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German Gref family children. German Gref: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

“Here we have a pool for synchronized swimming, here children raise animals, here is theater, chess, here is 3D physical education” - German Gref’s pregnant wife Yana takes me around the Khoroshevskaya gymnasium. Yana is not a tabloid heroine, but an excellent student. Eleven years ago, the scandal surrounding his wedding with Gref in the throne room of the Grand Palace of Peterhof, which once so excited the guards from among the State Duma deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, today seems like an absurd incident.

Yana takes me around the exemplary school. It is clear that it was organized by people who know how to write business plans. How else could it be if it was started in the family of the president of Sberbank? Even the gymnasium building looks either like a colored Lego box or a premium business center: security, good cars at the entrance, a cafe, not a school canteen. In order to enter the Khoroshevskaya gymnasium, it is not enough to pass an interview - children are tested in the gym. And together with the parents. The school’s website says: “A parent and a child, dressed lightly and sportily, come at the appointed time to the gym with a physical education complex. The introduction session is led by a trainer.” Both daughters of the Grefs study here, and Gref’s granddaughter, the daughter of his eldest son Oleg, goes to kindergarten here. This idea comes from the wife, who seems to be too pretty to be a school manager. Until recently, in all biographies she was listed as a designer, and in the press it was vaguely mentioned that, together with other high-ranking wives, she tried to sell accessories in the LLP Gift Studio, and later became interested in art objects.

Why do you need your own school?

Ya. G. Firstly, I have a son who has not been in school for a long time, he is a student, he is 20, and, of course, the first experience when I encountered Russian education, I got it thanks to him. And I made all the mistakes that could have been made, and learned all the lessons. For example, we preferred a more modest kindergarten, but with wonderful teachers, to a first-class equipped kindergarten. And our problems, including those with health, ended. When the girls, who are now 8.5 and 7 years old, began to appear, I analyzed the path I had traveled and realized that it was necessary to look for alternatives to public education. There are quite a lot of them. But still, one way or another, I was faced with the fact that here I could have done better, but here I could have done more.

Coincidentally, I met an excellent teacher - Sergei Plakhotnikov, he worked according to the system of Evgeniy Shuleshko. In general, when my daughters grew up and it was time to look for a kindergarten again, I decided to open my own.

That is, they went from the opposite? Apparently, your Soviet school experience was not very successful either.

Ya. G. The Soviet school had both good and not so good. The problem was probably that the human relationships between the children were at some point emasculated. An atmosphere of competition was created that pitted them against each other and, perhaps, suppressed some of the children. In fact, there was no childhood in schools.

Many of us did not like going to school and studied only because we had to.

Although the level of academic education was very high. It is important for me that children go to school with joy and do not want to leave, that the colors are bright, there is a lot of light, that the food at school is tasty and healthy. I hope it worked out - my kids sometimes tell me at dinner that the fish tastes better at school.

How did your husband, a down-to-earth man by profession, react to this seemingly utopian idea?

Ya. G. My husband is a business man. For him, profit issues are, of course, very important. But when we sat down with him and calculated the budget, we realized for ourselves that this would be philanthropy, charity. And I managed to change his attitude towards this project. It's such a big deal for him now. It is important for him that it be progressive and in demand. Both he and I understand that this is a non-profit project, that the funds we invested will never be returned, but the children will leave school and be qualitatively different people. They will be ready for dialogue, will be able to ask questions, respect others, because they have been respected themselves since childhood.

In general, he realized that he had to come to terms with these expenses.

Ya. G. Not putting up with it is not buying a trinket, it’s an investment in the future of the country. We grew up in Russia, and it would be right to invest in the development of domestic education. After all, this is our future too.

These are investments that children will later return to us - with their work and the right attitude towards life.

Everyone in our circle wants to raise their children to be leaders, successful, in demand in the market, but few people think that it is necessary to preserve the humanity in the child.

Sound patriotic. Are you currently working? kindergarten And Primary School, but your children will grow up and need a full-cycle high school, and then a university. Will you be opening all this up gradually so that your children remain in a comfortable environment?

Ya. G. It is important, of course, what my children need, but our project already has its own history. Parents began to ask, what next, what will happen to our children after primary school? Where to go? That is, they want to stay in this environment. So now we are working on developing the basic school project.

Let's be honest, do you see your children finishing school in Russia or abroad? In general, in my opinion, you are a hostage to the situation, because if the family of German Gref gives up hope for a happy future for the country, then everything is very bad. Your family is a forced symbol of stability.

Ya. G. My children will study here as long as the quality of education suits us. And for this we will make every effort. I want our children to love what Herman and I love. Close interaction between parents and children is important.

Does your family have this? Your husband probably works 24 hours a day. What kind of close interaction can we talk about?

Ya. G. You are right, this is our biggest problem.

But those rare hours when Herman is at home, he devotes to the children and me.

The ratio of quantity and quality is very important to us. We have family rituals, we have breakfast together, and the whole family always gathers once a week for lunch or dinner (usually on Sunday), during which we share news for the week. There are family traditions - for example, we celebrate Christmas with the whole family and give each other handmade gifts. We always spend our holidays with our children. And these are precious days in which we feel the unity of the family.

At your school you have morning exercises with parents. Do you go to them?

Ya. G. Yes, of course, I love them very much, and so do my children, although this is a test. Get up at 6 in the morning, leave the house at 7, so that by 8 you will be on exercises - actively running and jumping. But here I have to set the pace for the others. But morning play with a child sets the mood for the whole day. We have been practicing for several years now and have learned to come up with games together. In general, “exercises” are an amazing workshop when parents learn to negotiate with their children. We parents often rely on our authority. And during the exercises, I learned to be a calmer, more understanding mother.

Who are the children who study at your school?

Ya. G. Just kids. Curious, friendly, able to live in a team, capable of empathy. The school is paid - 51,000 rubles per month. We take the children after the interview. This is a “dating game” that takes place in a sports complex. There, psychologists and speech therapists meet families. We do not test knowledge; intelligence is just a facet of personality. Children may have other talents. But the main problem is already visible at the interview: parents’ opinions about their children and their expectations do not always coincide with reality. And disappointment often sets in. Then sometimes what is stated by the parent, for example, unpretentiousness in everyday life, and this is important to us, is not found in the child.

You don’t expect such criteria from your ultra-comfortable school.

Ya. G. When a child gets to school, he is forced to adapt to the team, and children now take a long time to adapt. Because their conditions at home are completely different. They are constantly served by nannies, governesses, and household staff. And independence in life is a basic skill, it must be developed through joint efforts, and it is important that our parents support us in this.

Do your friends' children study at your school?

Ya. G. I am very grateful to my friends who brought their children to us. There are friends who professional activity began to help us in financial and administrative matters.

Did your last name play a role as a guarantee of the reliability of your school?

Ya. G. There were people who went to the family name expecting to see luxury - literally palaces and carpets. Let me tell you right away, this is not the case at school. But there is good teachers— they are really informally interested in what they do. The surname, of course, arouses interest in the project, which is important in any business. But my task is to develop this interest and provide a quality product.

What did you do before? It seems you were a designer?

Ya. G. Design is my previous hobby. Before that, I received an economics education. I worked in my specialty for some time. But I began to understand that I go to work just to earn money. I was very tired both mentally and physically.

I understood that something was going wrong in life. A lot of energy was wasted.

At this time I became interested in houses and interiors and began to study design. Slowly I began to build houses for myself and friends, I studied with great enthusiasm, but there was no flow of orders, and I cooled down. Building a school combined my previous interests and now I'm really passionate about it.

What do you think about education reform? Do you feel its echoes?

Ya. G. School education has long needed reforms. But this should be approached with caution. Soviet school was built on coercion and obedience, we grew up in this system not thanks to, but in spite of. Reforms must break this, that is, develop children's initiative. But what is written in the documents does not always correspond to practice. I heard that due to the merger of schools, traditions are disappearing and teams are collapsing. Partly, being a non-state school, we benefit from this; we have the opportunity to invite professionals to join us. But it’s sad that it will take a long time to create new traditions.

But aren't you afraid to invest in the future now that the country is in such a difficult situation? How much does this have to do with the fact that your family is forced to live in Russia and be unique? business card How is the family of a high government official?

Ya. G. I agree with you, there are a lot of fears. On the other hand, we understand that in any crisis it is necessary to develop. For example, on a project high school we started working a year ago, we had already drawn it up with architects, but after the summer it became clear that the project should become more realistic, less grandiose. No matter what happens in the world, in the country, with the ruble-dollar exchange rate, life does not stop, children continue to be born, they grow. If we all lock our houses and leave, this will not solve the problem.

Gref German Oskarovich went through a long and thorny path until he reached the financial Olympus. Now he is the chief manager of Sberbank. Gref was the head of famous holdings Yandex, Gazprom and Lukoil. For some time he served as Minister of Trade and Economy. He managed to introduce several conceptual ideas into the Russian economy - he created free economic zones and reforms of the taxation system.


G.O. was born. Gref February 8, 1964 in the northeast of Kazakhstan, in the village of Panfilovo. He appeared in a family of ethnic Germans exiled to the steppes of the country from Donbass back in early 1941, the reason for which was their nationality. They lived under harsh conditions of the commandant regime. In such an environment, Herman managed to grow up, retaining everything human qualities and do many useful things for Russia.

Gref German

In the Gref family he was the youngest child. He has a sister Elena and a brother Evgeniy. German's parents - Emilia Filippovna and Oscar Fedorovich - are intelligent and educated people. The head of the family, Gref, worked for many years as an engineer, and his mother worked as an economist in the village council.

Childhood and youth

At the age of one and a half years, Herman lost his father, and his mother had to raise three children alone. She was helped by her grandmother, who taught the children this useful qualities. From an early age, the children in the family learned two languages ​​- Russian and German.

At school, the children were diligent students and never showed their bad side. Despite their lack of interest in science, they did not cause their mother any trouble, realizing that it was already difficult for her. Herman loved basketball and became the captain of the team at his school.

After school, Herman entered, but after a year he left his studies, which was the reason for joining the army. He served in the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he also committed actions that deserved the respect of his senior ranks. After demobilization, he managed to enter the State Law University in Omsk, Faculty of Law. Herman was a public figure, which became the reason for his political interest after graduation. Despite this, he remained working as a teacher.

At the age of 26, German Oskarovich entered graduate school in Leningrad. There he was noticed by his “godfather” political career - Anatoly Sobchak (former mayor Peter). Thanks to him, Gref became a member of the St. Petersburg administration, where he met other politicians.

Career of German Gref in Leningrad

In 1991 year he became a legal consultant, and a year later he headed the agency of the Petrodvortsovo District Committee. After 2 years, he left this position, choosing the position of director of the department, responsible for the management of state property in St. Petersburg.

Gref and

At this time, the work of German Gref was severely criticized by opposition forces. It was he who was blamed for the failure of the housing and communal services reform. This caused the illegal privatization of city historical sites and caused a sharp increase in the cost of utility bills. In 1997 he became vice-governor and member of the board of directors of the Lenenergo joint-stock company.

German Gref in government agencies

After V.V. Putin became President of Russia, and the post of Minister for Economic Development was created for Gref. The main task of German Oskarovich was to conduct negotiations regarding the entry of the Russian Federation into the World Trade Organization. The principle in this was the observance of such conditions so that Russia does not lose its own benefits. This caused some difficulties and significantly delayed the deadlines. accession to the WTO.


Gref managed to successfully complete negotiations with world trading powers. In 2003, he became a laureate of the Darin Academy of Entrepreneurship and Business Award. In February 2004, German Oskarovich left his post voluntarily and resigned. After leaving the post of minister. In March of the same year, a new cabinet of ministers was already formed under the leadership of M. Fradkov. Herman was given his previous position, which confirmed his importance as a political figure.

German Gref and Sberbank

In 2007 Gref left the government. His post was taken Elvira. He was elected to the post of head of Sberbank. He holds this position to this day (06/18/2018).

In his new position, Gref managed to achieve enormous success:

  • increasing the level of service;
  • global expansion of the customer base;
  • increase in profit financial organization more than 70%;
  • making the bank a leader in Europe thanks to rebranding and the introduction of the so-called system of remote service channels.

The new president of the bank, after taking on a new position. It was received rather coldly by shareholders. They spoke out about the fact that Gref had destroyed the country with his course and intended to do the same with Sberbank. Despite this, German Oskarovich did not give up and decided to do everything possible to lift the country’s economy from its knees. He explained this by saying that it is typical perfectionist, calling this quality of his character a mental illness. In this regard, he tries to do everything as well as possible, even if no one needs it.

Gref G.O. started its activities as follows:

  1. Completely restructured the issuance of loans.
  2. Took measures to reduce the technical gap from private financial institutions.
  3. He did everything possible to strengthen Sberbank’s position in deposits and loans.
  4. He gave an order to change the mentality of the staff, which entailed huge queues at bank branches.

The first breakthrough was non-cash payments, which was achieved due to technological developments. The quality of retail products began to surpass most Western banks. Thanks to modern technologies According to experts, Sberbank has a good base for development for 5-10 years ahead.

Among the significant achievements of German Gref, one should highlight the radical reform of issuing loans. This approach allowed us to grow our business without risks. Sberbank began to change along with the world market, and in some things even ahead of it. Personnel were strengthened using a system of constant retraining. Among the significant advantages, we should highlight the development of remote channels, which became the impetus for the formation of trends by the credit organization.

Personal life of German Gref

The first wife of German Oskarovich - Elena Velikanova. Gref met her at school. Lena herself chose Herman, and they began to be friends in the 5th grade. She was the most beautiful girl from all over school, but despite this she did not respond to the advances of numerous fans. They got married and left for Omsk to enter the university immediately after school.

A year later they had a son, who was named Oleg. They couldn't stop looking at their firstborn. The first and true love did not last long, they soon broke up. They had problems in their relationship from the very beginning, because they were young and not yet ready for family life. Herman’s wife and he himself remain silent about the reasons for the divorce, as well as about the years spent together.

German Oskarovich did not remain a bachelor for long. In 2004, he began living with a new lover - Yana Golovina, who worked as a designer and was also divorced. They played a luxurious wedding in Peterhof. This caused gossip and negative reviews. The common people were amazed that an architectural monument, which is of great value for the country, was involved in the event.


After 2 years, she gave birth to German Oskarovich’s daughter, and in 2008 another one. Gref always surrounded his children with care, attention and love. Despite the fact that the head of the family was constantly busy, he found time to raise his offspring. He was always aware of their studies, victories and successes, and in case of failures he did everything possible to help. Despite his rather busy schedule, Gref tried to see his children as often as possible.

Today, German Oskarovich’s wife has plunged headlong into the field of education, forgetting about her past hobbies. Yana Vladimirovna managed to open an elite school where only selected children could study. She was paid about 50 thousand rubles.

Gref advocated the complete privatization of Sberbank

German Gref now

In 2015 G.O. Gref was elected to the position of head of Sberbank for a longer term - until 2019. After some time, he gave a critical assessment of the work of the government, drawing attention to the fact that the economic crisis was the result of the fact that the Cabinet of Ministers was slow to respond to changes taking place.

In 2015 German Gref managed to show his best side. He demonstrated his human qualities. He, as the head of Sberbank, was addressed to an open letter by the famous writer Samuel Lurie, who had cancer and was being treated in the USA. His message described an incident that occurred with the writer’s sister. Sberbank did not give her the pension due to Lurie, despite the provision of a power of attorney certified by the consul. Gref, in his response to Samuel Lurie, not only explained the situation, but also apologized for the misunderstanding that had occurred. By this act he earned everyone's respect.

German Gref sometimes speaks harshly about the people, but fairly, because they fully reflect reality. Not long ago, the chairman of the board and president of Sberbank called Russia a downshifter, implying that the country is a loser.

- Vice Speaker of the State Duma, reacted negatively to this statement and suggested that German Oskarovich resign voluntarily. Herman also made the following statement:“Once the people understand what is the basis of their personality, it will become very difficult to govern them.” . Relatively modern economy

He says to Russia that our country is losing the competition and the oil age is over. The only chance is the development of business, education and science.

German Gref about the population

To change the situation in the country, German Gref proposed including Russia in the technological revolution. To do this, it is necessary to change the Soviet era education model, which is still in effect today. It is with these changes that you need to start acting so that changes for the better begin. German Gref achieved great success in the political sphere and beyond. In 2013, he entered the Forbes TOP 5 as the most expensive manager in Russia. German Oskarovich's annual income is approximately. Despite the fact that German is a former politician and the current head of Sberbank, he remains a real man and a person who loves his country, doing everything possible to improve its situation.

German Oskarovich has held the post of president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia since the fall of 2007, former minister economic development RF, is one of the most famous and highly paid top managers in Russia.

Childhood and school years

Born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlodar region in Kazakhstan, where his family was deported during the war. His father, Oscar Fedorovich, worked as a simple engineer, and his mother, Emilia Filipovna, worked as an economist in the village council. There were three children in the family (Herman is the youngest son), so the parents worked tirelessly. At the age of one and a half years, the boy lost his father, then his grandmother came to the aid of his mother - it was she who instilled in her grandchildren such qualities as restraint and modesty.

He studied well and was distinguished by exemplary behavior. He didn’t particularly like exact sciences, but he enjoyed playing sports and was even a school captain. basketball team.

Education and army years

In 1982, he was drafted into the army, where he served for two years.

After demobilization, he entered the Faculty of Law at Omsk State University. Having received a diploma in jurisprudence in 1990, he entered graduate school at the Leningrad Faculty of Law state university.

In 2011, already as the head of Sberbank, he defended his dissertation in Russian Academy National economy and civil services under the President of the Russian Federation.

Labor activity

In 1991-1998, he worked at the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, where he worked his way up from legal adviser of the economic development and property committee of the Petrodvorets administration to vice-governor, chairman of the city property management committee of the city administration.


Later he met the future Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Center for Strategic Research (TSR), under his leadership, prepared Putin’s economic program when he ran for the first presidential term in 2000.

While heading the Center for Social Development, in 1998-2000 he also served as Deputy Minister of State Property.

After Putin's victory in the first presidential elections, he was invited to head the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. In the first half of the 2000s, it was one of the most influential ministries in the government.

In the fall of 2007, he became president and chairman of the board of Sberbank, and Elvira Nabiullina, the current chairman of the Bank of Russia, was appointed to his post at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Having headed Sberbank, he announced a radical reform aimed at making the bank a modern client-oriented credit organization. He outlined this goal as follows: “We must prove that elephants can dance!”


He enjoys running. Before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, he took part in the final leg of the Olympic torch relay.

After joining Sberbank, he obliged top management to visit the corporate gym and swimming pool before meetings on Saturdays and resumed the company’s fading tradition of holding corporate sports competitions - Sberbankiads.


Currently married for the second time, his wife, Yana, is the founder of the Khoroshevskaya gymnasium, which includes a kindergarten and an elementary school. She is a designer by training.

The couple was remembered for a very beautiful and magnificent wedding ceremony in April 2004, for which the Grand Palace was rented in Peterhof.

He has three children. The eldest son from his first marriage.

Biographies of family members

Yana Vladimirovna (wife)

Born August 5, 1975. Maiden name - Golovina, after her first husband - Glumova. According to Yana herself, she received an economics education and worked in her specialty for some time.

Why did the OTR TV channel remove from its website material about the construction of a road to the private school of the head of Sberbank and his wife in Khoroshovo-Mnevniki

The editors of Public Russian Television (OTR) removed from its website material about the scandalous events surrounding the construction of the road to the German and Yana Gref school in the 75th quarter of the capital's Khorovo-Mnevniki district. The deleted material was a text printout of a video clip, which spoke about the illegal nature of the construction, which is carried out under the patronage of the Gref spouses in the absence of a tender and violates the rights of local residents.

The material seized from the OTR website also cited testimony from activists of the initiative group of residents of the 75th block, who for several weeks have been trying to resist the tyranny of the construction company Krost, which is building the ill-fated road along their local area. In particular, an interview with Muscovite Tatyana Lapshinova, who spoke about heated battles between residents of the 75th quarter, on the one hand, and the contractor and representatives of the Gref family, on the other hand, was deleted. “We called the police on Sunday. They took the workers away in two police cars because the workers did not have documents. Tree cutting continued on Monday. Our territory is being taken away. When registering the ownership of at least one apartment in this building, this land, by law, must become the right of the people. Nothing was agreed upon with us!” another publication quoted Lapshinova as saying, which managed to copy the material hastily removed from OTR.

As it turns out, the so-called innovative school (Khoroshkola) for selected children in the Khoroshovo-Mnevniki region became a project of the wife of the head of Sberbank, Yana Gref. Recruitment to this school is made based on the results of an interview with the children’s parents, as well as after clarifying their ability to pay. It was decided to build a road to the new facility, directly through the courtyards of the new houses at 34-36 Karamyshevskaya embankment. This became the cause of the conflict between the developer and the residents.

“The road passes through the land of business-class houses, which by law should belong to the residents of these houses. All processes related to the registration of our ownership of this land are deliberately slowed down. Instead, construction of the road began urgently,” said representatives of the residents’ initiative group. As activists emphasize, officials of the Khoroshovo-Mnevniki administration do not respond in any way to citizens’ complaints, and their appeals to the media are simply blocked. In informal conversations, representatives of local authorities refer to the fact that “this is a project of Gref’s own wife,” and therefore nothing can be done about it. And this despite the fact that the road being built is simply not included in the district’s infrastructure development plans.

According to officials, the head of the Khoroshovo-Mnevniki district administration, Sergei Aleksandrovich Panfilov, is lost in such a difficult situation. After all, there is a violation of the law and the rights of citizens, which puts the district head at risk. However, according to bureaucratic standards, Panfilov must put his head down and close his eyes to what is happening, since the illegitimate project is being carried out in the interests of a “noble person.” In general, you cannot envy the head of the council.

As it became known, Yana Vladimirovna assigned both of her daughters, as well as her grandson German Oskarovich, to the “Khoroshkola”, which was built by the Grefs. The construction of the school and the road is being carried out with funds from Sberbank. In this regard, representatives of the initiative group of protesting residents of Khoroshovo-Mnevniki are asking the question: has Gref confused “private wool with state wool”? After all, it turns out that the head of the state-owned Sberbank spends depositors’ money to satisfy the whims of his young wife, who, according to her admission, came up with the whole scandalous idea with “Khoroshkola” and the road to it.

German Gref with his wife

This is not the first scandalous idea of ​​Yana Gref. Previously, Yana Vladimirovna, with her husband’s (or Sberbank?) money, organized a company for the sale of art objects. But she soon got bored with this idea, the company went bankrupt and closed. However, a trading store is one thing, and a school is another. What if in six months or a year Yana Gref gets tired of messing around with schoolchildren and she gives up on this project? Otherwise, the school building will have to be repurposed, and the children will be distributed to other educational institutions.

Yana Gref’s morbid addiction to senseless and provocative spending has been known for a long time. Several years ago, when Yana decided to connect her life with Herman, it was she who insisted that the wedding procedure take place not in some modest registry office, but in the Throne Hall of the Petrodvorets of the Northern capital. After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds went for a ride on the Neva on the presidential boat. A banquet on the occasion of Gref’s wedding was then held in one of the presidential residences. The wedding caused a huge scandal and even became the subject of discussion in State Duma on the initiative of the communists.

Meanwhile, according to OTR journalists, the above-mentioned material about the scandal surrounding Yana Gref’s project was indeed removed “for a reason,” but under external pressure. However, the initiative group of residents of houses 34-36 on Karamyshevskaya embankment is not going to put up with lawlessness and intends to reach the very top of the Russian government, but to defend their rights.

Grigory Petrovsky

In contact with

Original material: "New Vedomosti"

German was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlodar Region, Kazakh SSR.

From 1982 to 1984 he served in special forces units of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1990 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University. Speaks German and English.

From 1990 to 1993 he was a graduate student at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University. The scientific supervisor was Anatoly Sobchak, to whom he came on the recommendation of the dean of the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University Sergei Baburin. Gref did not defend his dissertation then.

1991: Work in the administration of St. Petersburg

  • In 1991-1992 - legal adviser of the 1st category of the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of Petrodvorets and St. Petersburg.
  • In 1992, he was appointed head of the Petrodvortsovo district agency of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.
  • In 1992-1994 - Chairman of the Property Management Committee, Deputy Head of the Petrodvorets City Administration.
  • In 1994, he became deputy chairman, first deputy chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.
  • In 1997-1998 - vice-governor, chairman of the Committee for City Property Management of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

1998: Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation

  • 1998 - member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
  • 1999 - member of the board of the Federal Market Commission valuable papers, Head of the Center for Strategic Research.

2000: Head of the Ministry of Economic Development

  • In 2000, he was appointed to the position of First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
  • From May 2000 to September 2007 - Head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

One of Gref's main tasks as Minister of Economic Development was negotiations on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization. And if at first the goal was to join the WTO at any cost and as quickly as possible, then the main principle became: “Russia will join the organization on the most favorable terms for itself.” In this regard, the deadline for joining the WTO was constantly pushed back. Under G. Gref, bilateral negotiations between Russia and all major world trading powers were successfully completed.

In his post, G. Gref also actively advocated for the development of industrial production in Russia. The year 2005 was especially successful for him in this area. Thus, the Sukhoj Super Jet-100 (SSJ-100, formerly RRJ) program, a joint project of the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, the Ilyushin Aviation Complex and the Boeing Company, came into his sphere of influence.

In the same year, the famous government decree N166 was issued, providing benefits for automakers who opened assembly plants in Russia (the conclusion of relevant agreements with auto giants was supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade).

Also in 2005, a law developed by the ministry was adopted regulating the activities of special economic zones and providing preferential operating conditions for their residents. G. Gref also achieved for his department the right to distribute funds for innovative projects both through the created Russian Venture Company (RVC) and through the Investment Fund.

In 2005, the minister became chairman of the commission that forms the list of projects co-financed from the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation.

G. Gref also actively participated in the promotion of Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Olympics. Under him, the Ministry of Economic Development oversaw the federal target program “Development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort until 2014,” which was later transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development.

2007: President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sberbank

November 28, 2007 at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Gref was elected president and chairman of the board credit organization. In this position, he replaced Andrey Kazmin, who was appointed head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post. Despite G. Gref’s statement that there are no drastic changes in personnel policy is not planned, several people from the bank's top management have submitted their resignations. Among them were deputy chairmen of the board and heads of leading departments. However, the former minister did not lose optimism - having headed Sberbank, G. Gref, in his characteristic energetic manner, stated: “We must prove that elephants can dance... Give me time, and then we’ll see who is capable of what.”

Thus, G. Gref plans to make Sberbank more “client-oriented”, in connection with which the bank has seriously increased the requirements for employees, and is also working to improve the principles of work, especially related to retail lending. Another serious undertaking by G. Gref was the expensive rebranding of Sberbank, the feasibility of which in the conditions of the financial crisis caused a wave of indignation in the media. In addition, being a supporter of the idea of ​​privatizing state banks, G. Gref advocates reducing the Central Bank's share in the bank's authorized capital to 50% + 1 share from the current 57.6%. However, so far the Russian government is in no hurry to privatize Sberbank, explaining this by its traditionally high social significance.

In May-June 2010 It became known that Gref became the owner of 0.0007% of ordinary shares of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, while his share in the authorized capital of the bank amounted to 0.0006%. Previously, G. Gref did not own shares in the bank. In October 2011 he increased his share of ordinary shares to 0.003%, and his participation in the authorized capital of the bank to 0.0031%.

German Gref talks about Sberbank's crowdsourcing project

  • Member of the boards of directors and supervisory boards of a number of joint stock companies and companies.

2011: Candidate of Economic Sciences

2011 - defense of the dissertation in

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