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The right way to tell fortunes. It will definitely come true! The most proven fortune telling

Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question of how to learn to tell fortunes. Everyone wants to know what awaits them in the future. IN modern world There are a large number of different methods of fortune telling that allow you to find out your future at home.

Today there are many ways to tell fortunes about your future at home. A variety of items are used for this.

For fortune telling, you can use a wide variety of objects that may be at hand. Most often they take cards, paper or a mirror for this. These items were used by our ancestors. We will analyze the most popular fortune telling at home.

What kind of fortune telling on mirrors exist?

How can you tell fortunes on a mirror? In order to perform a similar ritual at home, you need to wait until sunset. Ideally, the ritual should be performed late at night. Before you tell your fortune, you need to tune in mentally. You need to clear your thoughts of all negativity, you must be tuned to positive result. Set a clear goal for yourself and don’t think about the bad.

Many have heard about fortune telling for love at home, which is carried out on the mirror. This ritual is the most truthful and simple.

In order to carry out a similar ritual at home, you need to prepare two mirrors. They must have the same shape and size. Next, you need to place them in such a way that they face each other. Prepare two candles in advance that need to be lit during fortune telling.

Place burning candles near one of the mirrors, on the front side. Take the second mirror in your hands and stand in front of the one on the table. At this moment, the reflection of another mirror should be visible. They say that you can see your betrothed in the reflection.

Prediction using candles

Fortune telling for love can be done using candles. But there is one rule here, you must pay attention Special attention on the color and shape of the fortune telling candle. Spiral candles are used for prediction, but church candles are used to recognize the betrothed.

A church candle will help you recognize your betrothed

How to tell fortunes with candles? In order to perform the ceremony, you need to remain alone in the room. At this moment no one should interfere. You need to relax and only then light the candle. Focus on the flame, if it behaves calmly, then all your endeavors will be crowned with success. If it begins to bifurcate, then troubles await you soon. If you light a candle and it immediately goes out, then an unexpected blow from fate awaits you.

There is another way with candles for a fortuneteller. You need to take a small piece of paper and write your lover’s name on it. Mentally ask yourself whether your future will work out with this person. After which you need to burn the leaf with a candle. Collect the ashes and stand near the window at midnight.

Stick your hand through the open window and observe the ashes. If nothing happens to the ashes, then your loved one will remain with you for life. And if the ashes are carried away, then you have no future with this person.

Predicting the future with maps

You can conduct fortune telling on cards for love or a ritual on cards for the future. To do this, you need to use special cards that can be bought in the store. Or you can do fortune telling with playing cards, just take 36 cards for this.

How to perform a fortune telling ritual

  1. Before fortune telling, the deck needs to be shuffled well; during this, mentally ask the question to which you want to know the answer.
  2. Next, you need to remove part of the deck with your left hand and put it underneath.
  3. After which you need to take nine cards and lay them out in a fan.
  4. There is only one requirement: under no circumstances should you turn them over or look at the cards.
  5. You can find out the meaning of the cards through interpretation.

There is another way to tell fortunes on cards; to do this, you first need to carry out all the steps indicated above. But this method is that the cards need to be laid out in a cross. The very first card must be placed in the center. The remaining cards need to be laid out from top to bottom and from left to right.

The meaning of the cards must be made as follows:

  1. The top card indicates what will happen soon.
  2. The right one allows you to find out about an event that you are not expecting.
  3. The bottom one testifies to a past that you have long forgotten.
  4. The left card will help you find out what difficulties await you in the future.

The fortune-telling diagram on the cards allows you to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Many modern fortune tellers use just such methods, because they are the simplest and most honest. Cards will never lie, and if you decide to do fortune telling for the future, then use this method.

Tarot cards help you find out your destiny

You can also find out your fate with the help of special cards called Tarot. Each of these cards has a clear interpretation; you don’t need to look for it anywhere, it is printed directly on the map. But it is worth remembering that if you use Tarot, you lose a lot of energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to do this unless absolutely necessary. This also applies to those people who are not experienced sorcerers or magicians.

How to tell fortunes on a book

Fortune telling by book is the simplest and can be used by anyone. For such fortune-telling schemes you only need to know a few rules:

  1. The main one is to choose the right day of the week and book.
  2. More suitable days for such a ritual are Tuesday and Thursday.
  3. On this day, books are more inclined to tell the truth.
  4. It is worth choosing a book that matches your question. You shouldn't take a medical reference book if you're interested in the future.
  5. To perform the ritual, you need to take a book and mentally say the question.
  6. Then open the book and point your finger at any line, just don’t look at it.
  7. Then read it and try to interpret it.

Most often, lines appear that have a hidden meaning. And if we talk about a certain time of the year, then this question you have in mind will be resolved at that moment. You can use the book all the time, but you should not solve important issues with its help.

Fortune telling methods of the 21st century

Modern technologies have come far ahead, and today there is no person who does not use mobile phone. Especially for this occasion, there is a simple fortune telling at home. For this love fortune telling, you need to think about your lover and dial any number that comes to your mind.

Phone call to a stranger - modern way find out about your loved one's feelings

You can find out about the interpretation of fortune telling by what you hear on the other end:

  1. If nothing happens, then your loved one is not thinking about you.
  2. If the other end is busy, then wait.
  3. If the number is not available, then you have a serious decision to make.
  4. If he says that you dialed the number incorrectly, then your loved one’s relationship with you is not the same as yours.
  5. “Hello” means that everything will work out for you.
  6. “I’m listening,” your lover is making plans for you.
  7. “Yes,” soon your life will change dramatically for the better.
  8. “Speak” - soon they will confess their love to you.
  9. “Where are you calling” - a serious scandal awaits you in the near future.
  10. “On the Wire” - your loved one is very bored.

Any method of fortune telling is good and interesting in its own way.

You can take any of them and try, but any fortune telling should be taken seriously. Today there are many methods to find out your future and it is not necessary to use the services of psychics to do this. This can be done independently at home and for this you can use improvised means.

In this article:

Fortune telling is a magical ritual whose main focus is predicting the future. Questions about what kind of fortune-telling there are, how to learn them and carry them out at home, are of interest to many beginners in magic.

In fact, it is very simple to understand all aspects of foresight; it does not require additional training, just sincere desire and faith in the final result.

There are a huge number of prediction methods, some of them have reached us from the depths of centuries, others appeared relatively recently, but in each of them main role the performer himself plays, the truthfulness of the answers he receives depends only on him. Each of us must choose the method of foresight that suits him best, and for this we need to get more information about existing magical means and experiment a little.

What are the ways to guess

All fortune telling is usually divided into groups in which the techniques are combined according to certain criteria, for example, according to the attributes or means used.

Runic practices are a very interesting work that does not leave anyone indifferent

Fortune telling with runes

These are very ancient techniques that appeared in the Scandinavian countries. Runes are a kind of alphabet of 24 characters, divided into 3 groups (attas) of 8 pieces each. Each such group is dedicated to one of the supreme aces - the gods of Scandinavian mythology, and, accordingly, is under his leadership and protection. Runes do not give precise answers to the questions asked. They work much deeper, because with their help a person can obtain information that will help him understand the essence of the problem that interests him.

Fortune telling with coffee

Coffee is an ancient, mystical drink with many legends associated with it. Since ancient times, coffee beans have been used in various methods of predicting the future, this includes fortune telling on coffee grounds and on raw or roasted seeds.

In fortune-telling, the coffee sediment creates certain symbols and signs in the cup, interpreted by the performer. If you are guessing on grains, then the answer to asked question may be hidden in the number of seeds dropped, their location and in the symbols formed by them.

Yuletide fortune telling

In Rus', people have been using various methods of predicting the future since ancient times. In our country there was even a special period of time - Christmastide, when fortune telling was carried out in almost every home, although this was condemned by the official religion. For the most part, Christmas fortune-telling is aimed at obtaining information about matters of the heart; many of them help to find out when you are destined to meet your lover, what his name will be, where he will come from, etc.

Depending on the area, different additional accessories to make such predictions. In villages they usually used fortune telling with wax, water or chicken, and in major cities fortune telling using mirrors, candles and cards.

Fortune telling of various directions can show correct results, it’s all about the performer

Fortune telling by water

Fortune telling techniques in which the main instrument of the performer is water are quite rare. Symbols of this element are often found in magic, but usually they only complement the ritual, and do not act as its basis.

Water divination - hydromancy, is a whole science, the adherents of which study the properties and conditions of water, they believe that based on data such as the color of water, ripples on its surface, circles and more, it is possible to predict the future. It is also worth noting that in hydromancy, the amount of water used is of utmost importance. If a magician judges the future by the water in a mug, he can find out his fate, and if he looks at the seas and oceans, then all the secrets of the future can be revealed to him.

Fire divination

Pyromancy is a highly specialized fortune-telling practice used by many worshipers of the fire element. These people can predict the future by asking their questions directly to the flame (candle, bonfire). It is believed that a flame is a living creature, capable of not only moving and illuminating, but also speaking. By the vibrations and sounds emitted by fire, you can predict the future and completely trust the result obtained.

Fortune telling with mirrors

Mirrors endowed all nations without exception with mystical properties. It is believed that a mirror can act as a door to other worlds and dimensions, so it is not surprising that these objects are used as a tool for predicting the future.

Many esotericists are sure that if you place two mirrors with their front sides facing each other, place two burning candles between them, and then peer into the darkness of the mirrors for a long time, you can really see the future and get answers to any questions.

At the same time, we must not forget that a mirror as a witchcraft attribute can be very, very dangerous. By opening doors to other worlds, you risk letting in someone or something that can bring you a lot of trouble.

We live in amazing world magic, full of miracles and mysteries. There are a great many methods of fortune telling; here are all the methods of fortune telling for a person on our website. By and large, the method itself does not play any special significance on a person - it is only a predictor’s tool to awaken one’s own intuition, subconscious, clairvoyance, to come into contact with other worlds and intangible entities and tell fortunes for the future.

Methods of fortune telling for a person with decoding of symbols

We all want to know our destiny and look into the future, but we don’t always attach importance to our usual actions while brewing a cup of coffee in the morning. And this is already part of the method of fortune telling on coffee grounds. The love for coffee in Rus' arose during the time of Peter I, as soon as coffee beans were imported, and the oldest method of fortune telling on coffee grounds is more than seven centuries old. And do not be confused by the unusual use of conventional means and the originality of the interpretations of the resulting figures, the truthfulness and reliability of this method has been proven by more than one generation of fortune tellers. This is one of the best fortune telling, proven by more than one generation.

In the mornings we encounter another method of ancient fortune telling. As soon as tea was brought to Europe, people noticed that the tea leaves in a cup formed figures that resembled figures from another method of fortune telling - coffee. Symbols made from tea leaves began to be interpreted in a similar way and another way of fortune telling for the future and the best fortune telling for a person appeared, which has not lost its popularity to this day.

Here the expression “a look through the looking glass” must be understood in the literal sense. Since childhood, we have heard about the ancient method of fortune telling - with a mirror. This ancient fortune-telling has always been considered very creepy, and only the bravest dared to try it. This method of telling fortunes about a person was used when they wanted to tell fortunes about their betrothed and their future. In the mirror they saw not only the future groom, but also fragments of the fate that awaited the fortuneteller. There were legends about the truthfulness of fortune telling; there were many who wanted to tell fortunes at midnight and find out their fate in all centuries. And it’s not in vain that popular home fortune-telling for a person has always come true.

In this famous ancient fortune-telling, molten wax or tin is poured into water on a person. In modern home fortune-telling, they mainly use more affordable candles. Take a wax candle or a simple paraffin candle, break it into small pieces and heat it in a metal spoon on the candle until the pieces turn into liquid. In this method of fortune telling about a person, bizarre wax figures are formed in water, which need to be interpreted and the prediction understood.

In this method of fortune telling, the white of an egg is poured into water and left in the cold for a short time. In this method of fortune telling, various figures also appear that require attention and thoughtful interpretation. But the result is worth it, this method of fortune telling is also incredibly truthful and has been tested by many generations of sorcerers.

Fortune telling by paper shadows

This is the same well-known and simple ancient method of fortune telling. Against the background of a candle flame, a shadow from a sheet of paper looks on the wall. A sheet of paper or newspaper must be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, leaving some vague outline, avoiding turning it into a ball. You can set fire to paper on a metal tray and watch its shadow after the paper burns. The veracity of this home fortune telling for a person has been repeatedly tested by many generations of fortune tellers. The meaning of the symbols of shadows in fortune telling by paper shadows is the same as in fortune telling for a person using coffee.

The meaning of the symbols and the decoding of the figures in fortune telling by tea and coffee, by shadows, mirror, egg, wax and tin are very similar. Ancient fortune telling for a person for a long time their use has led to the fact that for many figures certain meanings have already developed for the interpretation of home fortune-telling and predicting the future. All descriptions of symbols for these methods of fortune telling are on the page. This, of course, is not an exhaustive list, but you can use your imagination, apply the images of the figures you see to your specific life situation and associative interpretation, and, believe me, intuitive prediction will be even more accurate.

Other methods of fortune telling for a person

All methods of fortune telling for a person became especially popular during Christmas time. At this time in Rus' both old and young were guessing for the future, and not only in Rus'. Christmas fortune-telling for the future and fate was eagerly awaited and prepared for. Fortune telling about a person at Christmas became a field for various intrigues. And, most importantly, they always came true!

Yuletide fortune-telling using podlyudnye songs is an old New Year's fortune-telling using ritual songs on Vasilyev's evening. This home fortune-telling brought together the entire population of the village. Fortune telling on a person and singing songs together turned into a fun holiday. The largest number of subbly songs were dedicated to well-being in everything, although sometimes completely different songs were sung, predicting fate.

At Christmas they made fortunes for wishes to come true different ways. We have prepared the most popular ancient Christmas fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a person’s wishes for you. Don’t look at the fact that they are very simple; they have been time-tested by many generations of Christmastide fortune-tellers. Fortune telling about a person's desire is not difficult, but truthful.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed will reveal to you many secrets related to marriage. This will be the name of the future husband, and his character, and on which “side” the betrothed will be. Here you will learn how to simply tell your fortune about the gender of your unborn child and how many children you will have. Here is the popular fortune-telling for the betrothed using shells walnut and candles. And many more interesting and different fortune-telling for a person and for a future husband.

In every Christmas fortune-telling about the betrothed in a dream, you had to cast a spell and put some object at your head at night. The best fortune telling for a betrothed in dreams was considered to be the dream about the betrothed: if you dreamed about the betrothed, then the girl will get married this year; if the desired person did not appear in a dream, then she will not get married this year.

In the old days, the walnut was called the “royal” nut. Only royalty could afford overseas nuts, and they were grown only in monasteries. Therefore, all sorts of amazing stories were associated with the strange nut, magical rituals and ancient fortune telling. The girls took care of the walnut shell and in winter, during Christmas fortune-telling, used it to tell fortunes about the future, to tell fortunes about their betrothed, to tell fortunes about a person, and about a quick marriage.

Ancient methods of fortune telling, which even fortune tellers - gypsies - were afraid to use. It was believed that needles were used to cast spells on a person; such a strong energy field was created by a metal needle, and through the thread a connection was established with the other world. We know several methods of fortune telling with needles, the most popular are fortune telling for a person to determine the gender of the unborn child and

Ancient methods of fortune telling to determine the prospects for soon receiving cash receipts and fabulous wealth. With these methods of fortune telling, coins of different denominations and various bills are used for a person. paper money. We have a very simple, but very truthful ancient method of fortune telling for money, which uses only a glass of water. Very

There are many ways to tell fortunes about the fidelity and betrayal of a husband, wife and loved one. When jealousy burns your soul and body, when doubts haunt you and do not allow you to eat or sleep, then the time has come to find out the truth, no matter how bitter it may be for you. It's time to tell your fortune about the loyalty of your loved one and find out whether betrayal is taking place or just seems to you. Fortune telling about a person’s betrayal is very truthful and time-tested, so think in advance what you will do with this truth, and will your soul be calmer if the fortune telling catches an unfaithful person cheating?

Chinese fortune-telling according to the Book of Changes, or, as it is also called, I-Ching fortune-telling, is widely known not only in the East, but also in the West. Wise book Chinese philosophers deserves a place on a par with such great books of wisdom as the Bible and the Koran. For many centuries, not only mere mortals, but also the powers that be have turned to her for advice. For ancient fortune telling for a person, you will need three coins and a sheet of paper with a pencil.

Many of us are familiar with the simple fortune telling on paper, for which only a pen was needed. These home fortune telling for a person were passed down from grandmothers to mothers, from them to their young daughters - schoolgirls, along with the magic words LURNIST, LURNISTKHvKhdEd, LURNISTEKHB and RONGLIS. What do these words mean? Go to the page, and many secrets of school fortune-telling for the love of a guy or a girl will be revealed to you, as well as Christmas fortune-telling on pieces of paper, for which a pen and a piece of paper are enough.

Fortune telling with pearls has been known since ancient times, and is now also known modern version Button fortune telling. You can replace the pearls with buttons, place them in a cup, mix and receive a prophecy for your future destiny, and we will help you interpret the prediction of fortune-telling for a person using buttons.

Fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table of letters of the Russian alphabet will reveal the main character traits of its owner. You can compare the same sounds in your name and the name of the person who will be your husband to find out how great are the chances of a happy family life with one candidate or another.

The name of this fortune telling is very similar to the previous one, but differs from it in that it uses the date of birth of the future husband. Fortune telling uses the Pythagorean square and numerology. You will learn how to determine the main qualities of your future husband and predict the compatibility of this person in your future couple by constructing and deciphering the psychomatrix of your loved one.

An eerie and mystical fortune telling on a saucer with a summoning of the spirit, scary, interesting and insanely true. Everyone goes through this fortune telling at least once in their life. Some people tell fortunes both in winter and in summer, and others only on the most terrible evenings of Christmastide. Few people passed by this mystical fortune-telling for a person.

Methods of fortune telling with cards

Fortune telling with playing cards

This method of fortune telling has been practiced for a very long time; the cards were different. In Rus', ancient methods of fortune telling using ordinary playing cards have become very popular. They guessed about a person, about fate, about desire, about a king and about the future. You will learn how to tell fortunes with playing cards on a separate page; there are also very diverse methods of fortune telling.

Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

The fortune telling of the legendary French fortune teller Marie Lenormand, who predicted victories and defeats for the great Napoleon himself, who predicted the great love of his life and the bitterness of loss, is unusually truthful and, truly, time-tested. Fortune telling with Lenormand cards is now gaining more and more popularity and more and more new fans. True fortune telling about a person and about relationships has many methods of prediction. Lenormand cards and layouts can also be different, look and tell your fortune.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Tarot cards have been used since ancient times for fortune telling and predicting the future. It is believed that they laid the foundation for both playing cards and Lenormand cards. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an art. It occupies a special niche in cultural history, since many artists, writers and art historians contributed to its creation. Fortune telling about a person and fortune telling about a person's attitude using Tarot cards has truthfully predicted many of the destinies of emperors and generals. Come into contact with the beautiful and mysterious world of home fortune-telling using Tarot cards, and it will reveal to you many secrets of the future.

Fortune telling methods online

This, of course, is modern online fortune telling. But it should be noted that the vast majority of these fortune-telling are based on ancient methods of fortune-telling and only simplify their use. In our fast-paced age, there is no way to remember the numerous meanings of cards and symbols; this is where online fortune telling for a person comes to the rescue. Today you can tell fortunes about the future online for free without much difficulty, but this does not make this method of fortune telling any less truthful.

On the pages of our website you will learn many ways to get online for free for the future.

It turns out that you can tell fortunes on your loved one and find out about the attitude of your loved one by his behavior in Everyday life, you just need to pay attention to his gait, manner of dressing, smiling, smoking, sleeping, etc. You don’t need any props to tell fortunes about your loved one; you only need your powers of observation and our tips on what this or that behavior of your loved one means when meeting you.

You can tell fortunes on your beloved and find out about the attitude of your beloved woman by her behavior at a meeting with you, you just need to pay attention to her gait, jewelry, the smell of perfume, choice of alcohol, etc. Just as in the case of fortune telling for your beloved man, you do not need any props, you only need your powers of observation and our tips on what the little secrets mean in the behavior of your beloved girl at a meeting with you.

What are the methods of fortune telling and predictions?

There are countless ways of fortune telling. To get your bearings in the numerous methods of fortune-telling, we present an incomplete list of methods of fortune-telling and predictions based on the interpretation of signs, omens and omens. Some of them cause bewilderment to the inexperienced person, but on our website we will try to embrace the immensity and tell you about in various ways fortune telling - see for yourself:

Ailuromancy - interpretation of omens with the help of cats;

Axinomancy - fortune telling on seeds;

Alecryomancy - fortune telling using birds;

Alfitomancy - fortune telling by food, flour or bran;

Antinopomancy - fortune telling by the entrails of women;

Arachnomancy - interpretation of omens using spiders;

Arithmomancy - fortune telling by numbers;

Astragalomancy- fortune telling with dice;

Aeromancy - divination by air;

Botanomancy - fortune telling using herbs;

Gastromancy - fortune telling by rumbling in a person’s stomach;

Geomancy - earth divination, interpretation of imprints on the ground, sand, dust or soil;

Hydromancy - divination by water;

Hippomancy - interpretation of omens with the help of horses;

Gyromancy - fortune telling by rotation of geometric figures;

Dactylomancy - fortune telling by fingers and toes;

Demonomancy - fortune telling by the inner voice emanating from demons;

Idolomancy - fortune telling using various figures - idols;

Ichthyomancy - fortune telling by the movement of fish in water;

Capnomancy - fortune telling by the smoke of a fire or chimney;

Carromancy - fortune telling by wax flowing from a candle;

Catoxtromancy- fortune telling on mirrors;

Catoptromancy - fortune telling by reflection in a mirror;

Cattabomancy - fortune telling on copper objects;

Cleidomancy - fortune telling with a hanging key;

Cleromancy - fortune telling, reminiscent of casting lots;

Koscinomancy - fortune telling with a sieve;

Crystalmancy- fortune telling on glasses and crystals;

Cryfomancy - fortune telling by grain (not to be confused with seeds);

Kromniomancy - fortune telling on an onion;

Lampadomancy - fortune telling by the intensity of burning of candles or lamps (lamps);

Lecanomancy - fortune telling using holy water poured into a wide dish;

Lebanonmancy - fortune telling by burning incense;

Lithomancy - fortune telling on stones;

Lychnomancy - interpretation of the signs formed by the flame of three candles;

Logarithmomancy- fortune telling using various logarithms;

Maharomancy - fortune telling by the swing of knives, swords or sabers;

Molybdomancy - interpretation of figures obtained by casting melted lead into cold water;

Oinomancy - fortune telling by drinking wine;

Omphilomancy - fortune telling by the human navel;

Oneiromancy (oneiromancy) - fortune telling by dream interpretation;

Onychomancy - fortune telling by driving nails;

Onomatomancy - fortune telling by names;

Ornithomancy - fortune telling by the flight or cry of birds;

Pyromancy - fortune telling by the flames of fire, fire;

Podomancy - fortune telling by the soles of human feet;

Psychomancy - fortune telling based on human desires;

Roadomancy - fortune telling by the brilliance of stars;

Sycomantia - fortune telling by berries;

Spathalamancy - divination by the skin or skin of freshly killed wild animals;

Old-mancy - fortune telling by changes in natural phenomena;

Sternomancy - fortune telling by reading a person's stomach or chest;

Sciomancy - fortune telling by shadow;

Theomancy - fortune telling from sacred books;

Theriomancy is divination based on the behavior of animals;

Tyromancy - fortune telling by cheese;

Tuphramancy - divination by ashes or soot;

Chartomancy - fortune telling by handwriting;

Palmistry - fortune telling by hand;

Ceromancy - interpretation of symbols and figures formed by pouring melted wax into cold water;

Cyphalomancy - fortune telling by a donkey's head fried in a fire, etc.

Twelve holy days (according to the number of months in the year) have always been full of rituals. With their help, they tried to ensure well-being for the whole year, protect themselves from evil spirits and evil eye. During the rituals, girls traditionally took off their pectoral crosses, all jewelry and belts, let their hair down, and used only candles as lighting.

Types of proven fortune telling on water

Take four glasses and fill them halfway with water. In the first - add half a spoon of sugar, in the second - salt, in the third, put a piece of bread, and in the fourth, lower the ring. Blindfold your eyes and turn around yourself twice. Ask your friend to swap the glasses, and then choose one of them. If you come across a sweet one, the year will be rich in happy moments, including harmony in personal life. Salt promises difficulties, but if you make an effort, you will definitely achieve success. Bread is an unexpected profit and solid capital, which can be especially important in difficult financial times. And the ring speaks for itself - expect a marriage proposal, a new addition to the family, or just a comfortable love relationship.

There are other proven fortune telling related to water. For example, pouring it into a deep plate is a conditional “sea/reservoir”; stick thin paper strips with predictions along its edges, the “shores”. It could be like general concepts(“success in work”, “health”, “wealth in the family”), as well as something more specific, say, the name of the future spouse or cherished desires. Take half a walnut shell (“boat”), place a small candle stub (“guide”) in it, lower it into the middle of the plate and wait: which shore will your homemade boat of hope land on?

A fail-safe option for girls with a very rich imagination. Take a glass with a flat bottom, fill a third with water and lower the ring to the bottom. Now rub your eyes thoroughly and persistently try to see the face of your future husband through the water in the middle of the ring.

One of the oldest (read, “tested” for centuries) proven fortune telling is on wax. “Voskolei” is mentioned in the Potrebnik of 1639. For the ritual, pieces of beeswax were drowned in a mug or spoon, and then poured into a vessel with cold water(you can use a saucer) or on the snow. In another version, wax was dripped into water from a slightly tilted burning candle. Carefully catch the “figurine” and peer at the frozen outlines - you can judge the future from them. The beauty is that the resulting figurine (if its interpretation completely suits you) can be saved as a talisman. The most famous meanings:

cross - troubles with finances and/or in your personal life;

beast - be careful with your surroundings, it seems that an enemy is hovering around you;

stripes - for moving or traveling;

a human figurine is a new faithful friend;

trees - joy;

a wax pancake that has settled to the bottom - marriage is not expected in the next couple of years;

a lot of small round droplets frozen next to large figures - to money. The bigger, the better!

Types of fortune telling with objects

For those who vacation in hot countries during Christmas time, you can safely skip this point and move on to the next one. Everyone else should be more careful. Take a small mirror, pour water over it and at exactly midnight take it outside into the cold. When patterns appear on the surface, bring it back into the house and examine it carefully. If circles appear, you will live in abundance all year, if you notice a spruce branch, you will have to work a lot, squares promise various difficulties in life, and triangles promise luck in any matter.

Of all the types of fortune telling, this is as old as time and fails extremely rarely. Our great-great-great-great-grandmothers chose a book of spiritual content for this - most often scriptures. In a modern interpretation, they can be replaced by anything that comes to hand at the time of fortune telling - a book on psychology or, for example, a favorite magazine. Without opening the publication, ask a secret question out loud or to yourself, guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom, and open it in the right place. The answer is in front of you. Let's give a hint: almost every issue of ELLE contains more than five hundred pages. There is room to expand and something to dream about. The most advanced method (here and now) is fortune telling on the Internet. For example, click at random on any article on the site and count the required number of lines. We won’t recommend anything bad, and we have more than enough betrotheds.

Before midnight, prepare a mirror and place a couple of spruce branches in front of it. Before going to bed, write on the mirror the name of the person you want or your cherished desire. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is look - if the inscription has disappeared, then everything will definitely come true, and if it has not changed at all, you will remain in your interests.

Have fun and try your luck with your friends. Four girls take part in this fortune-telling at once, or each one in turn. To the corners cutting board(in the village they called it “zhirka”) they put in a piece of bread, a coal/pebble, a piece of clay/brick and a ring. They cover the board with a towel and begin to spin it, singing: “I’ll save the fat for the holy evening. The fat is small, the windows are large, slanted and slatted, the flea couldn’t jump, the goat jumped, took away the horns, and wrung its tail. Choose your corner! When you finish singing, stop the rotation and see who gets what. Bread is wealth, coal is illness, clay is sorrow, and the ring is marriage.

It is known that it is during Christmas time that the most intimate dreams occur - be more sensitive to night rest during this period. The easiest way to tell fortunes is to say before going to bed: “My betrothed, come to me.” And the next morning try to remember which acquaintance/stranger came to you first in a dream? To be sure, you can put scissors and bread under your pillow, which attract prophetic dreams, especially on the night from Thursday to Friday. When you go to bed, say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, another will tell, the third will indicate fate.” To be continued in the dream.

Hippolytus? Serezhenka? Or maybe Jason? Place several dozen paper notes under your pillow with different male names. (The more and more original, the more interesting!) The next morning, without peeking, pull out one of them - the name of the man destined for you by fate.

What methods of fortune telling are there with cards? For example, like this! On one of the Christmas nights, take four kings from the deck, mix them and put them under your pillow. Get one out first thing in the morning. The king of spades is an elderly groom or a jealous person, the king of hearts is young and rich, the king of the cross is a military man or businessman, the king of diamonds is desirable.

The most fashionable way is fortune telling with stockings. Before going to bed, a woman puts one new stocking with lace on either leg and says: “My betrothed, take off my shoes.” Your future husband will be the one who takes it off in a dream.

I felt a little salty - it's about Epiphany fortune tellers. A few minutes before going to bed, eat something salty: cucumbers, herring - whatever you like. In ancient times, girls took a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, mixed them and drank them (or rather, ate them!). Before going to bed, say: “Whoever is my betrothed-mummer will give me water to drink.” Fate will connect you with the one who fulfills this request in a dream. Don't sleep through your happiness!

You can find out your destiny on the winter holiday of Christmas. His ancestors endowed him with special power, since on these days the sun winter period, unfolds in the summer, and at this moment you can tell fortunes about the groom or find out answers to secret questions.

You can cast a spell in the evening, just before bed, at midnight and early in the morning. All fortune telling begins in the evening of January 6 and in the morning of January 7.

Evening Christmas fortune telling

You can cast a spell on the groom or find out the future in many ways in the evening, without waiting until midnight.

Christmas fortune telling on mirrors

View the groom

An ancient and terrible thing is fortune-telling using mirrors for your future husband. You can guess late in the evening and at midnight. Turn off the lights in the room, put a mirror on the table and light a candle next to it. Mentally call the groom and look in the mirror. He will come up from behind and you can see him in the mirror.

How many people are in the groom's family

Stand with a mirror at the window in the evening and look at the reflection of the month in the mirror. Several reflections of the month in the mirror symbolize the number of people in the groom's future family.

Fortune telling with a match

Take two matches and mentally imagine yourself with the guy you like. Set them on fire and see how they burn; if the heads of the matches turn towards each other, then the relationship will be successful.

Safe Christmas fortune telling

On the book

Harmless and safe divination on a book. Open any page of the book and read any paragraph. This is what awaits man in the future.

On seeds

Safe fortune telling, just like a book. Take some seeds in your palm and put them aside in pairs, if there are two seeds left in your palm, then a year promises marriage, you will have to wait another year if there is only one seed left.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

Wax fortune telling. Will show you what to expect this year. Light the candle and wait until it burns well, then start dripping wax from the candle into a container of water. After waiting a little, take the resulting shape out of the water and see what it looks like - this is what will happen.

Fortune telling on a cat

You can also tell fortunes with your favorite pet – a cat. Mentally make a wish and call the cat to you, carefully look at which paw she stepped over the threshold with. On the right - your wish will come true, on the left - most likely it will not come true.

Fortune telling on a dog

The dog will also help determine where the groom will live. Go outside in the evening and mentally ask the dog to bark where it lives future husband. If the barking is heard close, then he lives nearby, and if the barking is distant, then it is far away.

On a spikelet

Fortune telling on the steps

Climb the steps and mentally talk about two qualities of your future husband, for example, generosity or stinginess. The last step will be the answer.

Christmas fortune telling on a chicken egg

Take egg and pour the protein into a container with warm water. Look at the resulting figure, and that’s what will happen.

How to tell your fortune before going to bed on Christmas?

Most fortune telling can be done before going to bed, mentally ask for an answer to your question and see it in a dream.

With matches

Place a small well under a pillow of matches and mentally call the future groom to quench his thirst. If you dream of a guy, this is your future husband.

With a comb

Take your hair comb to bed and mentally ask your future husband to comb his hair. If you dreamed about a guy, you need to remember what he looks like and recognize him when you meet him.

With salt

Before going to bed, swallow a pinch of salt and ask your future husband for water in a dream. The one who appears to you in a dream will become your husband.

With cards

Place four card kings under your pillow. Whichever one you dream about will be the husband. King of Spades, not so much good man and most likely a little older than the bride. The Cross King is a military or policeman. The King of Diamonds is handsome and kind. The King of Hearts is the best and most beloved.

Christmas fortune telling at midnight for the groom

Fortune telling should begin no earlier than midnight. These fortune tellings are famous for their truthfulness, but it is also a little scary to do it in the middle of the night, but to find out the future, you can try.

At the table

A brave girl, all alone, sets the table and sits down at it, mentally calling her future husband to her place for dinner. At dusk, the groom must come and sit at the table; he must be carefully examined and remembered. Fortune telling is not suitable for the faint of heart, as the results of fortune telling are varied, and many claim that the shadow of a person appeared in the room.

Near the window

Sit by the window and mentally call for the groom to come. If you can clearly hear a passing car or train, then married life will be successful.

With a wedding ring

Take wedding ring, a container of water and light a candle, turn off the rest of the lighting, only the candle. Place the ring in the water and ask the groom to mentally appear, peer into the hole of the ring and see his future husband for a second.

With boots

Take your boots and throw them over the fence. Then go out and see if the boots fell close to each other, then the groom is close, and if they scattered far away, then the husband is still far away.

For porridge

Family fortune-telling using porridge to predict what kind of year the family will have. At midnight, the woman puts any cereal in a pan, and the man fills it with water and begins to cook. Then look at how it was cooked; if the porridge runs down the pan, then troubles are expected in the family in the coming year. Well-cooked porridge symbolizes a good harvest year, and poorly cooked porridge symbolizes a not very successful year for the family.

Morning Christmas fortune telling

In the morning, you can have fun with friends and family by telling fortunes on coffee grounds. You need to brew coffee in a Turkish pot, that is, with your hands.

Over a cup of coffee, talk about an issue of interest. After the coffee has been drunk, consider what pattern has formed at the bottom of the coffee grounds- this will be the answer to the future question. Fun and safe.

In no case should you be upset if the fortune telling did not work out or did not show a very good result. This is life - everything is in the hands of a person, you can always change it for the better!

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