DIY musical instruments for kindergarten

How to make a musical melophone with your own hands.

Water heaters

With my own hands. Of course, a master unprepared for this type of activity will not be able to make a violin or piano without special training, materials, and equipment at home. And this is a fact that should be accepted unconditionally. But our article will tell those interested how to make fairly simple musical instruments with their own hands.

Where to find source material for crafts

Any object from which sound can be extracted is considered musical. And this is almost everything that surrounds us! If you carefully monitor one-year-old babies, it will become clear: the back of an iron bed, when hit with a spoon, makes a melodious ringing, similar to the sound of a metallophone. And if you knock wooden spoons on the table and chairs, you will get an amazing resemblance It turns out that we are surrounded by continuous musical instruments! You just need to decorate them with your own hands in the right way

, collect them in one place and place the “musician” next to them.

Gift for a drummer

For example, a beautiful one is made from a set of pans, lids and wooden sticks. Pencils, wooden spoons, and brushes are suitable as the latter. You can also carve special sticks for a beginning drummer from wood. As you can see from the photo, making these with your own hands is quite simple. For beauty, you can even come up with a special emblem and decorate each item with it. Suitable for “plates” metal lids

mounted on a stand. By the way, metal buckets, mugs, bowls, basins will coexist wonderfully next to the pots. The main thing in this matter is to choose containers of different sizes that are capable of producing different sounds.

Tool for spoons

Everyone knows such a Russian as spoons. Even solo numbers are practiced, where the performers manage to perform quite interesting compositions.

You can expand the capabilities of spoon musicians by creating an entire installation for them. It will require a wooden matryoshka doll. By arranging them in ascending volume, you can get an excellent installation tool.

DIY Guiro

Initially, guiros were made from the fruits of the gourd tree, on which notches were made. Its place of origin is considered to be Latin America. Modern guiros are musical instruments made by hand from solid wood with notches along which a scraper called a “pua” must be driven. The musician thus produces interesting chirping sounds when accompanying singing or performing his part in an orchestra.

Today, these kinds of musical instruments appear, made by hand from metal or plastic tubes. In Russia, rattles made of wooden planks with notches were an analogue of guiro.

Maracas, shakers - rattles

You can make musical noise instruments with your own hands from a variety of containers. Metal coffee cans, plastic yogurt bottles, Kinder surprise egg cartons, wooden boxes, and even inner paper towel or toilet paper cylinders made of cardboard are suitable for crafts. Only the latter need to be sealed at both ends so that you can put anything there. A shaker is also made from two disposable cups, gluing them together with tape.

To create a sound effect, grains, sand, small pebbles, beads, shot, and buttons are placed inside the container. You can attach handles to round containers and paint them acrylic paints. Then you get very beautiful musical noise instruments, which you can build with your own hands from scrap materials.


Children love to make a variety of crafts together with adults. Musical instruments You can also do it yourself at home.

You can make castanets using two large buttons with loops attached to them. These devices are put on the large and middle fingers. The castanets knock when they touch and a sound is produced.

From absolutely unnecessary things, prepared for disposal in the trash, you can make enough interesting crafts. Do-it-yourself musical instruments are created by gluing covers onto cardboard pieces, after which the blanks need to be fastened together by folding them perpendicular to each other.


Children's musical instruments often contain bells and bells that ring beautifully. You can hang them on an empty paper towel cylinder or along the edges of disposable plates taped together. It is best to fold the latter asymmetrically.

Having brightly colored the instruments made in this way, you can use them in a children's noise orchestra.

Whistles and pipes

Easy to make DIY ones that produce sounds when the performer blows into them. They are made from hollow stems of grass blades, the bark of twigs, plastic handles, and cocktail straws. If the latter are cut diagonally at different lengths, you can get whistles that produce different sounds.

Whistles are also made from bean, pea or acacia pods. In childhood, everyone “played” such a musical instrument at least once.

Craftsmen make pipes from wood by cutting holes in hollow tubes. But this requires special skill. No less difficult - and just as interesting! - make a toy whistle from clay or salt dough. Usually a version of the “Dymkovo” toy is used here. Although you can make a little thing by hiding a ready-made whistle inside. By making several of these toys that make sounds of different pitches, you can even play some melodies on them.

You can make homemade musical instruments with your own hands from almost nothing. For example, a cap from a plastic bottle, on which a piece of rubber cut from a burst balloon is stretched, will become an exciting toy for a child.

You can also use empty bottles as a whistle. If you blow into the inlet from top to bottom, applying the container only to the lower lip and holding it vertically, you can make amazing sounds! Musicians change the inclination of the “instrument”, the distance between the lips and the hole of the bubble, the force of blowing air, and different melodies are born.

"Lytrophon" or "singing bottles"

Today, more and more often, performers with such interesting instruments appear on stage that you are amazed! And what don’t they make them from! You can make it yourself, for example, from bottles or wine glasses, filling them with water.

Different heights of sounds produced are achieved by the amount of liquid poured, the material used to make the dishes, and changes in the volume of the container. The less water is poured, the thinner the sound. For beauty and convenience, the liquid is tinted.

Harp, or “musical comb”

Taking an ordinary flat comb (“hedgehog” will not work), you need to cover the location of the teeth with foil or tissue paper. By blowing into this simple instrument you can make cool rattling sounds.

Talented musicians from the stages perform different types of harpa musical compositions, up to the classic ones. Particularly interesting is this tool, made from a comb with different tooth thicknesses.

The main theme of Oginsky’s “Polonaise” or the melody of a folk song/hit comes out surprisingly similar to the original!

DIY guitar

This is truly amazing! But you can even make a guitar with your own hands from scrap materials, or simply from trash.

Closed ones are used as a basis. carton boxes, empty flat plastic bottles from under the shampoo. Of course, the sound of the instrument will depend on the material of the guitar frame and the size of the hole cut in it.

It is also important to choose the right strings for your guitar. Most often, they take stationery or aviation rubber bands and pull them with different forces.

So now you don’t need to run to the children’s toy store if your baby is capricious. After all, you can simply make an exciting toy for him - a musical instrument that will become the child’s most beloved and expensive thing.

You can make a wooden xylophone with your own hands. In total, it will cost us only 400-500 rubles, which must be spent on paper clips, nails, ropes and other available materials.

Step 1: Measurements

A total of 9 wooden blocks will be required as 9 notes. The longest is 91 cm. Each subsequent bar should be 5 cm less than the previous one. We get: 91 cm, 86 cm, 81 cm, 76 cm, 71 cm, 66 cm, 61 cm, 56 cm, 51 cm.

We cut the bars to these sizes and clean them with sandpaper.

Step 2: Assembly

We mark the middle of each “note” with a marker. For a 51 cm bar, put 2 marks, 5 cm above and below the center. In these places we must insert the rope and secure it with nails or paper clips. For a 56 cm bar, mark 7.6 cm from the center (difference 7.6-5 = 2.6 cm). We do the same for the remaining “notes”, adding 2.6 cm to the previous number.

The distance between the bars should be 1.3 cm.

Step 3: Game

We find a suitable place where we can hang the xylophone and pull the rope with the “notes” tightly. Please note that the angle of the instrument being hung will affect its sound.

This article will tell you how to make an original musical instrument - a xylophone. Having an original appearance and ease of implementation at home, a xylophone can be a wonderful addition to your home accessories. After a short practice of playing the xylophone, you will be able to pleasantly surprise your family and friends with some catchy melody.

Xylophone appearance:

The xylophone has a unique sound and is a set of wooden or iron sticks of different lengths, figure No. 1.

The principle of playing the xylophone is very simple - you just need to hit the sticks with hammers. The longer the stick, the lower the sound. By shortening the shelf accordingly, you increase the tone of the sound.

How to make a xylophone with your own hands:

It is not at all necessary to buy a xylophone; its primitive model (for beginners) can be made by yourself at home. Instead of sticks, you can use ordinary nails of different lengths, Figure No. 2.

Figure No. 2 – Xylophone made of nails

You need to take 13 large nails of the same diameter. Next you need to grind down the nail heads. Then file them down, giving different sounds depending on the length: 170; 165; 161; 156; 152; 147; 143; 138; 134; 129; 125; 120; 116 mm.

Line up the nails in decreasing lengths and pass fishing line or wire through them (you can drill holes in the nails or make notches or inclined grooves). Then the nails need to be hung in a pre-prepared frame, Figure No. 2.

That's the whole design, now all you have to do is make a wooden hammer and you can safely learn to play the xylophone.

P.S.: I tried to clearly show and describe not tricky tips. I hope that at least something is useful to you. But this is not everything that can be imagined, so go ahead and study the site

DIY musical instruments

Musical instruments

with your own hands.

This article is intended for concerned parents and creative teachers (most likely just for you).

Do you know those moments when your children follow you? "on the heels", prevent you from doing household chores, distract you from an interesting book or from watching a movie? I think every adult has moments like this from time to time.

Take a break! Devote your precious time to the most precious thing you have - your children! I promise, if you can find an interesting activity, pleasure is guaranteed not only for the little ones, but also for you!

I bring to your attention a very interesting activity - making the simplest musical instruments(or sounding toys) from handy (or even waste material).

How to find source material for crafts? Any object from which sound can be extracted is classified as musical. And this is almost everything that surrounds us! If you carefully monitor one-year-old babies, it will become It's clear: the headboard of an iron bed, when struck with a spoon, produces a melodious ringing, similar to the sound of a metallophone. And if you bang wooden spoons on the table and chairs, you will get an amazing resemblance to a drum set!

So, let's start selecting required material. These can be boxes, jars of yogurt and creams, cardboard tubes from paper rolls, juice tubes and boxes, hair sticks and combs, bottle caps and much more. Show resourcefulness and imagination!

Nice "rummage" in kitchen cabinets, furniture shelves and others "secluded corners" apartments. Collect possible materials for making tools.

Think about which one tool can be made from this material.

Remember: Don’t try to do everything yourself! Let your baby participate in making the toy - pour grain, large beads or beans into it. Show your child how this is done (perhaps you will do it more beautifully and aesthetically - even, most likely, this is exactly what will happen, but this is not the main thing)

Together with your child, prepare the equipment necessary to fulfill your idea (glue, scissors, pliers, awl

or something else)

Be patient and good mood! You can turn on funny music to tone and stimulate creativity. So let's get started!

Shakers (noisemakers) or maracas.

This is probably the simplest musical(noise) tool. It can be made from containers for shoe covers, jars of cream or yogurt, and all kinds of boxes. The filler can be any cereal or beads. Paper clips or even screws will also work (it is important to remember that small parts carry a certain danger - for some reason small children often try to stick them up their noses. Remember this and do not leave children unattended, explain to them in advance that this is not allowed).

Step 1. Take jars with lids (tin and plastic, if available, then wooden, birch bark and clay vessels with lids, kinder surprises or containers for shoe covers are also suitable). Then we fill them with different fillers: millet, buckwheat, lentils, peas, beans, beads. Filling different jars different heights (1/4 volume, 1/2 volume, 2/3 volume or whatever you like).

Step 2. Close the lid tightly. Let's try the sound of the resulting shaker or maracas with the children. We try to add filler or, conversely, remove it to obtain the desired sound.

Step 3. When the desired sound is obtained, close the lid tightly (or even glue it). Paste over tool colored paper or colored tape (your child can help you cut strips for decoration or choose braid). Decorating tool as you wish with your child. Can be attached to any holder (even with a plastic spoon, it will be more convenient to use). It will be more interesting if you decorate the jars in different ways. This can be braid, stickers, paper appliqué, or patterns drawn in gouache and then coated with varnish for durability.

Maracas is ready!

« Musical slingshot»

Step 1. Select a suitable spear and beads (lids) and wire.

Step 2. Making holes in the lids (this should be done by an adult using, for example, an awl)

Step 3. Between the two "horns" we stretch the wire on which metal plugs or beads are placed (It makes a great rattle when shaken).

Musical the slingshot is also ready!

"Spoon with pendants".

Step 1. Take an ordinary wooden spoon, along the edges of which (at a distance of 0.5-1 cm) punch holes.

Step 2. We insert long threads into the resulting holes, one end of which is secured with a knot or a piece of beads. We string pistachio shells on a thread at a short distance from each other. (or something else). Depending on the intensity of rocking « tool» imitates "sound of the surf", "rustle of leaves" and so on.

"Nut castanets"

Step 1. Take dense sheet paper or a piece of cardboard, cut out a small rectangle, fold it in half.

Step 2. On each inner side we glue along the edge (preferably with glue "Moment", double-sided tape will also work) walnut shells opposite each other (you can replace them with metal or plastic bottle caps). At "closing" tool makes sounds of varying volumes.

Step 3. We decorate the outer part of the cover colorfully depending on your tastes and the preferences of the child.

"Sounding and tailed glass"

Step 1. We stretch a regular rubber band vertically onto a small yogurt cup (in this case, part of the rubber band passes through a hole made in advance in the cup).

Step 2. Glue the bottom to the elastic band "tail"- long colored strips of light fabric, paper, etc. « Tool» used for different goals: If you pull the elastic band back and quickly release it, a sharp short sound will appear, which helps children feel the rhythm or "announces" pause in movement. In addition, the child can use this "tailed glass" for performing dance movements, and the application of this « instrument» he comes up with it himself.

"Hanging wooden xylophone".

Step 1. Select round wooden sticks different lengths and diameter (you can use colored pencils - it looks very beautiful).

Step 2. Hanging them from a horizontal surface (for example, to a stationery ruler).

This homemade xylophone can be used for spontaneous or rhythmic onomatopoeic improvisation. games: woodpecker, squirrel, horse, using for musical and"plot" development means such as tempo (acceleration, deceleration, dynamics, method of sound production. With such sounds, children will happily accompany a performance in a puppet theater, but with indescribable pleasure they will move themselves - like a squirrel or a horse.

"Bottle Xylophone".

Step 1. Glass bottles hang it on ropes to some horizontal surface.

Step 2. Fill them with different amounts of water.

Step 3. We hit them with some suitable object. Since the volume in the bottles is different, the sounds are different. Very positive and cheerful tool, (especially for adults).


Step 1. Select a suitable box (can be shoes).

Step 2. Pull the rubber bands onto the lid and compose your own piece!

"Sounds of the rain".

This is perhaps the most difficult to make tool(but also the most interesting). To you required:

Cardboard long narrow cylinder (for example, from under foil).

Packaging of toothpicks,

Nippers or sharp scissors,

Glue (glue gun, paper, paints and scissors for decorating the finished product) tool.

Step 1. Making a tube (you can take a piece of dry hogweed stem).

Step 2. Take an awl and a tube from under the foil and pierce it close to the edge cardboard roll awl one hole. We insert a toothpick into this hole until it touches the opposite wall of the cylinder.

Step 3. We retreat 1-2 cm and make a new hole and also stick a toothpick into it. Next, we make holes along the spiral of our cylinder. The spiral passes inside the entire cylinder and forms barriers in it, through which the cereal will fall, making a noisy sound. It turns out that there is a spiral staircase made of toothpicks inside our cylinder.

Step 4. Now the spiral inside the cardboard roll is ready. Take wire cutters or sharp scissors and cut off the excess ends of the toothpicks from the surface of the cylinder.

Step 5. We glue one end of our cylinder - tube. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

Step 6. Place the tube with the sealed bottom down. And pour the cereal into it. Let's listen to the sound. Close the open end with your palm (so that the cereal does not spill out) and turn it over tool very gradually bottom up. Let's listen to the sound.

The sound will depend on the filler - try different fillers. If it is buckwheat, then the sound is more abrupt, if it is flax seeds, then the sound is more "solid". Find the sound that you and the children will like and suit you.

Step 7. Now you can seal the second hole in our base pipe.

Step 8. Decorate our rain noise. You can cover it with paper, fabric, cord, paint it with gouache and varnish it on top.

We play the sound of rain as noise instrument, and not like on drums. That is, there is no need to shake or hit it rhythmically. You need to turn it over very slowly and gradually, without rushing anywhere, very carefully and gradually the tool is at one end, then the other end up. Just slowly and gradually!

Exercises with children's homemade tools

Option 1. Rhythmically accompany any melody or arrange a noise orchestra.

Option 2. Musical sketch. Accompany a story or fairy tale with noise sounds (a horse is galloping - these are castanets, it is raining - this is the sound of rain, thunder is a drum, the desert and the rustling of sand - maracas, spring drops or it is raining - musical glasses or glasses, etc., history, natural phenomenon, event. This way you can improvise with the texts of many fairy tales and poems. You read the text of a fairy tale and point to a certain tool. The child figures out how to tool convey a given event or word.

If you are playing with a group of children, you can give them different tools. And show with your eyes what tool now enters into a fairy tale. Then the game will also be useful for developing children’s communication abilities.

Option 3. Song by verses. Each new verse of the song introduces a new group tools.

Option 4. Song with orchestra. One plays in the first verse tool, in the second it is joined by the second tool(both sound tool, in the third - third tool and so on until you get a full orchestra (all our musical instruments playing) .

Best suited for these musical improvisations of songs of the peoples of the world.

Option 5. Dialogue without words. Try talking to each other using sounds tools. Convey joy, sadness, disappointment, surprise and other states, as well as various events using sounds musical homemade instruments . Change the rhythm and volume tools.

Option 6. Playing echo. You need to repeat the rhythm after the leader on your instrument. The game is also useful for developing children’s auditory attention and speech.

Option 7. Playing in a circle "Attention". Everyone sits in a circle in the clearing or on chairs in the room. The leader sets the rhythm and all players repeat it their instruments. Then suddenly the leader changes the rhythm - you need to replace this and adapt to the leader. Another variation of this game is for the presenter to change the sound volume.

Option 8. Tale with tools. Children are given musical instruments. You can give one child 2-3 tool. Agree in advance what each person will mean in the fairy tale. tool. For example, the sound of rain is a word "rain", blows of spoons - steps, etc. You improvise - tell a short story in which these words appear. As soon as the player heard "yours" word - he must enter the text of your story with the sounds of his tool: make noise with the sound of rain, imitate the creaking of a door opening, the steps of a cat and other events that you planned in advance. Don't look for a ready-made story - make it up as you go.

The main thing in games with musical toys made with your own hands -

This is the development of a child’s ability to listen to the peculiarities of their sound, to convey different rhythms, different emotional condition with their help, be creative in their use. And also experimentation - what will change if you change tool - its length, filler and other characteristics.

Manufacturing DIY musical instruments with children- it’s very interesting, exciting and exciting! I wish you interesting creative games! And inspiration for musical improvisations with children!

This fun activity is designed to integrate music into an educational science experiment! Your child will certainly be interested in a serious study of sound waves as soon as he manages to play the first gentle, euphonious melodies on his own glass xylophone. He will be delighted by the effect of different amounts of water in each of the “musical” glasses used in producing enchanting sounds and melodies!

What you will need for this:

  • 6 tall glass glasses, bottles or jars (preferably the same shape and size);
  • water;
  • food coloring or colorful soft drinks;
  • metal spoon, wooden spoon or a wooden ice cream stick;
  • water jug.

What you will need to do:

1. Ask your child to arrange the glasses (or bottles) in a row.

2. Have him gently hit each of the standing glass containers with a spoon. What sound does this create? Is it the same for each glass?

3. Pour water into a jug and let your child add some food coloring or a colored soft drink.

4. Then, together with your child, carefully pour water into the glasses so that the water level in each of them is different.

6. Encourage your child to experiment with pitch by varying the amount of water in the glasses.

7. Now let him try to play some melody! You can help him customize the sound of the glasses to match the musical notes by adding more or less water in each of them.

What happens then?

When your child touches a glass with a spoon, the touch generates sound waves that travel through the water in the glass. Overcoming it, sound waves are refracted (changed). The more water in the glass, the lower the pitch of the sound, and accordingly, the less water, the higher it is.

How else can you experiment?

If you use bottles, have your child blow into each bottle (filled differently with water) and listen to the sound it makes. Are the sounds the same or different? Your child will most likely be very surprised, since compared to tapping the bottle, the result was exactly the opposite. The more water is poured into it, the higher the tone of the sound will be. This is explained by the fact that the sound waves that are created “travel” through air, and not through water. The less water in the bottle, the more air there is in it!

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