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God is Time
One for everyone and for everything is Time, which no one has yet known, and which no one will win and turn back. Which from 2012 to 2035. replaces the concept
God on concept Time and Its Law
And no power, and none of the ordinary people will escape these changes. Everything will change three times.
Three Ends of the Old World: 2017 - 2023 - 2029

Law of Time

Fragments of Qumran texts.
Horoscope of the Messiah.

“In his youth he will be ... [like a man] devoid of knowledge [until] the time when he knows the three Books. [Then] may he acquire wisdom and knowledge and receive visions... And in his old age he will have advice and prudence; [he] will know the secrets of man, and his wisdom will descend upon all nations; he will know the secrets of all living. [In] all their evil intentions against him will turn into nothing; and the opposition of all living beings will be great. [But] his [for] thoughts [will come true], because he is the Chosen One of God, His offspring and the Spirit of His Breath ... his [for] thoughts are for eternity”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930:
“Russia will rise from the dead. God Himself will put a strong king on the throne. First of all, he will bring order to the ROC.”

Nostradamus: "God will see the long barrenness of the great Lady [ church]. Then, from the generation of those who have been barren for so long [because of blind church faith], a man will come who will renew the whole church.
Of the three brothers Buddhism, Christianity and Islam] and one woman [ Judaism] he will get two [ God the Mother and God the Father, on which the Law of God the One is based]».

But the Pope's real wife, in this game, is Queen Elizabeth II of England. Where one of the main contenders for her role in this game is the Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill.

Vanga: “All religions in the world will disappear, and they will be replaced by a new teaching. A new man under the sign of a "new teaching" on the foundations of the old one will appear in Russia. Russia will again become a strong and powerful empire and will be called in the old way - Rus.

A new religious development will take place in Russia (according to E. Casey) - i.e. the birth of a new world religion.

The newest religion will come out of Russia (according to M. Nostradamus) - i.e. will update the whole world:
“The time will come when the terms of human ignorance will end. When that day comes, the greatest enlightenment will reign. There will be a great peace."

Andrey, author of the online magazine "Time Life²": "The first part God's Law Life - female, which was born in Rus', Mother Rus' - the mother of the whole Earth. Then, under forced baptism Rus', the familiar concept of "Mother Rus'" was erased by the Western Church from world history, renaming it to the Mother of God (Mother of God), i.e. into the mother of God-Jesus, and deleting all her Testaments from God's Law of Life, erasing the entire history of Rus'. Since then, the Mother of God has become a disenfranchised lady of the Western churches and the ROC MP too. All the women of the world have become the same powerless in life. See feminism:

In our time, the second part of God's Law of Life must also come out: the male part (baptism with the Holy Spirit, which has not yet been), reviving first the first part, the female part, without which the male part will not be born. By the way, water baptism refers to the female part of God's Law of Life. Therefore, priests do not take their place in the spiritual, say, world, while trying to portray the male part of God's Law of Life, which cannot exist without the female part.

Jesus returns - St. Petersburg, Russia (according to D. Bongiovanni).
The new people of the Earth will come from the Slavs (according to M. Handel) etc.

What do not like, neither MP ROC, nor the authorities of the Russian Federation:
Slavs are barbarians, second-class people, almost beasts (according to Patriarch V. Gundyaev)
Russia has been and remains the home of the Jewish people (according to V. Putin)

Because of this, the weblog since 2005 is subject to eternal pressure on it from the outside, for example
With the introduction of new anti-people laws in 2018, in the near future it will be blocked by the authorities of the Russian Federation, and is not available for viewing on the Internet.

Time and Its Law

Andrey Nachalov, author of the NachaloV web magazine
When exactly and at what age should the Second Coming of Jesus take place?
The answer to this question can be found in many holy scriptures and predictions, putting everything together. What we will do now, starting with the age of Jesus.
If, - biblically- Jesus ascended to heaven at the age of 33, then what kind of age is this?, in fact.
The word "Kehlen" on Arabic , - means the period of human life from 30 to 50 years. It is mentioned twice in the Qur'an: 110 verses of Surah Al-Maida and 46 verses of Surah Al-Imran. All Ulama of Islam translate "kehlen" as a mature period of life, coming after 35 years. And when exactly? Maybe at 38 years old, in 45, or at 49? For a person like Jesus, I think this age comes after the 35th birthday, i.e. at the age of 35. If "Kehlen" were translated, for example, specifically: from 36 years old, then you need to take 36 as a basis. Therefore, we will stop at 35 years.
Now let's compare 33 years and 35 years. What is the difference? If Jesus was taken to heaven at 33, then God took Him at an immature age. In the verses: Surah Al-Maida, 5:110 and Surah Al-Imran, 3:46, it is said about the maturity of Isa, which means that the maturity of Isa is associated with the arrival of Him 35 years of age, when He will begin His second life on earth.
If Jesus says that everything will be like in the days of Noah (Time is cyclical), then let's move on to the most important thing in Noah's life, namely, to the drawing of the Ark received by Noah from God. And we will place this drawing on the "Time Calendar", i.e. just in our life with you, given the length of the Ark, and the width, and its height.
The calendar begins with the Zero cycle / hour of a person who cannot be included in the general “Hourly system” of “Hours / Cycles” (“Seals” in biblical terms), because. it does not have an hour (00:00-00:59 min), therefore it contains only 11 (23) full cycles, and not 12 (24).
When the first 10-year "Zero Cycle" of a born person ends (Matriarchy), taking into account the period of his conception to birth, which together is 11 years (not a full 12-year cycle), Patriarchy sets in, i.e. the arrival of God the Father, Who, according to the maternal 10-year cycle, or rather the 11-year cycle, checks and plans the entire future fate of this person, putting His Higher Law into his soul (the maternal one has already been invested), which is: God put on the human soul His first “Seal”, before the time comes for the second, with which a 15-year-old young man begins to enter into a new independent life for him (having passed a 2-year transition period: 15-16 years old), which is, oddly enough, his exit from the Ark. For more on this topic, see:. All this is reflected in the "Calendar of Time". Just do not forget that this drawing consists of many identical drawings superimposed on each other. Their difference is that some drawings have a full view, while others are only a part of the same drawing, but slightly or greatly enlarged. What it shows and proves: the Law of Time is one in all cycles, just as its fulfillment is one in all, both in small and large cycles.

“When a person turns 10 years old, this is the birth of life” (The legend of the creation of Adam by God. List of the middle of the 17th century. RSL. Rumyantsev collection. N370). And the psychological characteristics of children 10-12 years old in the transition period. See more:

The Law of Time is the same for all. That is why Jesus says that everything will be like in the days of Noah. This means that His 33 years can be calculated by continuing the chronology of a 15-year-old boy, who will stop at the top of "Small Ararat" (according to Noah), being 33-34 years, or, they are 1993-1994 (the same 2-year-old period as at 15 years of age). All this is also reflected in the "Calendar of Time".
Jesus descended from heaven at the age of 35, i.e. in 1995. The hadith narrated from Ibn-i Abbas (r.a.) says that the prophet Isa (a.s.), who descended from heaven to earth, will live another 40 years. If you add 35 and 40, you get 75 years. This means that the life of Jesus on earth will last 75 years.
But none of us have seen Jesus since 1995. What Islam says:

“The Messiah Prophet Isa has already been sent down for the second time on earth, and he lives in this world, but he is still hidden from us. Allah still hides it, for the appointed hour has not yet come. For details see:

And when should it arrive?
This can be calculated in reverse order, starting from the end of the Ark. The end is counted from the second "Seal" (as I said) along its length indicated to Noah in God's drawing. Which is 2035. It also coincides with the predictions of Nostradamus, who used the duration of the cycles of Mars: 1963-2035. Just like the person himself (with a strange fate), who is mentioned in his own predictions, will not be able to cross the year 2036, i.e. 76 years of his life (“Deciphered Nostradamus”, D. and N. Zima).
The 56th sign of Qiyamat says: “The Prophet ‘Isa (‘aleihis-sallam) marries and he will have children. After marriage, he will live only 19 years. This means that many will know about this wedding: “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true words of God, Rev. 19:9.
And if you count back these 19 years, count them together with 2035, you get 2017 - the coming of Jesus (Second Coming). According to Jewish calculation, the arrival of the Messiah falls at the end of 2016.
In other words, 1993 and 2017 are years that are on the same line in the Time spiral. They are like the peaks of "Small Ararat" and "Great Ararat". Like the years of the life of Jesus: 33 (ascension to heaven) and 57 (Second Coming). What, - according to Noah, - and means: The Ark must run aground (get stuck): "on the mountains of Ararat", Genesis 8:4, starting with a small mountain and ending with a large one in 2017.
This means that Time completely isolated Jesus from the people, giving the people complete freedom for the period: 1993-2017. That is, let Jesus look from the outside, what will the people do during this period? And having looked, let him go out to the people and give them a verdict: what have the people done during this entire period, and what has he earned (to each according to his deeds)? By the way, in 2017 God pours out His first cup of wrath on the people, of whom He has seven. That is, this is the period (in "Revelation") from the Second Coming of Jesus until 2024, when He will sit on His throne. For details see:
And what has already happened in this period: 1993-2017?, dear readers.
As far as I remember, this is the appearance of the so-called new Russians, and with them the pro-Western Constitution of 1993, on which he swore, like B. Yeltsin, Mr. V. Putin also swore and swears to this day.
What does Michel Nostradamus say about this period?
"That great monarch who will
Follow the dead
Give life lawless and unbridled,
Carelessly and carelessly will give to everyone,
When in the end the law prescribes
Salic (God's Judgment)"
C.5 k.38. Translation by D. and N. Zim

What can the Russian people expect from Putin by 2017? After all, God did not hide him from anyone, like Jesus, but, on the contrary, put him on display for everyone!
From Putin's answers to questions from December 6, 2011:
O.Yu.Batalina: "Tell me, is the old Putin returning to us or will we see a new Putin?"
Vladimir Putin: "No changes will and will not occur in me."
Russia in the era of Putin: soldering the population of the country. Alcoholism
The era of Putin is the era of mass Russian pedophilia
Evidence of the Corruption and Degradation of Church Organizations
Russia: There are no healthy children! We are dying out!
Russia. Statistics Great Power etc.

What does Jesus think when he looks above) since 1993 to everything that happens? I think He does not want the people to drag all this with them to the House of God, i.e. in the Golden Age.

“[Jesus] By saying “new” [new Russian], he showed the dilapidation of the first [Law of the Russian Federation of 1993]; and decaying and aging is close to destruction. Then he added: “Behold, I am going to fulfill [from 2017] Your will, O God.” Cancels the first [created in 1993: the pro-Western Constitution of the Russian Federation] in order to establish the second [namely, the true Supreme Law for everyone, regardless of nation, color, rank, position ...]”, Pos.e. 8:13; 10:9.

Therefore, the verdict handed down at the Judgment of God will be very peculiar. As a result: “The trouble will not come from where it can be expected. She will appear exactly as no one expected her. ”
Let us recall those 40 years that Ibn-i Abbas speaks of ( see above). And what does Michel Nostradamus say about them?

“For 40 years, a rainbow will not appear in the sky; [before the verdict (2017), and after]
Within 40 years will be visible:
The barren land will get drier and drier
And terrible floods at its appearance. [before the Golden Age - 2035]
C.1 k.17. Translation by D. and N. Zim

Not bad predicted the verdict of 2017, known to all of us, Matrona of Moscow:

“In 2017, humanity will perish: a bad time is coming. The end is near. Save your soul. You don't know what awaits you.
Such sorrows await you, which you do not know. Without a war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground."

Now, dear readers, it remains for us to remember this "peacefully divinely holy" church:

“The pomposity of religion will be greatly reduced,
When the great legislator comes.
The humble will rise, disturb the rebels,
More than one rival will not be born on earth.
M.Nostradamus Ts.5 k.79. Translation by D. and N. Zim

From what, with the advent of the legislator, this pomp of the church can decrease, and much more?
For example, from 2017 only men will receive the true and complete Higher Law from God (not all, of course), because. they are carriers of the "Hourly system" of Time, and do not contain the female "Zero Cycle". And women - as carriers of the "Zero cycle" in Time ("Hourly system" do not have), will receive the Higher Law through men (friend or husband), who will be for women real intermediaries ("priests") between them and God.
Therefore, church clergy are just fictional, kind of puppeteers (who directed the people along the wrong path of development), who are portrayed as intermediaries, but between their pride and the consequences in the life of the people.
The real sages are the ancient monks, whose cloisters were located far outside the cities, i.e. outside the material world (metropolis). The Mayan peoples, for example, left their cities in order to equalize the imbalance in their souls, which leads to death.

How do you, dear readers, think, how accurate are the Holy Scriptures, predictions, ... used here regarding the Second Coming? And do you see the difference between the "new Russians" who walk under the pro-Western Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, and the "chosen ones" by Jesus according to "Revelation" since 2017?

Andrey Nachalov

A little about the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called

Information for reflection
Andrey, author of the online magazine "Time of Life²".
Last updated 04.09.2019.

We all know that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the right side of the human body, and the right - for the left. Both hemispheres complement each other. But with damage to the right hemisphere of the brain, the left side of the body is paralyzed, and, conversely, with a stroke on the left side, the right side of the body is paralyzed. Therefore, with any disorder, a person will not have a normal and fulfilling life.

Also in the family: in the absence of a father or mother, the family is considered inferior. We can say that this is tantamount to the absence of the left or right hemisphere of the brain, when the functioning hemisphere takes over the functions of the absent one. At the same time, in any case, whether it is left or right, having taken on double responsibility, it will still work within its own capabilities. But that's not all.
Are you absolutely sure that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the left side of the body, and the left for the right? Maybe, after all, each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for its side of the body.

The cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, for example, should not be looked at as church icon (mono view of monoreligion). And how about volumetric space ( stereo look), where the lines of the cross are two lines/paths not touching each other ( like strands of DNA).
That's why left leg apostle is right. And the right one is the left one. St. Andrew's cross itself is just a part of the spiral, i.e. its cut.

Hence, our current vision of the picture of the world still corresponds to the period of medieval Gothic ( church painting). This means that we see only 50% of the real picture of the world. And this is thanks to the Testament of the Mother of God, which the male church presents to us as the Testament of the God-man. When BC for all ages there has been a Matriarchy, teaching us all its female Testament in the school of the Mother of God (Mother Rus'). What we (all the peoples of the Slavic-Aryan era, i.e. non-Jews) use to this day. This school was not passed only by Jews (still young), who were born in the transitional period: the era of Aries and the era of Pisces, between the world of God the Mother and the world of God the Father.
In other words, we left the Kingdom of the Mother of God (Three Ninth Kingdom) entering the Aries era. And we will enter the State of God the Father (Thirty-tenth State) with the advent of the Aquarius era. The Ages of Aries and Pisces (in Time) are the Court of God, between these two worlds. Therefore, the concept: "before our era", it is more correct for non-Jews to say: "before the era of the Jews" (before their era, that is, before their birth), because. they did not yet exist in the period of the Matriarchy (in the Tri-Ninth Kingdom) - emptiness in their understanding. Because of what this people does not know and does not recognize anything, except for themselves and their world, which has not yet been created for them in the Universe. Jews simply appropriated ancient history non-Jews to fill their emptiness with it. What they did, declaring themselves ancestors. What won't do man of sense. So he says: “The heart will tell you what to do. And the mind, what not to do.

Let's get back to the family.
In order to recreate a full-fledged life (with the loss of one person), it is necessary to fully know and perform all the functions of a person who is absent from the family. What a man or a woman cannot completely recreate (it is possible externally, but not internally).

Often a man and a woman do not understand each other well, they quarrel. This means that both of them, even if they are very close to each other in Space, are very far from each other in Time (the souls are far away). After all, each of them defends their own interests. As, for example, the same oligarchs, patriarchs or presidents. The essence is the same, without any single beginning.

To find it, this will require not power over your soul mate (or over someone else), but the ability to temporarily replace it in the family, in life (both in sorrow and in joy), etc. What, unfortunately, we still do not possess, having tied ourselves to the primitive desires of the animal world: the male (shepherd) and the herd (flock). Where the family does not smell at all. And where, then, is the shepherd (female)? She was in the period of the Matriarchy, who was expelled by the males, renaming her throne to the Patriarchy. Which moves our mind away from the correct understanding of the Universe, where there should be both thrones, and not a fictitious male one. For which "thank you" church males.

It has long been known that in each of us there are always two principles - male and female. One of them usually determines the sex of a person. Whereas the other is present invisibly, and each time it manifests itself at levels invisible to us.

Any of our personality, both female and male, is in the earthly Space, alternately passing through the female and male cycles in Time, i.e. along two spirals of Time (different worlds), which is still not at all within our understanding. Such an understanding can be clearly seen in the book of Noah, according to which the "Calendar of Time" of our time was created.

In the biblical book of Noah (not in the Slavic-Aryan) it is clearly seen that for some reason his life reflects only male cycles in Time. Description of women's cycles in Time, - in Noah's life, is completely missing. Although they should be, along with a description of the full biography of Noah, i.e. with his full age, which is also missing, leaving white spots, as, for example, in Darwin's theory. The theory of which can be understood, and such a biography of Noah makes you think.

The first thing that comes to mind is a deliberate change. That is to say, anyone copying and distorting this book for the Bible must have been well acquainted with the Law of Time. And knowing him, he (maybe Noah himself), being a great prophet, deliberately distorted his own biography in Time (leaving white spots in it). What, like a message, sends itself to the future. As, for example, in the science fiction film: "The Day of Reckoning" in 2003, directed by John Woo. And he programs the time at the end of the “Zero cycle / hour”. Passing through which (and reading this Bible), he himself or scientists, understanding the Law of Time, will read this message ( "Make the way of the Lord," John 1:23. Only not to Him, but to himself). What the brain of zero people does not perceive, i.e. smart (which is not prescribed in their information field of Time). Therefore, only a reasonable person whose soul lived before the Jews, i.e., can read correctly. "before the era of the Jews" (before their era).

To create, for example, a "time machine", you need complete knowledge, as the laws of female spirals in Time, and male. And in order to know the Law of Time itself, for this you need to know your own cycles in Time ( “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the gods and the universe.” - Ancient Greek philosopher Chilo), and, of course, to know the cycles of your half (as well as your parents), having received the full result: positive and negative, on which you can already draw a conclusion. What the church does not accept, because blindly recognizes only himself, men. Women for them are so-so, dregs, compared to their church-elite society. Therefore, women are excluded from the understanding of male priests. That is their very big mistake, which leads them and their flock to a catastrophe, which, like it or not, should be, because. we all prescribed it for ourselves for the future, not understanding the Law of Time. Tasting the beautiful, but empty speeches of smart people.

The Law of Time itself works on the principle of the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, which the Priestesses and Priests were well aware of ancient egypt, naming two paths in Time: "Living Water" and "Dead Water". They brought these concepts from ancient Rus' (the city of Kem) to the land of Africa. For example, we all know the Slavic-Aryan city of Arkaim, which existed 40-30 thousand years BC. The inhabitants of which had an accurate calculation of the Time calendar. But this was completely erased from the understanding of man, after the upheaval in Egypt associated with the appearance of Moses (not the fault of Moses). This is the redistribution of all spiritual values ​​into a completely material and mandative lifestyle, with which we all live to this day, having abandoned the Testament of the Mother of God, and not yet knowing the Law of God the Father.

By the way, there was no slavery at all during the period of the Matriarchy - the Kingdom of the Mother of God BC. The house of which was all the eras before the era of Aries, and the Court of this Kingdom (House) is the era of Aries. We do not yet know God the Father at all, because Patriarchy has not yet begun. We know Him better from the teachings of the Mother of God that it is possible to come to the House of God only through His Court - the era of Pisces. Therefore, the teaching of Moses is based on the Testament of the Mother of God. Why did he use for understanding (so that we remember the past) only one mountain, Sinai. And the teaching of Noah affects both the Testament of the Mother of God and the Law of God the Father, concentrating on the two mountains of Ararat. Small Ararat is a female version. And Big Ararat is a male version.

The one who does not know and does not understand anything creates slavery. That only the Jews can create in their "kingdom", which is outside the Kingdom of the Mother of God and not in the State of God the Father. In Time this "kingdom" is called zero. This zero cycle includes two eras: Aries and Pisces (as a day from night and day). On the clock face, it is the 23rd (11) hour and the 0th hour (12). Both Jews and all animals of the animal world (according to the Law of Time), can be born (born) only through sexual contact and in the zero cycle of Time, i.e. between two big worlds, God-Mother and God-Father. What we all observe in life, not understanding what the Kingdom of God is, but pretending to know. The apostles, for example, having learned from Jesus about this Kingdom, did not want to remain Jews; mortals, which is the whole animal world, which is not in the House of God. Therefore, animals and Jews cannot enter into Him. Only the Sons and Daughters of Humans who have their Souls of God (Lords of the Gods) can. What the Jews (zero people) and the entire animal world do not possess.

Hence the dialogue between Jesus and Judas Iscariot:

Judas: "I saw a house, and my eyes could not grasp its size."
Jesus: "No mortal is worthy to enter the house that you saw, for that place is reserved for the righteous" - Gospel of Judas.

Therefore, St. Philip said that he was not a Jew, because. went through the school of the Mother of God:

And those who do not recognize the Testament of the Mother of God (Mother Rus') are 100 percent Jews, i.e. godless orphans. Which, not recognizing the Testament of the Mother of God, cannot know the Law of God the Father. But, on the other hand, they declared to the whole world that their Gd is one. When the Law of One God is based on both of these God's Teachings: female and male. Without which these orphans created their own Torah and Bible. What needs to be fixed, ie. put everything and everyone in their place Gospel of Philip, 83) to enter the Kingdom of God. The one who does not fix everything will remain "for the second year" in the school of the Mother of God, along with new students, new Jews:

1. The animal world is Primary School, which went through all the peoples of the Slavic-Aryan era and the Jews.
2. The School of the Mother of God is high school, which all the peoples of the Slavic-Aryan era went through ( Mother Rus').
3. School of God the Father is graduate School (none of us know her yet).

Once upon a time, all the Slavic-Aryan peoples were one people, the Jews of that time, having come to school to the Mother of God. And the people left this school along two paths, dividing, for example, into Slavs and Aryans. What will happen to the Jewish people of today. Time is cyclical, especially in the zero cycle of Time.

In other words, with the end of this transitional period, humanity will be divided into two paths in the Cosmos: the female path of development (for the "Jews") and the male path (for the "non-Jews"), with different directions of movement in Time - like two DNA helixes. That will greatly affect our habitual life for us. Which will give a huge expansion, but not in the Cosmos (which scientists erroneously prove: the inflation of the Universe). The understanding in the head of each person will expand, breaking (without any notice) the stereotype of life familiar to all of us. What is - as the saints say, - baptism with the Holy Spirit, only male. What we have not accepted for 2000 years. What did Jesus accept? That is, the church did not want to calmly and in a good way accept this baptism ( Mark 1:8). Instead, she chose the crucifixion of Jesus: "Crucify, crucify Him!", Luke 23:21. And they themselves began to share the thrones among themselves in the House of God the Father. What they have been doing for 2000 years. As the saying goes: "They share the skin of a bear that has not been killed."

If the soul of a person is empty (like the work of the brain, only by a few%), i.e. not God's soul. In it there is neither the Testament of the Mother of God, nor the Law of God the Father. Not to mention the One God. Then this man is the zero man, the representative of the still animal world. Therefore, he is not a tenant, like an animal, in a new multidisciplinary world for us. The duration of which in Time is 20 thousand years. The era of Aries (2000 years) was given to us, - when leaving the matriarchy, – for the creation of the Women's Covenant of Life. And the era of Pisces (2000 years) - for the creation of the male Law of Life. So that when entering the Age of Aquarius - the first abode of the House of God (1st hour in the Time of the Universe, i.e. 2000 years), humanity could already have a common understanding between women and men, and not between the church and the people. That we have passed, but created nothing. What is said in the holy scriptures. Therefore, humanity will embark on a very painful path of rethinking everything, returning all spiritual teachings to their places. As well as people - each in his place.

For example, three faces, included in the church trinity: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit (male spirit), being one, can only reflect a part of something united. Which for them can only be their common path along the floor, the path in one direction, because. all this trinity through reverse side(in Time) cannot possess, which means that these persons are not eternal, since there is no full return. But there is death. That is, even if they are super Gods, they are temporary, and, therefore, mortal. And they are mortal because it is impossible for them to sit on two chairs/thrones. How impossible it is to stand with one foot in one boat and the other in the other. And these boats are moving in different directions.

"Energy distributes itself into two streams: descending from the Cosmos, it passes through us as a spiral of the Masculine Principle, and ascending from the center of the Earth - as a spiral of the Feminine. It gives Life to each of our cells," - Esther Gerber, source:

Who can have return paths in Time, i.e. opposite to those possessed by these Gods?
This is the Mother of God, her Daughter and the Holy Spirit ( female spirit) and, therefore, a woman who, after the baptism of Rus', lost all the rights that she still does not have. And if a woman has no rights, then her child has no rights either. Which becomes just as powerless.

“Goyim girls from the age of 3 can be subjected to violence,” – Aboda Sarah 37a. What does the Orthodox elite do: .

Therefore, the child grows up as a slave to the blind church authorities, who do not know anything of God. This child is striving or dreaming to take a good place in the midst of such power, continuing to lead us all to disaster.

The absence of the Testament of the Mother of God in the Divine Law of Life cannot enable this "Law" to fit into any reality of the Universe, because. God the One (single understanding) himself cannot for a long time, let alone live, and even exist without his own beginning. Which is the female spiral in Time, which created the male (with a difference in a cycle in Time). She also served as the beginning of all His subsequent beginnings in life and creations. That is, the One God without a primary spiral (path) in Time can live, but not for long. Therefore, what kind of eternity can we talk about if the church crossed out women from God's Law of Life? At the same time, declaring the inviolability of all holy scriptures, hiding them from the people. Which is what it is: the church is too smart. Because of what reason she has, - according to the law of time, is completely missing. And the people, thanks to the church, are completely stupid. He doesn't have either of those. This is what the church is trying to legitimize throughout the earth.

That's just funny. It's like being born a parachutist, but not knowing what a parachute is, learning about it only during the jump, i.e. before his own death, seeing the opened parachutes of other paratroopers and remembering that he had exactly the same one at home. But he was cut up for household needs. A priest is no different from such a skydiver - one who repents before his own death.

Therefore, the absence of the concept: the Mother of God, the Goddess-Daughter and the Holy Spirit (female spirit), is a delusional Jewish idea - Old Testament, which can only come to the mind of a Clever person ("nearsightedness", reducing everything to one point), who is not able to think REASONALLY ("farsightedness", versatile MIND). Because of what he does not recognize the concept: God the Father, God the Mother, God the Son, the Goddess Daughter, and the Holy Spirits (male and female spirit). At the same time, convincing the whole world that a rabbi, a rebbe, or just a Jew is the closest person to God alone, i.e. he is the most spiritual person in the world (only their world, as I said above, does not yet exist). When God the One is not any person, but a single understanding between the female personality (the Testament of the Mother of God) and the man (the Law of God the Father), which creates the One God for both of them. Which cannot be touched, smelled, dressed up ... He can only be "fed" with his correct and unified understanding, giving him the opportunity to settle in the family of a woman and a man on their long life(Eternity).

It is from two Spirits: female and male, moreover, saints, i.e. alive. And the living - those who have the true Laws of Life - can be created by the One Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Eternal Life. Scientifically Spirit is the Law of Life.

In the holy scriptures recognized by the church, the concept is mentioned: God will forgive, the Son will forgive. The Holy Spirit is not. Then what can these two male Gods forgive? So this is your own ignorance and misunderstanding of the truth, i.e. ignorance of the One Law of Life. That is, not to have the secret with you, which is the Testament of the Mother of God. As a result, there will be no Single Law - the Holy Spirit of Eternal Life. Who, seeing the illiteracy of both of these Gods (dad and son), who came to Him without the Mother God, the Goddess-Daughter and the Holy Spirit, will not forgive them their spiritual illiteracy, failure...

Namely, He will not let them into the House of the One God. After all, only a wealthy person who has three Keys (or a single Key) from this House can enter this House, which is the Holy Spirit itself - God's One Law of Life, consisting of Chapter No. 1 - the Testament of the Mother of God and Chapter No. 2 - the Law of God -Father. That is why the holy scriptures say that a simple sinner (a mortal who does not recognize these two Laws of Life) will not be able to open the door of the House of God.

What can be said about the deeds of the priests? When without deeds everything is dead.
If the priest refused the Mother of God, then he also refused God the Father, since he worships only their Son, calling him God. And if the priest refused his parents, it means that he also refused the One God (there is no common understanding), which (not seeing and not understanding it) the Jews officially worship, while not recognizing all four: God the Mother, God the Father , Goddess-Daughter and God-Son.

If the priest recognizes only the Son of God, then he does not recognize the whole history of the race of God. What is the rejection of the Slavic-Aryan Clans. And the rejection of their history is the rejection of the whole true world. What a person binds himself to the zero cycle/hour in Time, i.e. to the laws of the animal world, to the earth, remaining eternally mortal. And any representative of the animal world will never rise to the highest stage of development, because, - according to the Law of the Zero Cycle of Time, - he must constantly die and be born, so that at the end of this cycle he will die along with the entire animal world. Which the Gods will revive anew, life in which will begin again from scratch. This is what the Bible is talking about, having written in itself from beginning to end the style of this zero cycle in Time, which is separated from the entire infinite Cosmos, i.e. from the entire cosmic chain of development. What is called the world / kingdom of the Jews, which will not be able to live in the "Hourly system" of Time, which has already approached our planet. Or we have come to this Time.

Therefore, the biblical teaching of the MP ROC should be based not on the teachings of the Greco-Roman world, but on the teachings of the Mother of God, Mother Rus', the Slavic-Aryan Family, Hyperborea and Daaria.

And in order to understand a person: who is he really?, for this you need to see the path along which his soul goes. And the soul does not go along the earth, but in Time in its Space. If a person does not know anything about Time, he does not know the path of his soul. Therefore the body is blind. Know, man, the path of your soul, and you will know yourself. What did the ancient alchemists do. After all, if we do not see the matrix in Time, we cannot have any plan of God. And the word planet means: there is no plan. Namely, if we do not have the Law of Time (we do not know it), we do not have God the Father either. As there is no one God. We are the most illiterate in the entire Cosmos. Therefore, no matter how much you pray, you were a fool and you will die a fool in the zero cycle.

As I said, before the era of Aries there was a Matriarchy, i.e. the school of the Mother of God (the Kingdom of the Mother of God, the Tri-Ninth Kingdom). The Age of Aries was the Court of this Kingdom ( see picture above). And the era of Pisces is the Court of God the Father. Where this common Court is chaos: it is both the animal world and a transitional bridge from one Kingdom to another. This Yard itself resembles an ordinary front staircase of a multi-storey building. Where you can go up and down. What our world science is looking for, calling it the "Wormhole". But why look for it when we are now in it, moving from the "apartment" of the Mother of God to the "apartment" of God the Father. From here you can also get into the primitive animal world, leaving the front door to the street. And we will not rise to a more developed world until we get to the “apartment” of God the Father, in which there is the “key” to a more perfect “apartment”.

In Russian epics, for example, it is said about Idolishche Poganom, which blocks the roads to Kyiv-grad and devours the fruits of the labors of people and the people themselves. And about the Cursed Zhidovin - the kingdom of the Jews-Levites. This can be well foreseen by a woman or the Mother of God herself. Thanks to which epics and fairy tales are created. What came true, becoming a reality in our time, i.e. under the curtain of the zero 4000-year cycle of Time. In the space of Time it will look like this.

Namely, with what story people (passers-by) entered the zero cycle (like on a bridge to cross a river), they tell this story to the inhabitants of this bridge, i.e. Jews who do not know any gods and any worlds, except for this bridge. And passing this bridge, passers-by die, being born again at the beginning of this bridge, heading towards its completion. At the same time, they themselves are listening to their own story from the lips of local residents who appropriated this information for themselves. Then they die again and are born again at the beginning of the same bridge, going again to its completion. And listening to the same thing all lives, passers-by begin to believe these inhabitants, considering them already God's people, who, also dying and being born here, begin to accept the lies of their ancestors (i.e. themselves) as their genius. On what they build their plans:
"Jews must destroy their [non-Jewish] books" - Shabbat 116a.
"Jews can make false promises for excuses" - Schabouth Hag 6d.
Aboda Zara 26b.
This is what this world, so to speak, lives on. What is supported by the police, the prosecutor's office and the courts of the Russian Federation. What does the Buddhist parable say?

“Now return to earth if your mind is in turmoil and your heart is in doubt. For by returning to the beginning we can clearly see this path” (pioneer in chaos theory Edward Lorentz: phenomena that seem random, but have order in themselves). From the 2005 film Chaos directed by Tony Giglio.

The story, for example, of Ilya Muromets, the son of Ivanovich, who lay on the stove for 30 years and 3 years, suggests that in childhood Ilya could not follow his path correctly (each child walks along it for nine years: the Three Ninth Kingdom). For his parents did not teach their son Ilya anything, being more engaged in their own affairs, and not with their son. Which, later, had a negative impact on his life. As a result, his soul hung in the "kingdom of the Jews" (in the "Zero Cycle" of Time according to Noah) for 30 years and 3 years. This "kingdom" is spoken of in "Revelation": "No one will be able to buy or sell," open 13:17, with the exception of the Jews, because this "kingdom" is their world.

Jesus, for example, also lived to be crucified for 33 years. According to male Time, on the "Calendar of Time", it is 30 years until 1990 (in our time) and plus 3 years to the top of the mountain according to Noah. In Women's Time - countdown: 30 years from 1990, plus 3 years of the other world (from death to birth: 1957-1960). Therefore, 30 years and 3 years are given to a person to get acquainted with a new life in a new place. What is impossible to correct and change, because this path has already been prescribed for a person by fate, i.e. entered in the Book of Life. Therefore, the first 33 years of life, this is as a result past life.

The next step is the same as the first. When counting here, 1990 is treated as 1960 (birth). This stage ends in 2023, i.e. like 1957, called the period of baptism with the Holy Spirit. That is, having known himself for the previous 33 years, a person can change his fate over the next 33 years, even if death has already been prescribed for him in the Book of Life. This second 33-year period of life is called: "Prepare the way of the Lord" ( Isaiah 40:3). Only it is not Jesus who needs to cook, but his soul. The Lord God is the Soul of God, i.e. Your Soul. And to prepare her path in Time is to know her path, as the path of a navigator at the first stage. Which can be retrained on the second, if the Law of Time is known. Which is the victory over one's own death and the creation of a new destiny. For which death is no longer required.

The full second period of life is considered in Time as a period of 38 years: from 1987 to 2025. Since 1987, a person began to climb to the top of "Small Ararat" according to the teachings of Noah. And in 2018, he began to descend from the top of the "Great Ararat". As Noah said: “The ark stopped ... on the mountains of Ararat” ( Gen. 8:4), i.e. his life broke between these mountains of Ararat. If you know the Law of Time and correct your fate, you will live. This is what Noah demonstrated by writing not a novel, not an action movie... But God's Law of Life.

The second, 33-year period of life is considered as a transition from one cycle of Time to another. Namely, before 1987 there was an era of Pisces. The door to the exit of which opened in 1987. 1988 is the closing of the door of the Pisces era. Next - the space between the doors, between the door of the Pisces era and the door of the Zero Cycle ("kingdom" of the Jews). 1993 is the opening of the door of the zero cycle. 1994 is the closing of this door. You entered the zero cycle according to Noah with the advent of 1995. 2017 is the opening of the door to exit the zero cycle. 2018 is the closing of the door of this cycle. You are again between the doors. Opening the door of the Age of Aquarius - 2023. The closing of this door is 2024. You have entered the Age of Aquarius with the advent of 2025. But that is not all. Now I will lay out for you on the "Calendar of Time" the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called, the principle of which the pharaohs of ancient Egypt knew and adhered to. Which is clearly seen in their rituals and teachings.

All laws of Time work equally in all cycles and eras, regardless of the scale of the cycle.
A person embarks on this turning point in 1975-1976, following it for 40 years, i.e. until 2017. What will be the right peak on the cross "X", where the path itself begins at the bottom, on the left. That is, this is a 40-year ascent to the top of "Sinai" according to Moses. A person begins to make a descent from this peak since 1995. What is the descent is already different log cross: "X". Which will also last 40 years until 2035. The period itself: 1975-2035 Moses called the ark. Other scientists call it the belly of a whale or the womb of a woman, i.e. Mother of God.

The Jews say that their Moses lived 120 years. And being a rock climber, during their 40 years of wandering in the desert, he climbed Mount Sinai three times. Maybe, maybe - Jews really like to climb mountains, especially in Israel. Which they have been searching for 40 years. But thanks to Moses, they found him only on May 14, 1948 on the basis of the resolution of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) No. 181, adopted on November 29, 1947.

When Moses did not climb mountains at all and did not live for 120 years. He, like a saint, studied Time. Therefore, he climbed Sinai only theoretically, without leaving, as they say, from home. And he lived when there were no Jews on earth at all. those. Moses lived ≈ 4500 thousand years ago. That is what Time itself says, not man. As Moses lived for many more years. Few years live only in the transitional period in Time, because Time here goes in a completely different direction (like flushing water in the toilet, i.e. to the point). This period in Time is the "kingdom" of the Jews (a paired zero cycle on a scale of 4000 thousand years. That is why a sign of two zeros was placed on the toilet door). There are no others like it in Time. In addition, Moses' hairstyle looked like two horns, or two luminous rays of light were painted on his head. What was on the headdresses of high-ranking women of very ancient Egypt. Therefore, Moses was a man of that Time, as the Time itself (its Law) says about it. What is impossible for a person to change and remake. How the Jews are trying to do this, wishing to become the most ancient people.

I think that among the Slavic-Aryan peoples, Moses was a completely different person, a spiritual one (that is, not a priest or a priest. There were none like that then). Who also climbed the mountain in his understanding (calling it Sinai) and not three times, but more. Let's stop at three times. And let's calculate how many years it took? Look at the "Calendar of Time" and calculate how many years it takes to go up and down this Sinai once, i.e. to walk, as it were, on the cross of the Apostle Andrew? What the pharaohs of ancient Egypt knew very well, and, therefore, Moses. It takes 60 years, plus 15 years from birth.

Previously, during the period of Matriarchy, people lived for a long time, more than 1000 years. Therefore, 15 years of age from birth was considered infantile or newborn age. The whole subsequent life of a person (fate) depended on this period of life. Therefore, parents treated these years of life with great trepidation. This period of life was also called a children's basket or basket (like a basket of berries, birds, fairy tales ... Where the berries are the same children). In Time, the basket does not look like a womb, but an already open space, although with great limitations. Therefore, Moses was also in the "basket" for 15 years.

As the saying goes: "The mouth of a baby speaks the truth." But in order to save Moses' life (from early envy towards him and fears), the Lord made him tongue-tied (speech disorder. Exodus 4:10-12). And envy and their fear of such people, then (with the advent of books and Jews) the Jews set out the relevant laws in their already books:

“It is permitted to kill accusers of Jews everywhere. It is permissible to kill them even before they begin to reprove.” Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388.
"Even the best of the goyim should be killed" - Aboda Zara 26b.

The very period of the full (infantile) Matriarchy is equal to 9 hours of God (2 years in an hour), i.e. from the death of a person in his previous life to the age of 15 in his new life. How equal is this period and 9 months of gestation. The difference is only in scale. The name of the child was hidden from everyone and from himself until the age of 10, so as not to jinx him (not to spoil his fate). Although everyone knew about the birth of a child, they could not know anything more about him, because. parents did not take their child out into the big world for all 10 years. Everything about him could only be known by his mother from the Mother of God (even before his birth). And the mother took her child out into the big world at the age of 10, starting to tell everyone, for example: this is Moses, the son of Ivan!
“When a person turns 10 years old, this is the birth of life,” is a legend about the creation of Adam by God. List of the middle of the XVII century. RSL. Rumyantsev collection. No. 370.
And his mother protected him for another 5 years from the evil eye already in this big world. So this world got acquainted with Moses for 5 years, and Moses with this world. That is why people lived long BC. during the period of Matriarchy, which for the first 9 years (10 years from conception) wrote the fate of the child on the maternal side and 10 years on the paternal side: on the "Calendar of Time" from 1965 to 1975.

In the 15-16-year period of life, the child leaves this "basket", from the age of 17, starting his journey along the cross of St. Andrew. And going up it (through life), he already understood how he would go down from it. In our time, people no longer know and do not understand. What did Jesus Christ say:

"Your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing" Matt. 6:3

Since not knowing his past life, a person does not understand his new life in the first 33 years. And how the second 33-year-old years will pass?, he does not know even more so. He is a blind man in Time and in the space of Time. And, therefore, blind in his life, seeking help from friends, in the church and in politics.

Let's go back to counting years.
Together: 15 years + 60 years = 75 years. What refers to the Testament of the Mother of God and the Law of God the Father, where the main thing is the Testament. Law is in second place (under Patriarchy, the opposite is true: Law is in first place. Matriarchy is in second place already). That is, the Mother of God baptizes with the Holy Spirit first. Then God the Father baptizes with the Holy Spirit. That together these are two paths of one person along the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called (procession / path). And all together it is one, i.e. the very first, zero in a row, ascent of Moses to the mountain and descent from it (Chorith / Sinai) in the first 80 years of his life.
Now add three more ups and downs (60 years each) when Moses was in the wilderness (according to the Bible: first alone. Then with Jesus. Then he begged for forgiveness). How many years will it take for the real Moses? 255 years. Although this is far from Noah, it is not a Jew either. And if we add one more ascent to this age, without descending already: “to Mount Nebo from the top of Pisgah, which is against Jericho” ( Tue 34:1). So, plus another 40 years. With the correct biblical alignment, i.e. according to the Law of Time, and not according to the wishes of the compilers of the Bible, Moses lived 295 years. Which is very small for the people of that time (Matriarchy).
This is what the pharaohs of ancient Egypt began to fear / fear, starting to look for ways to prevent such a fall. But you can't change time. When they understood this, they switched to preparing for life in the afterlife, entering a transitional period in Time, i.e. into the world of the Jews/Jews.

If you look at the process of being baptized with the Holy Spirit, it takes 38 years ( see above). As God the Father baptized Moses, He baptized Noah for the same number of years, who called this baptism the space between the peaks of the mountains of Ararat. Ilya Muromets also underwent the same baptism (the life of Jesus ends at the age of 33 from birth). The same is reflected in the life of Väinö (prophetic Väinämöinen), who wandered in the womb of his mother Ilmatar for 30 years (and then for another 8 years), having been reborn as an adult (Karelian-Finnish epic Kalevala, 50 runes/songs). Which also applies to Noah's ark (the womb, not the ship). As in the predictions of Nostradamus: the great Lady (de Notre Dame) also had an adult son. The full picture of the "womb" is reflected in the Kalevala, which includes the entire life cycle of the baptism with the male Holy Spirit, which, in turn, is 38 years: from the opening of the door from the Piscean era to the closing front door in the Age of Aquarius. In all eras everything goes the same according to the Law of Time.

If all the legends/scriptures are combined into one whole, then a complete picture of the womb of the Mother of God (matryoshka in a nesting doll) will turn out: how the human soul enters it and how it leaves it. Therefore, let us return to Ilya Muromets, who did not just lie on the stove, but began to rethink everything in his life. He lived, say, like a monk in his cell / in the womb of the Mother of God. And when he saw the path of his soul (as he saw Vyainyo, Noah, Job, Jesus, etc.), he understood everything, received his sight, turning not into a decrepit 60-year-old man, but, having been baptized with the Holy Spirit, he became a strong warrior, and went to Kiev- deg.

Why, for example, did Ilya Muromets quarrel with Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, after which he began to knock down golden domes and church crosses? The question is historical and very interesting. We are talking about the baptism of Rus'. Historian V.V. Puzanov with reference to the collection: “ Ancient Rus'. City, castle, village”, writes:

“Out of 83 sites of ancient settlements of the 9th - early 11th century that were permanently studied by archaeologists, 24 (28.9%) ceased to exist by the beginning of the 11th century. Such was the price of "enlightenment with the good news" of the East Slavic lands - 28.9%, almost a third of the settlements.

And who fought for the true faith of Mother Rus' the longest?, speaking out against the forcible introduction of a foreign faith into it, and in a distorted form. These cities are Rostov and Murom. Their resistance, according to traditional church history, continued right up to the 12th century.
By the way ( according to epics), Prince Vladimir did not know at all who Ilya Muromets was:

"Where are you from, old man, what is your name?" asks Prince Vladimir.

Like Pontius Pilate did not know anything about Jesus until the church wanted to kill him. Elijah when he started get off the stove was about 60 years old, i.e. he did not immediately jump off it, but gradually began to enter into life, to return to it (as baby, who wanted to quickly get out of the "bast basket" at the age of 10. which will never work). Before Elijah was on the stove, he was in Kyiv, in all Lithuanias, Hordes ... And when he finally tears from the oven again arrived in Kyiv, where Prince Vladimir seated him on the other side of his table, i.e. away from yourself:

“Not for you, man, couple. Forest Man, Prince Vladimir says.

It is strange that a simple peasant appeared in the prince's apartments. What does it say?

Prince Vladimir was obliged to accept the then hero of Rus', he was simply forced. But he did not want to talk to him, because. government does not like to discuss folk themes with which Ilya arrived. She loves to discuss hers.
The prince was not interested in the city of Murom either, which means that he was not interested in all of Rus', together with its people. Vladimir, like any ruler, is more interested in his throne and the money he received in exchange for the baptism of Rus': “The enslavement of the Slavs. Sophisticated Byzantine combination, - satirist M. Zadornov. That in the "kingdom" of the Jews (the zero cycle in Time) does not develop, but is constantly repeated ("Saturday of Saturdays") on the way in the opposite direction of Time.

In other words, the Slavic-Aryan peoples trodden the path (history) in Time, which was stolen from them by the Jews when these peoples entered the zero cycle of Time - the "kingdom" of the Jews. Which, having appropriated their history, paraded along this trodden path. How can you follow this path? Only in the opposite direction (according to the Law of Time), i.e. in a spiral to the point, to the very beginning, when our world was created (why the Jews created Israel, that is, what was before Daaria). And up to this point in Time, there was nothing. As our world did not exist. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand where the Jews went. To their own catastrophe, which they stole from all nations. Not understanding at the same time in which direction they go in Time. And you can save their world only by transporting it to another zero planet in the Time system. As predicted by Noah. Therefore, other peoples (non-Jews), according to the Law of Time, repeated the same story, but in a different direction. Eternity. Why was Kyiv-grad created, i.e. modern Kyiv, not Jerusalem.

In 988, at the confluence of the waters of the Dnieper and Pochaina, the inhabitants of ancient Kyiv adopted Christianity.
In the Laurentian Chronicle - the Dnieper. The Tale of Bygone Years Lavrentiev and Trinity Chronicles. X // PSRL. - St. Petersburg, 1846. - Bd. I. - P.74.
In the Lviv chronicle - Pochaya. Lviv chronicle. IV // Complete collection of Russian chronicles, published by the highest order of the Imperial Archaeographic Commission. - St. Petersburg, 1910-1914. - T. XX. Ch. I-II. – P.80.

The Pochayna River, which is now destroyed (Pochay River, Pochaya, Pochana - a ladle or vessel with holy water. According to the map of 1890: Pichanya, Jordan River), flowed from Jordan Lake. Church victorious "move to the Jordan" was carried out after the XII century, when the people of Rus' were defeated by their own church (Rostov and Murom fell, see above). Which was taken by the Jews from the history of Ukraine for their medieval Bible, which was rewritten and corrected more than once.
According to historical folklore, the Pochaina River is identified with the Puchay River, it is also the Smorodina River, Pochay River, Pochev River, Fire River. In Russian folk tale and in the epic, the Smorodina River separates the world of the “living” from the world of the “dead”. These two worlds are also mentioned in the teachings of the ancient Egyptians (Kemyans). And the concept of the "Fiery" river - this already refers directly to the legends about God the Father. What does "Midsummer Day" say well when they come together water With fire(God is One).

If we talk about this topic according to the Law of Time, the Pochaina River (aka the Jordan River, from Jordan Lake) is the true place of Jerusalem in the “Hourly System” of Time, because. Jerusalem is not a city. In the language of Time, this is a crossroads, both of the four paths in Time, and the border between the four earthly worlds:
The horizontal line is Europe and Asia.
The vertical line is Daaria and Africa.
What is the cross of Life in Time, where Africa is like the maternity hospital of the Mother of God. And Daaria was the House of God the Father during the period of Matriarchy. That is why the Apostle Andrew hoisted the "Cross" in Ukraine, prophetically predicting the future, that it is here that "the great glory of God will shine" (and not in present-day Israel). Local residents, having learned about this bright event, began to build their houses there. Before that, there were temporary settlements of nomads. This is how Kyiv grew up, which has a really great future.

So the real Jerusalem is located on the territory of Ukraine in Kyiv. And the fact that the city of Palestine Al-Quds was renamed Jerusalem is just a redistribution of the true history of both Palestine itself and the history of the whole world. Therefore, all of us will have to restore everything, together with the Testament of the Mother of God and with the Law of God the Father.
And who is most opposed to this?
"The head of Chabad on his plans to destroy Ukraine and Russia". Their mistake is that they had to create Israel not on the territory of Palestine, but in Kyiv. And not to write the Bible, but, as Vanga said, the Fiery Bible. Which on two paths in Time would be called Water-Fire. What is against all the laws of physics.

And Prince Vladimir, not understanding the hidden plans of the Jews and priests, sold the history of Rus' along with its people and their faith. And with this money he began to walk, feast ... Therefore, Ilya spoke for Rus' and for its people ( "to stand up for the Orthodox faith"), going to Kyiv. But they did not want to listen to him.

No matter how hard Ilya tried, they still did not listen to him, but put him out the door. In retaliation for this, this 60-year-old elder turned out to be far from being a grandfather. He went to smash everything in his path, all the priestly temples and churches ( Venedov magazine №20), then arranging a folk feast in the city. Where he told the people that Prince Vladimir would be thrown off the throne. And upon learning of this, the prince was frightened. Therefore, he went to a truce with Ilya and the people.
Jesus had the same desire as Elijah: “I will destroy this temple made with hands” ( Mark 14:58), at its Second Coming.

A little about Prince Vladimir:

Prince Vladimir, the son of Prince Svyatoslav from his mother's housekeeper Princess Olga - a certain Malusha (affectionate name from the Jewish name Malka. Lavrentievskaya, Tverskaya, Ipatievskaya, Radzivilovskaya, Voskresenskaya, Novgorodskaya, Sofia and other chronicles call Vladimir's mother the name "Malusha". Nikonovskaya ( Patriarchal), Ustyug and Arkhangelsk, mention her “Malka.” The father of the aforementioned Malusha was a rabbi from the city of Lyubech, who also bore the Jewish name Malk.
Enraged Olga, having learned that Malusha had conceived during a drunkenness from Svyatoslav, exiled her to the village of Bududino near Pskov, where the Jew Vladimir was born, who later killed two legitimate heirs to the throne: Yaropolk and Oleg, the children of Prince Svyatoslav.

The people of Rus' defended themselves and their faith for 400 years: IX-XII centuries, fighting with an external enemy (the West) and with an internal one (authority and the church), but lost, falling into this double dependence until the end of the “Zero Cycle” of the Universe, i.e. . to the end of the Pisces era: 1999. After that, the country will be completely ruined for the entire saros cycle: 18.5 years, starting from August 9, 1999, just at the eclipse (saros is an astro. term that denotes the period of time after which solar and lunar eclipses repeat in the same sequences). The completion of which falls in 2017, having received a sharp rise on December 21, 2020. Astrologers call this a fantastic conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. In the West - it is called: miracle (miracle) - something impossible, unimaginable.

A similar Time is also mentioned in the Holy Scripture that a person, sitting at the entrance to the Temple, collects a fee. One of these people was Matthew, who was not in the Temple, but at the entrance to this building. What is the yard. Where Matthew collected the fee. And to whom? Devil, father of the Jews ( John 8:44), since the duty was collected in the courtyard, which is the world of the Jews. Which was a message from above for Jesus through Matthew.

Like any temple of any priest, this is not the House of God. Any such building that we see is in the Court of God. And such a Court is outside the Time of God the Father and God the Mother. Such a territory in Time is a bridge / path between these large worlds ( see above). According to which we go in Time from the House of God the Mother to the House of God the Father. You can enter which only with the advent of the era of Aquarius (the first abode of the House of God). Where we haven't entered yet. And this territory itself in Time is called zero, i.e. for mortals. And how can I defeat death, I said above. For example, the chief financier of France, Nicolas Fouquet, could not: why and how he died, see:

A real ruler should not steal, washing away his traces with destruction. And he must be able to “sculpt” something else out of something, i.e. create, not just destroy. Where the nickname "Potter" fits well, according to the predictions of Vasily Nemchin. This "Potter" is well versed in secret knowledge, i.e. esoteric or fine magician. After all, esotericism is a process of deep transformation of human consciousness, which includes a change and expansion of perception, abilities, as well as the tools themselves for this, changing the whole picture of the world familiar to us. Like myself" Procession”, which we perceive as a ceremonial procession / festivities. When it's life itself see above).

The fact that the people of Russia began to restore the history of the Slavic-Aryan peoples is the right way. For these peoples studied Time and Space, i.e. engaged in cosmic biorhythmology, which is embedded in their calendar symbolism. which gave them good knowledge The Law of Time, which we are now amazed at seeing (after excavations) the ancient Slavic symbols of the “Cosmic Tree” (world tree), reflecting the universal concept of the whole world.

We have long been subject to mass horoscope crazes: Maya, Druid, Chinese, Korean, Floral, Zoroastrian, etc. But their root is Slavic: star-telling, star fortune-telling, star-wisdom, star-law - based on the "Primary Vedas (Righteousness)". It was the Slavic-Aryan knowledge that became the source for all subsequent astrology: Babylonian, Avestan, Indian, Greek ... Therefore, Vedism was not only among the Slavs in Rus', but also in Europe until the end of the 16th century.

Let's go back to the apostle Matthew.
Matthew was sitting in front of the entrance to the temple, collecting a tax from the people. And his life is described according to the Testament (according to the teachings) of the Mother of God, where this temple should be the House of the Mother of God, because. all of us (except the Jews) left the Matriarchy for the Court of the Mother of God. This means that this temple was built according to the teachings of the Mother of God. And the temple of God the Father should be built according to the Law of God the Father, which we still do not know. Moreover, this temple should not be built on earth, like the Temple of the Mother of God (man-made temple), but in heaven (not made by hands). This is what Jesus Christ was talking about. And the apostle Mark wrote it down ( 14:58 ). Hence, our understanding of Matthew's life and teachings is wrong. As a misunderstanding of all the other writings of the apostles. What prevents Russia from entering the open space, i.e. enter the House of God.
Below is a drawing of the future two worlds in the Cosmos according to the predictions of Rano Nero: "There will be two Suns and two Moons."

In the West, they learned about him back in 1972. In one of the monasteries in Bologna, his manuscript was found, the so-called "Eternal Book", an oracle book.
But there are also such manuscripts that, once in Russia, for a long time were stored and continue to be stored in its "repositories" ... They were written precisely about the future of Russia (already about our time).

Those predictions that you will see below make up ≈ a fifth of the full text. They came to Russia a long time ago, even before the revolution. Written in German. The first half of the manuscripts is written in the Saxon dialect, and the second, for some reason, in Bavarian. So, these are not originals, as I think, but most likely copies. But if there are copies, then there must be originals. But where are they?
By appearance the texts seem to be intended for the book. On the first sheet there is a map, and on the map there is a bear. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that this applies specifically to Russia. That's it external description these manuscripts. They were translated before the revolution. And Father Sergiy, whom I met in the early 80s, translated to our modern Russian language.
Now these manuscripts are not in Russia. No, because at the time of Perestroika, at the request of Father Sergius, I moved them abroad, then working at Aeroflot. He transported them to their real owners - emigrants from Russia, whose ancestors emigrated back in the years of the revolution.
It was precisely because of these predictions, and not only because of them ... Father Afanasy, who is a relative of these emigrants from Russia, was arrested and killed by the NKVD. Father Athanasius himself refused to emigrate abroad, for which he paid with his life. The predictions themselves are so detailed and accurate that they can interest any person. In general, 9 people were killed because of the archive of Father Athanasius. Two of them, a husband and wife, were crushed by Studebaker as they exited the front door into the street. Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe not at all. Two have disappeared altogether.
Father Afanasy's papers themselves did not lie in the safe of the NKVD for a long time ( just one evening), because at night, all the documents were stolen from this safe, and together with them, the thick folder of Father Athanasius disappeared. It was stolen, oddly enough, by an NKVD officer who was a friend of Father Sergius' grandfather. Father Sergius himself, like his grandfather, has nothing to do with the family of Father Athanasius.
Here is such a little information from Father Sergius. I didn’t add anything in the text of Rano Nero’s predictions, I didn’t attribute anything, and I didn’t distort anything. Added only links, photos and drawings.
Generally located here - as I already said,- only a fifth of all predictions about Russia ( Tartaria), because I was refused to post the full text by their owners because they describe in detail all the events that will still take place in Russia from 2012 until the beginning of the Golden Age: 2035. It even speaks of those people who are not yet in the history of our time. The only thing I can say is that a lot will change in Russia, and it will change a lot! How the people of our country will completely change. So the most important events are yet to come.
Andrey Nachalov

Black Prince (Prince of Darkness). 1996 anno del Principe Nero...

Introduction. Era un monaco veggente, vissuto nel XVI secolo, meglio conosciuto come Monaco Nero, o come Ragno Nero.
Le profezie del Ragno Nero consistono in una lunga elencazione di avvenimenti, corredati per ogni anno da una pagina di prosa, le profezie terminano nell "anno 3000 (Italian).

“The Black Prince harnessed four black horses to his carriage [ these are four years: 1996 - 1999. See: "Calendar of Time"], and began to descend to the last amphitheater [ 2000-2012] to drink blood.
His head is white, and his garment is like snow. The voice is like thunder, and the hand is firm, its movements are powerful.
His black horses will trample and beat the laws with iron horseshoes until they turn to dust. To unfortunate people, he brings his thieves' law, with which he intoxicates people, and they will follow him, raising and giving him their honors. People! Unfortunate reptile creatures, the Black Prince brings you his law: enjoy yourself to self-forgetfulness, be happy; adore him and be filled with delight; plunder and you will be honored.
The Black Prince rules the ball in the hall under his dome and thousands of sinners kiss his hand. He, clutching all power in his hand, builds and destroys, and blesses and kills, arranging rich banquets for his fishermen.
The cries of mothers will reach the heavens, breaking their hearts. Their sons are no longer their sons. They serve their own pleasures. Cry mothers! Throw your insides on the fire! Rip your belly! Man will no longer be born from a woman, since He, the last son of Osiris, has come. No more women will give birth to such a warrior, because he came last. This will be the last generation cicada born in castles. Here he will die, being in a gilded rusting iron cage. That's what the scriptures say.
Close the windows overlooking the vineyard. This is the hour when the eyes close. Do not Cry. The earth will no longer yield grain. Man will no longer put wine on the table. And so it will be until the onset of a new day on earth, to which we will go for a very long time.
The Black Prince will move his legions [years of reign] across the river under his dome [remake everything for himself]. They will stop in his swamp [St. Petersburg is built among swamps], where the Prince's last little hope will be. And the signs of heaven will appear here [“In the region of St. Petersburg, in the sky, a huge bright cross should appear, which will be seen all over the world. All this will be a sign that Jesus is returning... ], when the words of the dead and the cries of the living will be heard everywhere.
Prince's Army[ Kremlin, party United Russia" ] will pierce the clouds, and shout pernicious speeches. It will be the song of his legions crossing the river. Beware of swamp miasma. Here will fall the last hope of the insignificant Black Prince. Water and clouds, sky and heavenly stars will fall to the earth. They will cut it with a knife, like bread into two parts. The people will hide in the caves until the people of the Prince leave, like lightning on a river of blood.
The forests will burn, and there will be no grass left. Ripe fruits will be thrown away, while green ones will be placed on a pedestal in bowls adorned with diamonds. There will be no more wine, bread, cheese at the table. The shepherd will leave his sheep and look for the meadows and will not find them. The grass will become fatally bitter. The Prince will be angry with his sheep and will send them into the night forests. There are no more dogs as guardians, for they will become patrons. And the light becomes darkness. And the Prince's harvest will be ashes. But the Prince will order to take the palace of our father, and this house will be stripped by force.
The centuries-old wounds of the father's house will open and bleed with pus. The human form will turn into a snake, and smiles will become grimaces. A person will be weakened so much that the wind will bend him like a reed. The bent and defeated will continue to play life, posing as crystal, gilded lamps on diamond-studded carpets.
Old lands and temples will disappear as drops of water disappear in the ocean. New lands will appear. They will be looked at as if they were in full bloom at sunrise. And the sun will illuminate new squares and temples built by man as new house. They will be shrouded in thickets of nettles, and their lamps will be like tall burdocks.
There will be signs of heaven, and other signs will disturb people's peace. There will be a great crop failure, as the seedlings will turn to ashes. Then the steel riders of the Black Prince will plow the clouds, proclaiming from time to time his speeches.
This is where the seed will be sown construction material, the Black Prince. And this seed will cause man to fight man. Take the sprouts, the Prince orders, and the sprouts turn to ash. Take light and light becomes darkness. Soon, soon the lamps that look like tall burdocks will be covered with a great flame of fire. The walls of the temples will not withstand. When destroyed, they will emit the stench of the dead. People dressed in golden clothes, inhaling this smell, will build a large dam on the river.
The river will be turned into a terrible swamp of the Black Prince, where his eight legions [eight years of his reign] and his horse of steel, will arrange in the square and in the temples the last trade in the souls of people
Life will sink into the night. People will see the archangel in heaven and rejoice, but he will be the "son of evil." This sign is the sign of the Black Prince. All fish in his light will turn into snakes. The sign will give a strong trembling that will disperse over the earth and will destroy villages, villages and cities.
The Black Prince will swallow ships like lightning destroying ancient oaks [destroying true story Russia]. Wherever the Prince passes, his flowers will open there, destroying grass and forests around. Children will go against their fathers and fathers against their children.
The barbarians will take power again, taking possession of the cities, along with everything that is in them. People will be forced to go to the forests.
Prophets, being lamps for the whole generation, will no longer serve as food to satisfy their children.
The green people of the East will dig a big hole, where the big Prince of Night will fall. There they will bind him with ropes, put him in an iron cage, and, according to their custom, they will treat him as they treat jackals.
It's too late to look up to the sky. Everything will happen like fleeting flashes of lightning. The Empire of the Prince [freedom of lawlessness in Russia] will last fifteen moons. His crown will not pass to another on the dark festival of the sixteenth moon. For power, the Black Prince [V. Putin] will continue to bargain for thirty pieces of silver, which will be of no value. They are like a bouquet of dried flowers.
His obstacle will be a great fiery mountain, the flame of which will burn his throat. His mouth will become like the dry sand of the desert.
An angel with four wings [for four years: 2013-2016] will be sent to earth to make people lose all hope. Among the people there will be only promises that are destined to remain fruitless. There will be nothing but stray dogs. The plague, like a curse, will spread throughout the land. Then seven curses will fall on men [seven years: "The seven bowls of God's wrath are poured out on the earth", Rev. 16].
After the Angel will return to heaven.
Peter's boat will tilt more and the sea will flood everything, and the resistance of the people will give nothing. Sea water will become fire, and its flame will reach the heavens. And his stay under the dome of the sky will stop, but he will continue to look at the whole world. The survivor will understand that all his greatness and glory without limits and horizons, which lasted two thousand years, turned into a bitter dream for them. They will understand that their whole life has not been glory for them.
Thank God.
Every third grain will continue to hide the poison. The sun will darken their maturation.
There will be many living dead who want to regain their old houses that no longer exist. And their courts will continue to conduct. But there will be reprisal against the living dead. The sword will cut everyone, even the innocent, who have long been lying in their graves and eaten by worms.
Woe to the man who built a house in a graveyard. Woe to that person who will collect grass that has grown under a large mushroom.
Woe will come out from the bottom of the sea. Woe when great wounds are opened in the land of Abraham. There will be many victims and many diseases. Mothers will give birth to children with different wounds. With wounds on the body and with wounds in the soul. All wounds will be different, both large and small. They will cover all joys. Many people will seek death.
The water in the sea will become red as blood, hot, and all life in it will die. All its banks will turn into mud from the rot that comes out of the waters. The smell of death will come from the shores. All this will not be a curse from above, but will grow from the bottom.
Chernobyl. Destruction of a nuclear power plant
"The European Union has achieved the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. But no one is smart enough to demand that all Chernobyl-type reactors be stopped," - .

Leningrad NPP draws criticism in Finland

Russia still has 250 retired nuclear submarines. They are at the piers: rusting, rotting, or just lying on their belly, at a depth of several meters, with nuclear reactors and radioactive waste inside. Russia, without thinking about the consequences, stubbornly continues to build such a death, and all this is only to feed the rating ( appetite ) V. Obeshchalkin in the world.

It is cheaper for Putin to "construct" death than to spend huge stolen sums on the disposal of radioactive waste ( from the bar table ). For example, Obeshchalkin for the accelerated ascent to the presidency: 2000, the United States allocated very large $ in exchange for the Russian super submarine "Kursk", which, having appeared on December 30, 1994 ( cipher "Antey", NATO designation - "Oscar-II"), began to greatly annoy NATO.

During the NATO operation against Yugoslavia in 1999, the Kursk conducted covert surveillance of the US Navy aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, etc., etc. That is, thanks to the presence of the Kursk, the Americans failed to deploy their naval grouping in full.
Woe to those people who will bathe in those waters and drink it. Their body will bear the mark of fire, and their offspring will bear the mark of pain of soul and body. People's lives will turn into a prison for a while, a decade of insanity.
Climbing the mountain of the Lord, a person will say that he has not heard anything about the war. But the war is already over. Nobody saw the sword, but it killed many.
Those who rose from the graves watched as people dragged their property, emitting a stench. Do not cry - their ashes are not their light. Do not cry that they only called themselves a man.
The sea will not give more good water. It will destroy many lands, turning them into dead water. People, looking at this, will not see any meaning in life. Desperate for everything, they go in search of death. Those people who are dressed in clothes woven with gold and power will perish.
Those who come out of the graves will sow good seed, which will bring them several harvests a year. During the harvest, they will see snow, which will cover the roses that have just blossomed. The right to live, and to see everything through people, these people will receive for a while, which will become a decade of uplift. They will be dressed in white clothes with a red spot at the level of the heart.

Ragno Nero - Ragno Nero (Black Monk or Black Spider), Part I

Andrey Nachalov

EARLY NERO Predictions:


It was a turbulent time when Marten Luther (1483-1546) lived - one of the leaders of the Reformation, who laid the foundation for Lutheranism.


Indeed, in 1870 the Franco-Prussian war broke out, associated with the name of the Hohenzollerns. Their coat of arms features an eagle.

3. THERE WILL BE TWO SEVEN-YEAR WARS IN EUROPE. It came true. In the XIII century. troops of Field Marshal Count Rumyantsev P.A. reached Berlin.

4. THERE WILL BE A HARD TIME - A GREAT WAR OVER THE HELLESPONT IN 1912. The Hellespont is the ancient Greek name for the Dardanelles strait. This refers to the Balkan war.

5. THERE WILL BE A CONSTANT FIGHT OF THE THREE GREAT RELIGIONS - THE RELIGION OF CHRIST, THE GREEN RELIGION, THE RELIGION OF THE SUN AND FIRE, WHICH THE PEOPLES OF ARABIA AND PERSIA WILL PROFESS. The religion of Christ is Christianity. Green religion is the religion of the Moon (according to R. Nero, the Moon has green color), i.e. Islam. The religion of the Sun and Fire is Zoroastrianism, which is now practiced in India and Iran.




9. THE RELIGION OF THE GREAT VOID WILL EXTEND TO THE WHOLE EAST. IN TIME THIS RELIGION WILL DIE. THE REMAINS OF IT WILL BE ESTABLISHED IN ONLY ONE PENINSULA WHICH WILL BE COMPARED WITH THE ISLANDS OF BLISS. What does R. Nero mean by the fourth religion - the religion of the "Great Void" - atheism or Buddhism? More likely! the latter, since he scolds atheists as "cursed atheists", that is, he does not classify their views as religion .;

10. THERE WILL ALSO BE THREE MORE RELIGIONS - HINDUISM, PAGANITY AND THE GREAT serpent RELIGION. The religion of the "Great Serpent" is perhaps the religion of the Indians who revere the feathered serpent Kukulkan.




14. THE RELIGION OF SATAN WILL ARRIVE IN 1925. I SEE A VICTORIOUS PROCESSION, I SEE AS ​​A TEMPLE, BUT THERE IS NO LIGHT IN IT. EVERYTHING IS REVERSED AND ONLY PORK'S SNOWS ARE VISIBLE. On January 31, 1925, the founding of the Temple of Satan was officially proclaimed. It was then that Edward A. Crowley gathered his supporters, laying the foundation for the Church of Satan.



17. WORSHIP OF SATAN WILL LEARN TO DO SO THAT EVERY PERSON WILL HAVE MANY OF THEIR LIKELIHOODS - "FINGERPRINTS". THE SOUL OF A HUMAN WILL ALWAYS INSTALL INTO THESE SIMILARITIES. What is this? Perhaps this prediction foreshadows the discovery of a method for regenerating a whole human body from a single somatic cell taken from a human donor's tissue. At least in plants, this is currently being done successfully.

18. A TERRIBLE BLOODY VORTEX FORMS IN THE MIDDLE OF EUROPE. HE, LIKE A SPIDER, WILL CLIMB ON THREE SIDES - TO THE WEST, SOUTH AND EAST. THIS WILL LAST SEVEN YEARS. For R. Nero there is no prosperous century. In the grim future, he saw the Second World War. It lasted 7 years, if the account is kept from 1938, when the Nazis invaded Austria. —

19. TWO TERRIBLE POISONOUS MUSHROOMS RAISE OVER TWO CITIES. TOTAL SUCH MUSHROOMS WILL BE SEVEN. It is possible that we are talking about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Of the seven mushrooms, three have grown so far: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl. (note ... Perhaps Nero was referring to the already existing ground-based nuclear tests)

20. THE END OF THE XX CENTURY - A TERRIBLE CLOUD IS VISIBLE OVER THE EAST. Maybe you mean the events in the Middle East? At least it's not the third one. World War- R. Nero did not predict it.







27. IN THE NORTH, SNOW AND ICE ARE MELTING. EXTENSIVE FLOWERING LANDS WILL APPEAR AT THE POLES. It is possible that the tilt of the earth's axis will change when the Earth is between two Suns.

28. HUGE WAVES WILL RISE. THEY WILL FLOOD HALF OF THE EARTH AND THEN ROLL BACK. The position of the Earth between two Suns can cause unpredictable seismic and water activity.

29. THE NEW SUN WILL GUARD THE RELIGION OF SATAN. The new sun - maybe this is the Silence mentioned in many Myths.



32. WHEN PEOPLE SEE THE LIGHT OF TWO SUNS AND TWO MOONS IN THE SKY, THEN THE ANTICHRIST WILL COME TO EARTH - SATAN ON A HORSE WITH THREE HEADS. It is curious to note that in the ancient Persian code Avesta" (from the time of the ruler Rustam, who ruled before the Prophet Muhammad, it is said that Thaumian - the Savior - will come when the light of two Suns shines over the Earth. He will defeat dwarfs and giants, dispel hordes of ants. To people from the sky will come to him on sparkling clouds.










Andrey Nachalov, author of the NachaloV web magazine
When exactly and at what age should the Second Coming of Jesus take place?
The answer to this question can be found in many holy scriptures and predictions, putting everything together. What we will do now, starting with the age of Jesus.
If, - biblically- Jesus ascended to heaven at the age of 33, then what kind of age is this?, in fact.
The word "Kehlen" in Arabic, - means the period of human life from 30 to 50 years. It is mentioned twice in the Qur'an: 110 verses of Surah Al-Maida and 46 verses of Surah Al-Imran. All Ulama of Islam translate "kehlen" as a mature period of life, coming after 35 years. And when exactly? Maybe at 38 years old, in 45, or at 49? For a person like Jesus, I think this age comes after the 35th birthday, i.e. at the age of 35. If "Kehlen" were translated, for example, specifically: from 36 years old, then you need to take 36 as a basis. Therefore, we will stop at 35 years.
Now let's compare 33 years and 35 years. What is the difference? If Jesus was taken to heaven at 33, then God took Him at an immature age. In the verses: Surah Al-Maida, 5:110 and Surah Al-Imran, 3:46, it is said about the maturity of Isa, which means that the maturity of Isa is associated with the arrival of Him 35 years of age, when He will begin His second life on earth.
If Jesus says that everything will be like in the days of Noah (Time is cyclical), then let's move on to the most important thing in Noah's life, namely, to the drawing of the Ark received by Noah from God. And we will place this drawing on the "Time Calendar", i.e. just in our life with you, given the length of the Ark, and the width, and its height.
The calendar begins with the Zero cycle / hour of a person who cannot be included in the general “Hourly system” of “Hours / Cycles” (“Seals” in biblical terms), because. it does not have an hour (00:00-00:59 min), therefore it contains only 11 (23) full cycles, and not 12 (24).
When the first 10-year "Zero Cycle" of a born person ends (Matriarchy), taking into account the period of his conception to birth, which together is 11 years (not a full 12-year cycle), Patriarchy sets in, i.e. the arrival of God the Father, Who, according to the maternal 10-year cycle, or rather the 11-year cycle, checks and plans the entire future fate of this person, putting His Higher Law into his soul (the maternal one has already been invested), which is: God put on the human soul His first “Seal”, before the time comes for the second, with which a 15-year-old young man begins to enter into a new independent life for him (having passed a 2-year transitional period: 15-16 years), which is, oddly enough, his exit from the Ark. For more on this topic, see:. All this is reflected in the "Calendar of Time". Just do not forget that this drawing consists of many identical drawings superimposed on each other. Their difference is that some drawings have a full view, while others are only a part of the same drawing, but slightly or greatly enlarged. What it shows and proves: the Law of Time is one in all cycles, just as its fulfillment is one in all, both in small and large cycles.

“When a person turns 10 years old, this is the birth of life” (The legend of the creation of Adam by God. List of the middle of the 17th century. RSL. Rumyantsev collection. N370). And the psychological characteristics of children 10-12 years old in the transition period. See more:

The Law of Time is the same for all. That is why Jesus says that everything will be like in the days of Noah. This means that His 33 years can be calculated by continuing the chronology of a 15-year-old boy, who will stop at the top of "Small Ararat" (according to Noah), being 33-34 years, or, they are 1993-1994 (the same 2-year-old period as at 15 years of age). All this is also reflected in the "Calendar of Time".
Jesus descended from heaven at the age of 35, i.e. in 1995. The hadith narrated from Ibn-i Abbas (r.a.) says that the prophet Isa (a.s.), who descended from heaven to earth, will live another 40 years. If you add 35 and 40, you get 75 years. This means that the life of Jesus on earth will last 75 years.
But none of us have seen Jesus since 1995. What Islam says:

“The Messiah Prophet Isa has already been sent down for the second time on earth, and he lives in this world, but he is still hidden from us. Allah still hides it, for the appointed hour has not yet come. For details see:

And when should it arrive?
This can be calculated in reverse order, starting from the end of the Ark. The end is counted from the second "Seal" (as I said) along its length indicated to Noah in God's drawing. Which is 2035. It also coincides with the predictions of Nostradamus, who used the duration of the cycles of Mars: 1963-2035. Just like the person himself (with a strange fate), who is mentioned in his own predictions, will not be able to cross the year 2036, i.e. 76 years of his life (“Deciphered Nostradamus”, D. and N. Zima).
The 56th sign of Qiyamat says: “The Prophet ‘Isa (‘aleihis-sallam) marries and he will have children. After marriage, he will live only 19 years. This means that many will know about this wedding: “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true words of God, Rev. 19:9.
And if you count back these 19 years, count them together with 2035, you get 2017 - the coming of Jesus (Second Coming). According to Jewish calculation, the arrival of the Messiah falls at the end of 2016.
In other words, 1993 and 2017 are years that are on the same line in the Time spiral. They are like the peaks of "Small Ararat" and "Great Ararat". Like the years of the life of Jesus: 33 (ascension to heaven) and 57 (Second Coming). What, - according to Noah, - and means: The Ark must run aground (get stuck): "on the mountains of Ararat", Genesis 8:4, starting with a small mountain and ending with a large one in 2017.
This means that Time completely isolated Jesus from the people, giving the people complete freedom for the period: 1993-2017. That is, let Jesus look from the outside, what will the people do during this period? And having looked, let him go out to the people and give them a verdict: what have the people done during this entire period, and what has he earned (to each according to his deeds)? By the way, in 2017 God pours out His first cup of wrath on the people, of whom He has seven. That is, this is the period (in "Revelation") from the Second Coming of Jesus until 2024, when He will sit on His throne. For details see:
And what has already happened in this period: 1993-2017?, dear readers.
As far as I remember, this is the appearance of the so-called new Russians, and with them the pro-Western Constitution of 1993, on which he swore, like B. Yeltsin, Mr. V. Putin also swore and swears to this day.
What does Michel Nostradamus say about this period?
"That great monarch who will
Follow the dead
Give life lawless and unbridled,
Carelessly and carelessly will give to everyone,
When in the end the law prescribes
Salic (God's Judgment)"
C.5 k.38. Translation by D. and N. Zim

What can the Russian people expect from Putin by 2017? After all, God did not hide him from anyone, like Jesus, but, on the contrary, put him on display for everyone!
From Putin's answers to questions from December 6, 2011:
O.Yu.Batalina: "Tell me, is the old Putin returning to us or will we see a new Putin?"
Vladimir Putin: "No changes will and will not occur in me."
Russia in the era of Putin: soldering the population of the country. Alcoholism
The era of Putin is the era of mass Russian pedophilia
Evidence of the Corruption and Degradation of Church Organizations
Russia: There are no healthy children! We are dying out!
Russia. Great Power statistics and so on and so forth.

What does Jesus think when he looks above) since 1993 to everything that happens? I think He does not want the people to drag all this with them to the House of God, i.e. in the Golden Age.

“[Jesus] By saying “new” [new Russian], he showed the dilapidation of the first [Law of the Russian Federation of 1993]; and decaying and aging is close to destruction. Then he added: “Behold, I am going to fulfill [from 2017] Your will, O God.” Cancels the first [created in 1993: the pro-Western Constitution of the Russian Federation] in order to establish the second [namely, the true Supreme Law for everyone, regardless of nation, color, rank, position ...]”, Pos.e. 8:13; 10:9.

Therefore, the verdict handed down at the Judgment of God will be very peculiar. As a result: “The trouble will not come from where it can be expected. She will appear exactly as no one expected her. ”
Let us recall those 40 years that Ibn-i Abbas speaks of ( see above). And what does Michel Nostradamus say about them?

“For 40 years, a rainbow will not appear in the sky; [before the verdict (2017), and after]
Within 40 years will be visible:
The barren land will get drier and drier
And terrible floods at its appearance. [before the Golden Age - 2035]
C.1 k.17. Translation by D. and N. Zim

Not bad predicted the verdict of 2017, known to all of us, Matrona of Moscow:

“In 2017, humanity will perish: a bad time is coming. The end is near. Save your soul. You don't know what awaits you.
Such sorrows await you, which you do not know. Without a war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground."

Now, dear readers, it remains for us to remember this "peacefully divinely holy" church:

“The pomposity of religion will be greatly reduced,
When the great legislator comes.
The humble will rise, disturb the rebels,
More than one rival will not be born on earth.
M.Nostradamus Ts.5 k.79. Translation by D. and N. Zim

From what, with the advent of the legislator, this pomp of the church can decrease, and much more?
For example, from 2017 only men will receive the true and complete Higher Law from God (not all, of course), because. they are carriers of the "Hourly system" of Time, and do not contain the female "Zero Cycle". And women - as carriers of the "Zero cycle" in Time ("Hourly system" do not have), will receive the Higher Law through men (friend or husband), who will be for women real intermediaries ("priests") between them and God.
Therefore, church clergy are just fictional, kind of puppeteers (who directed the people along the wrong path of development), who are portrayed as intermediaries, but between their pride and the consequences in the life of the people.
The real sages are the ancient monks, whose cloisters were located far outside the cities, i.e. outside the material world (metropolis). The Mayan peoples, for example, left their cities in order to equalize the imbalance in their souls, which leads to death.

How do you, dear readers, think, how accurate are the Holy Scriptures, predictions, ... used here regarding the Second Coming? And do you see the difference between the "new Russians" who walk under the pro-Western Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, and the "chosen ones" by Jesus according to "Revelation" since 2017?

Andrey Nachalov

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