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Maintenance of ventilation systems: independently or entrusted to professionals?

Ventilation plays one of the most important roles in creating a good microclimate in the home and directly affects the quality and purity of the air. But for the proper operation of the ventilation system, it requires mandatory maintenance, in compliance with all planning and technical measures, the implementation of which is aimed at supporting its optimal operation. The maintenance of ventilation systems includes work to prevent possible emergencies.

What is included in the regulations

All ongoing events are strictly regulated, and must be held at least once every 6 months. These works include:

  • Inspection of the ventilation system, which includes checking the condition of air ducts, lines, operation and serviceability of all units.
  • In case of detection of malfunctions, carrying out their repair or carrying out work on their complete replacement.
  • Carrying out activities to clean the air ducts and air intakes.
  • Cleaning or replacing filter elements.
  • Cleaning of dirt and dust and fat deposits, and, if necessary, disinfection of the ventilation system.

Service maintenance of ventilation systems

But many companies that have the right to service ventilation systems carry out maintenance of ventilation, which is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the service company and the consumer of services. Service companies that service ventilation, as a rule, offer additional services, namely:

  • Measurement of air pressure and temperature in the ventilation system.
  • Checking the operation and technical condition of electrical wiring and automation systems.
  • Measurement of operating and starting current in electrical equipment.
  • Inspection of the condition, cleaning, and, if necessary, balancing the fans.
  • Checking the debugging of the valves of the air cooler and air heater.
  • Video diagnostics of the ventilation system.

What can a lack of service lead to?

The lack of maintenance of ventilation in the home leads to sad consequences:

  • This is a poor removal of combustion products in the kitchen, and as a result, the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the air.
  • Poor ventilation in the bathroom makes it difficult to remove moisture from the air, thereby promoting the development of mold and mildew.
  • "help" to fully feel in a public latrine, due to the fact that all the smells from the bathrooms of neighboring apartments will now come from your ventilation grill.

But if this happened, it does not mean at all that you can get rid of the blockage in the ventilation system yourself.

It is strictly forbidden to clean the ventilation shaft and air ducts on your own, as this applies to common house property! In the absence of traction, first of all, you need to contact the management company, or the company that maintains the ventilation system of your home.

But some work still can and even needs to be done independently.

Self-maintenance of the ventilation system

Work on self-maintenance of ventilation comes down to periodic cleaning of the ventilation grills inside your home and the ventilation duct that leads to the common house shaft.

To carry out these works, you will need, first of all, to make sure that ventilation is poor or completely absent. Bring a lit lighter to the grate: if the flame leans from its side, then there is ventilation; if it deviates from the grate or the flame of the lighter burns strictly vertically, then the ventilation grill is dirty or the shaft is clogged. What to do in these cases.

  1. Remove the ventilation grill. To do this, you will need a curly screwdriver, which you need to unscrew the screws securing the ventilation grill, and a small dustpan. This is the only ventilation cleaning equipment you will need.
  2. In case of contamination and deposition of fatty deposits on it, it must be washed. For this, a regular dishwashing detergent that dissolves grease is well suited. If you cannot wash it, then it is better to replace it with a new one.
  3. Put on protective gloves and use a small shovel to remove any accumulated debris you find in the canal. If you can't find a small scoop, then use a spatula, but in no case do not remove the debris with your hands. It may contain: nails, glass, dead birds and mice.
  4. If small debris remains in the channel, you can use a vacuum cleaner.
  5. The last step will be the installation of the ventilation grille in a regular place, and checking the operation of ventilation with an open window or door.

The first sign of a decrease in draft in a mine is the formation of cobwebs near the ventilation grill. Never use fire to remove it, as this can lead to a serious fire, and the draft will only increase the possibility of a fire.

Sometimes this procedure helps, and if positive changes have not occurred, then you need to contact the management company for diagnostics and cleaning.

Why most people prefer professional service

After-sales service involves the periodic performance of a certain type of work, for which remuneration is due. Some consider this a waste of their hard-earned money, but in vain, because ventilation systems require professional care. On the basis of a mutually beneficial agreement, service companies not only clean the air duct shafts using the most modern specialized equipment, but also disinfect the air ducts, which is simply impossible to do on their own. It needs to be done for several reasons.

  1. In deposits deposited on the walls of ventilation shafts and air ducts, a huge number of microorganisms and bacteria accumulate, which are the causative agents of quite dangerous diseases. Professional cleaning of ventilation equipment, followed by their disinfection, effectively protects people in the premises from the negative effects of microbes, fungal spores and mold on the human body and pets.
  2. Timely cleaning of the ventilation system prevents its sudden ignition.
  3. High-quality disinfection of ventilation ducts creates the appropriate sanitary conditions required by law and various regulations for each room in the building.

Equipment and materials used for cleaning and disinfection

Carrying out these activities can be carried out both without dismantling, and with partial disassembly of air ducts, using special innovative equipment for cleaning ventilation. As a rule, highly efficient brushing machines and certified disinfectants that are safe for human health are used for this. As proof of the quality and scope of the work carried out, most ventilation service companies provide a video recording before and after cleaning.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the maintenance of the ventilation of your building will provide a healthy microclimate in each of its premises, which cannot be done with independent maintenance.

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