide 9)

There is a text on your desk, read it and pay attention to unknown words, they are underlined (slide 10)

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.


We glorify this event introparion holiday like this:

Hosanna in the highest, blessed Coming in the name of the Lord.

2). Questions about the text:

Why is this text called that?

How are the words Jerusalem, Savior and willow connected?

What unfamiliar words did you come across?


An apostle is a disciple of Jesus Christ, chosen by Him for a special preaching ministry.

Troparion is a church hymn composed in honor of a holiday or saint.

Hosanna - a solemn prayer exclamation ( short prayer), which was originally an exclamation of praise, a prayer for help.

“Hosanna in the highest” is a request for salvation addressed to the Lord.

Blessing is a prayer wish for success, happiness, longevity to a person.

Coming - coming - approaching, coming, unexpectedly appearing.

- What does the phrase mean: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” (slide 11)

“Long live he who comes in the name of the Lord, sent from God!”

Conversation based on text:

Why do you think the Savior asked the disciples to find for him a donkey and not a horse?(In the country of Palestine, where the Savior lived, there were few horses, and they were mainly used for war. Donkeys were used for household chores and travel. Mounting a horse was then a sign of war. In peacetime, even kings rode donkeys. Therefore, the Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem was a symbol of peace: The King of Peace rode into the capital on a donkey - a symbol of peace.)

What made Jesus Christ famous?(Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, raised His friend Lazarus from the dead, and performed many miracles.)

Why did people rejoice at meeting Jesus Christ?(The fame of Jesus Christ gradually spread throughout Palestine. People wanted to see a man who surprised everyone with his miraculous actions, healing people, wisdom and prophecy.)

Entering the temple, Christ again, as in the first year of His teaching, drove out all those who were selling and buying, saying to them: “it is written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations,” but you have made it a den of thieves.”
The blind and lame surrounded Him in the temple, and He healed them all. The people, seeing the miracles of Jesus Christ, began to glorify Him even more. Even the small children who were in the temple exclaimed: “Hosanna to the Son of David

How did people greet him?(they spread their clothes and palm branches in front of him, greeting Him with the words: “Salvation! Glory to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

- In the old days, kings were greeted with green branches when they returned in triumph after defeating their enemies. And we, holding in our hands the first branches that bloom in spring, glorify the Savior as the Conqueror of death; because He raised the dead and on this very day entered Jerusalem in order to die for our sins and rise again and thereby save us from eternal death and eternal torment. The branch then serves for us as a sign of Christ’s victory over death and should remind us of the future resurrection of all of us from the dead.
- Why is this holiday also called Palm Sunday? (In Jerusalem

They greeted the Savior as a King with green branches of date palms. Here in Russia, palm trees do not grow, and the leaves on other trees usually do not have time to bloom in time for the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Therefore, palm branches replaced willow branches, which, not afraid of the last spring frosts, release fluffy catkins early.)

What is the official name of this holiday?(This holiday is officially called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.)

When is this holiday celebrated?(It is celebrated on the Sunday that precedes Easter. The week after Palm Sunday until Easter is called Passion.)

3). Working with the icon of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. (slide 12)

Why do we classify this event as a holiday? Has the Lord never been to this city before? - Was. He visited Jerusalem more than once on great holidays. So what is special about this visit? Why is it so significant for Christians? We will try to find answers to these questions by looking at the holiday icon.

Let's look at the icon of the holiday and find on it the Savior riding on a donkey, the disciples of Christ, the gates of the city of Jerusalem, people meeting the Lord.

Looking at the icon, tell us how people meet Christ?

Look how many people are depicted on it, but the eye is immediately drawn to the figure of Christ. We see Him accompanied by His disciples. The Lord, sitting on a young donkey, enters Jerusalem. Here in the background on the right you can see the houses and towers of this great city. A great multitude of people came out of the city walls to meet Christ. These people are very happy to see Him. They convey the news to each other that the Lord recently performed an incredible miracle: he raised Lazarus from the dead, who had been buried for four days now. People greet the Lord with palm branches and joyful shouts: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” As a sign of special respect for Christ, they cover His path with branches, as well as with their clothes. Look, guys, Christ’s gaze is turned to the Apostles. The omniscient Lord, of course, knows that very soon all this fun will come to an end. Within a few days, the guards would seize Him on the orders of the high priests and condemn Him to death; they would beat Him and kill Him. And only then, having endured the torment of the Cross, on the third day after His death, the Lord will rise again.

Yes, the Savior knows all this. And approaching His suffering on the Cross, Christ thinks not about Himself, but about His disciples. That they would have the courage to see Him undergoing a painful and shameful execution - and not lose their faith in Him.

And here's another one important detail– gesture right hand Christ. Look: the Lord Himself is addressed to the disciples, and with his hand he points to Jerusalem, to which they are approaching. The Lord wants once again, before entering the city, to indicate to the disciples the purpose for which He this time enters the capital of the Kingdom of Judah: to voluntarily, by His will, accept death on the Cross. The image of the Cross is already present on this icon. Look, guys, there is a tree in the center of the icon. This tree is an image of the Tree of the Cross, which is already being prepared for the Savior. So, the Lord is coming to free suffering, to the Cross. Having died as a Man, He will rise again as God. Death will not be able to keep Him in its chains, and these chains will be torn and destroyed. (slide 15) This is the meaning of this holy holiday - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday was a quiet holiday, without festivities, because... was advancing Holy Week.

Palm Sunday is associated with willow for a reason. The willow is a symbol of health, strength, rebirth and beauty. The willow disinfects the walls of our house, its bark absorbs our pain and bad breath.

Many poets dedicated their works to the willow.

Signs and folk beliefs:

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that whoever touches it when it opens its buds will not get sick all year.

Therefore, on Palm Sunday, willow buds were fed to livestock so that they would not get sick, and small children were playfully lashed with willow branches and said: “As the willow grows, so do you grow,” and whoever is sick - “Whip the willow, beat them to tears, beat them so that were healthy." Let me give you guys health, strength and beauty with these branches.

5). Do you know...?

If the sun is shining on this day, then the weather will be warm and the harvest of cereals and fruits will be rich.

The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer.

If on this day they touched a person with a willow branch, then they endowed him with health and beauty.

A willow thrown against the wind drives away a storm. A willow thrown into a fire pacifies the fire. Willow branches thrown into the yard pacify the hail. When there is hail, you need to place a bunch of consecrated willow on the windowsill.

If you have a headache, then place a mashed willow twig under the bandage on your head. The pain will pass.

Dried willow bark will become a healing medicine for future use.

Willow branches are stored in the house until next year.

6). Virtual bouquet:

But the main offering to God on this day (as, indeed, always) is our prayer, good deeds and pure hearts.

What can you wish for me, each other, people on the eve of the Great Holiday?

Health, good luck, success, peace, Love, mercy, kindness, honesty, Joy.

IV. Summarizing:

What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson?

Have we achieved it?

What kind of holiday is Palm Sunday?

What do you remember? What touched you most?

With the arrival of spring all God's peace, all nature awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and the streams began to gurgle. Pale meadows and fields are covered with fresh grass, and soon, wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, and behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring attire. And in the forest, a choir of birds that have returned to their native lands sings their sonorous songs in the spring and praises God the Creator.

I want to end our lesson with these words:

I’ll put a willow branch in a vase,

I will light a candle at the icon.

I will glorify Palm Sunday

And I’ll quietly whisper a prayer.

It is impossible to learn to believe.

Believing constantly is hard work.

I pray for those who are in difficult life

They believe sincerely and live by faith.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

A few days before Easter, Jesus Christ walked with his disciples to Jerusalem. They stopped not far from the city. Jesus sent twoapostles to the nearest village and ordered to find a young donkey there, untie it and bring it to Him.

They did just that. Jesus sat on a young donkey and rode into Jerusalem on it. Many people gathered at the gates of the city. Everyone has heard that Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry, raised His friend Lazarus from the dead, walked on water, and performed many miracles.

The whole city rejoiced at meeting Jesus Christ. People greeted Him, waved green tree branches, threw them on the road, paving the way for the Lord.

In memory of that day, Christians in southern countries come to church with palm branches. And we are with willow branches. That is why this holiday is also called Palm Sunday.

We glorify this event introparion holiday like this:

Hosanna in the highest, blessed Coming in the name of the Lord.

Happy Palm Sunday!

May you live without troubles!

Palm Sunday is celebrated by the people.

This means there will be a summer of grain this year.

On this day, as usual, Christ is honored.

Gracious thoughts and a pure soul...

Congratulations everywhere: happiness, for long years!

Happy Palm Sunday!

May you live without troubles!

Presentation for the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (6.6 Mv, pptx).

Additional download addresses:
All works by Galina Anatolyevna Titova can be downloaded or transferred to your accounts (both selectively and as an archive) on Yandex.Disk and on [email protected]

Scans of some slides. Enlarged image opens in separate window by clicking on the picture:

Palm Sunday. In fact, it should not be called Palm, but Palm. Why? To understand this, we must remember the events that took place almost two thousand years ago in the capital of Judea - Jerusalem.
Correctly, this Great Twelfth Feast is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. It is solemnly celebrated by the Church with memories of the royal glorification of Jesus Christ before His death on the cross.
Description of this event, one of the important events of recent earthly days Jesus Christ is in all four Gospels. What they say differs somewhat from each other, but the essence is the same.
The Jewish Passover holiday was approaching. There was real pandemonium in the capital - people from all over Palestine came to Jerusalem. People rejoiced and shouted, looking at the Mount of Olives - the highest of those that surrounded the city.
It was as if they were waiting for something. What? What were you happy about? The people were waiting for Christ to enter the city!
The Savior had been to Jerusalem before, but He had never been greeted with such jubilation. Why? You, of course, remember what miracle Christ performed the day before in the village of Bethany?
He raised Lazarus, who had already been in the grave for four days! The news of this miracle spread quickly, and then the people learned that the Great Wonderworker was going to Jerusalem. And the people came out to greet Him!
On the morning of this day, Jesus asked his disciples to bring him a colt.
And then He appeared. Descending from the Mount of Olives, royally sitting on a young donkey, the Savior rode into the majestic Jewish capital.
- Why do you think the Savior asked the disciples to ride on a donkey’s colt, and not on a horse?
In the country of Palestine, where the Savior lived, there were few horses, and they were used mainly for war. Mounting a horse was then a sign of war. And the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem was a symbol of peace: the King of Peace rode into the capital on a donkey - a symbol of peace.
The people were waiting for Jesus, people came out to meet Him, laying palm branches and their clothes on the way. They joyfully shouted: “Hosanna! Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! (“Hosanna” means “Save us”)
The greeting of the people meant: “Long live he who comes in the name of the Lord, sent from God!” The reason for such joy of the people at the meeting of Christ was the miracles He performed: healing the sick, raising the dead.
Meeting the Savior, the people rejoiced and did not know about the sorrowful events that were about to occur.
And Christ, looking at Jerusalem, at this crowd of people, began to cry. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem!” He said. “If only on this day you understood what serves your salvation! But you don’t see it now. The day will come when your enemies will surround you, besiege you, destroy you and leave no stone unturned for that.” that you did not understand the time when the Lord visited you..."
Why did He say this in the midst of such celebration? Yes, because all this rejoicing of the people was built on misunderstanding. People hoped that Christ would enter Jerusalem and take earthly power into His hands. They were waiting for a great and powerful king who would free the people of Israel from Roman rule!
They glorified Him as a victorious king, and no one understood that it was the King of all Kings, the Conqueror of death, that the Lord Himself was entering Jerusalem to offer Himself as a sacrifice for human sins, to fulfill prophecies and transform this world.
Only Jesus, the Son of God, had the future open to him, only HE knew what would happen to him: HE entered into voluntary humiliation and suffering.
HE knew that a painful death awaited Him very soon, He knew that He would be betrayed and crucified on the cross.
He knew that tomorrow the week of His suffering would begin. That this same crowd, instead of “Glory to the Son of David!” will shout: “Take Him, crucify Him!”
Clothes and palm trees
The road is decorated.
What jubilation!
What grace!
Solemnly, with glory
People meet God
So that later His...
And now, like two thousand years ago, the Lord comes to all of us, no matter who we are and no matter where we are. We must try not to be as fickle and fickle as the Jerusalem crowd.
Another famous biblical story is associated with this holiday - the expulsion of merchants from the temple. At the Passover holiday in Jerusalem, Jews were obliged to “slaughter the Passover lambs and make sacrifices to God, and therefore they drove sacrificial livestock into the temple and set up shops to sell everything necessary for the sacrifices.
After his entry into Jerusalem, Jesus went straight to the temple, saw the merchants and drove them out: “And Jesus entered into the temple of God and drove out all those selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.
He said to them: It is written, “My house will be called a house of prayer; and you made it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:12-13).
- Why is our holiday of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem also called Palm Sunday?
Palm trees do not grow in Russia, so we cannot bring palm branches to Church on this day. In Rus', date palm branches were replaced by willow branches.
But why exactly did the willow become in our country a symbol of the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem?
In Russia, the week before Easter is usually still cold. The trees are just getting ready to wake up from sleep; the green leaves are still very far away. And only the willow released white-gray fluffy living balls from its buds on its branches.
We take fresh branches to Church, where they are blessed by the priest, then we take them home and store them all year, until the next Palm Sunday.
They remind us of the future resurrection. Only a week will pass, and next Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of Feasts - Holy Pascha! This gives special solemnity to the event that we remember.
When you stand with willow branches in the Church, think about Christ, about what he had to endure for our sake. Imagine that you meet Him and rejoice in Him.
The Lord enters Jerusalem to die and rise again and raise us all to eternal life. Therefore we sing: “Glory in the highest, blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!” Happy holiday, dear guys!
Troparion: Assuring the general resurrection before Your passion, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. In the same way, we, like children, bearing signs of victory, cry out to you, the conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Slide 1

Palm Resurrection Willow whip, beat me to tears. There's a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.

Slide 2

In Rus', as the snow melts, there is silence in nature. The willow is the first to come to life, artless and tender. Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a willow, and after the blessing of water they bring it to sprinkle it. And with songs of praise, with a shrine in their hands, they pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

Slide 3

On the last Sunday before Easter, according to Orthodox calendar, The Lord entered Jerusalem. In Rus' this holiday is called Palm Sunday.

Slide 4

According to the Bible, ON THIS day, Jesus rode solemnly into the gates of Jerusalem on a young donkey - a symbol of meekness and love of peace. The assembled people hailed him as the Messiah. They waved palm branches, spread their clothes before Him and sang. Giotto. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Russian icon.

Slide 5

V. G. Schwartz “Procession on the donkey of Alexei Mikhailovich” 1865. In Rus', on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the so-called “procession on the donkey” took place. After the festive service, a special procession took place from Red Square to Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, depicting the very event of the holiday being celebrated. The Patriarch followed in it, sitting astride a horse (dressed up as a donkey), which was led by the bridle by the king walking on foot. In 1697 the ritual was abolished.

Slide 6

On this day, churches hold all-night vigils: parishioners pray, as if meeting the Lord, holding willow branches, flowers and burning candles in their hands.

Slide 7

At the end of the service, the willow is blessed with holy water. It is believed that the willow has enormous healing power and helps to get rid of everything bad that has accumulated in the house over the year. It is customary to keep blessed willows in the house all year round next to icons.

Slide 8

Willow whip, Beat me to tears. I don’t hit, Verba hits. Be healthy like a willow. The most important custom of this holiday is the eldest of the family whipping their children with willow with certain words: This was done so that the children were healthy and obedient. Verbohlest, beat me to tears. There's a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.

Slide 9

On Palm Sunday, palm markets were held where one could buy sweets, toys, books, as well as bunches of willow with paper angels tied to them. In some places in our country, flat cakes or bagels were baked on this day, which, after consecration in the church, were given to all family members and livestock so that no one would get sick during the year.

Slide 10

Class hour "Willow in the house - out of the house of trouble" for primary classes

Lyapina Victoria Olegovna student of the socio-pedagogical college of the Samara city district
Description: The event is dedicated to the calendar Orthodox holiday Palm Sunday. Children's age is 6-10 years. This material will be useful for primary school teachers, educators preschool institutions, as well as children and parents who are interested in and honor age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Target Appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions and values ​​of one’s people.
-give children information about Orthodox holiday“Palm Sunday”: history and traditions;
-form cognitive needs and interests, activity;
-enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment;
- to educate and develop age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom in children.

Progress of the event

The song "Verbochki" by A. Blok and A. Vertinsky is playing
Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.

The lights are warm,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.

Rain, little rain,
The breeze is distant,
Don't blow out the fire!

On Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.

1 Presenter
Easter comes before
Palm Sunday -
On this day the willow brings
The action is magical!

Early in the morning you will pick
The longest twig
After all, the willow is our amulet
And the symbol is old.

Spring willow branches
Consecrate in church
And until next Easter
Save at home!
2 Presenter
There is always a place for a holiday in our lives, and not necessarily a calendar one. The holiday should be in our souls and hearts.
The holiday Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday has a full name and sounds like this: “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.” The history of Palm Sunday began when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. He rode in on a donkey, which became a symbol of humility. Then the people recognized him as the Messiah, laid their clothes under his donkey’s feet and threw palm branches. His entry into Jerusalem became a prototype of the entrance to Paradise.
It's almost spring and the air is fresh -
Birds talk about this.
For our new hopes!
Where did this day come to us from?

I will stroke the willow with my hand,
And I’ll take her with me to the temple.
The Messiah came to Jerusalem
We will pray for him with you.
How light and pure my soul is,
...warm and very good!
Since God is very close today,
It means he has already arrived at the temple...

1 Presenter
Palm trees did not grow in Rus'; they were replaced by blossoming willow branches, which are a symbol of life and spring awakening. Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is one of the holidays that appeared in Rus' in the 10th century.
On this day in Rus' it was customary to consecrate willow in the temple. It is believed that after consecration these branches have healing properties.

According to Orthodox custom, Christians keep blessed willows throughout the year and decorate icons in their homes with them.
Willow in the house - from the house of trouble.
Look, sadness, envy, fear!
There will be health victories
Yes, smiles on your lips.

Out of sight all evil spirits
They'll fly away from here,
Let them die of hunger
Greed, stupidity, anger and malice!
2 Presenter
Palm Week exists in folk calendar Slavs It ends on Palm Sunday, after which Holy Week begins. The main folk rituals of the week are associated with willow and are held on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday is named Lazarev. In Russian villages, Saturday was celebrated cheerfully and crowdedly. On this day, willows were broken.

At midnight, young people went around houses singing. At the gate they shouted: “Open it, open it, young one, beat it with a camel, give it more health than before!” Entering the hut, they lightly beat the sleeping people with willow branches with the words: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!”, “Get up early, beat the ram!”, “We beat them to be healthy.” On Saturday they prepare mash, buckwheat pancakes, porridge, and fish chicken.

1 Presenter
Palm Sunday is the favorite holiday of the Russian people. In Rus' the snow barely melts, among melt water The willow is the first to bloom. A legend was born. It says that a long time ago the willow was a woman, and she had a lot of children, that the woman argued with Mother Earth herself that she was more fertile than the Earth. Then Mother Earth got angry and turned the woman into a willow.

2 Presenter
The Slavs revered the blessed willow and believed that it had cleansing powers. They believed that with the help of willow they could save livestock from damage and disease. They baked bagels for Palm Sunday, blessed them in the church and fed them to livestock.
They ate willow catkins as a cure for diseases. They bathed sick children in water in which they put willow branches for cleansing and healing.
Early in the morning, after the lighting in the church, parents whipped their children with willow branches, “so that they would grow and be healthy.” For the same purpose, cattle were whipped everywhere.

1 Presenter
Let me touch you with a willow so that you are healthy.
Touches the children with willow, saying
The willow whips you to tears.
The blue willow does not hit hard,
The red willow beats in vain,
Bela willow hits the ground running
The willow whips you to tears.
Willow from beyond the sea,
Give me health, willow.
2 Presenter
Before the revolution, palm bazaars and palm festivities were popular in Russia.

Children especially loved them because they could buy toys, books and sweets there.

And a paper angel was tied to the willow bunches bought there. It was called the “willow cherub.”

1 Presenter
There are signs associated with this holiday.

On Palm Sunday,
The willow has come to life,
From the spring ray
Woke up and bloomed.

Illuminated willow
Bring it to your house,
From adversity, misfortune
Protect your loved ones.

And this Sunday
To the sound of bells,
Spring, bright holiday
Meet without further ado.
2 Presenter
The dolls have already disintegrated,
Their butterflies burned through.
Fluffy dolls
They blossomed on the willows.
Before Palm Sunday,
All those who are young,
With grins and singing,
Sprayed with water.
They were doused with water:
Let your breasts be fresh.
And they hit them with a willow:
Be gentle like a willow.
They stuck a small willow
Behind the image, in the corners,
So that by mortal scarlet force
There were no fires in the houses.
Shine on us, this joy,
Flowers, earth, water.
Let the spring willow blossom for us,
Always bloom with spring!
All children are given willow branches and congratulated on the holiday.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Palm Sunday Spring has come, the willow tree is blooming, the years follow each other, this day has been revered for a long time, wishing joy and goodness to everyone. Nepovinnykh N. © Microsoft Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 slide

Slide description:

Palm Sunday The meaning of the holiday Every year, the sixth Sunday of Lent before Easter is celebrated by Christians as Palm Sunday. In 2017 it is celebrated on April 9th. Varvarov Anatoly Viktorovich. The spring sun is already here. 2007 click to...

3 slide

Slide description:

A week before his resurrection, Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem. Residents of the city greeted him as son of god, since the day before he miraculously healed his dead friend Lazarus. An important point is that Christ rode into the city on a donkey. This is very symbolic, because previously only winners and rulers entered the city on animals, and joyful people greeted them with palm branches and shouts of welcome. But the Son of God was not a winner or an earthly king; he rode into the city on a donkey, declaring that he was the King of Heaven.

4 slide

Slide description:

On this day, Christ came to the city knowing in advance that death awaited him. From this day began the countdown of Jesus' suffering for human sins. Only seven days separated him from death on the cross. Palm Sunday is of great importance for all Orthodox Christians.

5 slide

Slide description:

In our country, this holiday is called Palm Sunday, because the willow (as well as the willow and willow) became its main attributes, symbolizing the palm branches with the waves of which the inhabitants of Jerusalem greeted Christ. This tender, first plant to bloom in spring symbolizes new life.

6 slide

Slide description:

According to long-established rules, from Saturday evening people go to the temple to consecrate willow branches. As soon as the clergyman sprinkles the willow with holy water, we can assume that Palm Sunday has arrived. Believers defend the church service with burning candles, remembering the great entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. I. Shamsheva. Palm Sunday. (Satin stitch embroidery).

7 slide

Slide description:

On Sunday, willow branches are used to decorate home icons or placed in a vase without water - so the branches will last until next year. This holiday should be celebrated in a quiet family circle, while observing fasting. It is necessary to move away from the bustle, pray more often and reflect on eternal life after being on earth. No one knows what date and in what year this mortal journey will end, so now it is important to take care of a worthy answer to the Lord for your deeds.

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Customs and traditions There is a custom of placing willow branches in the hands of deceased relatives so that they can meet the Messiah in heaven with them. It is customary to bathe children under one year old in a decoction of willow branches so that they grow up healthy. The head of the family is obliged to symbolically beat domestic animals, relatives and livestock with blessed branches. The date has a certain power that is transmitted to the willow branches. This ritual will help protect against the evil eye, damage, dark forces and ailments. N. Morgunova. Palm Sunday

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Signs Rain on Palm Sunday foretells good harvest. This is one of the most proven signs of our ancestors. Dry weather on this holiday promises, on the contrary, a poor harvest. Cloudy weather without rain means that your preparations will be good, but not as good as you would like. It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from natural elements. A house in which there is a consecrated willow branch will not be struck by lightning. If during a fire you throw a willow into the fire, it will go out faster and the flame will not spread to another building. And twigs thrown into the water during ice drift will help avoid large floods. If there were unused branches left in the house by the next holiday, then under no circumstances should they be thrown away. They must be burned and thrown into a stream or river, and the water should not be stagnant.

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