Construction portal - House. Water heaters. Chimneys. Heating installation. Heaters. Equipment

Concrete mixes. Concrete mixes Determination of crushed stone characteristics

interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “System of Interstate Regulatory Documents in Construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (Supplement 2 to Annex D of Protocol No. 37 of October 6-7, 2010)

Short country name
MK(ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state body
construction management

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development

The Republic of Tajikistan

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government

The Republic of Uzbekistan


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European regional standard EN 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity" (EH 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance characteristics, production and compliance criteria, NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 13, 2011 No. 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 7473-2010 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.

Information about the entry into force (termination) of this standard and changes to it in the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in information signs "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use. 3

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 Classification. 5

5 Technical requirements. 6

6 Acceptance rules. 8

7 Test methods. 9

8 Supply of concrete mix. 9

9 Transportation. 10

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures. eleven

11 Guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) 12

Annex B (mandatory) Document form on the quality of concrete mixture of a given quality. 13

Annex B (mandatory) Form of document on the quality of the concrete mixture of a given composition. 14

Annex D (mandatory) The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixes and concretes. 15

Bibliography. 17

GOST 7473-2010




fresh concrete. Specifications

Introduction date - 2012-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-to-use concrete mixtures of heavy, fine-grained and light concretes with cement binders (hereinafter referred to as concrete mixtures), released to the consumer for the construction of monolithic and precast-monolithic structures or used at enterprises for the manufacture of products and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

This standard contains requirements for the technological characteristics of concrete mixes, procedures for monitoring their preparation, assessing the conformity of their quality indicators, as well as the amount of concrete mix dispensed to the consumer.

This standard establishes the distribution of technical responsibility between the customer, the manufacturer (supplier) and the consumer of the concrete mix in terms of obtaining concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products that meet all the requirements for them.

This standard does not apply to concrete mixtures of special concretes and concretes on special aggregates (see GOST 25192), structural concretes based on lime, slag, gypsum and special binders, as well as dry building mixes.

GOST 23732-79 Water for concretes and mortars. Specifications

GOST 25192-82 Concrete. Classification and general technical requirements

GOST 25820-2000 Lightweight concrete. Specifications

GOST 26633-91 Heavy and fine-grained concrete. Specifications

GOST 27005-86 Light and cellular concretes. Medium Density Control Rules

GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Squad selection rules

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30459-2008 Additives for concrete and mortars. Definition and evaluation of effectiveness

GOST 31384-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures against corrosion. General technical requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 concrete mix: Ready-to-use mixed homogeneous mixture of binder, aggregates and water with or without the addition of chemical and mineral additives, which, after compaction, setting and hardening, turns into concrete.

3.2 concrete mixture prepared at the construction site: Concrete mixture prepared at the construction site by the contractor for his own use.

3.3 ready mix concrete: Concrete mix supplied in a plastic state by non-consumer persons or organizations.

Note - Ready-mixed concrete may include concrete mixtures prepared by the consumer outside the construction site, as well as concrete mixtures prepared on the construction site, but not by the consumer.

3.4 concrete mixture of a given quality: Concrete mix, the required properties and additional characteristics of which are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing these required properties and additional characteristics.

3.5 concrete mixture of a given composition: A concrete mixture, the composition of which and the components used in its preparation are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing this composition.

3.6 concrete mixture of a given normalized composition: A concrete mixture of a given composition, which is defined by a specific standard or technical document, for example, production standards.

3.8 delivery: The process of transporting concrete mix from producer to consumer.

3.9 customer: A person or organization that sets concrete mix requirements for a manufacturer.

3.10 manufacturer: The person or organization that manufactures the concrete mix and is responsible for ensuring that it is of the specified composition or the required properties of the concrete mix and concrete.

3.11 consumer: A person or organization using a concrete mixture in the manufacture of precast products or the erection of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

3.12 concrete mix supplier: A person or organization that has a contract with the consumer for the supply of concrete mix, is responsible for the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and for all other terms of the supply contract.

4 Classification

4.1 According to the type of concrete, concrete mixtures are divided into:

Concrete mixtures of heavy concrete (BST);

Concrete mixtures of fine-grained concrete (BSM);

Concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete (LBC).

4.2 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into groups: rigid (F), mobile (P) and spreading (R). Groups are divided into grades according to workability.

4.3 The designation of a concrete mix of a given quality when ordering should consist of an abbreviated designation of a concrete mix in accordance with 4.1, a concrete strength class, a concrete mix grade for workability and, if necessary, other standardized quality indicators, for example, a frost resistance grade, a water resistance grade , average density of concrete, etc., and the designations of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

concrete mix heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25, grades for workability P1, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of fine-grained concrete:

BSM V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of lightweight concrete compressive strength class IN 12.5, grades for workability P2, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200, waterproof W 2, medium density D 900:

BSL V12.5 P2 F200 W2 D900 GOST 7473-2010

Note - When ordering a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the consumer must indicate the requirements for concrete strength according to the design class (B, B t , B tb , B tt) and, if necessary, the minimum average strength of concrete in each delivered batch (R m), and requirements for workability - by grade and, if necessary, by specific values;

the same concrete mixture of heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25 with a minimum required concrete strength of 33 MPa, workability grade P1, with a draft of 3 cm, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST B25 ( ≥ 33 MPa) P1 (OK 3 cm) F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010

4.4 When ordering a concrete mixture of a given composition, its symbol is not given, but the composition of the mixture and the quality of the components used in its preparation (binder, aggregates, water, chemical and mineral additives) are indicated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics of concrete mixtures

5.1.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner by the manufacturer, and the terms of the supply contract.

5.1.2 Concrete mixtures must ensure the production of concrete with specified quality indicators (concrete mixtures of a given quality) or have a given composition (concrete mixtures of a given composition) in accordance with the supply contract.

5.1.3 Concrete mixtures are characterized by the following technological quality indicators:


Average density;




The volume of entrained air.

5.1.4 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with tables 1 - 4.

Table 2 - Cone draft grades

* Test see .

Table 3 - Stiffness grades

Table 4 - Sealing grades **

** See test.

5.1.5 The workability of the concrete mixture can be set by the brand and additionally by a specific value of the workability index in accordance with tables 1 - 4. The permissible deviation of the set values ​​of the concrete mix workability indicators at the consumer should not exceed the values ​​given in table 5.

Table 5 - Permissible deviations of the set values ​​of workability indicators

5.1.6 The delamination of the concrete mixture should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 6.

Table 6 - Requirements for the delamination of the concrete mix

5.1.7 When supplying a concrete mixture, the permissible deviation of the given values ​​​​of average density, stratification, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in table 7.

Table 7 - Permissible deviations of the specified values ​​​​of the quality indicators of the concrete mixture

Name of the concrete mix quality index

The range within which the specified value of the indicator falls

Permissible deviation of the set value of the indicator

Average density, kg / m 3

All values


By water separation, %

0.4 or more

By solution separation, %

Porosity, % abs.

All values

Temperature, °С

All values

Persistence of properties over time

At least 1 hour 30 minutes

From 1 h 30 min to 3 h 00 min

More than 3 h 00 min

5.1.8 Grade for average density, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time must correspond to the values ​​specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

5.2 Materials for preparing concrete mixtures

5.2.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared using cements, aggregates, additives and water, the requirements for which are given in GOST 26633, GOST 25820 and GOST 31384, as well as in standards and specifications (TU) for specific types of materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff, Bq/kg, of materials used for the preparation of concrete mixtures, should not exceed the limit values ​​given in GOST 30108, depending on the area of ​​application of concrete mixtures.

5.2.2 The accompanying documentation for the materials must contain information on the content of chlorides, alkalis and reactive silica.

5.3 Production of concrete mixtures

5.3.1 The composition of the concrete mixture of a given quality is selected in accordance with GOST 27006, taking into account the requirements for the service classes of concrete in accordance with GOST 31384.

5.3.2 Dense concrete mix aggregates are dosed by weight. Porous aggregates are dosed by volume with correction by weight. Liquid components are dosed by weight or volume.

5.3.3 The error in dosing of raw materials by weight batchers should not exceed ± 2% for cement, water, chemical and mineral additives, ± 3% for aggregates.

The dosing error of porous fillers should not exceed ± 2% by volume.

When preparing concrete mixtures in concrete mixing plants with a capacity of up to 5 m 3 / h, volumetric dosing of bulk materials with the indicated dosing errors is allowed.

5.3.4 Concrete mixtures of all types (see 4.1) and grades for workability are prepared in forced mixers.

Concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete grades for workability Zh1 and P1 - P5, as well as lightweight concrete of strength classes IN 12.5 and above, medium density D 1600 and above is allowed to be prepared in gravity mixers.

5.3.5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures in stationary cyclic mixers (the time from the moment when all materials are loaded into a working mixer until the finished mixture is unloaded) is taken according to the technological regulations for the production of a concrete mixture or set in accordance with Appendix A.

5.3.6 The procedure for loading the concrete mix components into the mixer and the loading rules when using hot components (water and cement) must be specified in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mix.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Concrete mixtures should be accepted in terms of quality and quantity by the technical control of the manufacturer.

6.2 Concrete mixtures are accepted in batches. The composition of the batch includes a concrete mixture of the same nominal composition, prepared from the same materials using a single technology. The volume of the batch of concrete mix is ​​set according to GOST 18105 or according to the value specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

6.3 Each batch of concrete mixture must have a quality document. A quality document is provided for each load of a concrete mixture of a given quality (see Appendix B) and a load of a concrete mixture of a given composition (see Appendix C).

It is allowed, when supplying a concrete mixture of a given quality, to provide a quality document not for each load, but for each batch of concrete mixture, if this is provided for in the supply contract.

6.4 The frequency of monitoring the quality indicators of concrete and each batch of concrete mixes is established in accordance with Appendix D, or it must comply with the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

The specified technological indicators of the quality of the concrete mixture are determined by the manufacturer 15 minutes after the concrete mixture is unloaded from the stationary mixer, by the consumer during incoming quality control - no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the concrete mixture to the construction site.

6.5 Concrete mixtures by quantity are taken by weight or volume in accordance with the actual composition of the concrete mixture and the actual average density of the concrete mixture.

6.6 The results of acceptance and periodic tests to determine all standardized indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete must be reported to the consumer in the quality document, and the results of determining the strength of concrete at the design and other standardized age specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request no later than 3 days after the test.

The results of determining the strength of concrete at the design age are allowed to be reported to the consumer not, but for several batches released sequentially over a certain period of time not exceeding two weeks.

If the standardized concrete quality indicator is not confirmed, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer on the day of receipt of the test results.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and the standardized concrete quality indicators using the control methods and rules provided for in this standard.

7 Test methods

7.1 Concrete mix samples are taken in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10180 and GOST 10181.

7.2 The quality indicators of the concrete mixture determine:

According to GOST 10181 - workability, delamination, average density and porosity, volume of entrained air;

According to GOST 30459 - retention of the required technological properties.

The temperature of the concrete mixture is measured with a thermometer, immersing it in the mixture to a depth of at least 5 cm.

Other normalized indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures specified in the supply contract are controlled according to the relevant documents for testing these types.

7.3 Concrete quality indicators determine:

According to GOST 10180 - strength;

According to GOST 12730.1 - average density;

According to GOST 10060.0 - GOST 10060.3 - frost resistance;

According to GOST 12730.5 - water tightness;

According to GOST 13087 - abrasion.

Other standardized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract are controlled according to the relevant documents for testing these types.

7.4 Materials for the preparation of concrete mix are tested in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications for these materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff in materials for the preparation of concrete mixtures is determined according to GOST 30108.

8 Supply of concrete mix

8.1 The manufacturer (supplier) supplies the ready-mix concrete to the consumer on the basis of and in accordance with the supply contract, which must specify all the necessary parameters for the quantity and quality of the concrete mix and concrete, as well as the timing and means of delivery.

8.2 Prior to the start of delivery of a concrete mixture of a given quality, the consumer has the right to demand from the manufacturer (supplier) information on the quality of the materials used and the nominal composition of the concrete mixture, as well as the results of preliminary tests of the concrete mixture of this nominal composition and concrete for all indicators specified in the supply contract. This information is presented in the maps for the selection of concrete composition.

8.3 To determine the curing modes of the laid concrete mix and concrete, information on the rate of curing of concrete can be represented by an experimental curve of curing at a temperature of 20 ° C in the range of 1 - 28 days.

8.4 When supplying a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer (supplier) must provide the consumer with the following supporting documentation in printed and certified form:

For each batch of concrete mix - a document on the quality of the concrete mix and a test report to determine the normalized quality indicators of concrete;

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with information in accordance with 8.2.

8.5 When supplying a ready-mixed concrete mix of a given composition, the manufacturer must provide the consumer in printed and certified form with the following accompanying documentation:

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note and a document on the quality of the concrete mix;

For each batch of concrete mix - copies of passports for the materials used. Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with protocols for determining the quality indicators of the concrete mix and concrete.

9 Transport

9.1 Concrete mixtures are delivered to the consumer by specialized types of transport intended for the transportation of concrete mixtures. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport rigid concrete mixes by dump trucks.

The maximum duration of transportation of the concrete mixture should not exceed the time of preservation of its properties specified in the supply contract.

9.2 The methods used for transporting concrete mixtures should exclude the possibility of atmospheric precipitation getting into them, violation of uniformity, and loss of cement slurry.

9.3 The consumer must agree with the manufacturer of ready-mix concrete on the date, time and rhythm of delivery of the concrete mixture, and, if necessary, inform the manufacturer about the method of transporting the concrete mixture within the construction site and about the restrictions imposed on vehicles, for example, their type, size, weight , dimensions, etc.

9.4 During transportation, the introduction of an additional amount of components (cement, aggregates, water and additives) into the concrete mixture is not allowed.

9.5 When using concrete mixer trucks as a vehicle at a construction site to restore workability (increase mobility in order to bring it to the standard value) or if this operation is provided for in the technological regulations agreed with the consumer, it is allowed to introduce a plasticizing additive solution into the concrete mix.

Restoration of workability must be carried out without fail by the quality control service of the consumer, and the amount of the additive solution added, as well as the time for additional mixing of the mixture in the concrete mixer truck, must comply with the technological regulations and be recorded and executed by an act.

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures

10.1 In the production of ready-mixed concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, and their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, as well as the technological regulations or the concrete composition selection map;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and their compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - the quantity and quality indicators of concrete mixes and concrete, provided for in the supply contract.

10.2 In the production of ready-mix concrete of a given or standardized composition, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, and the requirements established in the supply contract;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and its compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - compliance of the actual composition of the concrete mixture with the composition specified in the supply contract.

10.3 The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be given in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mixtures or in the supply contract, and in case of their absence, they are accepted in accordance with Appendix D.

10.4 Criteria for the conformity of the technological properties of concrete mixtures in assessing the stability of production are given in tables 5 - 7.

10.5 When assessing the stability of production, the compliance of the standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures with the specified values ​​is carried out according to the results of quality control of mixtures for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Conformity of the concrete mixture to the target values ​​is established by counting the number of results obtained during the assessment period that are outside the specified target values, class limits or target value deviations, and comparing this number with the acceptance number specified in Table 8.

Compliance of the actual value of the quality index with the specified values ​​is confirmed if the number of test results that are outside the specified deviations of the specified values ​​does not exceed the acceptance number indicated in Table 8.

Table 8 - Acceptance numbers of criteria for matching the properties of concrete mixtures

11 Manufacturer's (supplier's) warranties

11.1 The manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture guarantees:

1) at the time of delivery to the consumer - compliance of all standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixes with those specified in the supply contract,

2) at the design age - the achievement of all normalized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract, provided that the consumer of the concrete mix in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures ensures that the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for concreting structures are met and that the concrete hardening modes correspond to normal GOST 10180;

Compliance of the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture and the composition of the concrete mixture with the terms of the supply contract.

11.2 The guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture must be confirmed:

For mixtures of a given quality:

1) protocols for determining the technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures when selecting their composition and conducting operational and acceptance control,

2) protocols for determining the normalized quality indicators of concrete at the design age;

For mixtures of a given composition:

1) documents on the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture,

2) "printouts" of the actual composition of the concrete mixture of each batch.

NOTE The quality of the concrete mix prepared at the construction site for own use (according to 3.2) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

The duration of mixing concrete mixtures

Table A.1 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concretes on dense aggregates

Table A.2 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concretes on porous aggregates in forced mixers


1 The duration of mixing is given for a mixture of the workability grade P1.

2 For mixes of grades for workability Zh1, Zh2, Zh3, Zh4, Zh5, the mixing time is increased by 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 s, respectively.

3 For mixes of grades according to workability P2, P3, P4, P5, the mixing time is reduced by 15, 30, 45 and 60 s, respectively.

4 For mixes of grades according to workability P1, P2, P3, P4, the mixing time is increased by 5, 10, 15 and 20 s, respectively.

5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in gravity mixers is taken according to Table A.1.

Annex B


The form of the document on the quality of the concrete mixture of a given quality


name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax



name, address, telephone, fax __________________________________________


Date and time of shipment of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol ________________________________

Number of the nominal composition of the concrete mix __________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 ___________________________________________

Concrete mix grade by workability or workability value

concrete mixture (under a supply contract) at the place of laying at the consumer _________

Other normalized quality indicators at the installation site at the consumer_________

Persistence of workability and other normalized indicators, h-min ___

The largest aggregate size, mm _______________________________________

Mark of conformity (in case the concrete mixture is certified) _______________

The design class of concrete for strength and the required strength of concrete in the batch:

At design age ______ days;

IN ___________;

strength class


required strength (according to the supply contract)

At an intermediate age (if necessary) ___ days; _________% B; _____ MPa

Other normalized concrete quality indicators (if necessary)


Design concrete grade for medium density (for lightweight concrete) ______________

Name, mass of additive (based on dry matter), kg / m 3 ________________

The class of materials according to the specific effective activity of natural

radionuclides and significance A eff , Bq/kg ____________________________________________

Date of issue "__" ______________ 20

Head of laboratory _____________________/____________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex B


Form of a document on the quality of a concrete mixture of a given composition


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax _________________


name, address, telephone, fax ____________________________________________


Date and time of shipment, h-min _________________________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol __________________________________


The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 ____________________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the load, m 3, and the number of the vehicle ______________

Preservation of the properties of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Number of nominal composition of concrete mix ___________________________________

Materials for the production of concrete mix (indicate the names, grades and characteristics of materials, as well as designations of standards and specifications for these materials):


Fine aggregate ____________________________________________________________

Large aggregate _________________________________________________________


Water ________________________________________________________________________

Other components _________________________________________________________

The composition of the concrete mixture

Class of materials by specific effective activity of natural radionuclides and value

A eff, Bq/kg__________________________________________________________________

Date of issue "___" _______________20___

Head of laboratory _____________________/______________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex D


Main types, methods and frequency of control of used materials, equipment
and technologies for the preparation of concrete mixes and concretes

Table D.1

Technological process

Composition of control

Method and means of control

Minimum frequency

Quality control of the components of concrete mixes

1 Characterization of cement

Type, brand (class) strength

According to the quality document

Each batch

Normal Density

According to GOST 310.3 and GOST 310.4

Setting time

Uniformity of volume change

2 Sand characterization

Fractional composition and particle size module

According to the quality document, according to GOST 8735 or GOST 9758

Each batch

Bulk density

3 Determination of crushed stone characteristics

Bulk density

According to the quality document, GOST 8269.0 or GOST 9758

Each batch

Fractional composition

Strength grade

Monthly or when changing supplier

Frost resistance grade

Water absorption

4 Characterization of additives and water

Characteristics of additives, standardized in TU

According to the quality document, TU and GOST 30459

Each batch

Plasticizing and reducing properties of additives

According to the main effect of the additives

Before use and when changing supplier

Characteristics of water (if it is not drinking)

According to GOST 23732

Before use and when changing source

Control of equipment and technology

preparation of concrete mixtures

1 Control of technological equipment and software


Visual inspection in accordance with the operating instructions


Verification of weighing equipment

In accordance with the operating instructions, GOST 10223 and GOST 8.523

Once every 6 months

2 Control of technological parameters of production

Humidity of aggregates

According to GOST 8735, GOST 8269.0, GOST 9758

Every shift

Dosing accuracy of components (concrete mix composition)

Mixing time of the concrete mix

Visual comparison based on weighing equipment and stopwatch or automatic lineup printouts

Every batch

Quality control of concrete mixtures

1 Determination of technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures


According to GOST 10181

Average density


Volume of air entrained or gas released

According to GOST 10181


thermometer measurement

Persistence of properties over time

According to GOST 10181 and GOST 30459

When choosing the composition of the concrete mix

Concrete quality control

1 Preparation of control samples

To determine the strength

According to GOST 10180

According to GOST 18105

To determine the water resistance

According to GOST 12730.5

To determine frost resistance

2 Storage of control samples







Concrete quality control

3 Determination of concrete quality indicators

Compressive strength

According to GOST 10180

For each batch of concrete mix

Uniformity and required strength

According to GOST 18105

Strength rating

According to GOST 18105

Waterproof brand

According to GOST 12730.5

Frost resistance grade

According to GOST 10060.1 or GOST 10060.2

Average density of lightweight concrete

According to GOST 27005 and GOST 12730.1

For each batch of concrete mix


EN 12350-5:2000 Concrete mix test - Part 5: Spread test

(EN 12350-5:2000 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Flow table test)

EH 12350-4:2000 Concrete mix test - Part 4: Degree of compaction

(EN 12350-4:2000 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Degree of compactibility)

Key words: concrete mixture, concrete mixture of a given quality, concrete mixture of a given composition, batch, grade for workability, delamination, storability, entrained air volume, customer, manufacturer (supplier), consumer

GOST 7473-2010
Group G13




fresh concrete. Specifications

ISS 91.100.30

Introduction date 2012-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are also established by MSN 1.01-01-2009 "The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Center "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (Supplement 2 to Annex D of Protocol No. 37 of October 6-7, 2010)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97 Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Abbreviated name of the state construction management body
The Republic of AzerbaijanAZGosstroy
Republic of ArmeniaAMMinistry of Urban Development
The Republic of KazakhstanKZAgency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services
Republic of KyrgyzstanKGGosstroy
The Republic of MoldovaMDMinistry of Construction and Regional Development
Russian FederationENDepartment for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development
The Republic of TajikistanTJAgency for Construction and Architecture under the Government
The Republic of UzbekistanUSDGosarchitektstroy

4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European regional standard EN 206-1:2000 * "Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity" (EN 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance, production and compliance criteria", NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 13, 2011 N 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 7473-2010 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.

Information about the entry into force (termination) of this standard and changes to it in the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information signs "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-to-use concrete mixtures of heavy, fine-grained and light concretes on cement binders (hereinafter referred to as concrete mixtures), dispensed to the consumer for the construction of monolithic and precast-monolithic structures or used at enterprises for the manufacture of products and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. This the standard contains requirements for the technological characteristics of concrete mixtures, procedures for monitoring their preparation, assessing the conformity of their quality indicators, as well as the amount of concrete mixture dispensed to the consumer. This standard establishes the distribution of technical responsibility between the customer, the manufacturer (supplier) and the consumer of the concrete mixture in terms of obtaining concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products that meet all the requirements for them.

This standard does not apply to concrete mixtures of special concretes and concretes on special aggregates (see), structural concretes based on lime, slag, gypsum and special binders, as well as dry building mixes.

2 Normative references

GOST 8.523-2004 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Dispensers weighing discrete action. Verification procedure

5.3.2 Dense concrete mix aggregates are dosed by weight. Porous aggregates are dosed by volume with correction by weight. Liquid components are dosed by weight or volume.

5.3.3 The error in dosing of raw materials by weight batchers should not exceed ±2% for cement, water, chemical and mineral additives, ±3% for aggregates. The error in dosing porous aggregates should not exceed ±2% by volume.

When preparing concrete mixtures in concrete mixing plants with a capacity of up to 5 m³ / h, volumetric dosing of bulk materials with the indicated dosing errors is allowed.

5.3.4 Concrete mixtures of all types (see 4.1) and grades for workability are prepared in forced mixers.

Concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete grades for workability Zh1 and P1-P5, as well as lightweight concrete of strength classes IN 12.5 and above, medium density D 1600 and above is allowed to be prepared in gravity mixers.

5.3.5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures in stationary cyclic mixers (the time from the moment when all materials are loaded into a working mixer until the finished mixture is unloaded) is taken according to the technological regulations for the production of a concrete mixture or set in accordance with Appendix A.

5.3.6 The procedure for loading the concrete mix components into the mixer and the loading rules when using hot components (water and cement) must be specified in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mix.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Concrete mixtures should be accepted in terms of quality and quantity by the technical control of the manufacturer.

6.2 Concrete mixtures are accepted in batches. The composition of the batch includes a concrete mixture of the same nominal composition, prepared from the same materials using a single technology. The volume of the batch of concrete mix is ​​set according to or according to the value specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

6.3 Each batch of concrete mixture must have a quality document. A quality document is provided for each load of a concrete mixture of a given quality (see Appendix B) and a load of a concrete mixture of a given composition (see Appendix C).

It is allowed, when supplying a concrete mixture of a given quality, to provide a quality document not for each load, but for each batch of concrete mixture, if this is provided for in the supply contract.

6.4 The frequency of monitoring the quality indicators of concrete and each batch of concrete mixes is established in accordance with Appendix D, or it must comply with the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

The specified technological indicators of the quality of the concrete mixture are determined by the manufacturer 15 minutes after the concrete mixture is unloaded from the stationary mixer, by the consumer during incoming quality control - no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the concrete mixture to the construction site.

6.5 Concrete mixtures by quantity are taken by weight or volume in accordance with the actual composition of the concrete mixture and the actual average density of the concrete mixture.

6.6 The results of acceptance and periodic tests to determine all standardized indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete must be reported to the consumer in the quality document, and the results of determining the strength of concrete at the design and other standardized age specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request no later than 3 days after the test.

The results of determining the strength of concrete at the design age may be reported to the consumer not for each batch of concrete mix, but for several batches released sequentially for a certain period of time not exceeding two weeks.

If the standardized concrete quality indicator is not confirmed, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer on the day of receipt of the test results.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and the standardized concrete quality indicators using the control methods and rules provided for in this standard.

7 Test methods

7.1 Concrete samples are taken in accordance with the requirements and.

7.2 The quality indicators of the concrete mixture determine:

  • po - workability, stratification, average density and porosity, volume of entrained air;
  • on - the preservation of the required technological properties.

The temperature of the concrete mixture is measured with a thermometer, immersing it in the mixture to a depth of at least 5 cm.

Other normalized indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures specified in the supply contract are controlled according to the relevant documents for testing these types.

7.3 Concrete quality indicators determine:

  • on - strength;
  • on - average density;
  • on - - frost resistance;
  • on - water tightness;
  • on - abrasion.

Other standardized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract are controlled according to the relevant documents for testing these types.

7.4 Materials for the preparation of concrete mix are tested in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications for these materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff in materials for the preparation of concrete mixtures is determined by .

8 Supply of concrete mix

8.1 The manufacturer (supplier) supplies the ready-mix concrete to the consumer on the basis of and in accordance with the supply contract, which must specify all the necessary parameters for the quantity and quality of the concrete mix and concrete, as well as the timing and means of delivery.

8.2 Prior to the start of delivery of a concrete mixture of a given quality, the consumer has the right to demand from the manufacturer (supplier) information on the quality of the materials used and the nominal composition of the concrete mixture, as well as the results of preliminary tests of the concrete mixture of this nominal composition and concrete for all indicators specified in the supply contract. This information is presented in the maps for the selection of concrete composition.

8.3 To determine the curing modes of the laid concrete mix and concrete, information on the rate of curing of concrete can be represented by an experimental curve of curing at a temperature of 20 °C in the range of 1-28 days.

8.4 When supplying a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer (supplier) must provide the consumer with the following supporting documentation in printed and certified form:

  • for each batch of concrete mix - a document on the quality of the concrete mix and a test report to determine the normalized quality indicators of concrete;
  • for each load of concrete mix - a consignment note.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with information in accordance with 8.2.

8.5 When supplying a ready-mixed concrete mix of a given composition, the manufacturer must provide the consumer in printed and certified form with the following accompanying documentation:

  • for each load of concrete mix - a consignment note and a document on the quality of the concrete mix;
  • for each batch of concrete mix - copies of passports for the materials used.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with protocols for determining the quality indicators of the concrete mix and concrete.

9 Transport

9.1 Concrete mixtures are delivered to the consumer by specialized types of transport intended for the transportation of concrete mixtures. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport rigid concrete mixes by dump trucks.

The maximum duration of transportation of the concrete mixture should not exceed the time of preservation of its properties specified in the supply contract.

9.2 The methods used for transporting concrete mixtures should exclude the possibility of atmospheric precipitation getting into them, violation of uniformity, and loss of cement slurry.

9.3 The consumer must agree with the manufacturer of ready-mix concrete on the date, time and rhythm of delivery of the concrete mixture, and, if necessary, inform the manufacturer about the method of transporting the concrete mixture within the construction site and about the restrictions imposed on vehicles, for example, their type, size, weight , dimensions, etc.

9.4 During transportation, the introduction of an additional amount of components (cement, aggregates, water and additives) into the concrete mixture is not allowed.

9.5 When using concrete mixer trucks as a vehicle at a construction site to restore workability (increase mobility in order to bring it to the standard value) or if this operation is provided for in the technological regulations agreed with the consumer, it is allowed to introduce a plasticizing additive solution into the concrete mix.

Restoration of workability must be carried out without fail by the quality control service of the consumer, and the amount of the additive solution added, as well as the time for additional mixing of the mixture in the concrete mixer truck, must comply with the technological regulations and be recorded and executed by an act.

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures

10.1 In the production of ready-mixed concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

  • at the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, and their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, as well as the technological regulations or the concrete composition selection map;
  • during operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and their compliance with the technological regulations;
  • during acceptance control - the quantity and quality indicators of concrete mixtures and concrete provided for in the supply contract.

10.2 In the production of ready-mix concrete of a given or standardized composition, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

  • at the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, and the requirements established in the supply contract;
  • during operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and its compliance with the technological regulations;
  • during acceptance control - compliance of the actual composition of the concrete mixture with the composition specified in the supply contract.

10.3 The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be given in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mixtures or in the supply contract, and in case of their absence, they are accepted in accordance with Appendix D.

10.4 Criteria for the conformity of the technological properties of concrete mixtures in assessing the stability of production are given in tables 5-7.

10.5 When assessing the stability of production, the compliance of the standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures with the specified values ​​is carried out according to the results of quality control of mixtures for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Conformity of the concrete mix to the target values ​​is determined by counting the number of results obtained during the evaluation period that are outside the specified target values, class limits or target value tolerances, and comparing this number with the acceptance number given in Table 8.

Compliance of the actual value of the quality index with the specified values ​​is confirmed if the number of test results that are outside the specified deviations of the specified values ​​does not exceed the acceptance number indicated in Table 8.

Table 8

Acceptance numbers of criteria for matching the properties of concrete mixtures

11 Manufacturer's (supplier's) warranties

11.1 The manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture guarantees:

  • for mixtures of a given quality:
    1. at the time of delivery to the consumer - compliance of all standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixes with those specified in the supply contract,
    2. at the design age - the achievement of all normalized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract, provided that the consumer of the concrete mixture in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures ensures that the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for concreting structures are met and that the concrete hardening modes correspond to normal ones;
  • for mixtures of a given composition: - compliance with the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture and the composition of the concrete mixture with the terms of the supply contract.

11.2 The guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture must be confirmed: - for mixtures of a given quality:

  1. protocols for determining the technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures when selecting their composition and conducting operational and acceptance control,
  2. protocols for determining the normalized quality indicators of concrete at the design age; - for mixtures of a given composition:
    1. documents on the quality of materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture,
    2. "printouts" of the actual compositions of the concrete mixture of each batch.

NOTE The quality of the concrete mix prepared at the construction site for own use (according to 3.2) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Appendix A (recommended).
The duration of mixing concrete mixtures

Table A.1

The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete on dense aggregates

Table A.2

Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in forced mixers


1 The duration of mixing is given for a mixture of the workability grade P1.

2 For mixes of grades for workability Zh1, Zh2, Zh3, Zh4, Zh5, the mixing time is increased by 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 s, respectively.

3 For mixes of grades according to workability P2, P3, P4, P5, the mixing time is reduced by 15, 30, 45 and 60 s, respectively.

4 For mixes of grades according to workability P1, P2, P3, P4, the mixing time is increased by 5, 10, 15 and 20 s, respectively.

5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in gravity mixers is taken according to Table A.1.

Annex B (mandatory).
The form of the document on the quality of the concrete mixture of a given quality


Annex B (mandatory).
Form of a document on the quality of a concrete mixture of a given composition


Annex D (mandatory).
The main types, methods and frequency of control of materials used,
equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures and concrete

Table D.1

GOST 10181
Technological process Composition of control Method and means of control Minimum frequency
Quality control of the components of concrete mixes 1 Characterization of cement
Type, brand (class) strength According to the quality document Each batch
Normal Density By and
Setting time
Uniformity of volume change
2 Sand characterization
Fractional composition and particle size module
Frost resistance grade
Grain content of weak rocks
The content of dust, silt and clay particles
Water absorption
4 Characterization of additives and water
Characteristics of additives, standardized in TU According to the quality document, TU and Each batch
Plasticizing and reducing properties of additives
According to the main effect of the additivesBefore use and when changing supplier
Characteristics of water (if it is not drinking) By Before use and when changing source
Control of equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures 1 Control of technological equipment and software
performance Visual inspection in accordance with the operating instructions Daily
Verification of weighing equipment In accordance with the operating instructions, GOST 10223 and GOST 8.523 Once every 6 months
2 Control of technological parameters of production
Humidity of aggregates By , Every shift
Dosing accuracy of components (concrete mix composition) Mixing time of the concrete mix Visual comparison based on weighing equipment and stopwatch or automatic lineup printouts


UDC 691.32:006.354 MKS 91.100.30 Zh13

Key words: concrete mixture, concrete mixture of a given quality, concrete mixture of a given composition, batch, grade for workability, delamination, storability, entrained air volume, customer, manufacturer (supplier), consumer

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interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “System of Interstate Regulatory Documents in Construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (Supplement 2 to Annex D of Protocol No. 37 of October 6-7, 2010)

Short country name
MK(ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state body
construction management

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development

The Republic of Tajikistan

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government

The Republic of Uzbekistan


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European regional standard EN 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity" (EH 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance characteristics, production and compliance criteria, NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 13, 2011 No. 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 7473-2010 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.

Information about the entry into force (termination) of this standard and changes to it in the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in information signs "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use. 3

3 Terms and definitions. 4

4 Classification. 5

5 Technical requirements. 6

6 Acceptance rules. 8

7 Test methods. 9

8 Supply of concrete mix. 9

9 Transportation. 10

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures. eleven

11 Guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) 12

Annex B (mandatory) Document form on the quality of concrete mixture of a given quality. 13

Annex B (mandatory) Form of document on the quality of the concrete mixture of a given composition. 14

Annex D (mandatory) The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixes and concretes. 15

Bibliography. 17




fresh concrete. Specifications

Introduction date - 2012-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-to-use concrete mixtures of heavy, fine-grained and light concretes with cement binders (hereinafter referred to as concrete mixtures), released to the consumer for the construction of monolithic and precast-monolithic structures or used at enterprises for the manufacture of products and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

This standard contains requirements for the technological characteristics of concrete mixes, procedures for monitoring their preparation, assessing the conformity of their quality indicators, as well as the amount of concrete mix dispensed to the consumer.

This standard establishes the distribution of technical responsibility between the customer, the manufacturer (supplier) and the consumer of the concrete mix in terms of obtaining concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products that meet all the requirements for them.

This standard does not apply to concrete mixtures of special concretes and concretes on special aggregates (see GOST 25192), structural concretes based on lime, slag, gypsum and special binders, as well as dry building mixtures.

2 Normative references

the same concrete mixture of fine-grained concrete:

the same concrete mixture of lightweight concrete compressive strength class IN 12.5, grades for workability P2, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200, waterproof W 2, medium density D 900:

Note - When ordering a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the consumer must indicate the requirements for concrete strength according to the design class (B, B t , B tb , B tt) and, if necessary, the minimum average strength of concrete in each delivered batch (R m), and requirements for workability - by grade and, if necessary, by specific values;

the same concrete mixture of heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25 with a minimum required concrete strength of 33 MPa, workability grade P1, with a draft of 3 cm, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST B25 ( ≥ 33 MPa) P1 (OK 3 cm) F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010

4.4 When ordering a concrete mixture of a given composition, its symbol is not given, but the composition of the mixture and the quality of the components used in its preparation (binder, aggregates, water, chemical and mineral additives) are indicated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics of concrete mixtures

5.1.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner by the manufacturer, and the terms of the supply contract.

5.1.2 Concrete mixtures must ensure the production of concrete with specified quality indicators (concrete mixtures of a given quality) or have a given composition (concrete mixtures of a given composition) in accordance with the supply contract.

5.1.3 Concrete mixtures are characterized by the following technological quality indicators:


Average density;




Persistence of properties over time;

The volume of entrained air.

5.1.4 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with tables 1 - 4.

Table 2 - Cone draft grades

* Test see .

Table 3 - Stiffness grades

Table 4 - Sealing grades **

** See test.

5.1.5 The workability of the concrete mixture can be set by the brand and additionally by a specific value of the workability index in accordance with tables 1 - 4. The permissible deviation of the set values ​​of the concrete mix workability indicators at the consumer should not exceed the values ​​given in table 5.

Table 5 - Permissible deviations of the set values ​​of workability indicators

5.1.6 The delamination of the concrete mixture should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 6.

Table 6 - Requirements for the delamination of the concrete mix

5.1.7 When supplying a concrete mixture, the permissible deviation of the given values ​​​​of average density, stratification, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in table 7.

Table 7 - Permissible deviations of the specified values ​​​​of the quality indicators of the concrete mixture

Name of the concrete mix quality index

The range within which the specified value of the indicator falls

Permissible deviation of the set value of the indicator

Average density, kg / m 3

All values


By water separation, %

0.4 or more

By solution separation, %

Porosity, % abs.

All values

Temperature, °С

All values

Persistence of properties over time

At least 1 hour 30 minutes

From 1 h 30 min to 3 h 00 min

More than 3 h 00 min

5.1.8 Grade for average density, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time must correspond to the values ​​specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

5.2 Materials for preparing concrete mixtures

5.2.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared using cements, aggregates, additives and water, the requirements for which are given in GOST 26633, GOST 25820 and GOST 31384, as well as in standards and specifications (TU) for specific types of materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff, Bq/kg, of materials used for the preparation of concrete mixtures, should not exceed the limit values ​​given in GOST 30108, depending on the area of ​​application of concrete mixtures.

5.2.2 The accompanying documentation for the materials must contain information on the content of chlorides, alkalis and reactive silica.

5.3 Production of concrete mixtures

5.3.1 The composition of the concrete mixture of a given quality is selected in accordance with GOST 27006, taking into account the requirements for the service classes of concrete in accordance with GOST 31384.

5.3.2 Dense concrete mix aggregates are dosed by weight. Porous aggregates are dosed by volume with correction by weight. Liquid components are dosed by weight or volume.

5.3.3 The error in dosing of raw materials by weight batchers should not exceed ± 2% for cement, water, chemical and mineral additives, ± 3% for aggregates.

The dosing error of porous fillers should not exceed ± 2% by volume.

When preparing concrete mixtures in concrete mixing plants with a capacity of up to 5 m 3 / h, volumetric dosing of bulk materials with the indicated dosing errors is allowed.

5.3.4 Concrete mixtures of all types (see 4.1) and grades for workability are prepared in forced mixers.

Concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete grades for workability Zh1 and P1 - P5, as well as lightweight concrete of strength classes IN 12.5 and above, medium density D 1600 and above is allowed to be prepared in gravity mixers.

5.3.5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures in stationary cyclic mixers (the time from the moment when all materials are loaded into a working mixer until the finished mixture is unloaded) is taken according to the technological regulations for the production of a concrete mixture or set in accordance with Appendix A.

5.3.6 The procedure for loading the concrete mix components into the mixer and the loading rules when using hot components (water and cement) must be specified in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mix.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Concrete mixtures should be accepted in terms of quality and quantity by the technical control of the manufacturer.

6.2 Concrete mixtures are accepted in batches. The composition of the batch includes a concrete mixture of the same nominal composition, prepared from the same materials using a single technology. The volume of the batch of concrete mix is ​​set according to GOST 18105 or according to the value specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

6.3 Each batch of concrete mixture must have a quality document. A quality document is provided for each load of a concrete mixture of a given quality (see Appendix B) and a load of a concrete mixture of a given composition (see Appendix C).

It is allowed, when supplying a concrete mixture of a given quality, to provide a quality document not for each load, but for each batch of concrete mixture, if this is provided for in the supply contract.

6.4 The frequency of monitoring the quality indicators of concrete and each batch of concrete mixes is established in accordance with Appendix D, or it must comply with the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

The specified technological indicators of the quality of the concrete mixture are determined by the manufacturer 15 minutes after the concrete mixture is unloaded from the stationary mixer, by the consumer during incoming quality control - no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the concrete mixture to the construction site.

6.5 Concrete mixtures by quantity are taken by weight or volume in accordance with the actual composition of the concrete mixture and the actual average density of the concrete mixture.

6.6 The results of acceptance and periodic tests to determine all standardized indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete must be reported to the consumer in the quality document, and the results of determining the strength of concrete at the design and other standardized age specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request no later than 3 days after the test.

The results of determining the strength of concrete at the design age may be reported to the consumer not for each batch of concrete mix, but for several batches released sequentially for a certain period of time not exceeding two weeks.

If the standardized concrete quality indicator is not confirmed, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer on the day of receipt of the test results.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and the standardized concrete quality indicators using the control methods and rules provided for in this standard.

7 Test methods

7.1 Concrete mix samples are taken in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10180 and GOST 10181.

7.2 The quality indicators of the concrete mixture determine:

8 Supply of concrete mix

8.1 The manufacturer (supplier) supplies the ready-mix concrete to the consumer on the basis of and in accordance with the supply contract, which must specify all the necessary parameters for the quantity and quality of the concrete mix and concrete, as well as the timing and means of delivery.

8.2 Prior to the start of delivery of a concrete mixture of a given quality, the consumer has the right to demand from the manufacturer (supplier) information on the quality of the materials used and the nominal composition of the concrete mixture, as well as the results of preliminary tests of the concrete mixture of this nominal composition and concrete for all indicators specified in the supply contract. This information is presented in the maps for the selection of concrete composition.

8.3 To determine the curing modes of the laid concrete mix and concrete, information on the rate of curing of concrete can be represented by an experimental curve of curing at a temperature of 20 ° C in the range of 1 - 28 days.

8.4 When supplying a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer (supplier) must provide the consumer with the following supporting documentation in printed and certified form:

For each batch of concrete mix - a document on the quality of the concrete mix and a test report to determine the normalized quality indicators of concrete;

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with information in accordance with 8.2.

8.5 When supplying a ready-mixed concrete mix of a given composition, the manufacturer must provide the consumer in printed and certified form with the following accompanying documentation:

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note and a document on the quality of the concrete mix;

For each batch of concrete mix - copies of passports for the materials used. Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with protocols for determining the quality indicators of the concrete mix and concrete.

9 Transport

9.1 Concrete mixtures are delivered to the consumer by specialized types of transport intended for the transportation of concrete mixtures. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport rigid concrete mixes by dump trucks.

The maximum duration of transportation of the concrete mixture should not exceed the time of preservation of its properties specified in the supply contract.

9.2 The methods used for transporting concrete mixtures should exclude the possibility of atmospheric precipitation getting into them, violation of uniformity, and loss of cement slurry.

9.3 The consumer must agree with the manufacturer of ready-mix concrete on the date, time and rhythm of delivery of the concrete mixture, and, if necessary, inform the manufacturer about the method of transporting the concrete mixture within the construction site and about the restrictions imposed on vehicles, for example, their type, size, weight , dimensions, etc.

9.4 During transportation, the introduction of an additional amount of components (cement, aggregates, water and additives) into the concrete mixture is not allowed.

9.5 When using concrete mixer trucks as a vehicle at a construction site to restore workability (increase mobility in order to bring it to the standard value) or if this operation is provided for in the technological regulations agreed with the consumer, it is allowed to introduce a plasticizing additive solution into the concrete mix.

Restoration of workability must be carried out without fail by the quality control service of the consumer, and the amount of the additive solution added, as well as the time for additional mixing of the mixture in the concrete mixer truck, must comply with the technological regulations and be recorded and executed by an act.

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures

10.1 In the production of ready-mixed concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, and their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, as well as the technological regulations or the concrete composition selection map;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and their compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - the quantity and quality indicators of concrete mixes and concrete, provided for in the supply contract.

10.2 In the production of ready-mix concrete of a given or standardized composition, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, and the requirements established in the supply contract;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and its compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - compliance of the actual composition of the concrete mixture with the composition specified in the supply contract.

10.3 The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be given in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mixtures or in the supply contract, and in case of their absence, they are accepted in accordance with Appendix D.

10.4 Criteria for the conformity of the technological properties of concrete mixtures in assessing the stability of production are given in tables 5 - 7.

10.5 When assessing the stability of production, the compliance of the standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures with the specified values ​​is carried out according to the results of quality control of mixtures for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Conformity of the concrete mixture to the target values ​​is established by counting the number of results obtained during the assessment period that are outside the specified target values, class limits or target value deviations, and comparing this number with the acceptance number specified in Table 8.

Compliance of the actual value of the quality index with the specified values ​​is confirmed if the number of test results that are outside the specified deviations of the specified values ​​does not exceed the acceptance number indicated in Table 8.

Table 8 - Acceptance numbers of criteria for matching the properties of concrete mixtures

11 Manufacturer's (supplier's) warranties

11.1 The manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture guarantees:

1) at the time of delivery to the consumer - compliance of all standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixes with those specified in the supply contract,

2) at the design age - the achievement of all normalized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract, provided that the consumer of the concrete mix in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures ensures that the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for concreting structures are met and that the concrete hardening modes correspond to normal GOST 10180;

Compliance of the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture and the composition of the concrete mixture with the terms of the supply contract.

11.2 The guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture must be confirmed:

For mixtures of a given quality:

1) protocols for determining the technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures when selecting their composition and conducting operational and acceptance control,

2) protocols for determining the normalized quality indicators of concrete at the design age;

For mixtures of a given composition:

1) documents on the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture,

2) "printouts" of the actual composition of the concrete mixture of each batch.

NOTE The quality of the concrete mix prepared at the construction site for own use (according to 3.2) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Annex A

The duration of mixing concrete mixtures

Table A.1 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concretes on dense aggregates


loading mixer,

Mixing time, s, not less

in gravitational mixers for concrete mixes grades according to workability

in forced action mixers for

mixes of all grades by workability

with water-cement ratio W/C

Table A.2 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concretes on porous aggregates in forced mixers


1 The duration of mixing is given for a mixture of the workability grade P1.

2 For mixes of grades for workability Zh1, Zh2, Zh3, Zh4, Zh5, the mixing time is increased by 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 s, respectively.

3 For mixes of grades according to workability P2, P3, P4, P5, the mixing time is reduced by 15, 30, 45 and 60 s, respectively.

4 For mixes of grades according to workability P1, P2, P3, P4, the mixing time is increased by 5, 10, 15 and 20 s, respectively.

5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in gravity mixers is taken according to Table A.1.

Annex B


The form of the document on the quality of the concrete mixture of a given quality


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax



name, address, telephone, fax __________________________________________


Date and time of shipment of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol ________________________________

Number of the nominal composition of the concrete mix __________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 ___________________________________________

Concrete mix grade by workability or workability value

concrete mixture (under a supply contract) at the place of laying at the consumer _________

Other normalized quality indicators at the installation site at the consumer_________

Persistence of workability and other normalized indicators, h-min ___

The largest aggregate size, mm _______________________________________

Mark of conformity (in case the concrete mixture is certified) _______________

The design class of concrete for strength and the required strength of concrete in the batch:

At design age ______ days;

IN ___________;

strength class


required strength (according to the supply contract)

At an intermediate age (if necessary) ___ days; _________% B; _____ MPa

Other normalized concrete quality indicators (if necessary)


Design concrete grade for medium density (for lightweight concrete) ______________

Name, mass of additive (based on dry matter), kg / m 3 ________________

The class of materials according to the specific effective activity of natural

radionuclides and significance A eff , Bq/kg ____________________________________________

Date of issue "__" ______________ 20

Head of laboratory _____________________/____________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex B


Form of a document on the quality of a concrete mixture of a given composition


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax _________________


name, address, telephone, fax ____________________________________________


Date and time of shipment, h-min _________________________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol __________________________________


The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 ____________________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the load, m 3, and the number of the vehicle ______________

Preservation of the properties of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Number of nominal composition of concrete mix ___________________________________

Materials for the production of concrete mix (indicate the names, grades and characteristics of materials, as well as designations of standards and specifications for these materials):


Fine aggregate ____________________________________________________________

Large aggregate _________________________________________________________


Water ________________________________________________________________________

Other components _________________________________________________________

The composition of the concrete mixture

Class of materials by specific effective activity of natural radionuclides and value

A eff, Bq/kg__________________________________________________________________

Date of issue "___" _______________20___

Head of laboratory _____________________/______________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex D


Main types, methods and frequency of control of used materials, equipment
and technologies for the preparation of concrete mixes and concretes

Table D.1

Technological process

Composition of control

Method and means of control

Minimum frequency

Quality control of the components of concrete mixes

1 Characterization of cement

Type, brand (class) strength

Each batch

Bulk density

3 Determination of crushed stone characteristics

Bulk density

Each batch

Fractional composition

Strength grade

Monthly or when changing supplier

Frost resistance grade

Water absorption

4 Characterization of additives and water

Characteristics of additives, standardized in TU

According to the quality document, TU and GOST 30459

Each batch

Plasticizing and reducing properties of additives

According to the main effect of the additives

Before use and when changing supplier

Characteristics of water (if it is not drinking)

Before use and when changing source

Control of equipment and technology

preparation of concrete mixtures

1 Control of technological equipment and software


Visual inspection in accordance with the operating instructions


Verification of weighing equipment

In accordance with the operating instructions, GOST 10223 and GOST 8.523

Once every 6 months

2 Control of technological parameters of production

Humidity of aggregates

Every shift

Dosing accuracy of components (concrete mix composition)

Mixing time of the concrete mix

Visual comparison based on weighing equipment and stopwatch or automatic lineup printouts

Every batch

Quality control of concrete mixtures

1 Determination of technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures


Average density


When choosing the composition of the concrete mixture


Volume of air entrained or gas released

EH 12350-4:2000 Concrete mix test - Part 4: Degree of compaction

(EN 12350-4:2000 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Degree of compactibility)

Key words: concrete mixture, concrete mixture of a given quality, concrete mixture of a given composition, batch, grade for workability, delamination, storability, entrained air volume, customer, manufacturer (supplier), consumer

interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “System of Interstate Regulatory Documents in Construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (Supplement 2 to Annex D of Protocol No. 37 of October 6-7, 2010)

Short country name
MK(ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state body
construction management

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development

The Republic of Tajikistan

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government

The Republic of Uzbekistan


4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European regional standard EN 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity" (EH 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1: General technical requirements, performance characteristics, production and compliance criteria, NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 13, 2011 No. 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 7473-2010 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.

Information about the entry into force (termination) of this standard and changes to it in the territory of the above states is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in information signs "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

GOST 7473-2010




fresh concrete. Specifications

Introduction date - 2012-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-to-use concrete mixtures of heavy, fine-grained and light concretes with cement binders (hereinafter referred to as concrete mixtures), released to the consumer for the construction of monolithic and precast-monolithic structures or used at enterprises for the manufacture of products and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

This standard contains requirements for the technological characteristics of concrete mixes, procedures for monitoring their preparation, assessing the conformity of their quality indicators, as well as the amount of concrete mix dispensed to the consumer.

This standard establishes the distribution of technical responsibility between the customer, the manufacturer (supplier) and the consumer of the concrete mix in terms of obtaining concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products that meet all the requirements for them.

This standard does not apply to concrete mixtures of special concretes and concretes on special aggregates (see GOST 25192), structural concretes based on lime, slag, gypsum and special binders, as well as dry building mixtures.

2 Normative references

3.3 ready mix concrete: Concrete mix supplied in a plastic state by non-consumer persons or organizations.

Note - Ready-mixed concrete may include concrete mixtures prepared by the consumer outside the construction site, as well as concrete mixtures prepared on the construction site, but not by the consumer.

3.4 concrete mixture of a given quality: Concrete mix, the required properties and additional characteristics of which are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing these required properties and additional characteristics.

3.5 concrete mixture of a given composition: A concrete mixture, the composition of which and the components used in its preparation are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing this composition.

3.6 concrete mixture of a given normalized composition: A concrete mixture of a given composition, which is defined by a specific standard or technical document, for example, production standards.

3.8 delivery: The process of transporting concrete mix from producer to consumer.

3.9 customer: A person or organization that sets concrete mix requirements for a manufacturer.

3.10 manufacturer: The person or organization that manufactures the concrete mix and is responsible for ensuring that it is of the specified composition or the required properties of the concrete mix and concrete.

3.11 consumer: A person or organization using a concrete mixture in the manufacture of precast products or the erection of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

3.12 concrete mix supplier: A person or organization that has a contract with the consumer for the supply of concrete mix, is responsible for the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and for all other terms of the supply contract.

4 Classification

Concrete mixtures of heavy concrete (BST);

Concrete mixtures of fine-grained concrete (BSM);

Concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete (LBC).

4.2 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into groups: rigid (F), mobile (P) and spreading (R). Groups are divided into grades according to workability.

4.3 The designation of a concrete mix of a given quality when ordering should consist of an abbreviated designation of a concrete mix in accordance with, a concrete strength class, a concrete mix grade for workability and, if necessary, other normalized quality indicators, for example, a frost resistance grade, a water resistance grade, average density of concrete, etc., and the designations of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

concrete mix heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25, grades for workability P1, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of fine-grained concrete:

BSM V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of lightweight concrete compressive strength class IN 12.5, grades for workability P2, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200, waterproof W 2, medium density D 900:

BSL V12.5 P2 F200 W2 D900 GOST 7473-2010

Note - When ordering a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the consumer must indicate the requirements for concrete strength according to the design class (V, Bt, Btb, Btt) and, if necessary, the minimum average strength of concrete in each delivered batch (Rm), and requirements for workability - by grade and, if necessary, by specific values;

the same concrete mixture of heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25 with a minimum required concrete strength of 33 MPa, workability grade P1, with a draft of 3 cm, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST B25 (≥ 33 MPa) P1 (OK 3 cm) F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010

4.4 When ordering a concrete mixture of a given composition, its symbol is not given, but the composition of the mixture and the quality of the components used in its preparation (binder, aggregates, water, chemical and mineral additives) are indicated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics of concrete mixtures

5.1.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner by the manufacturer, and the terms of the supply contract.

5.1.2 Concrete mixtures must ensure the production of concrete with specified quality indicators (concrete mixtures of a given quality) or have a given composition (concrete mixtures of a given composition) in accordance with the supply contract.

5.1.3 Concrete mixtures are characterized by the following technological quality indicators:


Average density;




Persistence of properties over time;

The volume of entrained air.

5.1.4 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with the tables -.

Table 2 - Cone draft grades

Table 3 - Stiffness grades

Table 4 - Sealing grades**

5.1.5 The workability of the concrete mixture can be set by the brand and additionally by a specific value of the workability index in accordance with the tables -. The permissible deviation of the set values ​​​​of the concrete mix workability indicators at the consumer should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table.

Table 5 - Permissible deviations of the set values ​​of workability indicators

5.1.6 The delamination of the concrete mixture should not exceed the values ​​given in the table.

Table 6 - Requirements for the delamination of the concrete mix

5.1.7 When supplying a concrete mix, the allowable deviation of the given values ​​​​of average density, stratification, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table.

Table 7 - Permissible deviations of the specified values ​​​​of the quality indicators of the concrete mixture

The range within which the specified value of the indicator falls

Permissible deviation of the set value of the indicator

Average density, kg/m3

All values


By water separation, %

0.4 or more

By solution separation, %

Porosity, % abs.

All values

Temperature, °С

All values

At least 1 hour 30 minutes

From 1 h 30 min to 3 h 00 min

More than 3 h 00 min

5.1.8 Grade for average density, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time must correspond to the values ​​specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

5.2 Materials for preparing concrete mixtures

5.2.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared using cements, aggregates, additives and water, the requirements for which are given in GOST 26633, GOST 25820 and GOST 31384, as well as in standards and specifications (TU) for specific types of materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff, Bq/kg, of materials used for the preparation of concrete mixtures, should not exceed the limit values ​​given in GOST 30108, depending on the area of ​​application of concrete mixtures.

5.2.2 The accompanying documentation for the materials must contain information on the content of chlorides, alkalis and reactive silica.

5.3 Production of concrete mixtures

5.3.1 The composition of the concrete mixture of a given quality is selected in accordance with GOST 27006, taking into account the requirements for the service classes of concrete in accordance with GOST 31384.

5.3.2 Dense concrete mix aggregates are dosed by weight. Porous aggregates are dosed by volume with correction by weight. Liquid components are dosed by weight or volume.

5.3.3 The error in dosing of raw materials by weight batchers should not exceed ± 2% for cement, water, chemical and mineral additives, ± 3% for aggregates.

The dosing error of porous fillers should not exceed ± 2% by volume.

When preparing concrete mixtures in concrete mixing plants with a capacity of up to 5 m3 / h, volumetric dosing of bulk materials with the indicated dosing errors is allowed.

5.3.4 Concrete mixtures of all types (see) and grades for workability are prepared in forced mixers.

Concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete grades for workability Zh1 and P1 - P5, as well as lightweight concrete of strength classes IN 12.5 and above, medium density D 1600 and above is allowed to be prepared in gravity mixers.

5.3.5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures in stationary cyclic mixers (the time from the moment all materials are loaded into a working mixer until the finished mixture is unloaded) is taken according to the technological regulations for the production of a concrete mixture or set in accordance with the appendix.

5.3.6 The procedure for loading the concrete mix components into the mixer and the loading rules when using hot components (water and cement) must be specified in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mix.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Concrete mixtures should be accepted in terms of quality and quantity by the technical control of the manufacturer.

6.2 Concrete mixtures are accepted in batches. The composition of the batch includes a concrete mixture of the same nominal composition, prepared from the same materials using a single technology. The volume of the batch of concrete mix is ​​set according to GOST 18105 or according to the value specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

6.3 Each batch of concrete mixture must have a quality document. A quality document is provided for each load of a concrete mixture of a given quality (see Appendix) and a load of a concrete mixture of a given composition (see Appendix).

It is allowed, when supplying a concrete mixture of a given quality, to provide a quality document not for each load, but for each batch of concrete mixture, if this is provided for in the supply contract.

6.4 The frequency of monitoring the quality indicators of concrete and each batch of concrete mixtures is established in accordance with the appendix, or it must comply with the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mixture.

The specified technological indicators of the quality of the concrete mixture are determined by the manufacturer 15 minutes after the concrete mixture is unloaded from the stationary mixer, by the consumer during incoming quality control - no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the concrete mixture to the construction site.

6.5 Concrete mixtures by quantity are taken by weight or volume in accordance with the actual composition of the concrete mixture and the actual average density of the concrete mixture.

6.6 The results of acceptance and periodic tests to determine all standardized indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete must be reported to the consumer in the quality document, and the results of determining the strength of concrete at the design and other standardized age specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request no later than 3 days after the test.

The results of determining the strength of concrete at the design age may be reported to the consumer not for each batch of concrete mix, but for several batches released sequentially for a certain period of time not exceeding two weeks.

If the standardized concrete quality indicator is not confirmed, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer on the day of receipt of the test results.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check of the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and the standardized concrete quality indicators using the control methods and rules provided for in this standard.

7 Test methods

7.1 Concrete mix samples are taken in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10180 and GOST 10181.

7.2 The quality indicators of the concrete mixture determine:

8 Supply of concrete mix

8.1 The manufacturer (supplier) supplies the ready-mix concrete to the consumer on the basis of and in accordance with the supply contract, which must specify all the necessary parameters for the quantity and quality of the concrete mix and concrete, as well as the timing and means of delivery.

8.3 To determine the curing modes of the laid concrete mix and concrete, information on the rate of curing of concrete can be represented by an experimental curve of curing at a temperature of 20 ° C in the range of 1 - 28 days.

8.4 When supplying a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer (supplier) must provide the consumer with the following supporting documentation in printed and certified form:

For each batch of concrete mix - a document on the quality of the concrete mix and a test report to determine the normalized quality indicators of concrete;

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with information in accordance with.

8.5 When supplying a ready-mixed concrete mix of a given composition, the manufacturer must provide the consumer in printed and certified form with the following accompanying documentation:

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note and a document on the quality of the concrete mix;

For each batch of concrete mix - copies of passports for the materials used. Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with protocols for determining the quality indicators of the concrete mix and concrete.

9 Transport

9.1 Concrete mixtures are delivered to the consumer by specialized types of transport intended for the transportation of concrete mixtures. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport rigid concrete mixes by dump trucks.

The maximum duration of transportation of the concrete mixture should not exceed the time of preservation of its properties specified in the supply contract.

9.2 The methods used for transporting concrete mixtures should exclude the possibility of atmospheric precipitation getting into them, violation of uniformity, and loss of cement slurry.

9.3 The consumer must agree with the manufacturer of ready-mix concrete on the date, time and rhythm of delivery of the concrete mixture, and, if necessary, inform the manufacturer about the method of transporting the concrete mixture within the construction site and about the restrictions imposed on vehicles, for example, their type, size, weight , dimensions, etc.

9.4 During transportation, the introduction of an additional amount of components (cement, aggregates, water and additives) into the concrete mixture is not allowed.

9.5 When using concrete mixer trucks as a vehicle at a construction site to restore workability (increase mobility in order to bring it to the standard value) or if this operation is provided for in the technological regulations agreed with the consumer, it is allowed to introduce a plasticizing additive solution into the concrete mix.

Restoration of workability must be carried out without fail by the quality control service of the consumer, and the amount of the additive solution added, as well as the time for additional mixing of the mixture in the concrete mixer truck, must comply with the technological regulations and be recorded and executed by an act.

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures

10.1 In the production of ready-mixed concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, and their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, as well as the technological regulations or the concrete composition selection map;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and their compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - the quantity and quality indicators of concrete mixes and concrete, provided for in the supply contract.

10.2 In the production of ready-mix concrete of a given or standardized composition, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, and the requirements established in the supply contract;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and its compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - compliance of the actual composition of the concrete mixture with the composition specified in the supply contract.

10.3 The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be given in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mixtures or in the supply contract, and in case of their absence, they are accepted in accordance with Appendix.

10.4 Criteria for the conformity of the technological properties of concrete mixtures in assessing the stability of production are given in tables -.

10.5 When assessing the stability of production, the compliance of the standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures with the specified values ​​is carried out according to the results of quality control of mixtures for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Conformity of the concrete mix to the target values ​​is determined by counting the number of results obtained during the assessment period that are outside the specified target values, class limits or tolerances of the target values, and comparing this number with the acceptance number indicated in the table.

Compliance of the actual value of the quality indicator with the specified values ​​is confirmed if the number of test results that are outside the established deviations of the specified values ​​does not exceed the acceptance number indicated in the table.

Table 8 - Acceptance numbers of criteria for matching the properties of concrete mixtures

acceptance number

Compliance of the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture and the composition of the concrete mixture with the terms of the supply contract.

11.2 The guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture must be confirmed:

For mixtures of a given quality:

1) protocols for determining the technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures when selecting their composition and conducting operational and acceptance control,

2) protocols for determining the normalized quality indicators of concrete at the design age;

For mixtures of a given composition:

1) documents on the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture,

2) "printouts" of the actual composition of the concrete mixture of each batch.

Note - The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the concrete mixture prepared at the construction site for own use (according to).

Annex A

Table A.1 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concretes on dense aggregates

loading mixer,

Mixing time, s, not less

in gravitational mixers for concrete mixes grades according to workability

in forced action mixers for

mixes of all grades by workability

with water-cement ratio W/C

Table A.2 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concretes on porous aggregates in forced mixers


1 The duration of mixing is given for a mixture of the workability grade P1.

2 For mixes of grades for workability Zh1, Zh2, Zh3, Zh4, Zh5, the mixing time is increased by 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 s, respectively.

3 For mixes of grades according to workability P2, P3, P4, P5, the mixing time is reduced by 15, 30, 45 and 60 s, respectively.

4 For mixes of grades according to workability P1, P2, P3, P4, the mixing time is increased by 5, 10, 15 and 20 s, respectively.

5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in gravity mixers is taken according to the table.

Annex B


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax



name, address, telephone, fax __________________________________________


Date and time of shipment of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol ________________________________

Number of the nominal composition of the concrete mix __________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m3 ___________________________________________

Concrete mix grade by workability or workability value

concrete mixture (under a supply contract) at the place of laying at the consumer _________

Other normalized quality indicators at the installation site at the consumer_________

Persistence of workability and other normalized indicators, h-min ___

The largest aggregate size, mm _______________________________________

Mark of conformity (in case the concrete mixture is certified) _______________

The design class of concrete for strength and the required strength of concrete in the batch:

At design age ______ days;

IN ___________;

strength class


required strength (according to the supply contract)

At an intermediate age (if necessary) ___ days; _________% B; _____ MPa

Other normalized concrete quality indicators (if necessary)


Design concrete grade for medium density (for lightweight concrete) ______________

Name, weight of the additive (based on dry matter), kg/m3 ________________

The class of materials according to the specific effective activity of natural

radionuclides and significance A eff , Bq/kg ____________________________________________

Date of issue "__" ______________ 20

Head of laboratory _____________________/____________________________/

signature surname, initials


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax _________________


name, address, telephone, fax ____________________________________________


Date and time of shipment, h-min _________________________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol __________________________________


The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m3 ____________________________________________

The volume of concrete mixture in the load, m3, and the number of the vehicle ______________

Preservation of the properties of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Number of nominal composition of concrete mix ___________________________________

Materials for the production of concrete mix (indicate the names, grades and characteristics of materials, as well as designations of standards and specifications for these materials):


Fine aggregate ____________________________________________________________

Large aggregate _________________________________________________________


Water ________________________________________________________________________

Other components _________________________________________________________

The composition of the concrete mixture

Name of materials

Composition of concrete mix, kg/m3


actual in this download

fine aggregate

coarse aggregate

Chemical additives

Mineral Supplements

Other components

Class of materials by specific effective activity of natural radionuclides and value

A eff, Bq/kg__________________________________________________________________

Date of issue "___" _______________20___

Head of laboratory _____________________/______________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex D

Table D.1

Technological process

Composition of control

Method and means of control

Minimum frequency

Quality control of the components of concrete mixes

1 Characterization of cement

Type, brand (class) strength

According to the quality document

Each batch

Normal Density

Setting time

Uniformity of volume change

2 Sand characterization

Fractional composition and particle size module

Each batch

Bulk density

3 Determination of crushed stone characteristics

Bulk density

Each batch

Fractional composition

Strength grade

Monthly or when changing supplier

Frost resistance grade

Water absorption

4 Characterization of additives and water

Characteristics of additives, standardized in TU

According to the quality document, TU and GOST 30459

Each batch

Plasticizing and reducing properties of additives

According to the main effect of the additives

Before use and when changing supplier

Characteristics of water (if it is not drinking)

Before use and when changing source

Control of equipment and technology

preparation of concrete mixtures

1 Control of technological equipment and software


Visual inspection in accordance with the operating instructions

Every shift

Dosing accuracy of components (concrete mix composition)

Mixing time of the concrete mix

Visual comparison based on weighing equipment and stopwatch or automatic lineup printouts

Every batch

Quality control of concrete mixtures

1 Determination of technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures


Average density


When choosing the composition of the concrete mixture


Volume of air entrained or gas released


thermometer measurement

Persistence of properties over time

interstate council for standardization, metrology and certification



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-2009 “The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Fundamentals »

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete "NIIZhB" - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NRC "Construction"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (Supplement 2 to Annex D of Protocol No. 37 of October 6-7, 2010)

Short country name
MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state body
construction management

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Russian Federation

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development

The Republic of Tajikistan

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government

The Republic of Uzbekistan


4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 13, 2011 No. 71-st, the interstate standard GOST 7473-2010 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2012.

5 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulatory provisions of the European regional standard EN 206-1:2000 "Concrete - Part 1. General technical requirements, performance, production and conformity criteria" ("Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity ", NEQ)

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (

GOST 7473-2010




fresh concrete. Specifications

Introduction date - 2012-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-to-use concrete mixtures of heavy, fine-grained and light concretes with cement binders (hereinafter referred to as concrete mixtures), released to the consumer for the construction of monolithic and precast-monolithic structures or used at enterprises for the manufacture of products and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

This standard contains requirements for the technological characteristics of concrete mixes, procedures for monitoring their preparation, assessing the conformity of their quality indicators, as well as the amount of concrete mix dispensed to the consumer.

This standard establishes the distribution of technical responsibility between the customer, the manufacturer (supplier) and the consumer of the concrete mix in terms of obtaining concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products that meet all the requirements for them.

This standard does not apply to concrete mixtures of special concretes and concretes on special aggregates (see GOST 25192), structural concretes based on lime, slag, gypsum and special binders, as well as dry building mixtures.

2 Normative references

3.3 ready mix concrete: Concrete mix supplied in a plastic state by non-consumer persons or organizations.

Note - Ready-mixed concrete may include concrete mixtures prepared by the consumer outside the construction site, as well as concrete mixtures prepared on the construction site, but not by the consumer.

3.4 concrete mixture of a given quality: Concrete mix, the required properties and additional characteristics of which are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing these required properties and additional characteristics.

3.5 concrete mixture of a given composition: A concrete mixture, the composition of which and the components used in its preparation are specified by the manufacturer, who is responsible for providing this composition.

3.6 concrete mixture of a given normalized composition: A concrete mixture of a given composition, which is defined by a specific standard or technical document, for example, production standards.

3.8 delivery: The process of transporting concrete mix from producer to consumer.

3.9 customer: A person or organization that sets concrete mix requirements for a manufacturer.

3.10 manufacturer: The person or organization that manufactures the concrete mix and is responsible for ensuring that it is of the specified composition or the required properties of the concrete mix and concrete.

3.11 consumer: A person or organization using a concrete mixture in the manufacture of precast products or the erection of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

3.12 concrete mix supplier: A person or organization that has a contract with the consumer for the supply of concrete mix, is responsible for the quantity and quality of the supplied concrete mix and for all other terms of the supply contract.

4 Classification

Concrete mixtures of heavy concrete (BST);

Concrete mixtures of fine-grained concrete (BSM);

Concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete (LBC).

4.2 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into groups: rigid (F), mobile (P) and spreading (R). Groups are divided into grades according to workability.

4.3 The designation of a concrete mix of a given quality when ordering should consist of an abbreviated designation of a concrete mix in accordance with, a concrete strength class, a concrete mix grade for workability and, if necessary, other normalized quality indicators, for example, a frost resistance grade, a water resistance grade, average density of concrete, etc., and the designations of this standard.

Examples of symbols:

concrete mix heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25, grades for workability P1, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of fine-grained concrete:

BSM V25 P1 F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010;

the same concrete mixture of lightweight concrete compressive strength class IN 12.5, grades for workability P2, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200, waterproof W 2, medium density D 900:

BSL V12.5 P2 F200 W2 D900 GOST 7473-2010

Note - When ordering a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the consumer must indicate the requirements for concrete strength according to the design class (B, B t , B tb , B tt) and, if necessary, the minimum average strength of concrete in each delivered batch (R m), and requirements for workability - by grade and, if necessary, by specific values;

the same concrete mixture of heavy concrete compressive strength class IN 25 with a minimum required concrete strength of 33 MPa, workability grade P1, with a draft of 3 cm, concrete grades for frost resistance F 200 and waterproof W 4:

BST V25 (R T m ≥ 33 MPa) P1 (OK 3 cm) F200 W4 GOST 7473-2010

4.4 When ordering a concrete mixture of a given composition, its symbol is not given, but the composition of the mixture and the quality of the components used in its preparation (binder, aggregates, water, chemical and mineral additives) are indicated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Characteristics of concrete mixtures

5.1.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner by the manufacturer, and the terms of the supply contract.

5.1.2 Concrete mixtures must ensure the production of concrete with specified quality indicators (concrete mixtures of a given quality) or have a given composition (concrete mixtures of a given composition) in accordance with the supply contract.

5.1.3 Concrete mixtures are characterized by the following technological quality indicators:


Average density;




Persistence of properties over time;

The volume of entrained air.

5.1.4 Depending on the indicator of workability, concrete mixtures are divided into grades in accordance with the tables -.

Table 1 - Grades by cone spread *


Spread of the cone, cm

Less than 35

35 - 41

42 - 48

49 - 55

56 - 62

Over 62

Table 2 - Cone draft grades


Cone draft, cm

1 - 4

5 - 9

10 - 15

16 - 20

Over 20

Table 3 - Stiffness grades


Rigidity, s

5 - 10

11 - 20

21 - 30

31 - 50

Over 50

Table 4 - Sealing grades **


Compaction factor


Over 1.45


1,45 - 1,26


1,25 - 1,11


1,10 - 1,04


Less than 1.04

5.1.5 The workability of the concrete mixture can be set by the brand and additionally by a specific value of the workability index in accordance with the tables -. The permissible deviation of the set values ​​​​of the concrete mix workability indicators at the consumer should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table.

Table 5 - Permissible deviations of the set values ​​of workability indicators

Rated value


Spread of the cone, cm

All values

Cone draft, cm

To 10

More than 10

More than 10

Rigidity, s

More than 10

More than 10

To 10

Compaction factor

Over 1.25


1.11 to 1.25


Up to 1.10


5.1.6 The delamination of the concrete mixture should not exceed the values ​​given in the table.

Table 6 - Requirements for the delamination of the concrete mixture

Delamination of concrete mix, %, no more

Water separation

solution separation

heavy and fine-grained concrete

lightweight concrete

W1 - W5

P1 - P2

P3 - P5 and P1 - P6

5.1.7 When supplying a concrete mix, the allowable deviation of the given values ​​​​of average density, stratification, porosity, temperature and persistence of properties over time should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table.

Table 7 - Permissible deviations of the specified values ​​​​of the quality indicators of the concrete mixture

The range within which the specified value of the indicator falls

Permissible deviation of the set value of the indicator

Average density, kg / m 3

All values



By water separation, %

Less than 0.4

0.4 or more

By solution separation, %

Less than 4

4 or more

Porosity, %

All values

Temperature, °С

All values

Persistence of properties over time

At least 1 hour 30 minutes

10 min

From 1 h 30 min to 3 h 00 min

20 minutes

More than 3 h 00 min

30 min

5.1.8 The average density grade, porosity, temperature and retention of properties over time must correspond to the values ​​specified by the customer in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

5.2 Materials for preparing concrete mixtures

5.2.1 Concrete mixtures are prepared using cements, aggregates, additives and water, the requirements for which are given in GOST 26633, GOST 25820 and GOST 31384, as well as in standards and specifications (TU) for specific types of materials.

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff, Bq/kg, of materials used for the preparation of concrete mixtures, should not exceed the limit values ​​given in GOST 30108, depending on the area of ​​application of concrete mixtures.

5.2.2 The accompanying documentation for the materials must contain information on the content of chlorides, alkalis and reactive silica.

5.3 Production of concrete mixtures

5.3.1 The composition of the concrete mixture of a given quality is selected in accordance with GOST 27006, taking into account the requirements for the service classes of concrete in accordance with GOST 31384.

5.3.2 Dense concrete mix aggregates are dosed by weight. Porous aggregates are dosed by volume with correction by weight. Liquid components are dosed by weight or volume.

5.3.3 The error in dosing of raw materials by weight batchers should not exceed ±2% for cement, water, chemical and mineral additives, ±3% for aggregates.

The dosing error of porous fillers should not exceed ±2% by volume.

When preparing concrete mixtures in concrete mixing plants with a capacity of up to 5 m 3 / h, volumetric dosing of bulk materials with the indicated dosing errors is allowed.

5.3.4 Concrete mixtures of all types (see) and grades for workability are prepared in forced mixers.

Concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concrete grades for workability Zh1 and P1 - P5, as well as lightweight concrete of strength classes IN 12.5 and above, medium density D 1600 and above is allowed to be prepared in gravity mixers.

5.3.5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures in stationary cyclic mixers (the time from the moment all materials are loaded into a working mixer until the finished mixture is unloaded) is taken according to the technological regulations for the production of a concrete mixture or set in accordance with the appendix.

5.3.6 The procedure for loading the concrete mix components into the mixer and the loading rules when using hot components (water and cement) must be specified in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mix.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Concrete mixtures should be accepted in terms of quality and quantity by the technical control of the manufacturer.

6.2 Concrete mixtures are accepted in batches. The composition of the batch includes a concrete mixture of the same nominal composition, prepared from the same materials using a single technology. The volume of the batch of concrete mix is ​​set according to GOST 18105 or according to the value specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix.

6.3 Each batch of concrete mixture must have a quality document. A quality document is provided for each load of a concrete mixture of a given quality (see Appendix) and a load of a concrete mixture of a given composition (see Appendix).

It is allowed, when supplying a concrete mixture of a given quality, to provide a quality document not for each load, but for each batch of concrete mixture, if this is provided for in the supply contract.

6.4 The frequency of monitoring the quality indicators of concrete and each batch of concrete mixtures is established in accordance with the appendix, or it must comply with the requirements specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mixture.

The specified technological indicators of the quality of the concrete mixture are determined by the manufacturer 15 minutes after the concrete mixture is unloaded from the stationary mixer, by the consumer during incoming quality control - no later than 20 minutes after the delivery of the concrete mixture to the construction site.

6.5 Concrete mixtures by quantity are taken by weight or volume in accordance with the actual composition of the concrete mixture and the actual average density of the concrete mixture.

6.6 The results of acceptance and periodic tests to determine all standardized indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete must be reported to the consumer in the quality document, and the results of determining the strength of concrete at the design and other standardized age specified in the contract for the supply of concrete mix, the manufacturer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request no later than 3 days after the test.

7.2 The quality indicators of the concrete mixture determine:

8 Supply of concrete mix

8.1 The manufacturer (supplier) supplies the ready-mix concrete to the consumer on the basis of and in accordance with the supply contract, which must specify all the necessary parameters for the quantity and quality of the concrete mix and concrete, as well as the timing and means of delivery.

8.3 To determine the curing modes of the laid concrete mix and concrete, information on the rate of curing of concrete can be represented by an experimental curve of curing at a temperature of 20 ° C in the range of 1 - 28 days.

8.4 When supplying a ready-mix concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer (supplier) must provide the consumer with the following supporting documentation in printed and certified form:

For each batch of concrete mix - a document on the quality of the concrete mix and a test report to determine the normalized quality indicators of concrete;

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with information in accordance with.

8.5 When supplying a ready-mixed concrete mix of a given composition, the manufacturer must provide the consumer in printed and certified form with the following accompanying documentation:

For each load of concrete mix - a consignment note and a document on the quality of the concrete mix;

For each batch of concrete mix - copies of passports for the materials used.

Additionally (if it is specified in the supply contract), the manufacturer must provide the consumer with protocols for determining the quality indicators of the concrete mix and concrete.

9 Transport

9.1 Concrete mixtures are delivered to the consumer by specialized types of transport intended for the transportation of concrete mixtures. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to transport rigid concrete mixes by dump trucks.

The maximum duration of transportation of the concrete mixture should not exceed the time of preservation of its properties specified in the supply contract.

9.2 The methods used for transporting concrete mixtures should exclude the possibility of atmospheric precipitation getting into them, violation of uniformity, and loss of cement slurry.

9.3 The consumer must agree with the manufacturer of ready-mix concrete on the date, time and rhythm of delivery of the concrete mixture, and, if necessary, inform the manufacturer about the method of transporting the concrete mixture within the construction site and about the restrictions imposed on vehicles, for example, their type, size, weight , dimensions, etc.

9.4 During transportation, the introduction of an additional amount of components (cement, aggregates, water and additives) into the concrete mixture is not allowed.

9.5 When using concrete mixer trucks as a vehicle at a construction site to restore workability (increase mobility in order to bring it to the standard value) or if this operation is provided for in the technological regulations agreed with the consumer, it is allowed to introduce a plasticizing additive solution into the concrete mix.

Restoration of workability must be carried out without fail by the quality control service of the consumer, and the amount of the additive solution added, as well as the time for additional mixing of the mixture in the concrete mixer truck, must comply with the technological regulations and be recorded and executed by an act.

10 Control and conformity assessment procedures

10.1 In the production of ready-mixed concrete of a given quality, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, and their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, as well as the technological regulations or the concrete composition selection map;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and their compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - the quantity and quality indicators of concrete mixes and concrete, provided for in the supply contract.

10.2 In the production of ready-mix concrete of a given or standardized composition, the manufacturer must control and evaluate:

At the input control - the quality of the raw materials from which the concrete mixture is prepared, their compliance with the regulatory documents according to which these materials are produced, and the requirements established in the supply contract;

During operational control - the parameters of the operation of the equipment and the technological process of preparing the concrete mixture and its compliance with the technological regulations;

During acceptance control - compliance of the actual composition of the concrete mixture with the composition specified in the supply contract.

10.3 The main types, methods and frequency of control of the materials used, equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be given in the technological regulations for the production of concrete mixtures or in the supply contract, and in case of their absence, they are accepted in accordance with Appendix.

10.4 Criteria for the conformity of the technological properties of concrete mixtures in assessing the stability of production are given in tables -.

10.5 When assessing the stability of production, the compliance of the standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures with the specified values ​​is carried out according to the results of quality control of mixtures for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Conformity of the concrete mix to the target values ​​is determined by counting the number of results obtained during the assessment period that are outside the specified target values, class limits or tolerances of the target values, and comparing this number with the acceptance number indicated in the table.

Compliance of the actual value of the quality indicator with the specified values ​​is confirmed if the number of test results that are outside the established deviations of the specified values ​​does not exceed the acceptance number indicated in the table.

Table 8 - Acceptance numbers of criteria for matching the properties of concrete mixtures

acceptance number

1 - 2

13 - 19

20 - 29

30 - 39

40 - 49

50 - 64

65 - 79

80 - 94

95 - 100

11 Manufacturer's (supplier's) warranties

11.1 The manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture guarantees:

1) at the time of delivery to the consumer - compliance of all standardized technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixes with those specified in the supply contract,

2) at the design age - the achievement of all normalized concrete quality indicators specified in the supply contract, provided that the consumer of the concrete mix in the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures ensures that the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documents for concreting structures are met and that the concrete hardening modes correspond to normal GOST 10180;

Compliance of the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture and the composition of the concrete mixture with the terms of the supply contract.

11.2 The guarantees of the manufacturer (supplier) of the concrete mixture must be confirmed:

For mixtures of a given quality:

1) protocols for determining the technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures when selecting their composition and conducting operational and acceptance control,

2) protocols for determining the normalized quality indicators of concrete at the design age;

For mixtures of a given composition:

1) documents on the quality of the materials used in the preparation of the concrete mixture,

2) "printouts" of the actual composition of the concrete mixture of each batch.

Note - The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the concrete mixture prepared at the construction site for own use (according to).

Table A.1 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of heavy and fine-grained concretes on dense aggregates

Mixing time, s, not less

in gravitational mixers for concrete mixes grades according to workability

in forced-action mixers for mixtures of all grades in terms of workability at a water-cement ratio W / C

Zh1 and P1

P3 ... P5

Less than 0.3

0,3 - 0,4

More than 0.4

Less than 750

750 - 1500

Over 1500

Table A.2 - Duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concretes on porous aggregates in forced mixers

Mixer loading capacity, l

The duration of mixing, s, not less, at an average density of concrete, kg / m 3

Less than 1000

1000 - 1400

1401 - 1600

Over 1600

Less than 750

750 - 1500

Over 1500


1 The duration of mixing is given for a mixture of the workability grade P1.

2 For mixes of grades for workability Zh1, Zh2, Zh3, Zh4, Zh5, the mixing time is increased by 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 s, respectively.

3 For mixes of grades according to workability P2, P3, P4, P5, the mixing time is reduced by 15, 30, 45 and 60 s, respectively.

4 For mixes of grades according to workability P1, P2, P3, P4, the mixing time is increased by 5, 10, 15 and 20 s, respectively.

5 The duration of mixing of concrete mixtures of lightweight concrete on porous aggregates in gravity mixers is taken according to the table.

Annex B


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address, telephone, fax _______________________________________________


name, address, telephone, fax __________________________________________

Date and time of shipment of the concrete mixture, h-min _________________________________

Type of concrete mixture and its symbol ________________________________

Number of the nominal composition of the concrete mix _________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 __________________________________________

Grade of concrete mix by workability or value of concrete mix workability (according to the supply contract) at the place of laying at the consumer _________

Other normalized quality indicators at the installation site at the consumer _________

Preservation of workability and other normalized indicators, h-min ___

The largest fineness of aggregate, mm ______________________________________

Mark of conformity (if the concrete mixture is certified) ______________

The design class of concrete for strength and the required strength of concrete in the batch:

At design age ______ days;

IN __________;

strength class


required strength

At an intermediate age (if necessary) ___ days; _______ % IN; _____ MPa

Other normalized concrete quality indicators (if necessary)


Design concrete grade for medium density (for lightweight concrete) ______________

Name, mass of additive (based on dry matter), kg / m 3 ________________

A eff , Bq/kg

Date of issue "______" 20

Head of laboratory _____________________/____________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex B


Producer and supplier of concrete mix:

name, address (legal and actual), telephone, fax ________________


name, address, telephone, fax ___________________________________________


Date and time of shipment, h-min


Type of concrete mixture and its symbol _________________________________


The volume of concrete mix in the batch, m 3 ____________________________________________

The volume of concrete mix in the load, m 3, and the number of the vehicle ______________


Preservation of the properties of the concrete mixture, h-min __________________________________

Number of nominal composition of concrete mix ___________________________________

Materials for the production of concrete mix (indicate the names, grades and characteristics of materials, as well as designations of standards and specifications for these materials):

Cement ________________________________________________________________

Fine aggregate _____________________________________________________

Large aggregate __________________________________________________________

Additives ________________________________________________________________

Water ________________________________________________________________________

Other components ________________________________________________________

The composition of the concrete mixture

Name of materials

The composition of the concrete mixture, kg / m 3


actual in this download


fine aggregate

coarse aggregate

Chemical additives

Mineral Supplements


Other components

Class of materials by specific effective activity of natural radionuclides and value A eff, Bq/kg ______________________________________________________________

Date of issue "___" ______________ 20 ___

Head of laboratory _____________________/____________________________/

signature surname, initials

Annex D

Table D.1

Technological process

Composition of control

Method and means of control

Minimum frequency

Quality control of the components of concrete mixes

1 Characterization of cement

Type, brand (class) strength

According to the quality document

Each batch

Normal Density

Setting time

Uniformity of volume change

2 Sand characterization

Fractional composition and particle size module

According to the quality document, according to GOST 8735 or GOST 9758

Each batch

Bulk density

3 Determination of crushed stone characteristics

Bulk density

According to the quality document, GOST 8269.0 or GOST 9758

Each batch

Fractional composition

Monthly or when changing supplier

Strength grade

Frost resistance grade

Water absorption

4 Characterization of additives and water

Characteristics of additives, standardized in TU

According to the quality document, TU and GOST 30459

Each batch

Plasticizing and reducing properties of additives

According to the main effect of the additives

Before use and when changing supplier

Characteristics of water (if it is not drinking)

Before use and when changing source

Control of equipment and technology for the preparation of concrete mixtures

1 Control of technological equipment and software


Visual inspection in accordance with the operating instructions


Verification of weighing equipment

In accordance with the operating instructions, GOST 10223

Every shift

Dosing accuracy of components (concrete mix composition)

Mixing time of the concrete mix

Visual comparison based on weighing equipment and stopwatch or automatic lineup printouts

Every batch

Quality control of concrete mixtures

1 Determination of technological indicators of the quality of concrete mixtures


Average density


When choosing the composition of the concrete mixture


Volume of air entrained or gas released


(EN 12350-5:2000 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Flow table test)

EH 12350-4:2000 Concrete mix test - Part 4: Degree of compaction

(EN 12350-4:2000 Testing fresh concrete - Part 5: Degree of compactibility)

Key words: concrete mixture, concrete mixture of a given quality, concrete mixture of a given composition, batch, grade for workability, delamination, storability, entrained air volume, customer, manufacturer (supplier), consumer

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