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Adjustment of a balcony plastic door the screw does not turn. Ways to adjust plastic doors

Often during the installation of PVC balcony doors there are technical problems associated with the operation of opening mechanisms and other structural elements. This is due to many factors: violation of the installation technology, shrinkage of the building, improper operation of the door. To eliminate minor malfunctions, you can do it on your own - it is enough to correctly adjust the plastic door, following the step-by-step instructions.

Common causes of failures of PVC doors

Adjustment of plastic doors is carried out immediately if visual design defects are detected in the following situations:

Violation of the tightness of the door structure

You can recognize the error in this way. Open the door, and insert a piece of paper into the space between the frame and the canvas. Then close the canvas and try to pull the sheet towards you. The paper is pulled out effortlessly when there is insufficient pressure on the closing mechanism. Similar actions performed around the entire perimeter of the structure. Violation of the tightness of the door leads to the appearance of condensate on the glass surfaces.

Sagging and skewed door

Determining the subsidence of the canvas is quite simple - a closed sash is stroked with a pencil. If in the open position the control line runs parallel to the frame, this indicates that there are no distortions. In some cases, the sagging of the door can be determined by the formation of a through corner gap at the top of the structure or by the friction of the lower part of the leaf against the threshold.

Friction against the door frame

Difficulties in opening and closing the canvas appear as a result of friction on the box. This is due to the wear of the upper protective layer of the door, which can lead to damage to the metal-plastic profile and incorrect operation of the fittings.

Looseness or tight turning of the handle

The door handle may become loose due to insufficient fixation in the seat. The reason for this may be incorrect or careless operation of the fittings.

Another problem is the tight turning of the handle, which occurs as a result of damage or contamination of the lock core or the handle itself.

Incorrect operation of the locking mechanism

This is due to contamination, wear or breakage of the mechanism.

Such malfunctions indicate that the PVC door to the balcony is in poor technical condition and requires immediate adjustment.

The process of setting up a plastic door

Adjustment of plastic doors provides for the identification and elimination of all existing faults. It is possible that the fittings or individual structural elements are very worn out, so the problem can only be solved by their complete replacement.

Let's consider the most probable breakdowns of the entrance balcony door, which can be fixed on your own.

Working tools for customization

Depending on the size of the regulating and fixing structural elements, as well as the manufacturer's company, the following working tools will be required to adjust the locking mechanisms:

  • a set of hexagons of various diameters;
  • a set of star keys;
  • screwdrivers with a flat and cross tip;
  • pliers;
  • plastic lining;
  • means for lubricating sealing tapes;
  • clean rag.

Adjustment of door hinges and awnings

Metal-plastic doors are equipped with hidden overhead hinges, the number of which depends on the functional and technical features of the model. The hinges are adjustable horizontally and vertically.

You can adjust the hinges horizontally as follows:

  1. Open the door leaf and unscrew the screws from the hinges located at the top. To unscrew the screws, you can use a hex wrench of a suitable diameter.
  2. Then close the door, remove the decorative strips that are designed to hide the adjusting screws.
  3. To prevent possible warping of the blade, the elongated screw at the top must be tightened more than at the bottom.
  4. To move the fabric evenly towards the hinges or into reverse side, it is necessary to remove the lower decorative strip, tighten the loop and loosen the screws located horizontally.

Vertical adjustment of the hinges is carried out to raise or lower the door. To do this, you need to find the adjusting screw, which is located at the end of the loop from below along the axis. In some product models, such an element may be hidden under a decorative overlay.

To adjust the door leaf vertically, a hexagon with a diameter of 5 mm is used. By turning the key clockwise, slightly raise the canvas and set it in the desired position. Then tighten the screw in the opposite direction and install the decorative strip.

Door handle setting

Often a problem with the handle for plastic door associated with its loosening in the seat and a tight turn when opening / closing the canvas.

Adjustment of the handle when it is loosened is carried out as follows:

  1. The plastic cap at the base of the pen rotates 90 degrees.
  2. The hidden screws are tightened with a Phillips screwdriver so as not to damage the handle housing.
  3. The functionality of the hardware is checked.

The tight movement of the handle may be associated with a warp of the door leaf or a breakdown of the locking mechanism. After troubleshooting the door position, the lock mechanism will work properly, otherwise it will need to be replaced.

If necessary, a faulty handle can also be replaced. To do this, it is installed in the "open" position, the screws are unscrewed from the seats, the entire lock is dismantled. The new handle is installed on the seat and fixed with screws.

Replacing the sealing tape

If the door structure long time is operated with slack or misalignment, this may cause deformation or damage to the sealing tape.

A high-quality seal has been in operation for 5-7 years, however, as a result of mechanical damage or door malfunctions, its wear can occur much earlier.

To replace the sealing tape for a plastic door, you will need: scissors, a new tape, silicone glue. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Careful dismantling of the old seal with improvised means and the acquisition of a new product. It is better to choose sealing tape from one manufacturer to ensure maximum sealing of the structure.
  2. After dismantling, the grooves are thoroughly cleaned to remove adhesive residues and dirt.
  3. To avoid displacement of the seal, a thin layer of silicone adhesive is applied to the corners.
  4. The prepared sealant is evenly placed in the cleaned groove, starting from the place where the old tape was fixed. In this case, sagging, tension or assembly of the material should be excluded.
  5. The joints are fixed closely, sometimes a cut is made at 45 degrees.
  6. A properly installed seal should completely prevent the penetration of cold from the balcony.

Leveling and pulling up

To tighten the door structure in height and eliminate its friction on the threshold, it is necessary to tighten the screw for vertical adjustment.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. For the adjusting screw, a hexagon or a wrench with an asterisk nozzle is used. Decorative trims are dismantled from the hinges.
  2. The door leaf opens to gain access to the adjusting elements.
  3. The upper screw in the hinge is tightened with a hexagon clockwise, observing the strictly vertical position of the sash.
  4. With a significant shift, the lower screw is adjusted. It is important to remember that in order to raise the door, the screws are tightened clockwise, in order to lower it - against it.

You can align the plastic door horizontally so that it stops looping with adjustment screws that are hidden under the technological holes in the hinges. To ensure free access to them, the door leaf must be kept open.

When the door is shifted to the right side, the adjusting element is tightened counterclockwise, when shifted to the left side, it is tightened clockwise. Thus, it is possible to adjust the position of the door in the horizontal plane in the range from 2 to 4 mm.

In some cases, the door is adjusted as follows: a special tongue is pressed on the end of the open door leaf to transfer the structure to the micro-ventilation mode. This allows easy access to the adjustment screws on the top hinge. After adjustment, the door leaf returns to its original position.

Other door problems

If the door has had time to seriously sink and other troubleshooting methods have not given the desired result, then it is necessary to carry out a small repair using a double-glazed window:

  1. The glazing beads holding the double-glazed window are dismantled.
  2. With a special spatula made of plastic or wood, the double-glazed window is shifted to the side in order to eliminate the sagging of the door leaf.
  3. Plastic gaskets are installed in the resulting gap.
  4. Next, the location of the door is checked and the glazing beads are installed.

In some cases, a plastic door malfunction is associated with a broken lock. If a separate part of the mechanism fails, it is enough to replace it with a new element purchased at a specialized outlet. If the entire lock breaks down, a complete replacement of the device will be required.

Prevention of malfunctions of plastic doors

To avoid costly repair of PVC doors, it is necessary to ensure timely Maintenance accessories and locking mechanisms of a design.

High-quality door fittings from European manufacturers are capable of withstanding maximum loads of up to 130 kg, while the tensile strength of Chinese brand products does not exceed 90 kg.

To ensure the smooth operation of plastic doors, two elements allow - an opening limiter and a microlift, which are not included in the standard package of the product. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase them separately before starting the installation of the door structure.

Limiter - a special comb that is designed to limit the opening of the door leaf. This prevents possible sagging or warping of the web.

Microlift - a device in the form of a movable plate or roller, which is provided for overall and voluminous plastic doors equipped with heavy double-glazed windows. The microlift eliminates the sagging of the door leaf when it is closed, taking on part of the weight of the door.

Anyone should be able to solve problems with the elimination of minor malfunctions of a plastic door. House master. Similar designs are used for balconies, loggias, winter greenhouses and summer kitchens. Self-adjustment will allow you to correctly set the operating modes "winter" and "summer", save cash for door maintenance and repair.

If you installed high-quality plastic doors on the balcony and did it right, they will serve reliably for many years. The only problem that can be encountered during their operation is a possible imbalance in the operation of the mechanisms. Everything is fixed by adjusting the fittings, such work can be done by hand.

Is it possible to independently adjust the plastic balcony door

Over time, any plastic door begins to sag, due to which its snug fit is not ensured, heat and sound insulation characteristics deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the canvas is heavy and often used. Usually, adjusting the position of the door horizontally, vertically and pressing it can be done independently.

Even the highest quality balcony door eventually requires adjustment of fittings.

In order for the service life without adjustment of the structure to be as long as possible, it is recommended to control the installation process, while paying attention to such indicators:

  • the tightness of the canvas to the door frame around its entire perimeter;
  • no displacement of the structure vertically and horizontally;
  • independent opening and closing of the door - it should be absent;
  • the need for effort during operation - the canvas should move easily.

Do not wait until the balcony door stops closing or opening. If the first malfunctions are detected, the necessary adjustment must be immediately made in order to prevent more serious damage to the web, box or locking mechanisms.

To determine the place where the displacement occurred, you can use a sheet of paper: it is placed on the frame and the canvas is closed, after which it is started to move. It will be difficult to do this in a place of skew. The tightness of the door is determined using a regular pencil or marker. A line is drawn along the sash, after which the doors are closed. If after opening the line is displaced, then there is insufficient clearance in this place and adjustment must be made.

Required tool

To adjust the plastic door, you will need the following set of tools:

What issues can you fix yourself?

Any home master can fix the following malfunctions of a metal-plastic door with his own hands:

  • sagging of the canvas - this will be indicated by touching it over the threshold, such a malfunction is associated with a large weight of the door, which makes it shift in the vertical direction;
  • a gap between the door frame and the leaf, which indicates a violation of the quality of the door leaf pressure;
  • touching the side of the door frame, this is due to the displacement of the canvas in the horizontal direction, which is caused by the peculiarities of operation or weather conditions;
  • violation of the handle, there is a weakening of its fastening, which is why the mechanism stops working correctly;
  • tight closing of the door - this is caused by a diagonal displacement, a malfunction of the locking mechanism or a strong pressing of the sash to the frame.

Balcony plastic door does not close well

If the plastic balcony door began to close poorly, then the handle may not work properly. During the operation of the door, this part constantly rotates, which leads to a weakening of its fastening and a deterioration in performance. In order to restore functionality, you must perform the following steps:

If such an adjustment did not bring the expected result, then most likely the body is damaged, so the handle needs to be replaced.

Sagging plastic balcony door

If you find that during closing balcony door it touches the threshold, this means that the canvas has sagged and needs to be adjusted. This is easy to do, just follow these steps:

How to adjust the pressing density of the balcony door

You can detect a violation of the pressure of the door leaf to the frame when examining the seal, the problem is indicated by the deformation of the material.

There are several ways to adjust, everything will depend on the design of the fittings used:

Balcony door hinge adjustment

With the help of the hinges on which the plastic balcony door is attached, it is possible to adjust the canvas both in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Horizontal adjustment is performed in the following sequence:

Vertical adjustment of the hinges allows you to move the door leaf up or down.

One way to troubleshoot is to adjust the double-glazed window. This option is used when other methods failed to achieve the expected result. It is more complicated, but even in this case you can handle it without the help of specialists:

Video: adjusting a plastic balcony door

Repair of a plastic balcony door

Before proceeding with the repair of the balcony door, it is necessary to determine the type of malfunction. There are a number of problems that are quite difficult to solve on your own, so you have to call the master. Serious damage to a plastic door includes:

  • cracks in the double-glazed window, frame;
  • violation of welds;
  • destruction of accessories;
  • tearing out the loop.

Other repair work you can do it yourself.

How to properly dismantle

If it became necessary to dismantle the plastic door, it is necessary to prepare a screwdriver and pliers. The sequence of work is as follows:

Removing a double-glazed window

If you need to remove the double-glazed window, then it is more convenient to do this after you have dismantled the canvas. But another option is also possible, when the door will remain in place. To do this, you will need a special spatula, but if it is not available, then you can use a spatula or knife, rubber suction cups. Work is recommended to be done with gloves.

Sequence of work:

Balcony door replacement

If it is necessary to replace the balcony door, then all work after dismantling will be carried out in the reverse order:

Balcony door insulation

If you purchased a high-quality plastic balcony door and installed it correctly, then it does not need additional insulation. When choosing a design, it is recommended to give preference to triple glazing. In addition, pay attention to the profile from which the door is made. The five-chamber option is optimal.

Such a question as the insulation of plastic doors is associated with the elimination of secondary causes of cold entering the apartment:

  • poor sealing between the doorway and the frame;
  • lack of insulation of slopes and threshold;
  • violation of the position of the door leaf.

First you need to determine the cause of the penetration of cold air. To check the condition of the slopes, you can use a candle that will indicate the problem area. In the same way, the threshold and the door leaf are checked along its entire perimeter.

Before insulating the slopes, it is necessary to check the quality of the sealing of the seam between the door frame and the opening. If it is bad, then part of the foam is cut out, after which the gap is blown again with the same material.

To insulate slopes, you can use plastic, drywall or foam. If the first two materials are used, then the crate is first made. It can be made from metal profile or wooden bars. After that, a layer is laid mineral wool and sew everything up with plastic or drywall. Additional finishing may be required.

Plastic, drywall or foam plastic can be used to finish the slopes, but the last two options will still have to be puttied and painted

You can also insulate with foam. To do this, cut out pieces of the required size and use special glue to mount them on the slopes. Styrofoam will also have to be puttied and painted.

A well-installed and properly insulated balcony door will help raise the temperature in the room by several degrees.

You can insulate the threshold with polystyrene foam, which is mounted with dowels, and then finished ceramic tiles. You can also use special plastic products that are sold with the door, but often home craftsmen lay an ordinary window sill.

To insulate the threshold, sheets of expanded polystyrene are used, which are then covered with tiles or plastic overlays.

Video: disassembly and assembly of a plastic balcony door

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is not a difficult task, so you can handle it on your own. To do everything right, you first need to determine the cause of the violation of the normal performance of the structure, and then study the sequence and technology for its elimination. It is enough to spend a little time once to figure out how to do everything right, and then you can make the adjustment yourself.

Greetings to all blog readers! Today we will talk about adjusting the pvc doors on the balcony.

A lot of my friends complain that it blows through the door, it does not close tightly and there are a lot of other problems. I have to go and find out what happened there.

In fact, there is only one reason - improper care of fittings and sealing rubber bands. We have to explain every time what needs to be done, how to care for the door. In this regard, I decided to write instructions for everyone and everyone, all of a sudden you have the same trouble and you cannot find a solution.

Today, metal-plastic balcony blocks are installed in almost every apartment. As you know, both windows and doors in them can wear out over time. Most often, it is plastic doors that require repair, because in just one day they can be opened and slammed countless times.

At the same time, the door weighs more than the window frame, and accordingly it deforms more easily, and sometimes it “slips” when the structure is lowered. There is a need for urgent repair of the sash.

To adjust a failed balcony door, in general, the same principle is used as in setting up a window mechanism. However, door repair is distinguished by a number of characteristic properties. We will talk about the problems that may arise during the operation of plastic doors, and how to solve them, in this article.

First of all, when starting to adjust the door, you need to stock up on screwdrivers (ordinary flat and Phillips), as well as a 4 mm key to adjust the screws on the door hinges, pliers.

Sometimes it happens that the plastic door to the balcony does not close. This problem occurs, as a rule, due to sagging door hinges or breakage of fittings, in particular, the lock. Often there is a deformation of the sash itself. In this case, you need to find out the cause of the malfunction, and only then proceed with the repair.

If the door with its lower structural element, when trying to close it, clings to the threshold, and it needs to be lifted by holding on to the fittings, then the sash has lowered under the weight of its weight. Due to the impressive size of the balcony doors, such a distortion often occurs. If the door touches the frame in the center, we can talk about a horizontal displacement of the sash or a change in its shape.

This sometimes happens when high temperatures. Sometimes the mechanism that presses the sash to the frame breaks. As a result, the door frame remains slightly closed and does not lock even when the handle is turned. This problem can be solved by repairing the clamping mechanism.

Adjustment of the balcony door fastening mechanism

If the structure sags, the upper door hinges are adjusted first.

It is necessary to fully open the sash, set the product to the rotation position, then release the fastener from the decorative cap (basically, on all metal-plastic doors, the hinges are covered with special caps, it is under them that the screws are hidden).

After that, using a spanner wrench, tighten the adjusting screw several times to the right. This will correct the crooked position of the structure and prevent it from sagging again. It happens that in order for the sash to rise, it is also necessary to twist the hinges from below. They have top and side screws.

The door can be raised a few millimeters by adjusting the top end screw. If you rotate the side screw with a key, then the sash is pressed or, on the contrary, moved away from the opening.

Thus, sagging is eliminated by turning the adjusting screws on the hinges in the lower and upper parts of the door leaf. They are designed so that you can move the sash a little in one direction or another.

What to do if the canvas touches the frame when opened

In this case, the door with its upper border can touch the frame. This indicates that, when adjusting the sag, the sash was moved to a greater height than necessary. It is easy to fix this problem: it is enough to make a single turn of the end screw in the lower loop. Sometimes the door cannot be closed completely, and the resulting gap allows cold air to pass through.

To avoid drafts, the sealing material should be changed. To do this, we purchase a suitable sealant on the construction market or in a store.

Using a screwdriver, we release the groove from the old profile, then clean it from dried glue, wash it with a damp sponge or cloth.

Then you need to let the groove dry, then apply a layer of glue and attach a new profile with the fastening side. In this case, the cord or material for insulation must not be pulled. It must be carefully smoothed out with your hands or with a special copper tube with a bent end. The ends of the profile must be firmly glued.

So that the owners of balconies do not have to often change the cord for sealing in the future, it is recommended to treat it with a special silicone mixture. You can usually purchase silicone for lubrication from the supplier of the balcony block system.

The handle for the plastic balcony door deserves special attention.

Deformation of locks and fittings is a fairly common problem. Sometimes, the door handle does not make a full turn and this requires force.

Such a malfunction is eliminated by applying horizontal adjustment of the door. In this case, it is possible, especially before the start of the cold season, to press the door leaf more tightly in the opposite direction from the hinges. This is fine.

However, in the spring it is better to reduce the force of the clamping sash mechanism, since this will break it faster, and the sealing profile will also be erased. In situations where the handle is severely damaged, it is better to replace the deformed structural element with a new one.

If the handle is loose and turns too easily, you need to turn the bar at the base by 90 degrees. Under it are screws that should be tightened. This simple procedure will quickly solve the problem.

In order to check whether the adjustment of the balcony door is carried out correctly, let's try to close the sash. If this happens easily, with a slight pressure on the handle, then the adjustment has been made correctly.

Castle breakdowns

The locking mechanism of the door frame keeps the sash closed. With frequent use, it breaks down and needs to be replaced.

The lock is screwed to the end of the product with screws. You just need to unscrew them, pull out the old balcony latch for plastic doors and screw on the new one.

Elimination of microdefects, scratches and chips

Over time, small cracks and damage may appear on the surface of the balcony door. To get rid of them, use a special mixture called "Cosmofen" or any other component of similar composition. It should be applied to visible places with defects and wait until the surface dries.

After that, a special substance is also applied to the chips - plastic in liquid form. For doors with lamination, a wax pencil or a so-called furniture touch is suitable. Sometimes a balcony opening can be repaired only by contacting a specialist.

This applies to such defects as the appearance of cracks and chips on a double-glazed window, holes in plastic, and destruction of welds. Doing so may break the door hinge mechanism. In some cases, you even need to order the manufacture of a new door or call a repairman.

Occasionally, when adjusting the overlap, it becomes necessary to move the double-glazed window. Adjusting screws can be used to move the door a few millimeters. If you need a larger offset angle, you need to combine both types of adjustment - with screws and moving the glass unit.

The double-glazed window is fastened with rods. They should be removed, and then put squeezing blades under the double-glazed window, which will act as a lever, and with their help move the double-glazed window in the right direction. In this case, the spring effect begins to act and the plastic door is displaced after the double-glazed window.

After adjustment, you need to fix the double-glazed window again with rods. These fasteners are different sizes for different parts structures, so care must be taken not to mix them.

Balcony door fixing

In some cases, it becomes necessary to completely remove the sash. For example, to carry out complex repairs or when it is necessary to leave an opening open at the exit to the balcony in order to take out large pieces of furniture there.

First, remove the special cap that covers the upper loop. Then press the axial rod (pin). The pressure should be on his head, which rises above the door hinge. With the help of pliers, it is necessary to hold the pin from below, and also pull it out to the end.

The next step is that the structure is tilted towards you and slightly raised, 5 to 6 cm is enough. This procedure removes the fasteners from the bottom hinge, which allows you to remove the door and move it if necessary.

After some time, the sash again needs to be put in its place in the opening. The installation of plastic doors on the balcony is carried out in several stages: The lower hinge is mounted on the rod for fastening with a special hole. Then the door is set to working position.

With proper pressure on the pin of the upper hinge, it will take its original position, while protruding from both sides of the hinge by 5 mm. Finally, return the decorative attachments for the loops to their place.

Do not forget about the large weight of plastic balcony blocks.

The sash is quite heavy. If you drop it during dismantling, the hinge mechanism will break. In this case, you will either have to buy new door, or seek help from professionals, masters in the installation of balcony blocks. In order to avoid such troubles, it is better to remove and hang the door by inviting an assistant.

Often, the installation of a metal-plastic balcony system is identical to the installation of any standard interior leaf or sash. However, the method of opening is essential here. This determines the specifics of the installation. It is carried out in stages.

First you need to remove the old floor. The next step is cleaning the doorway. It is necessary to sweep away the remaining debris, wipe the sides of the hole in the wall from dust. Then you can proceed directly to the installation of the door frame.

In this case, if sliding products are being installed, it is necessary to attach guide profiles. The remaining gaps are filled mounting foam, after which the door is put on hinges. At the end, the line of fittings and handle adjustment come up.

As a rule, when buying a balcony door, a guarantee is issued for it. While the warranty period has not ended, it is better to use the services of a master for installing plastic windows and doors. Some defects and malfunctions are difficult to fix on your own.

In addition, if you additionally damage the door during the adjustment or repair process, you will no longer be able to count on the warranty and free troubleshooting.

You can set up a balcony door, if it has become poorly functioning, with your own hands. However, you need to approach this process wisely so as not to accidentally damage the structure. Therefore, the main thing in the installation and adjustment of plastic doors to the balcony is the exact observance of technology, accuracy and attentiveness when taking measurements.

If you make a mistake somewhere during the installation process, the door may begin to bend, bend and simply work poorly. Sometimes when adjusting a balcony door, the locking mechanism is destroyed. In this case, you need to replace it with a new one.


When adjustment of a balcony plastic door is required

The price of a balcony plastic door is quite high, but buying an expensive high-quality model does not save you from frequent cases of mechanism breakdowns. It's all about its frequent use, leading to a decrease in the tightness of the sash.

In addition, double-glazed windows provide excellent sound insulation, while PVC guarantees durability. However, it is these materials that noticeably make the structure heavier, as a result of which it begins to sag under its own weight and ceases to close tightly. As a result, a noticeable draft appears in the room, and the insulation of the balcony does not help.

The normal position of the plastic door is as follows:

  • if the door is open, it does not move on its own;
  • no sash displacement;
  • the leaf is tightly pressed against the profile of the door frame.

If this is the case, intervention in the door mechanism is not required. However, if you notice the slightest deviation, you immediately need to repair plastic balcony doors. You should not delay calling the master, because with each opening and closing the situation will worsen. As a result, this can lead to balcony doors not closing at all.

Helpful advice! If the door installation warranty has expired and you do not want to contact a specialist, you can watch a video of self-adjusting plastic balcony doors and fix the problem yourself.

Types of balcony door malfunctions

If you are adjusting a plastic balcony door with your own hands, it is important for the success of the repair to determine the causes of the malfunction. Most often, the problems are as follows:

Type of malfunction Cause
Sagging of the door (when closing the door clings to plastic threshold) Most likely, the structure is too heavy, which leads to its displacement downwards
Dangle handle for balcony door Usually the handle starts to dangle when the balcony door is opened very often
Plastic balcony doors do not close tightly (the leaf is not tightly pressed against the frame and you feel a draft) As a rule, this is a symptom of a malfunctioning door handle or a skewed door.
The leaf is shifted to the side (the door touches the middle of the frame) Most often, the problem is in the hinges, adjusting them will help fix the problem. This problem often occurs due to constant sudden temperature changes that affect the fittings for plastic balcony doors in case of insufficient insulation of the balcony

To test the door for tightness of closing, slam the sash with a normal landscape sheet paper. Try to drag the sheet around the perimeter of the door. If it moves easily, the design has lost its tightness and needs to be adjusted.

Evaluate also the tightness of the pressure of the seal: unequal pressure of the gum, as a rule, indicates sagging. Determining the side of the offset is simple: pay attention to the place where the seal is squeezed and check if there is a trace from the sash on it.

How to determine the skew of the door leaf

If you suspect that the structure is skewed, cover the sash, and then draw along the perimeter of the closed door with a simple pencil.

Open the door and compare its outlines with the drawn line. The presence of irregularities indicates that the door is skewed. For the accuracy of the result, use the building level.

Table of values ​​for door leaf adjustment

Suppose, as a result of measurements, you learned that the width of the drawn strip is 8 mm (an error of 1 mm is permissible). So, everything is in order, and there is no skew of the door. If the width of one strip is 12 mm, and the other 4 mm, this clearly indicates that the door is skewed by 4 mm.

Note! Sometimes it turns out that from the side of the loops the width of the strip is 3-4 mm, and from the side of the handle 6-7 mm. Such indicators indicate a narrowing of the sash by 4-6 mm - this is a manufacturing defect, and it makes no sense to move such a door.

Also check the width of the opening on all sides of the frame. The difference in measurements should not be more than 1 mm. Otherwise, the opening will be in the shape of a barrel - this happens if the installation is incorrect, when the middle of the frame is drawn to the wall more than the top and bottom. Such errors also lead to loose clamping.

By measuring the width of the sash from all sides, you will determine the correct length of the impost. The difference between the three measurements should not be more than 0.5-1 mm.

With indicators different from the norm, the length of the impost differs from the required one and causes the door to skew.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door: step by step instructions

To avoid mistakes or accidental damage to the double-glazed window of the balcony door (the cost of which is quite high), you need to figure out how to adjust the plastic balcony doors correctly.

When carrying out work, it is not necessary to overpay for the master: you can adjust the balcony door with your own hands - video instructions can be easily found on the Internet.

You will need quite a few tools to get the job done:

  • hexagon;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • flat screwdriver.

Instructions and video: how to adjust plastic balcony doors when sagging

If you notice that when opening and closing the door, it scratches the lower edge of the frame, this indicates a sagging sash. Adjustment in this case may be vertical or horizontal.

Scheme of vertical and horizontal adjustment of the door

Stages of horizontal adjustment:

  1. Open the door wide to swing position.
  2. A screw is located near the top hinge at the end of the sash. Take the hex wrench and turn it clockwise 2-3 times.
  3. Remove the plugs covering the holes leading to the top screws.
  4. Turn all screws under the plugs clockwise.
  5. After adjusting the mechanism, check if the door now closes freely. Tighten the screws again if necessary.

To understand how to adjust balcony doors vertically, do the following:

  1. Lift the door evenly and locate the screw at the bottom end of the hinge, located along its axis.
  2. If the screw is covered with a plug, carefully remove it.
  3. If you turn the screw clockwise, gently lift the door, if against, lower it.

Balcony door pressure adjustment and door handle adjustment

To tighten the handle for a plastic balcony door, you must do the following:

  1. Slowly and carefully turn the plastic cover at a right angle.
  2. Locate the mounting screws under the plastic cover. Pull them up.

If the handle does not turn well, sometimes it is enough to lubricate the lock with a special material that does not contain resin and acid. In case of a complete breakdown, it is worth buying a handle for plastic balcony doors, unscrew the screws, remove the old part and put a new one in its place.

Helpful advice! good option is to install a magnetic latch on the balcony door. It will avoid too frequent exposure to door handle every time you close and open the door, which will have a beneficial effect on its durability.

Schematic instruction for self-regulation of the position of the balcony door

If it blows from plastic balcony doors, this is a sure sign of loose pressing of the sash. It is necessary to adjust the pressure of the plastic balcony door. To figure out how to adjust the plastic balcony doors to the clamp, look for locking elements on the door leaf. They are responsible for the density of the clamp.

Using a key or pliers, rotate the locking elements until the door is in the desired position. Professionals recommend periodically self-adjusting plastic balcony doors depending on the season.

It is enough to figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors for the winter, and you can easily loosen the pressure in hot weather and seal it in the cold season.

Sometimes adjusting the hinges does not help solve the problem, and then you can eliminate the tightness of the clamp with the help of a trunnion. For this you will need pliers.

To maximize the door pressure, install the trunnion perpendicular to the profile. To, on the contrary, achieve a minimum pressure, position the pin in parallel.

Replacing the seal and adjusting the door when the frame is scratched

It may turn out that adjusting the door pressure did not bring the desired result. This happens because the rubber seal has worn out, and any adjustments to the door are pointless without replacing it. For this you need:

  1. Pull out the old rubber. This is done without special efforts and you don't need any additional tools.
  2. Remove dirt from the inside of the groove.
  3. Install new seal. Make sure that the side bend falls on the end of the sash.

Helpful advice! To facilitate the work, remove the sash from the frame: this way the access to the rubber gaskets will be free from the side of the hinges. It is better to prefer a seal from the same manufacturer as the installed doors.

If the balcony doors do not close well and touch the frame, scratching its center, follow these instructions for self-adjusting plastic balcony doors:

  1. Lower the sash to the bottom hinge.
  2. Insert the adjusting key into the side screw and tighten the sash.
  3. If the position of the door does not return to normal, repeat the procedure with the upper hinge.

Prevention of malfunctions of balcony doors

If you had to build a house yourself, adjusting the balcony door fittings has more value, because you want the result of the work to be preserved longer. To minimize the risk of problems in the future, try to follow these rules:

  • a reputable manufacturer is a guarantee of good product quality, because in terms of durability and performance, the quality of the materials from which the door and fittings are made is of paramount importance;
  • when buying fittings, make sure that all selected parts are suitable for the type and size of the balcony door: please note that modern fittings are designed for a weight of 100-130 kg;
  • so that you do not have to figure out how to tighten the plastic balcony doors, take care of the presence of a special microlift: this part-compensator prevents the door leaf from sagging under the influence of its own weight;
  • so that the door does not sag, and the sash does not jam, it is worth installing a special additional tire that limits the opening of the door.

Helpful advice! The microlift is especially relevant in the case of a double-glazed window, which is distinguished by its impressive weight and size. The design of the microlift can be different, representing a small lever on the side of the sash or a roller in its lower part.

Also, even at the stage of installing the door, follow the following points:

  1. Along the entire perimeter of the door frame, the frame should fit evenly and tightly to it.
  2. Opening and closing doors should be easy and effortless.
  3. When checking with a building level, it should be obvious that the structure is installed exactly vertically.
  4. There should be no drafts.
  5. If the door is level, in the semi-closed position it should not open or close on its own.

Remember that self-adjustment of the door is possible, but requires attention, caution and thorough troubleshooting.

Therefore, if there is a valid warranty on the balcony door, if the slightest malfunction is detected, it is worth contacting specialists who will quickly determine the causes of the problems.

If you are sure that malfunctions occur due to manufacturing defects or installation problems, it is also better to turn to professionals - self-tightening the bolts in this case will not correct the situation.

If you decide to adjust the door yourself, be sure to follow the instructions, and in case of replacing fittings, choose products from the same company as your balcony doors.

Perfect and precise design metal-plastic door, but it also begins to function poorly. In case of wooden doors, except for the hinges, this can be caused by the deformation of the canvas or box itself, plastic doors begin to “act up” solely due to a malfunction of the mechanism. How to adjust the plastic door with your own hands, we will understand in detail.

Possible problems

A normally installed and functioning door should open and close easily, the frame should not rub against the alignment, and the connection should be uniform along the perimeter. An open door in the absence of drafts must be in a stable position.

The clamping mechanism is obliged to "bring" the door without a gap between it and the box. It is easy to check - a sheet of paper sandwiched between the door porch and the box should be pulled out along the entire length of the porch with some effort.
Failure to meet any condition means that the geometry is broken.

The plastic balcony door sagged or the sash moved relative to the frame. All defects are corrected by adjusting the fittings.

If the warranty period has not yet expired

then this should be done by the service department of the company that installed the door. Otherwise, you can call the wizard. But modern designs are good because, with instructions, self-adjustment of plastic doors is quite within the power of anyone and requires a minimum set of tools for this - hex keys, screwdrivers and pliers.

This article discusses the most common cases of adjusting swing plastic entrance (interior) and balcony doors.

Pendulum or sliding systems have their own methods.

Adjustment of a plastic door with three hinges: entrance

The entrances differ from the interior ones in the thickness of the profile and the double-glazed window, but their hinges are similar. And from the balcony differences are more significant. This is both the type of hinges and the absence of a folding mechanism (for ventilation). Let's figure out how to adjust a plastic door with three hinges on your own.

Usually, three hinges are installed on such doors - upper and lower, and the third one can stand next to the top or in the middle of the canvas. In principle, this is the usual arrangement and the number of hinges so that they normally “hold” the weight of the door. Differences may be in the design of the loop and the clamping mechanism, and therefore in the adjustment.

Applied door hinge (like greenteQ TB 100.ZD.K)

This hinge has a decorative strip and is adjustable in three planes.

Horizontal and vertical displacement occurs with the help of two screws, and the pressure is adjusted with a screw and a bar between the hinge and the box.

1. To adjust skew:

Adjustment of plastic doors relative to the vertical axis horizontally (right-left), it is necessary to remove the decorative strip on the hinge installed on the canvas. First you need to open the door and unscrew the screw that holds this bar. Then the door is closed and the bar is removed. Below it are 6 fixing screws for a screwdriver (perpendicular to the blade) and one adjusting screw for a hexagon - parallel to the blade towards the hinge.

By screwing it in or out, you can adjust the door offset relative to the vertical by 5 mm in each direction along the X axis.

2. To raise (and even lower)

sash use a turnkey adjusting screw located at the bottom end of the hinge. It is closed with another decorative strip, which simply “unfastens”.

They can raise the door by 4 mm or lower it by 1 mm, relative to the factory setting in the Y axis.

3. Plastic door adjustment: fine pressure adjustment

(within 1.5 mm) is carried out using a screw located at the upper end of the loop.

For a “rough” adjustment, it is necessary to remove the door from the hinges, and then the part of the hinge that is installed on the box. It is attached to it through strips, which can have a thickness of 1 mm to 5 mm. In this way, you can further adjust the door pressure (along the Z axis).

Door hinge type WX

has horizontal adjustment up to 6.2 mm, vertical adjustment up to 4 mm, the clamp can be adjusted with a screw up to 1.8 mm (if necessary, the clamp can be improved with additional bushings at the place where the hinge is attached to the box).

1. Horizontal adjustment is carried out with the help of a side screw located under the decorative trim on the hinge, which is attached to the door. First, you need to unscrew the screw that fixes the position of the hinge relative to the "0" level. It is located in the hinge body and runs parallel to the door leaf. Then you need to unscrew the screw that locks the outer decorative hinge body, by shifting which you can access the adjusting screw.

With it, you can move the position of the sash to the right or left.

2. The pressure adjustment takes place on the counterpart of the hinge (fixed on the door frame). It is necessary to remove the decorative cap from the end of the hinge. Under it you can see an eccentric with slots.

In order to release it, it is necessary to unscrew the locking screw (it is located on the side of the hinge body on the door side). Then, using a special key inserted into the slots of the eccentric, it is necessary to turn it to the required angle and lock it. In this way, you can increase or decrease the pressure.

You can use a regular plate or a wide flat screwdriver, but the vertical adjustment screw will interfere. In this case, it must be completely unscrewed.

3. The vertical adjustment is carried out with the help of a screw screwed into the loop from below, through the clamping adjusting eccentric.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door

Adjustment of plastic doors follows the same algorithm as for plastic window. Each manufacturer of fittings may have differences in the methods of adjustment, but in many respects they are similar.

Adjustment of plastic doors horizontally (X axis) to the right or left can be done using two screws in the lower and upper hinges (depending on which part of the door “wipes”).

Both screws are visible when the sash is open. The lower one is located in the supporting part of the hinge on the box.

The top one is in the opposite part of the hinge on the sash.

By tightening or unscrewing the screw, you can achieve displacement of the sash from the box or towards it.

Vertical adjustment (Y-axis) is carried out using a screw located in the lower hinge behind the decorative strip, on the outside of the door on the sash itself.

It is located at the end. By screwing it in or unscrewing it, the door is raised or lowered.

The pressure is adjusted by turning the eccentrics located in the vertical end of the door leaf.

First you need to find out in which part the clamp is too loose or strong. Eccentrics "work" in tandem with locking plates on the box. If the eccentric is located along the sash - the pressure is minimal, perpendicularly - maximum. Turn the eccentric with pliers.

Another type of door pressure adjustment is carried out not with the help of eccentrics, but with the help of a locking pin at the end of the leaf.

It has a hole for a hex key and a control point (risk). Depending on the position of this point, the pressure may be stronger or weaker. Adjustment of plastic doors and very similar.

There is a third type of pressure adjustment, which occurs with the help of a reciprocal (locking) plate located on the box itself. It can move relative to the box, thereby strengthening and weakening the adjoining door.

In addition, you can adjust the plastic door of the balcony not only from the side of the hinges and eccentrics, but also adjust the pressure from the side of the folding mechanism.

First you need to fold the open sash

But the mechanism itself does not allow turning the handle up with the sash open. To remove the fixation of the handle, it is necessary to press the "tongue" (flag, clip) at the end of the door, in the area of ​​​​the handle itself.

It may look different, but it has the same principle of action - in closed the leaf presses it and unlocks the handle, which can be turned up, setting the door to ventilation. If you open the door and press the “tongue” with your hand, then the door in this state can be folded up at the top. But at the same time, it is better to keep it on weight - after all, it will stay down at one point on the bottom loop.

The inner part of the mechanism of the upper fittings will open (usually the door “closes” it). There will be one (or two) eccentrics with hex adjusting screws.

With the help of them, you can press (or squeeze) the door in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hinges.

Having pressed the “tongue”, the sash is returned to the vertical state, after which the door can be closed.

These are the main methods of adjusting mechanisms different types doors.

Note information : .

Adjusting plastic doors yourself video.

PVC is in great demand among consumers. This is not surprising, because such doors have demonstrated practicality and a high quality index. But, like any mechanism, they are prone to breakage. Of course, this is not a reason to buy new ones, it is enough to carry out repairs.

Balcony door adjustment requires certain skills. But after reading detailed guide and after watching a video on this topic, in most cases you can do it without the help of a wizard.

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is easy to do on your own

Types of breakdowns of PVC doors

In order to understand how to adjust the balcony door, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the malfunctions that you encountered. The most common device failures include:

  • Door sagging. At the moment of closing, the door touches the edge of the frame - a plastic threshold. main reason the problem is the severity of the design. As a result, the door begins to sag from its own weight.
  • Shaky handle. Popular type of breakdown. During operation, users often close and open the door, set the micro-ventilation mode, which causes the door handle to fail.
  • Door leaf malfunctions. The double-glazed window is characterized good quality thermal insulation, but often users complain about the appearance of drafts. This is due to the fact that the sash is not tightly pressed against the frame.
  • Sash offset. The main factors affecting this type of problem are temperature fluctuations: drafts or poor insulation of the loggia.

Adjusting PVC Doors: A Step by Step Guide

Adjusting a balcony door is not an easy process. But adhering detailed instructions you can fix the problem yourself without calling the wizard. In the process of repairing, you will need patience and several auxiliary tools: a hexagon and several types of screwdrivers.

PVC door sagging

If the balcony door is difficult to close or touches the threshold, then it is necessary to twist the hinges with the sash raised to its original position. To implement your plan, do the following:

  1. Open the door wide.
  2. Remove the cap from the top hinges and insert the hexagon. Then turn the key 3 times in a clockwise direction.
  3. An identical procedure must be done with the bottom of the door.
  4. To adjust the top screws, remove the plugs and turn the screw underneath.
  5. Finally, close the leaves and check the operation of the doors. Repeat if necessary.

The loops can be adjusted according to this scheme.

Shaky handle

Years of operation of the balcony door affect the condition of the handle. A loose door handle, as practice shows, unlike other problems, is easiest to bring to noma. It is enough to do the following:

  1. Rotate the trim at the base of the handle approximately 90 degrees.
  2. Use a screwdriver to tighten the loose bolts.

If the performed procedure did not give results, then it is likely that a crack has formed on the handle body. In this case, the mechanism must be replaced.

To strengthen the handle, it is enough to tighten the screws more tightly.

Door leaf malfunctions

In the event that you feel a draft, you need to adjust the locking mechanisms that are located along the height of the sash. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. The mechanisms located on the sash must be turned until pressed using pliers or a screwdriver.
  2. It is necessary to carry out the procedure every six months. In winter, twist to strengthen - to a horizontal position, and in summer, to weaken - to a vertical position.

Door pressure adjustment by turning special elements at the ends

Leaf offset

If you notice that the sash begins to scratch the frame in the center, then follow these recommendations:

  1. To move the sash to the hinges, you need to lower it to the lower hinge.
  2. Using a screwdriver and a side screw, tighten the structure.
  3. If the procedure was unsuccessful, do the same with the upper loop.

How to avoid balcony door malfunctions

As practice shows, most users begin to wonder how to adjust the plastic balcony door only in those moments when they encounter real problems.

In order to eliminate breakage of PVC doors, you need to follow simple recommendations, among which it is advisable to highlight the following:

  • Verified firms. Thinking about purchasing a balcony door, pay due attention to the choice of manufacturers. Give preference only to trusted companies. Otherwise, you may encounter manufacturers whose double-glazed windows are made of low-quality materials.
  • Mechanism compatibility. When choosing doors, check the accessories. According to experts, the weight of the structure and additional fittings should vary within 130 kg.
  • Protective mechanisms. If you prefer heavy double-glazed windows, for example, two-chamber, then buying a microlift will be rational. The device will eliminate the sagging of the valves under their own weight.
  • Limiter. In order to prevent jamming of the wings and sagging of the doors, you can purchase a special opening limiter.

Thus, adjusting the balcony door without outside help is a feasible task. enough to read helpful tips and view support video, which displays information about the intricacies of repair work.

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