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Is it possible to build a frame house in winter? Need to! Build a house in the rain.

It would seem that in the city we often see how in winter, in a snowstorm, frost or sleet, construction of apartment buildings is underway. Monolithic frame, foam block walls, sand-lime brick facades - all these technologies are much more picky about weather conditions than wooden frame construction. However, this does not cause any difficulties for builders: both in summer and in winter, floors grow up and facades are decorated. But when it comes to building an individual residential building, for some reason these examples are forgotten, being replaced by traditional ideas about the “construction season”.

Very often, our new clients do not see any advantages in building a house in the winter, and sometimes they are completely sure that it is impossible to build in winter. In this article, we will try to answer typical questions and dispel prejudices.

Let's start with the obvious benefits:

  • Transport and delivery of materials. Despite the fact that winter roads seem to be something terrible for many, for builders they are more of a virtue. If in summer the soil on the site and the entrance to it can be loose, watered and viscous, and trucks will simply get stuck in it without additional backfilling, then in winter the soil is frost-bound, it becomes hard and simplifies the access to the site.
  • Climatic conditions. It would seem that in winter it is cold and it is completely inconvenient to work. But in fact, professional builders, especially those who work with wood, value winter much more than summer. Firstly, in winter there is almost two times less precipitation than in summer in St. Petersburg with its endless rains and fogs. Secondly, the air humidity itself is lower, which is also favorable for wood.
  • Precipitation. This point deserves special mention. Snow in winter, especially in frost, is much less harmful than a downpour in summer. The wood does not get wet from it, and to continue the work, it is enough just to brush off the snow. But in the summer, if the builders gape and do not cover the house and materials with a tarpaulin in time, the consequences can be catastrophic.
  • Prices for materials and equipment rental. The myth about the "off season" is so ingrained in the public mind that not only customers, but also suppliers of building and consumables succumb to it. It is in winter that maximum discounts are provided, and building a house can be much more profitable than in summer, when everything is swept off the shelves and at any price.
  • Convenient schedule. In winter, builders do not have to work in emergency mode, literally jumping from object to object. As a result, the customer can choose the team he likes the most, and the builders themselves work in a more comfortable mode for them.
  • Prices for construction work. For obvious reasons, the builders themselves do not like this moment, but the customers are quite the opposite. In winter, when the “off season” is announced, the number of orders naturally decreases, and companies have to reduce the price of their services, sometimes making very profitable seasonal offers. A house in winter can often be ordered for significantly less money than in summer.

All of the above refers to natural factors, but does not directly answer the question "is it possible to build a frame house in winter." We will also try to decompose this question point by point.


This is the only element of the house that really depends on the season. Of course, it is advisable to prepare the foundation in the summer: it is also possible to lay it in winter, but it will cost a little more. If we are talking about a pile foundation, the piles themselves can be twisted in any weather, but to fill them, you need a concrete mixture with special frost-resistant additives.

But if the cost of a pile foundation increases slightly in winter, then a reinforced concrete slab will cost significantly more. It will require frost-resistant additives, and thermal insulation of the foundation, and even the construction of a temporary shelter heated by heat guns. The cost of the foundation as a result can grow up to one and a half times!

Construction of walls and floors of the house

Frame and frame-panel houses are absolutely undemanding to air temperature and weather conditions. Dry wood and OSB boards do not tend to accumulate moisture and are not subject to low temperatures. In addition, as mentioned above, in winter the air humidity is less than in summer, which affects the tree extremely favorably!

Roof installation

In winter, it is highly not recommended to lay soft tiles - they simply will not “stick” to the roof properly. If you have chosen this particular type of roof, here you really need to wait for spring and the onset of warm weather. But the metal tile has no restrictions - it can be installed at any temperature.

Windows, doors and facade decoration

As a rule, starting construction in the winter, they approach this stage in the spring. However, the facade decoration is carried out in winter, the only restrictions here are the materials used. So, facade plaster, whatever its quality, cannot be applied in winter, otherwise it will immediately crack in summer. It is not recommended to apply certain types of paints on a beam imitator and similar materials at low temperatures (hint - no one forbids painting them in the heat inside the house, you just need to take care of ventilation). But vinyl siding and facade panels - on the contrary, are completely unpretentious. Windows do not require special conditions either - they can be mounted in winter, only frost-resistant foam is required.

As a result, building a frame house in winter is not only possible, but may even be more profitable for the client. Not to mention the traditional seasonal discounts and promotions, the opportunity to move into a ready-to-use house in the summer and not miss the holiday season is an extremely significant advantage.

Just a few months is impossible. Unforeseen difficulties often arise that can stall the process for a long time. Even if the construction of the cottage began in the spring, it is hardly possible to have time to complete everything by the winter cold. Well, if you are already planning the construction of a house in the fall, then even more so you need to adhere to special rules for carrying out work in order to avoid many troubles in the future.

The feature of the soil on which your site is located plays a big role. In cold weather, wet soil can expand and push out the foundation of the house, especially if it was laid shallow.

Therefore, if housing is located in a wetland, in the spring, its owners may encounter certain troubles (for example, a cracked structure). To a greater extent, this applies to a reinforced concrete monolithic foundation.

Cracks that occur in a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation

Precautions during construction in autumn

If your goal is to lay the foundation during the autumn cold, before starting work, you should take into account some safety measures.

A set of measures to protect the foundation from frost and dampness:

  1. It is necessary to add protective components to the composition of concrete, which can maintain the optimal temperature regime for high-quality drying.
  2. Installation of special formwork.
  3. Heating with cable and infrared lamps.

Advantages of winter construction

  1. In winter, the demand for materials decreases significantly, which allows significant savings.
  2. In winter it will be much easier to get to the cottage, as there are almost no traffic jams.

Cons of winter construction

    1. If, then a heated change house for builders will definitely be required. It is advisable to fold a small one in the summer, but rather than use a weak “potbelly stove” for heating. In addition, it is necessary to purchase a supply of firewood or another type of fuel for the stove.

Wooden change house for builders
  1. If there is one on the site, then you will need to take care of the reliability of the electrical wiring and heating elements.
  2. Naturally, people need to eat something, so you need to equip a gas stove and several gas cylinders.
  3. There may be problems with the foundation. Ideally, it is recommended to equip the foundation in the fall, when the “dacha” season has already ended, and the frosts have not yet hit. - it is difficult, but fast, especially if it is possible to fill it with ready-made factory concrete. As practice shows, it is fast, and it comes out much cheaper.

How to fill the foundation in the fall

The foundation is, perhaps, the main basis for building a house. Many people believe that pouring the foundation is only necessary in dry weather. Experts also differ in this opinion, but, despite the difference in opinions, it is still possible to pour the foundation in the fall if heavy rains do not interfere with this matter.

Is it possible to pour the foundation in rainy weather

Builders argue that wet and humid weather is best suited for pouring the foundation, as this contributes to the quality of concrete solidification. In addition, several methods and materials can be used, thanks to which work can be carried out throughout the year (except for days when it rains heavily and is cold). One such method is the use of certain grades of cement mixture, which can increase the moisture resistance of concrete.

These brands of cement include: M-600, M-500, M-450 and M-400. This mixture is often used for the construction of dams, bridge abutments and similar structures, which are often exposed to strong water during use.

  • After pouring the foundation in wet and humid weather, it must be covered with plastic wrap to avoid erosion.
  • During the construction process, when choosing a suitable brand of concrete, it is advisable to seek help from specialists who will help you choose the best option.

Many people believe that it is better to pour the foundation during the construction of an individual house in the fall, due to which its foundation will give a more reliable and natural draft, so that cracks can be avoided in the future.

A high-quality foundation is the main condition for the long operation of a building. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the brand of concrete, but also the method of pouring the foundation itself. If the depth and height are too large, it is recommended to pour continuously, using a building vibrator. This will avoid voids in the base, thereby contributing to the formation of a better monolithic mass. With the observance of the necessary technologies, it is possible to achieve a high-quality result and a long service life of the building.

Modern housing construction technologies make it possible to build objects at any time of the year. Therefore, the construction of wooden frame houses in winter has become a common phenomenon and is consistently in demand by different categories of customers. This applies to the construction of buildings for various purposes and capacity: cottages, cottages, garages, other residential and household facilities.

Is it possible to build a frame house in winter?

Traditionally, it is customary to engage in construction and installation work in the warm season. However, given the specifics of the Russian climate, this is not always possible, especially given that more than half of the Russian territory is characterized by fairly severe climatic conditions. Therefore, in many cases it is more expedient to postpone the construction of the facility for the cold season, taking into account the technological features of the work during the winter season.

Foundation in winter

One of the advantages of frame buildings is their relatively low weight compared to brick or block houses. This allows the use of different types of foundations, depending on the state of the soil, the features of the design solution, the requirements for the object, and other factors. In particular, it can be not only tape, but also grillage, and also be a pile-screw structure.

In winter, any type of foundation can be made - but it should be borne in mind that when using a concrete solution, it is necessary to add special frost-resistant additives to it. You can do without this if you prepare the base in advance - for example, in the fall. However, the most convenient option for winter time is the construction of a pile-screw foundation.

Construction of walls and floors of the house

The construction of a private frame house in winter is generally carried out without any restrictions - about the same as in summer. The only caveat is that work related to the use of water or aqueous solutions should be postponed (they can freeze).

It is convenient to build walls and ceilings in winter, on a previously prepared foundation. This also applies to the installation of the frame, roofing, laying insulation (you just need to make sure that it does not dampen), installation of partitions, etc.

If these works are completed before spring, it is necessary to immediately cover all wooden surfaces (including OSB-boards) with fire-retardant compounds. You should not leave the building untreated and wait for warm weather to complete this work in more comfortable conditions: delay can adversely affect the condition of the wood, in particular, lead to the appearance of mold, fungus, etc.

Windscreen mount

An important step in building a house in winter is the installation of special wind protection. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of blowing through the walls, which is especially important when the building is operated in the cold season. For this, a special film-type material is proposed, which performs three functions at once:

  • protection of insulation and other internal wall structures from moisture penetration from the street;
  • blocking the building from wind blowing, especially the places most vulnerable to cold penetration (joints when using double boards, corners, etc.);
  • ensuring the free and unimpeded exit of vapors from the room through the insulation layer to the outside.

The installation technology of wind protection may depend on the type of material used, the design features of the building and other nuances. In any case, these works can be carried out in the winter.

Roof installation

Depending on the project, the roof of a frame building can be gable, single-slope or four-slope. In most cases, the installation of the roof is started after the construction of the frame. At the same time, the rafters are laid on it in such a way that they work not for the collapse of the entire structure, but for its compression.

When building a house in winter, the installation of the roof is carried out using the same technology as in warm weather. The main elements of the roof are:

  • truss system, including crate;
  • roofing;
  • insulating layer.

The last point is relevant if it is planned to use the attic space as an attic. Otherwise, only the ceiling is often insulated.

Installation of windows and doors

Filling window and door openings is carried out relatively quickly with the appropriate experience, modern tools and high-quality consumables. It is recommended to immediately put also slopes and window sills.

An important stage of work is the sealing of seams and cracks with the help of mounting foam. Sometimes it’s not possible to do this job well at one time. In such cases, it is recommended to repeat the foaming after a few days.

The advantage of frame technology is that such buildings practically do not shrink, especially if they are one-story objects. Therefore, you can install windows and doors at any time.

Exterior finish

The technology of facade work depends on the design features of the structure and the specifics of the materials used, which may be:

  • siding is the most popular option due to its low cost, attractive and modern appearance, as well as ease of subsequent maintenance;
  • clinker tiles - distinguished by respectable appearance and durability;
  • block house or wood house - imitation of a natural log or timber, respectively;
  • natural or artificial stone, or brick is an almost eternal option, but masonry is labor-intensive and expensive;
  • plastering and painting - this type of finish provides a beautiful look, but can be short-lived.

Cement-bonded or OSB boards can also be used, which carry not only an aesthetic, but also a functional load, strengthening the structure.

Pros and cons of winter construction

The construction of a frame house in winter has pros and cons, which are due not only to the specifics of the technology, but also to objective factors.


If you build a house in the cold season, you can already move in by summer. Wood harvested in winter is of higher quality due to the reduced moisture content, which contributes to its rapid and uniform drying.

In winter, the price of building materials may decrease, the same applies to the cost of services of construction organizations.

In frosty weather, it is easier for vehicles to get to the object (provided that access roads are regularly cleared of snow), since they do not have to overcome viscous and muddy roads.


Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the significantly reduced daylight hours. Because of this, you will either have to work less, or use special lighting.

Severe frosts can lead to the impossibility of construction. Blizzards often become an obstacle to the timely passage of workers and equipment to the place of work.

Many construction crews prefer to live on site. In this case, they will have to provide them with the proper conditions: a heated room (change house) with high-quality electrical wiring, a sufficient amount of fuel (coal, firewood, etc.), stoves for cooking, etc.

Construction of a private house at any time of the year

If you want to start building a house in winter, contact Territory Group of Companies. We provide a comprehensive service - from project development to turnkey delivery. The impeccable quality of the erected object is confirmed by the official guarantee.

You can order new house in any version. For consultations and applications, call or contact through the website.

In winter, expensive and difficult. However, experienced professionals know all the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Winter construction of frame houses is often more predictable and more enjoyable than summer, and modern technologies make it possible to level out all the difficulties associated with low temperatures.

  1. Reducing the price of building materials and labor
  2. No queues in construction, a large selection of construction teams
  3. High quality building materials (winter wood)
  4. Weather conditions (lack of rain and mud)
  5. Hard winter road (access roads)
  6. The ability to check the insulation of the house
  7. Opportunity to operate a new house in the summer
  1. Foundation (pile-screw)
  2. Frame erection
  3. Exterior finish
  4. Roof finish

Advantages of building a frame house in winter

Among the advantages of building skeletons in the cold season, a considerable number of points can be distinguished. Below we will consider each of them in detail.

1. Reducing the price of building materials and labor

The cost of building materials varies throughout the year. In winter, demand drops significantly (seasonal decline in sales), and, consequently, manufacturers reduce the price. Discounts can be up to 50% of the summer cost of goods. Agree, the savings are significant.

Significant discounts on lumber appear already in December. In January - the price reduction is usually the maximum. And starting from February, the cost rises, reaching its peak by May.

Prices for the delivery of building materials also fall in winter (this is due to the fact that fuel is cheaper during this period). And if in summer the speed of building a house can be influenced by factors such as weather and delivery time of building materials, then in winter construction is faster, since supply disruptions are excluded.

2. No queues in construction, a large selection of construction teams

The cost of the construction team during the so-called "off season" is also reduced. There are no queues in winter - this means that there will be no delay at the beginning of the construction of the object.

In addition, during the winter months, the choice of construction teams is greater. This means that the house will definitely be built by the company's professionals without the involvement of additional hired workers from the outside. That is, in the winter, the likelihood that the "framework" will definitely be assembled correctly and qualitatively increases.

3. High quality building materials (winter wood)

Wood harvesting is usually carried out from November to April. Therefore, buying lumber in winter, you get a "fresh" forest. Winter wood differs from summer wood in lower moisture content, greater hardness, lower weight, and resistance to fungus and decay. In addition, the winter forest is easier to process (easier to remove the bark and cut).

4. Weather conditions (lack of rain and mud)

It's cold to work in winter, that's obvious. However, it is not entirely true to consider this a disadvantage of winter construction. After all, it can be hot to work in the summer, and this is also unpleasant. A warm working uniform, the creation of good living conditions - all this makes the winter construction site quite comfortable and enjoyable.

In winter, there is no rain - this is the main thing. This means that the work will definitely not get up, and the snow can always be removed. In addition, the construction site is clean, the boards are dry and light, which positively affects the workflow and the quality of the frame being built.

5. Hard winter road (access roads)

There is an opinion that in winter it is difficult to organize access roads due to snow. As a rule, this is not the case.

The road can be cleared by hand or with a bulldozer once, and then materials can be transported over the frozen ground without any problems. But in the summer and in the off-season, muddy roads due to rain can stop construction altogether. In addition, there is a risk of spending on additional equipment in order to pull cars stuck in the mud.

6. Ability to check the quality of home insulation

In the winter months, you can immediately check whether your home has been properly insulated. This is done using a thermal imager.

It is important that the quality of the building insulation can be checked even before the interior decoration, because at this stage everything is much easier to fix

In the summer, it is almost impossible to understand that the house does not keep heat. All problems will be clarified only with the onset of cold weather, and the customer will most likely have to fix them on their own.

7. Opportunity to operate a new house in the summer

This is perhaps the most pleasant moment of winter construction. Having started building a house in the cold season, in the summer it will already be possible to enjoy all the delights of country life in your own comfortable and cozy home.

Winter technologies for the construction of frame houses

The construction of buildings, like any process, has its own characteristics. in winter it also has some nuances - we will consider them further.

1. Foundation

Almost all the difficulties in the construction of a frame house in winter are associated with the need to carry out "wet" work at low temperatures.

In frame housing construction, “wet work” means the construction of a monolithic foundation

This is the only workflow that is best avoided during the winter months. Alternatively, you can prepare the foundation in the warm season, and start building the frame with the onset of cold weather.

However, there are situations when laying a monolithic foundation in winter cannot be avoided. In this case, special winter construction technologies are used. Special antifreeze components are added to concrete, and electric heating is also used. In this situation, there can be no question of saving.

A monolithic foundation for a frame house can be poured in winter, but it will be difficult and expensive

But with a pile-screw foundation, things are different. Installation of screw piles in winter is almost no different from summer work. The only condition is that the site be cleared of snow. At the same time, the pile-screw foundation has good performance characteristics:

  • Doesn't settle.
  • Reliable.
  • Suitable for areas with difficult terrain.

In frame housing construction, as a rule, it is the pile-screw technology of foundation construction that is used.

2. Construction of a power frame

The construction of the frame for workers in the winter does not cause difficulties - the boards are dry and clean, the frame turns out to be neat.

Treatment of boards with antiseptics in the winter is not required.

The only thing to pay attention to is that when working at height, you should not use towers, since they are not very stable on an icy and snowy surface, it is better to use scaffolding.

3. Exterior finish

Everyone who hears about the winter construction of a frame house for the first time is somewhat surprised and even distrustful of this method of building a residential building. Is it possible to build a frame house in winter? Few people know that a frame house consists of materials that are practically not affected by the negative effects of environmental conditions, and therefore construction can be carried out absolutely in any season of the year.

Today we will stop and consider the construction of a frame house in winter, talk about the possible benefits, features and disadvantages of such construction.

We build a frame building in winter

Are frame houses built in winter and such construction will be very different from construction in the warm season. There are factors to consider when building a frame house in winter conditions.

Building in the forest built in winter.


It is possible to build a light type foundation in the winter season. However, if the design provides for increased strength, it is better to think about its construction in the summer or early autumn. Warm weather conditions are necessary for the full solidification of the concrete foundation.


The frame house in winter is made of materials that do not react in any way to prolonged contact with snow. At the same time, a tree during winter construction does not need to be treated with antiseptic agents, frost will save on expensive chemical treatments.

Finishing work

During winter construction, the customer can start finishing work on the building in the spring, and in the summer time he can safely move into his new frame house.

Warming in winter

Is it possible to insulate a frame house in winter? The insulation is installed according to a well-known scheme: a vapor barrier film is laid on the inside of the frame house, then the insulation itself goes, then a windproof membrane follows, which will not allow cold air from the street to enter the room.

Frame house from SIP panels.

At the same time, it should be thick enough to prevent freezing and then heat loss will be minimized. for winter, it includes, first of all, a heater, which is selected depending on the climatic zone and the maximum negative air temperature.

In order to be of high quality in winter, you can safely use the building materials that come with summer construction. To insulate the vertical surfaces of the frame, you can use mineral wool or basalt mats. If you plan to save on the construction process, the same materials can be used for laying the ceiling, roof and between floors.

If the design of the house provides for a basement, insulation can be done using polystyrene foam boards. The thickness of the slab must be greater than 250 mm.

When building a frame-panel house, you don’t have to think about insulation, since it is already included in the panels produced in the factory. Floor insulation is often done using SIP panels. The materials are produced in the factory and are a multi-layered "pie". It is enough just to lay the plates on the floor and not worry about additional insulation.


When organizing a heating system during construction in winter, be sure to complete all work on installing the frame, walls and insulating the structure. Installing a heating system in an unfinished house can result in pipes freezing and other problems that will negatively affect the operation of heating in the future. is arranged in such a way as to exclude as much as possible the possible exit of thermal energy to the street.

Warm floor with your own hands.

Is it possible to live in a frame house in winter? If you organize the right heating system, ensure that all seams are insulated and snow is removed in a timely manner, it will be comfortable in a frame building. Such frame structures are quite common in the Scandinavian countries, so we can definitely say that the house is suitable for year-round use.

It is better to give preference to a combined heating system, which consists of several nodes. So, you can use a solid fuel boiler that will heat the room in the evening, an electric heater and underfloor heating for heating at night and special solar panels for heat during the day.

Can be built in winter

The construction of a frame house in winter will be beneficial in many ways, today we will talk about five main factors that will help you make a choice in favor of frame construction in winter.

lumber cost

In winter, many building materials, including lumber, significantly lose value. It is during the winter period of the year that you can find the most attractive price offers on the market. It is worth noting that winter wood is considered to be of better quality than summer wood, this is due to the fact that during drying there is practically no deformation and shrinkage of the material.

Construction with an attic in winter.

Winter wood is characterized by a small number of cracks in which pests do not develop in the future.

The cost of construction work

Building a frame house in winter is often cheaper than in summer. This is due to a decrease in demand for construction services. Many firms in particular offer customers a fixed cost of construction.

The tree does not need to be antiseptic

We build a frame house in winter and boldly refuse expensive chemicals that are used to treat wood to protect against pests and fungus. The fact is that frost is considered a natural antiseptic. In the winter season, really eco-friendly houses are obtained.

No rain and mud

Snow keeps building materials clean during transport and storage. The wood used for the construction of frame houses practically does not absorb moisture from snow. So, if during a heavy rain in the summer the construction process will have to be postponed for an indefinite time, then during a snowfall it is enough to clean the construction site from debris and calmly continue further construction.

More control by builders

Because of prejudice, frame houses are built much less frequently in winter. You can build a frame house in winter and count on increased attention to the object from the builders. The team is in no hurry to finish the work as quickly as possible in order to start a new object. The construction process is carried out with higher quality, with maximum control by the contractor.

We build in cold weather.

Cons of winter construction

Despite the fact that a frame house is built in winter using the same technology as in summer, and has mostly positive reviews, the process has a number of negative sides:

  • The air temperature during construction should not fall below 25 degrees, otherwise the timber will simply crack in the cold. The way out is glued laminated timber, which copes well with extremely low temperatures.
  • Difficulties with the arrangement of a massive foundation. If you plan to use a concrete foundation or equip a basement in the house, the construction of the house will have to begin in the autumn. The modern construction market can solve this problem by offering special mixtures that do not freeze in the cold.
  • Short daylight hours. Construction in winter will be complicated by the lack of light and short daylight hours, so you should think about organizing additional lighting at the construction site.
  • It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the team that will be engaged in construction. If in the summer it will be enough to install a trailer, then in the winter it will be necessary to additionally equip the utility room with a stove or heater.

Construction of a frame house in winter.

Preservation for the winter

Preservation of a frame house for the winter can be useful if for some reason it is not possible to complete construction in the winter. It is undesirable to carry out conservation at the stage of erection of the frame. If the structure is left open until the construction process is resumed, it is possible to provoke the loss of important operational characteristics.

How to preserve a frame house for the winter:

  1. We cover the roof with roofing material;
  2. We install the blind area and be sure to insulate it;
  3. We process all wooden surfaces with an antiseptic solution;
  4. We install additional spacers if an undried tree was used;
  5. We add additional elements to the frame to increase the overall rigidity of the structure.

You can build a frame house in winter and can be not only forced, but also profitable, especially if you order construction from third-party companies. In the winter season, the demand for frame construction drops significantly, and therefore contractors are ready to offer the best prices.

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