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State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev. Oleg Mikheev: biography of one of the most scandalous politicians in Russia

Mikheev Oleg Leonidovich is among those Russian politicians, which every now and then attract the attention of journalists. At the same time, he received most of his popularity solely because of the legal scandals that constantly haunted him. And yet it is worth giving this man his due, because, despite all the persecution, he was in the center of the country for quite a long time.

A little about the life of a politician

So, what is remarkable about deputy Oleg Mikheev? The biography of this man begins with the fact that he was born in the glorious city of Volgograd in November 1967. This is where he graduated high school, after which he got a job at a factory.

In 1985, Mikheev entered the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. Here he tried to master the specialty “materials and technological processes”, so that later he could start his own business. At first, I had to combine my studies at the university with military service, and then with work at a factory in Volgograd.

Upon completion of his studies, in 1992, the entrepreneur opened his own plumbing store. Over the years, his assets increased, and the small store turned into a chain of construction markets. Later, Oleg Leonidovich founded the Diamond group, which became his largest brainchild. This construction company eventually turned into a large regional holding.

In 1999, Oleg Mikheev received a law degree after graduating from Volgograd State University. By the way, in the future the politician will receive several more higher education, while he will master one of them in 2002 at the Institute of Management located in the UK. In 2004, Mikheev bought Volgoprombank, but sold it three years later. This was due to the fact that in 2007 a criminal case was opened against Oleg Mikheev, and most investors withdrew their investments due to distrust in the bank.

ABOUT personal life the politician knows that he is married and has three children.

Political career

Oleg Mikheev first tried to conquer the political Olympus back in 1999. Then he tried to win elections to the Volgograd City Council, but ultimately was defeated. In 2003, Mikheev again wants to get into the regional Duma, but again fortune failed him.

Only in February 2007, the council of the A Just Russia party decided to take the entrepreneur into its ranks. Intoxicated with victory, Oleg Mikheev immediately runs for the position of mayor of Volgograd. However, he is accused of bribing voters and exceeding the election fund, as a result - the politician is removed from the election race.

Moreover, in June 2007, the council " Fair Russia"decides to expel Mikheev from his party. But already in August of this year he was again taken back to A Just Russia, recognizing the previous decision as illegal.

In the future, Oleg Mikheev will constantly nominate his candidacy from this party, thanks to which he will become a deputy of the State Duma of the V and VI convocations.

The biggest scandals

In mid-summer 2007, Mikheev was accused of tax evasion. During the investigation, the entrepreneur was placed in a pre-trial detention center, where he stayed for about 3 weeks.

In 2013, a criminal case was again opened against the deputy, this time the reason was fraud on an especially large scale and pressure on the court. According to the Investigative Committee, Oleg Mikheev was involved in real estate fraud, which could have brought him a profit of 2 billion rubles. Because of this incident, in February 2013, the State Duma lifted Mikheev’s parliamentary immunity.

In addition to political scandals, Oleg Leonidovich likes to shock the public and ordinary life: his appearance in a Nazi uniform at the wedding of his fellow party member became the topic of one of the programs on REN TV.

In December 2015, the Volgograd Arbitration Court declared the former deputy bankrupt. At the same time, the judge ordered the start of the procedure for the sale of Mikheev’s property in order to cover the politician’s current debts.

Former State Duma deputy of the sixth convocation, head of the Volgograd branch of A Just Russia, Oleg Mikheev, was put on the federal wanted list. He is suspected of attempted fraud on a particularly large scale

Oleg Mikheev (Photo: Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti)

The authorities have put ex-State Duma deputy, leader of the A Just Russia branch in Volgograd, Oleg Mikheev, on the federal wanted list. The head of the press service of the Volgograd Regional Court, Alexander Chernov, told Kommersant about this.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) opened a criminal case against Mikheev back in 2013. At the same time, the State Duma agreed to lift his parliamentary immunity. In the final version of the indictment, Mikheev was charged under Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of Russia (attempted fraud on an especially large scale).

The publication writes that the indictment in the criminal case against Mikheev was approved by Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Viktor Grin back in December 2016. However, the case did not reach the Sovetsky District Court of Volgograd. Chernov, in an interview with Kommersant, explained that the case cannot be brought to court until Mikheev’s indictment is signed and studied by him. “But he didn’t do this, that’s why he’s on the federal wanted list,” explained a court representative.​

The investigation believes that the former State Duma deputy attempted to steal 2.1 billion rubles. from Promsvyazbank, which in 2008 bought Volgoprombank, owned by Mikheev. According to investigators, he, being the chairman of the board of directors and the owner of shares in Volgoprombank, executed fictitious agreements under which he assumed obligations to repay credit debt enterprises controlled by him before financial institution. The amount of debt amounted to more than 1.4 billion rubles.

In addition, the former deputy, according to investigators, executed guarantee agreements on behalf of the bank under contracts for the provision of paid services. The Investigative Committee believes that Mikheev instructed the president of Volgoprombank not to reflect the bank’s obligations in the accounting records, thereby hiding this from Promsvyazbank.​

Former deputy from A Just Russia Oleg Mikheev, accused of attempting to steal 2 billion rubles, is wanted

Former State Duma deputy Oleg Mikheev

Moscow. 25th of April. website - The Sovetsky District Court of Volgograd on Tuesday changed the preventive measure for former State Duma deputy from A Just Russia Oleg Mikheev, accused of attempting to embezzle more than 2 billion rubles, from an order not to leave the place to detention, an Interfax correspondent reported from the courtroom.

Thus, the court granted the previously stated request of the injured party, supported by the state prosecutor.

“Mikheev does not appear at the repeatedly scheduled hearings; no applications have been received from him to postpone court hearings. Mikheev hid from the court. His location is unknown,” said judge Natalya Barkova.

The court decided to put Mikheev on the wanted list.

According to the court's decision, the criminal case will be returned to the prosecutor. “The prosecutor is entrusted with searching for the defendant,” the judge concluded.

The decision to arrest Mikheev was made by the court in the absence of the defendant himself and his lawyer Alexander Chekunov. “This morning a statement was received from Mikheev’s defense lawyer with a request to postpone the hearing due to his illness,” said Judge Barkova.

She also said that the court received a response to a request from the FSB stating that they do not have information about Mikheev crossing the Russian border. And the bailiffs again submitted a report on the impossibility of forcibly bringing the defendant to court.

By court order, a new lawyer was brought in to consider the case.

It was previously reported that Mikheev and his lawyer did not appear at any of the court hearings. The court decided to forcefully bring the defendant, but the bailiffs did not find him at any of the addresses available in the case. Mikheev's defense lawyer was absent due to illness and professional work in other trials in Moscow. For this reason, the court adjourned the hearing three times.

At the meeting on April 17, a representative of the injured party filed a motion to change Mikhev’s preventive measure from a written recognizance not to leave the place to detention.

Former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from A Just Russia, Mikheev, is accused of attempting to steal more than 2 billion rubles.

At the end of December last year, official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy said that “to complete the investigation, this criminal case was separated from another criminal case initiated against Mikheev with the consent of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.”

According to investigators, in 2007 Mikheev prepared fictitious financial documents about the existence of debts of OJSC JSCB Volgoprombank personally to him. In 2011, he organized the filing of a statement of claim with the court for recovery from OJSC Promsvyazbank, as the legal successor of OJSC AKB Volgoprombank, Money in the amount of 2.1 billion rubles.

“However, Mikheev was unable to complete his intentions, since the court decision rejected the claims, and the debt was recognized as imaginary,” a representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office previously emphasized.

Editor's response

Former State Duma deputy accused of attempted fraud on an especially large scale Oleg Mikheev. According to investigators, in 2007 Mikheev falsified documents about the debt owed to him by OJSC JSCB Volgoprombank. In 2011, he filed a lawsuit to recover 2.1 billion rubles from Promsvyazbank OJSC as the legal successor of Volgoprombank.

Oleg Mikheev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov

In August, Mikheev was one of four deputies who federal Service bailiffs sent writs of execution to the Speaker of the State Duma.

The indictment in the criminal case of the ex-deputy was approved by the Prosecutor General's Office, but was not submitted to the court, since Mikheev fled.



Studied at secondary school No. 133 Kirovsky district Volgograd.

In 1992, he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University with a degree in Materials and Technological Processes with the qualification of a development engineer.

In 1999 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Volgograd State University.

In 2001 he graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, Faculty of Accounting and Audit.

In 2008, he graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics.

In 1999-2002 he studied at the International Institute of Management in the UK.

In 2002, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Large-scale growth of an enterprise as a form of manifestation of economic concentration in a transition economy.”

Labor activity

He began his career in 1985 as a mechanic at Volgogradneftemash. That same year he was drafted into the army and served in the artillery troops.

In 1988, he worked as a second-class boilermaker at the Petrov Oil Engineering Plant.

In 1992, he started doing business - he opened a store selling plumbing fixtures and building materials, which over the years grew into a chain of stores.

In 1993-1995, he completed internships in the USA and Japan in business management programs.

In 1996-2007, he headed a number of Volgograd companies: Dilmash-Prim LLC, Stroymarket-Diamant LLC, Melon LLC, Holkom LLC, RaPort LLC, Diamant Group of Companies; RUS-Yugstroy LLC, Volgogradstroy SK JSC, Diamant Development Group Invest LLC.

In 2004, he became the owner of Volgoprombank.

In 2007, he was appointed general director of CJSC SK Volgogradstroy and LLC Diamant Development Group Invest.

Political activity

In 1999, he participated in the elections to the Volgograd City Council, but lost the elections.

In 2003, he unsuccessfully tried to become a candidate for deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma from the Union of Right Forces.

In 2005, he applied for the mandate of a State Duma deputy from the Rostov region, but also lost.

In February 2007, at a meeting of the presidium of the central council of the A Just Russia party, he was admitted to the party. In the same year, Mikheev put forward his candidacy for the mayoral elections of Volgograd, but was withdrawn by court decision due to excess of the election fund and bribery of voters.

In June 2007, the Volgograd branch expelled Mikheev from A Just Russia with the wording “for repeated discrediting actions that caused significant damage to the party’s reputation, bribery of officials and collegial governing bodies of the regional branch.” Later, the presidium of A Just Russia recognized Mikheev’s exclusion as illegitimate, and in August 2007, Mikheev headed the regional branch of the party in the Volgograd region.

Deputy of the State Duma from “A Just Russia” of the V and VI convocations, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy.

In 2010-2012, he was the head of the apparatus of A Just Russia and headed the federal headquarters of the party in the State Duma elections.

Since January 2012 - Deputy Head of the Party Staff.

He is a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the A Just Russia party, and the head of the Volgograd regional branch of the party.

Criminal prosecutions

He repeatedly became a defendant in various criminal cases.

In 1990, while studying at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, he was sentenced to three years in prison with confiscation of property for speculation. He spent several months in prison and was released on parole due to the exclusion of the imputed article from the Criminal Code.

In August 2007, he was detained in a criminal case for tax evasion on a particularly large scale and spent three weeks in a pre-trial detention center.

In 2011 it was announced in international search in connection with the initiation of a criminal case against him in Moldova on charges of failure to comply with a court decision.

In 2013, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Mikheev. He is accused of three criminal counts - attempted fraud, fraud on an especially large scale and pressure on the court. According to investigators, Mikheev was involved in the unlawful seizure of several objects real estate Volgograd Engine Plant in the amount of over 500 million rubles.

In February 2013, the State Duma, on the proposal General Prosecutor's Office by majority vote. Supreme Court Russia rejected Mikheev's appeal against the deprivation of his immunity.

The investigation also suspects Mikheev of attempted fraud with the sale of a mandate to the State Duma for 7.5 million euros. The investigation was completed by the Investigative Committee on December 26, 2016, Mikheev did not admit his guilt. The criminal case with an approved indictment has been sent to court.

On December 2, 2015, the Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region declared deputy Oleg Mikheev an insolvent bankrupt. The court also decided to begin the procedure for the sale of the debtor's property.

“Ranked into the top twenty of the rating due to a high expert assessment of the level of controlled financial flows of unknown origin”

Vasily Guzhevoy

The regional elite or those who want to appear as such are, as a rule, always in the dark. Russia is a huge country and a bunch of all sorts of rabble in any city and region strive to climb to the top. Political parties that are governed from Moscow centers are not always in the know, especially when matters involve (or are decided by) large sums of money, sometimes amounting to millions of dollars.

Federal leadership is often misled by helpful advisers who have already received their share of the “case” and its solution.

Considering the track record of the next such “contender” from the provinces, we will first of all come across his positive biography, in which he appears to us as practically a sad knight, a desperate philanthropist and creator, almost like Mother Teresa. But, digging deeper, we almost always discover such a mass of compromising evidence that we can sometimes physically feel the scent emanating from the “candidate.”

Oleg Leonidovich Mikheev, a major construction businessman from Volgograd, head of the construction companies Diamant, Volgogradstroy and Volgoprombank, is certainly a very talented entrepreneur. In 2007, Mikheev managed to be a candidate for mayor of Volgograd, where this place became vacant after the notorious mayor Ishchenko, by the way, Mikheev’s business partner, was put behind bars.

Ishchenko had a strong friendship with Oleg Leonidovich Mikheev. Moreover, he really took off right at the time when the city administration was “ruled” by Evgeniy Petrovich Ishchenko. The way in which issues with land for construction and other problems of “socially responsible” businessmen were resolved in bureaucratic offices was then examined by the court for about a year.

The political inconstancy of Oleg Mikheev is sadly surprising. As the Volgograd newspaper “Regional News” writes: “...he was previously a member of the SPS, at the end of 2006 he joined the ranks.” United Russia“, and already in May he became a member of “A Just Russia”, participated in elections not only in our region, but also in the Rostov region...” Some may consider such throwing to be an ideological search, but in fact Mikheev has mastered a new, quite interesting view business, which some call “political raiding,” fortunately, ordinary raiding is an everyday reality for Mikheev. In 2006, Mikheev's company Bronco M LLC was involved in the seizure of the four-story building of the Oktyabrskaya Hotel, but then there was not enough evidence to recognize ownership of the property of 4,770 square meters. m. illegal.

To better understand what “political raiding” is in Mikheev’s style, we need to study a little of his business biography. As the Rossiyskie Vesti newspaper wrote in April 2007, “according to rumors, Mikheev is a big fan of receiving bank loans and broke all records in this sense. And loans, as you know, have to be repaid.” But, apparently, this does not always work out for Mr. Mikheev and, in this sense, politics for him has become the same business project: for his elections, Mikheev several times put together large financial pools of local entrepreneurs who donated their money to his political campaigns . Mikheev bought advertising, appeared on television without paying a penny, as a rule, he lost the elections, money - bye-bye, and thanks to his colleagues for their participation!

Information that Mikheev served time in prison persistently circulates in the regional press, and although Mikheev’s lawyers forced lawsuits to refute this information, Mr. Mikheev’s business reputation and his style of doing business do not allow us to be sure of the opposite. It is obvious - entirely criminal habits and Zonov’s techniques. A former mechanic at Volgogradneftemash, Mikheev stubbornly refuses to acquire the business gloss that is so characteristic of large businessmen. But he tries!

Mikheev is a classic collector of scientific degrees and awards, although the titles educational institutions, where these degrees were acquired, cause nothing but a smile, for example, Mr. Mikheev is an academician International Academy Authors scientific discoveries and inventions, the International Academy of Real Economics (Moscow), the International Academy of Sustainable Development and Technologies (Karlsruhe, Germany).

Such “diplomas” are sold in the metro and they cost “a ruble a piece, three rubles a bunch.”

And, nevertheless, it was precisely such a “good” person who ingratiated himself with Sergei Mironov, the head of the Federation Council and the leader of the new left party “A Just Russia”. In February 2007 in Moscow, at a meeting of the presidium of the central council of the political party "A Just Russia", Oleg Mikheev was unanimously admitted to the party. Obviously, as we will see from the facts presented below, this happened due to some monstrous oversight.

O. Mikheev ran as a candidate in the early elections for the mayor of Volgograd on May 20, 2007, but on April 28, 2007, the Central District Court of Volgograd ruled to remove Oleg Mikheev from the election race. The lawsuit was filed by two mayoral candidates - Andrei Babkin and Alexander Galda - accusing Mikheev of bribing voters.

On May 16, 2007, the Volgograd Regional Court refused to satisfy the complaint of the candidate for the post of head of Volgograd, Oleg Mikheev, and upheld the decision of the Central District Court of Volgograd to deregister him as a candidate for mayor.

The fiasco with the mayoral elections did not stop Mikheev at all; on the contrary, it even encouraged him, and already in May-June Oleg Leonidovich launched a real raider attack on the post of head of the regional branch of the A Just Russia party. Here’s how the local party members themselves talk about it: “We first heard that we had a new party member, Oleg Mikheev, along with all the Volgograd residents from television commercials and advertising posters. Even then we had many questions.

Usually, if a person wants to join a party, he goes to the local branch, submits an application and starts working. Mikheev, apparently, did not want to work, but was simply gaining political points... We talked with Oleg Leonidovich two or three times. However, they decided not to support his candidacy. Firstly, his biography raised doubts: his criminal record and methods of expanding his business empire and running an election campaign.

After the failure in the elections, Mikheev probably decided that he was not on the same path with our organization. The new goal is to get to State Duma, and the party here is already a hindrance. Obvious schismatic activity began, which led to his expulsion from the ranks of A Just Russia.

On June 22, 2007, the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the A Just Russia Party was held, at which, according to the press service of the regional branch, for repeated discrediting actions that caused significant damage to the reputation of the party, a decision was made to expel the General Director of the Diamant Group of Companies Oleg Mikheev from the party. However, already on August 4, the exile was restored to the party. Moreover, he headed the regional branch contrary to the opinion of the activists.

18 lawsuits have already been filed against Oleg Leonidovich, challenging the legitimacy of his tenure as chairman of the Volgograd regional branch of the SR.

As the Voronezh Courier newspaper noted, at the next meeting with the public, the speaker of the Federation Council avoided pressing questions in every possible way. “In Volgograd, you are promoting a certain previously convicted Oleg Mikheev, who trades in raiding, to the post of head of the regional branch of the SR. The newspapers write that the appointment cost $2 million. Someone received this money wanting to discredit Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov. How are you going to fight corruption when you surround yourself with bribe takers?” - asked deputy Alexey Garshin. Mironov, instead of answering the question, how miraculously a certain Oleg Mikheev became the leader of the Volgograd Socialist-Revolutionaries, called “not to read newspapers” and accused the deputy who asked the question of subversive activities against the party.

At the same time, the castling in the Volgograd branch of A Just Russia really caused bewilderment among observers.

According to the newspaper “Stalingrad Tribune” “...The Main Investigation Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Volgograd Region conducted a search and seizure of documents at Bronco M LLC, which is one of Mr. Mikheev’s companies.

Investigators believe that the company owes creditors more than 2 billion rubles. Searches and seizures of documents were carried out as part of a criminal case initiated by the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Volgograd Region on August 24, 2007, on the fact of evasion of taxes from an organization by including in accounting documents deliberately distorted data on income or expenses or concealment of other taxable items, committed in especially large sizes. The damage caused to the state in the form of unpaid taxes amounted to 10 million 739 thousand rubles.

In turn, "Diamond" made an original statement that "Bronco M" is just... a neighbor of Mikheev's company in the building and has nothing to do with "Diamond", but a friend and ally of the Volgograd oligarch, Speaker of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov has already promised to “personally look into the situation” because he is outraged. The Volgograd Socialist-Revolutionaries themselves saw “political motives” and the machinations of “political competitors” in everything that was happening, and also “expect the arrest of the main Volgograd spravoross.”

Despite all Mikheev’s attempts to disown his structural unit, they only fueled the interest of journalists and forced them to dig deeper. And then it turned out that “Bronco M” appears in many investment projects"Diamanta": construction of the "Diamant" shopping and entertainment complex in the Traktorozavodsky district worth $30,400,000, reconstruction of the "Zatsaritsinsky" shopping and business center in the Voroshilovsky district for $12,750,000, reconstruction of the "Angarsky" shopping and entertainment center for $9 million. dollars. And this is just the tip of the iceberg... What funds are under water will most likely be revealed by the investigation.

The words of the Diamant representative were also refuted by sources in the regional police department, saying that the company’s management, to put it mildly, “is misleading everyone.” "Bronco M", like more than 90 commercial structures in the Volgograd region and Kalmykia are affiliated with Diamant and personally with Oleg Mikheev.

In addition to money laundering and tax evasion, managers of enterprises of the Diamant group of companies and supervised accountants are accused of making fictitious entries in the current accounts of enterprises. This was done in order to increase working capital to mislead lenders and obtain credit resources. General accounts payable enterprises controlled by Mikheev through financial and banking structures is about 2 billion rubles. At the same time, the vast majority of commercial structures associated with Mikheev, according to investigators, are one-day companies or are going bankrupt.”

Mikheev was included in the “Twenty Rich, Influential, Famous” - rating of the newspaper “Business Povolzhye”, which writes about him: “One of the most mysterious figures in regional medium-sized business. The business community is looking for and cannot find an answer about the origin of the capital that became the basis for the rapid expansion of the Diamond group of companies he heads in the last three years. There are different versions - the patronage of various power groups, a credit pyramid. Reached the top twenty ratings thanks to high expert assessment level of controlled financial flows of unknown origin.”

Oleg Mikheev cheated a lot, abundantly and shamelessly, will he cheat A Just Russia, that is the question. Of course, A Just Russia forms its lists in the conditions of a frontal attack on it, this is done in a fire mode, not always all biographies and facts are checked, but it seems that in such obvious cases as the “Mikheev case”, it is still necessary to party to be more careful. Otherwise, somehow it turns out quite badly: Mikheev could not be elected mayor or deputy with any party, but here, on you, he will become a people’s representative from the new socialist party, it doesn’t turn out very FAIR...

This week information appeared about the purge of the Fair Russia lists, which was started by Sergei Mironov at the instigation of the President. Mikheev, who is still on the lists, is the main candidate for relegation. In addition to economic reasons, there are also political ones. Oleg Mikheev sponsored for quite a long time and was personally friends with such a sworn enemy of the President as the former “young deputy Vladimir Ryzhkov,” the former chairman of the former Republican Party of Russia, an old misunderstanding that was inadvertently eliminated only quite recently.

In secret, people who know Mikheev well admit that he speaks very uncomplimentary things about Mironov himself and hopes to easily deceive him in the election fever, to climb into the Duma on his shoulders, in the same manner as he headed the regional branch of A Just Russia, that is, in a raider style , deception and direct pressure. If Mikheev succeeded in this in relation to inexperienced provincial politicians, then one would like to hope that in relation to Sergei Mironov he will fail and the speaker of the Federation Council will be promptly told how to protect himself from such, to put it mildly, a “figure” as Oleg Mikheev.

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